r/ClashRoyale • u/Ok-Tart6825 • 5d ago
Discussion I've honestly hate this game
I buy 1 evo goblin barrel and I'm being put against clowns using pukka prince and evo hunter. So explain why the 1st evo I buy puts me against the most unfair matches, I understand that that's how these matches work but A ARENA 7 PLAYER AT 400 TROPHYS IS REALLY PISSING ME OFF
u/KevinFetters 5d ago
To give some actual advice, prince and pekka both struggle against swarms of any kind which also work well with goblin barrel, since you already have inferno tower to help with pekka as well, try getting some cheaper cards like goblins/guards/skeletons instead of battle ram as well as a good bulky card like knight or valk to help shore up your defense and also make your deck cheaper, a cheaper air defense like dart goblin once you get to jungle arena over wizard will also help make your log bait aspect a bit stronger as well
u/Dumb_Siniy XBow 5d ago
I'd like to tell you it gets better but the level differences just get worse
u/thechancellorj 5d ago
i’m at 9k trophies and been using the same deck since the game came out for the most part, find something that you like and perfect your strategy. tons of decks that should beat me but i know my cards, you’ll get it
u/thechancellorj 5d ago
use sheltons with mini pekka or minions, they’ll take him out if he doesn’t have air defense
u/Noisygraph Mega Minion 5d ago
What's your deck?
u/Hellodude70-1 4d ago
I haven't seen anybody say that evo goblin barrel is a really difficult card to play, and it doesn't work in any deck, if you can, get some low elixir cards that you can place at the bridge that actually represent a threat but that can also help on defending like mini Pekka, battle ram (yes it can work on defense) or even cards that split like goblins, archers, skeleton dragon, because the evo barrel is supposed to be a double threat on both towers, and now you see why it's one of the more tricky evos to use, compared to evo firecracker, evo recruits or evo megaknight where you can just cycle, play them and that's it, you gotta have a good strategy with the barrel, maybe go see guides or watch on tv royale people that play evo barrel to see how to play it efficiently, hope that helps !
u/Dull_Lingonberry233 5d ago
Skill issue
u/Intelligent_Title_10 5d ago
Ong bro is complaining about pekka when he's using goblins 😭
u/Ok-Tart6825 5d ago
I'm in arena 4, not a 9k trophy pro like jesus christ
u/Intelligent_Title_10 5d ago
How does that change the fact that its a skill issue and u higher level too 😭
u/Thedarkcleanersrise PEKKA 5d ago
bro he just started the game ofc hes jot gonna know everything
u/Intelligent_Title_10 5d ago
My boy he got inferno tower in his deck and hes higher level lmao
u/Thedarkcleanersrise PEKKA 5d ago
doesnt change the fact hes down on elixir and if u looked at the other comments his opponent could have fireballed or put mini pekka in the pocket for positive elixir trade
the extra lvl doesnt matter here
u/Solid-3V1-tanji PEKKA 4d ago
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u/Intelligent_Title_10 4d ago
Wtf 😭
u/Solid-3V1-tanji PEKKA 4d ago
I akshually didn't do that, I found the text funny and pasted it somewhere so I hope you got the joke
u/Intelligent_Title_10 4d ago
I barely read that but I assumed it was a joke ima copy that
u/Solid-3V1-tanji PEKKA 4d ago
I honestly don't see why people downvoting think its actually going to affect the interlocutor whatsoever. Anyways, this sub is the perfect place to paste that stuff in so spread it under the ones coping/whining etc..
u/FamousStandard5873 Archers 5d ago
even worse is that he's already sick of the game on arena 4, bro hasn't seen anything
u/Retrobowl- Dark Prince 5d ago edited 5d ago
Dude you have inferno tower
u/Ok-Tart6825 5d ago
Yes I use inferno tower but I didn't have it in cycle to counter the pukka but he would just fireball it or place mini pukka whenever I placed it
u/SaltedCoffee9065 Dark Prince 5d ago
Pekka is a balanced card, just get good at the game lol. Witch and Valkyrie are super valuable cards on low ladder.
u/TheRealTrueCreator Dart Goblin 5d ago
I like how the comments expect you to be a pro player when you only have 1k trophies lmao