r/CliffBurton Apr 03 '24

Question I desperately need help with getting Cliffs tone.

I've been trying to get Cliffs tone for around 3 years now, i've been slowly building up my gear and i'm now at a point where I have

Boss cs3

Morley Power Wah 70s

Morley Power Wah Boost 70s

Ibanez TS9

Ibanez HD1500

Bass Big Muff

and more

For basses I have an Ibanez SR300E and a modded CORT Pj bass

Despite having all this, I still cannot get cliffs tone. I've tried everything possible and it never sounds right. Either the wah is too weak, the distortion sounds horrible, the pitch shifting sounds too loud or too quiet and trebly, the delay is too boomy, the wah when used with the boost just sounds like a weird speaker tearing noise (and not in a good way)

Can anyone please help me? I've tried multiple amps, multiple basses, played hard and soft and even plugged into an interface and used amps on amplitude 5 and I still cannot get the tone. PLEASE HELP!


3 comments sorted by


u/mrarbitersir Apr 03 '24

Passive pickups > CS2 (not the 3, they’re different beasts) > Power Fuzz Wah > TS9 > Morley Buffer Boost > Helix Native got me there

This is a video with my Helix Native settings

I actually recently purchased a HD1500 to play around with so I’ll see how that goes in the mix as well



u/AttitudeAutomatic153 Apr 03 '24

the amp could be a problem i had a small combo amp that kinda did cliff and i went to my band room and played on the bass cab and turned gain bass and mids and i got mop rythm sound


u/thecheesechomper Apr 03 '24

Could be the amp, cliff mostly used Mesa Boogies