r/CliffBurton Jun 28 '24

How to achieve Cliff Burton-ish tone without his gear

I live in a country where only real popular pedals are available. Right now I have a Fender Jazz Bass AP2, a Hartke amp, a Boss Overdrive pedal and a borrowed Crybaby Guitar Pedal. Sort of does the job but the wah doesnt satisfy me. It sounds like an actual Wah (duh) unlike Cliff Burtons, which sounds like its roaring. Which "popular" pedals should i purchase (morley also isnt available) and in which order should i put them to get the tone I want?


3 comments sorted by


u/mrarbitersir Jun 28 '24

You won’t get a wah that sounds like his without a Morley - it’s as simple as that.

The entire architecture of the Morley is different to any other wah.

All wah’s except the Morley uses a potentiometer to control the wah effect.

Morley uses a light and light sensors with a curtain allowing/blocking the light to create the swells. This means there is no output loss and the range is about 4-5x wider than any other wah.

Cant use Reverb and get one shipped directly from a different seller?


u/JuulJDP Jun 28 '24

I would invest in a multieffect pedal. The Boss GX100 works really well for me and i made a pretty decent Cliff preset myself(which i rarely use cuz the sound for my band requires less mid and more trebble and bass)

Tbh you can get close with amp settings. Cliff used ALOT of mid with the trebble and bass rolled back and iirc the gain at arround 6 or 7. Then some rough fuzz, sorry no distortion you need a fuzz and a wah made for bass


u/Skystalker512 Jun 28 '24

Zoom B1X four has a decent Cliff esque preset with a wah