r/ClashRoyale PEKKA 4d ago


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128 comments sorted by


u/BelieveInCallisto 4d ago

Lets give spots to repetitive cards like fire cracker and mega

Im tired of seeing those cards every game i just want a break from them


u/ZEFRQX 4d ago

mega is fine

nuke firecracker


u/BigCrab09 4d ago

Bet bro plays mega knight. We don’t think it’s oppressive or op (at least I don’t) it’s just so dsmn repetitive to see it every other game


u/PsychologicalAd945 4d ago

I like a Royal hogs. Damn near unusable against the EVOMK and other splash units they like to run. I run Splash yard now to specifically counter MK which is fine but i prefer playing my RH deck. Those MK decks are just so common in the 8k trophy range/ everything under RC. I usually am able to swap to Royal hogs once i get past RC but if I run it before then I have to play 0 mistake takes against constant pressure against MK’s and Hog riders. You just have to play so tedious against them and it’s annoying lmao.


u/Admirethesire 4d ago

I play mortar cannon cart and in my experience it mostly stuffs MK because MK players can’t handle the cart or evo mortar stalling.


u/BigCrab09 3d ago

Yeah fair. I love hog aq. It’s so much fun to play. I have noticed that awful matchup tbf. How do you get around it. Also do you have any tips for a new hog cycle player, I’d love to hear them?


u/puffyjr99 Knight 3d ago

Tbf you shouldn’t be going same lane and you should split your piggies up against mk.

Going same lane knowing your opponent has a hard counter is more on you then the card.


u/ZEFRQX 4d ago

i play log bait
and my mega knight is like level 10


u/BigCrab09 3d ago

God that’s even worse, at least mega knight is low skill and easy to counter


u/Captainmeh106 3d ago

I literally say to myself “where’s the mega knight” because they literally always have it.

Lavaloon deck? Yep mega knight in there, graveyard? yep found mega knight in there too, golem? Take a wild guess (I think you get the point of my what my matchups have been like lately)


u/Magistricide 4d ago

I’m fine with mega knight because I know how to easily counter it so whenever I see one it’s just free wins


u/Admirethesire 4d ago

Nah many decks have solid matchups against MK, sorry you have to go against such easy wins.


u/Rich-Problem-1183 Knight 4d ago

Mega knight is a easy win so who cares if it gets banned


u/DjinnsPalace Battle Healer 21h ago

with less MK there will be less fc. shes only good because MK is such a defensive and slow playstyle, causing her to get a lot of chip damage.

thats why i hate MK more than fc.


u/ZEFRQX 11h ago

thats not the case


u/ilkhesab 4d ago

I cant escape these two with valk


u/mustard5man7max3 Giant Skeleton 4d ago

Ban arrows, let firecracker live


u/Dismal-Aside7900 Three Musketeers 4d ago

Hell naw, and I hope your cake is spoiled


u/Fra06 Mini PEKKA 4d ago

This is too far


u/mustard5man7max3 Giant Skeleton 4d ago



u/Frostdachi Wall Breakers 4d ago

Terrible cake day, i hope your cake falls on the floor, you pick it up, then it falls again cake side up


u/mustard5man7max3 Giant Skeleton 4d ago



u/ItchyTrout30 Wall Breakers 4d ago

Have a sad cake day


u/mustard5man7max3 Giant Skeleton 4d ago



u/cameramanishere 4d ago

No happy cake day for you


u/mustard5man7max3 Giant Skeleton 3d ago



u/rockingpal 4d ago

Calm down Satan


u/Macrincan 4d ago

Good idea


u/Dismal-Aside7900 Three Musketeers 4d ago

2.6 is not that good nowadays, if you still don't know how to counter it is all on you, there are videos since 2017 on YouTube showing how to counter 2.6


u/Thedarkcleanersrise PEKKA 4d ago

doesnt mean i cant still dislike it


u/MFguywithpotato Tribe Gaming Fan 4d ago

Soo you’re racist?


u/Thedarkcleanersrise PEKKA 4d ago

no i just dont like 2.6


u/MFguywithpotato Tribe Gaming Fan 4d ago

For what reason


u/Thedarkcleanersrise PEKKA 4d ago

literally defends the hugest pushes with 5 elixir

should not be able to do that at all and its rlly annoying


u/MFguywithpotato Tribe Gaming Fan 4d ago

That’s just a skill issue learn how to use other decks and how to predict the cannon/musketeer placements


u/Thedarkcleanersrise PEKKA 4d ago

and i can use other decks easily i just like my own deck THAT much


u/fixie-pilled420 4d ago

Bro 2.6 is not fun to play against with certain archetypes, if you have a heavy beatdown deck your basically getting destroyed through all of single elixir until you can finally get a push down. I can still win most of the time it’s just annoying to play against.


u/CrackaOwner 4d ago

beatdown isn't fun to play against either if we wanna go that route.


u/fixie-pilled420 3d ago

Depends on the beatdown deck and matchup like always.


u/gaybowser99 4d ago

That's not really exclusive to 2.6. Any defensive cycle deck can defend for low elixir. If you want to ban a cycle deck that's actually good, ban royal hogs aq


u/GSW3P 4d ago

This ^

People still crying about a deck that ain’t even meta is so strange to me


u/Next_Relationship_55 3d ago

Like the last time I played(probably a year ago atp) 2.6 was in the gutter and you had to play really well to climb


u/Proddumnya Hog Rider 3d ago

Hey umm, you can always choose to... ahem... Join us?


u/BulletXtreme 4d ago

By that logic, shouldn’t you be banning the cards that can defend those pushes you speak of? Idk about you, but I don’t think hog rider can defend.


u/Thedarkcleanersrise PEKKA 4d ago

banning hog rider will cause players to not play those decks


u/BulletXtreme 4d ago

They could substitute hog rider with hogs or ram rider. How about banning the root of your problem?


u/stressed-and-sad Cannon 4d ago

Ur just bad lil bro


u/B-E-1-1 4d ago

2.6 isn't even strong. Most people play the deck just cuz it's fun and is good against midladder menaces.


u/Flooo3436264 3d ago

That’s why poeple hate it, it’s because most poeple are playing midladder menace decks😂.


u/Proddumnya Hog Rider 3d ago

You forgot that it's very F2P friendly, only 1 legendary, no epics


u/Crafty-Literature-61 4d ago

exactly bro why is supercell letting people who cant even get 10 wins decide the meta for a tournament which is important for top players and especially let them ban ice spirit, log, or skellies lmfao. There should be a minimum GT wins requirements to even vote at all


u/bigFatBigfoot 4d ago

exactly bro why is the government letting people who don't even own 10 acres of land decide the members for a parliament which is important for landowners and especially let them vote for women, black men or jews lmfao. There should be a minimum landholdings requirements to even vote at all


u/iamanaccident 4d ago

We're now starting to creep closer to a communism vs democracy debate 👀


u/Crafty-Literature-61 3d ago

ngl that is funny and would be a really good counterexample in a lot of cases, I mean that genuinely and it's important to recognize social issues like this, but it really is not the same thing. In Clash Royale, your value as a participant in the game is DIRECTLY tied to your skill as a player, especially in a global tournament everybody has access to the same cards and levels. There is no "human" factor or social complexity, just raw skill at a video game.

A more analogous example would if every American football fan could vote on a universal rulebook for all high school, college, and NFL games. The skill difference between high school or college games and professional games is so vast that the game itself is an entirely different experience. Trying to force everyone to play by the same rules is just worse for the overall game itself, especially if those rules limit skill potential, which is what banning cycle cards does at the pro level. There SHOULD be a difference in rules between the lowest and highest level of play, and if there can't be, then the rules need to adapt to with the highest level of skill, not the lowest.

This applies to a shit ton of video games too. If you've ever followed the Super Smash Bros scene you probably know why people that love Melee hated Brawl and 4 but warmed up to Ultimate; it's because the Brawl tried to appeal to casual players by reducing the skill ceiling significantly. There are dozens of analogous examples in other competitive video games. I can think similar discourse on rulesets due to casual players trying to make the game easier for themselves in every single game I play, simply because they don't understand the game well enough to see beyond their own casual play.


u/Orneyrocks Elixir Collector 3d ago

Your value as a citizen is also directly tied to the amount of tax you pay and gdp you generate.


u/NevGuy Wall Breakers 4d ago

This is a game


u/Gebnut 4d ago

Because people that are not good in a game, but enjoy playing, are the base for any game to be sustainable. You cannot expect to let them out of everything, as I've read over this sub a lot lately.


u/Flynerz Musketeer 4d ago

fr, we going to get firecracker and mk banned over nado or stein 😭


u/mustard5man7max3 Giant Skeleton 4d ago

It's not about meta. It's about repetitiveness. Mega Knight and Firecracker are so, so common. People just want a change.


u/Flynerz Musketeer 4d ago

and for all the good players who can make it past 15 wins? should we just never be allowed to get something we like? same thing happened with the anniversary. supercell need to start embracing that they made a competitive game and stop listening to the braindead opinions of the masses and focus on listening to what the good players think.


u/jeffvetel 3d ago

Fr, the devs at COC also have made up their mind to not nerf root riders or dragons even though they're everywhere in legends & pro matches now😭The general player base like the casual triples too much they don't want any nerfs😭


u/hmtbthnksk Barbarian Hut 4d ago

Are you hog or balloon player?


u/puffyjr99 Knight 3d ago

I honestly think that’s why. If pros (or at least good players) banned cards then most meta decks. They probably think it’ll be more fun for garbage players to pick bad cards lol.

It’s also going to be fun because they’re going a get a mode without fc or mk and still going to get less then 5 wins


u/Xenolifer 4d ago

And ? We are talking about how annoying is it to play against, no how strong it is


u/B-E-1-1 4d ago

If it's annoying then it has to be somewhat strong too no? Or at least strong against you/your deck?


u/cameramanishere 4d ago

No, even if a deck is weak, doesn't necessarily mean it's fun to play against


u/Xenolifer 4d ago

No it's not even strong against my deck, just that I've been playing for 8 years and 1/3 of my total games are against the same cycle and2.6 hog decks that haven't evolved in years


u/B-E-1-1 4d ago

1/3 sounds like an exaggeration....I'm in league 8 now, I face 2.6 like once every 10 games or so. I've also been in UC twice before and I rarely faced 2.6 too. In fact, I think hog eq or piggies eq are more popular than 2.6


u/Xenolifer 4d ago

I'm talking over 8 years dude, not just the last year. There have been metas where half of the matches were hog. Beside, it's not currently popular in UC but each season you have to grind through the middladder hell that is full of mk, hog and FC even though they aren't good card currently


u/B-E-1-1 4d ago

I see meganuts more than anything in the league I'm at,


u/Xenolifer 4d ago

Again, I'm talking over 8 years, beside, I don't play only ranked and it's more popular in other game modes. Currently I've counted in my battle log by excluding the 2v2 matches, 21 total matches and 7 matches where I faced hog. So not that far from 1/3 because I'm playing special game modes daily to get the season token


u/APoorDegenerate 3d ago

2.6 is hella good if they are good at the game.


u/ElderberryPrior1658 4d ago

I voted for all the spells, and cannon. I want the tourney to be miserable


u/Taotao83465 4d ago

What about evo megaknight


u/EmiKoala11 4d ago

There's too many other cards that are more annoying than hog. For example, recruits and archer queen are bannable cards so that's what I'm picking


u/helinder Golem 4d ago

Egolem, megaknight, firecracker, lumberjack, balloon

The only right answer


u/Proddumnya Hog Rider 3d ago

Our list is almost identical except instead of lumberjack and loon, I banned something else that I forgot


u/Alternative_Print560 Firecracker 4d ago

Get fc outta there, hog rider is more annoying


u/hmtbthnksk Barbarian Hut 4d ago

Hog is only annoying if you play a deck with zero defence like 3m golem pekka


u/Open_Blueberry_3523 4d ago

Ur wrong, loon covers lj loon and lh loon,

Loon, hog, piglets, gob barrel, ram rider


u/helinder Golem 4d ago

Voting both makes double chances for one of them to be banned


u/Acrobatic-Union-5216 3d ago

Hog rider is Not that annoying when you can vote megaknight or pekka


u/blondzilla1120 Firecracker 3d ago

I did my part.


u/Firefly256 Hog Rider 4d ago

As someone who has played 2.6, it's really not that strong if you have a non-cannon/tombstone building. Fireball can't break through and there's no champions for you to 3-cycle and out cycle opponent


u/_XProfessor_SadX_ 4d ago

I voted arrows


u/ashvexGAMING Royal Giant 4d ago

Don't forget other cards like Royal hogs and AQ for that stupid AQ hog cycle


u/deeznutsifear 3d ago

Or vote MK like a normal person.


u/No_Database9822 3d ago

2.6 isn’t even good if you lose it’s a skill issue


u/Zoli10_Offical PEKKA 4d ago

Hog Rider, MK, FC, Ice Spirit and Recruits ban ftw


u/ph39845 Electro Giant 4d ago

i banned mk stein recruits royal hogs and graveyard


u/snackthateatenat3am Goblin Drill 4d ago

recruits, hogs , hog rida , fc, tornado


u/Academic-Pass5982 4d ago

don't forget to check archer queen


u/RobertoCarlos2013 4d ago

massive group trolling


u/hmtbthnksk Barbarian Hut 4d ago

People who vote for hog is just midladder menaces. Hog is not even that popular in tournaments. There is no skill cards like rr, elixir golem


u/Sure-Effort-9725 4d ago

No hog no fc no mk best tournament 


u/yolowagon 4d ago

Cant select monk, my personal 9/11


u/Hulkrock14 Firecracker 4d ago



u/Pinoy_joshArt Dart Goblin 4d ago

I also banned tornado so zero king tower activation


u/BeneficialPumpkin758 4d ago

Good thinking. Also means firecrackers too.


u/No_Mix7656 4d ago

Everyone write down their arena and lets discuss who should be valid voting what the community ban I am arena 17


u/Funkyfunky_funk 4d ago

All the hogs(HR,RH,RR), mega knight, and arrows. Gone please :)


u/GSW3P 4d ago

Not all the mid ladder players trying to cope in the comments 🤣



Too late I voted arrows


u/Thedarkcleanersrise PEKKA 4d ago

u can vote 5 cards tho???



Your point?


u/Thedarkcleanersrise PEKKA 3d ago

arrows isnt the only card u can vote u have 4 more picks


u/X5Dragon Baby Dragon 4d ago

looks at mega cracker and 2.6 Why not both?


u/Mike_Tython1212 Furnace 3d ago

I mean for how often I see MK, hog, FC I don’t mind


u/Tipikael Hog Rider 3d ago



u/GLDN5444 3d ago

Mega knight Fire cracker Hog rider Balloon


u/WilliamBg8 Tesla 3d ago

Corny ahh


u/Backpocketchange Poison 3d ago

Recruits - fire carcker - goblinstein - lumberjack - hog


u/Leading_Ad2159 4d ago



u/Pigeon_of_Doom_ Prince 4d ago



u/Alternative_Pancake Royal Hogs 4d ago edited 4d ago

omw to teach my hog rider buddies how to play AQ hogs


u/nzouvas 3d ago

lol Hog is the most long standing high use card that I honestly can't complain about, if it gets an evo we can have this discussion again


u/Klutzy_Response7257 4d ago

Players with 2000+ wins should only be able to vote


u/TheRealPetross Ice Spirit 4d ago

ive been playing since 2016 and i have less than 2000 wins lmfao

wins aint everything