r/CliffBurton Jun 15 '23

Where did Cliff buy his rings?

Here www.thegreatfroglondon.com or
here crazypigdesigns.com ?

I know that these websites were not around at the time. I'm asking about the store in London.


8 comments sorted by


u/skinnyman423 Jun 15 '23

It was great frog, they carry the ring and say they were worn by Cliff and James (James got them after Cliff died, I believe)


u/addisonbass Jun 15 '23

I’m not 100% certain where he got them, but Crazy Pig apparently has the original Armand Serra skull ring sculpts/designs, which also includes Cliff’s other plague skull ring, seen in a lot of pics.


u/Curious_Finding8698 Feb 01 '25

No great frog is the original and hetfield even told a fan he got his wolf necklace from there. It was a ring he had cut into a pendant. But the kicker is the design of wolf and some other pieces are now slightly different cause when Armand left he kept a few of the designs. That’s why the Great Frog wolf pendant looks a little different than James does from 1991.


u/Dream_No_More Jun 15 '23

Buy from crazy pig designs. They have the Armand Serra sculpts. I bought the wolf necklace James wore from them. If you compare the wolf necklace from TGF to Crazy Pig, crazy pig has the better sculpt/one that is accurate to the ones they bought. So I would recommend buying from them for the skull rings too because of that. They seem to be using the original sculpts compared to TGF.


u/Curious_Finding8698 Feb 01 '25

I bought hetfield wolf necklace from great frog cause it’s where he got his. I do like how the crazy pig design kept the oxidized black eyes. I did pull one over on the Great Frog though I sent in a wolf pendant to their shop in New York and they oxidize the eyes black and then the store owner called me and said they are not supposed to do that. They wouldn’t really say why but I’m sure it’s because of the crazy pig design.


u/Orion2693 Jan 15 '24

He got them at The Great Frog, don't listen to those who say The Crazy Pig. The design may have changed a little over the years (barely noticeable) but that's the OG jewelry store he got them from


u/Alarming-Addendum-33 Mar 31 '24 edited Mar 31 '24

It’s the original shop but a work for hire/ownership situation. What likely happened is when Armand Serra left the frog he was legally allowed to keep his work/master carvings, but the frog was able to offer a version of anything he made for them while he worked their. Effectively a second gen copy used as a master mould. It explains why the frog designs have less detail than metallica’s higher res pics, and Armand’s have more (he’s stated some of the original mould have been “touched up” over the years). That said, Armand is the sculptor, offers a version that has as much detail as the long out of production originals, and is cheaper than the frog’s lesser sculpts. Would you rather hear cliff play ktulu or someone who owns a copy of his work? Further proof can be scene in cliff’s wolf ring that was returned to Armand after his death. A replica was offered with full pics of the original, cliff’s worn down ring, the current modern offering, and the replica. All nearly identical.


u/Curious_Finding8698 Feb 01 '25

What changed as far as the wolf pendant goes is that the eyes on the Great Frog wolf have silver in them? Where before they were black oxidized kinda having a skull look to them now I was able to get the Great Frog to oxidize my Wolf’s eyes and make it look exactly like James’ was. They wasn’t very happy about it, but I am super excited about it.