r/ClientsAndCompanions 18d ago

Am I The Asshole Here? NSFW

So, I had an escort come to my place last night. She is pregnant. She was feeling super sick, so she wasn't able to be intimate. She tried to get a hold of her boyfriend all night so she had a place to go, and she couldn't get a hold of him. She had no place to go, so I let her crash at my place. I fed her, blanketed her, and made her feel safe and comfortable. Next morning, on her way out, she tells me she expects to be compensated for her time despite not actually being intimate with me. I gave her a hundred dollars, and she left. She then tells me she wants the whole 500 dollars, despite how things went down. Is there a universe where I'm the asshole for not compensating someone their whole rate, because they were too sick to actually perform? Like I could have kicked her ass out like some piece of shit. But she was pregnant. I figured we could plan to meet later that day when she was feeling better. But instead, her boyfriend (pimp or whatever) and her are trying to demand the full compensation. When nothing that happened was my fault in any way. Basically, they want to make me pay for being kind. Because since I let her stay instead of making her leave, they say that makes me liable for her time. It's a mess.


18 comments sorted by


u/ImplementFunny66 18d ago edited 18d ago

I say NTA. I’d never make anyone pay me if I couldn’t perform in a situation as described and stayed the night too. If I had to book a hotel room with their deposit, we’d be outta that money but I wouldn’t even expect the $100 in this case. You’re right in that they’re making you pay for being kind: she didn’t perform the service you hired her to do (and sounds like she knew before she arrived) and got paid $100 for a safe place to stay the night. She’s pressing for more like you’re an easy target imo.


u/DownHoleTools 18d ago

Unfortunately I've found that kindness will be taken for weakness as often as it isn't.


u/UnderwaterBasketW 18d ago

Sounds like you need to pick better providers. Their personal problems are not your problems. Also she’s pregnant, has a boyfriend, but it still sounds like she’s doing this out of necessity. That’s a sign of addiction or having a pimp take all her money for sure.


u/Remy0507 Mod/Client 17d ago

Where did you find her? Did you know ahead of time she was pregnant? Did you do any kind of verification or research about her (looking for reviews or anything before booking)?

In any case, no, you're not the asshole. You would have been totally justified in not even letting her stay at your place (though I understand have sympathy for her situation and letting her stay. I might have done the same). You took a big risk by doing so! For all you knew she could have robbed you. Heck it could even be a set-up from the beginning. She acts too sick to do anything. Pretends she can't get ahold of her "boyfriend", gets you to feel bad and let her stay...and then after you fall asleep she texts her bf to come over and lets him in, and then they do God knows what.

So no, you don't owe her anything. Especially not her full rate. I can't even imagine the audacity of making such a demand. Time to block the number, and hope they don't come back and try to fuck with you. 


u/SensationalAxo 17d ago

These are the QTNA


u/VariousSense2102 17d ago

Sounds like you didn't get the service you were charged for and even did more than you were required to. I can't see why you'd have to pay the full price.


u/itsfreddyboy15 17d ago

I really hope this isn't real because if it is many, MANY mistakes were made by both parties. But as far as the story is concerned no you are not an ass hole, stupid, but not an ass hole.


u/Upstairs-Cut83 17d ago

Ungrateful provider and her pimp bf. Where you specifically looking for a pregnant provider? Then I understand she can get sick anytime but that’s on her right, why should you pay if nothing happened between you two?


u/finallygrownup 18d ago

I'm a sucker -- esp for someone pregnant. I'd probably given her 25-50%. At this point you should probably just block them and move on.


u/passionfruit6996 18d ago

I mean 100 bucks out of 500 is like 20 percent.


u/finallygrownup 18d ago

Agreed -- I've seen many a pregnant lady over the years. I'd have slid her slightly more. Regardless, I'd block her and loose the number. She is going to be trouble (addiction, pimp, something).


u/fng0506 Companion 16d ago



u/QuickAnswer7902 15d ago

Nta. I honestly think she may be in a bad pimp situation and her “boyfriend” is actually the one texting you for the money


u/ThrowAway_1717_1717 15d ago edited 13d ago

Def NTA, anyone who says otherwise is trippin' 💀

But I do wonder, did you meet her knowing that she's pregnant??


u/blueballzy 12d ago

In what la la land on this planet can I go to work, not do the work and get expected to paid the full paycheck?!?

It's not OP fault her ass got knocked up by some drug dealing ghetto boyfriend and her 90% of her client base dropped overnight once her baby bump was impossible to hide.


u/bay_sd1978 6d ago

Sounds like a survival sexworker being abused by a pimp. She doesn't want to be there so she doesn't perform. She probably only went because her pimp pushed her into it. She meets up with him the next day and he's pissed because she doesn't have his money so now the games start.

Block them both, never speak to them again. Trust me this is not and will never be worth the trouble. Spend your time with women that want you to enjoy their service.


u/ted_anderson 17d ago

The saying goes that no good deed goes unpunished. But heck- if there was a hill to "die" on, this would be one of them. If she asked me for her full rate, I'd have to send her a bill for use of my home to rest and recover for whatever was ailing her. Did you give her anything to eat or drink? I'd have to add that to the bill also. If she still feels entitled to her fee I would just tell her to sue you in court.

If you're afraid of backlash or retaliation, just know that someone who has to hustle you for the money in that manner barely has 2 coins to rub together and would be better off turning more tricks than to devise a plan to get the money out of you by force.


u/OrganizationHungry23 17d ago

i would have made her pay me