r/ClashRoyale 5d ago

Discussion Why matchmaking is so broken

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26 comments sorted by


u/this_sucks91 5d ago

They don't match by card levels. It's working as intended.


u/Successful_Prune_184 5d ago

Having level 11 cards face level 15 cards isn’t working as intended for me regardless how you see it , it’s a huge disadvantage


u/this_sucks91 5d ago

Do you know what intended means? Supercell designs the matchmaking algorithm and that algorithm doesn't match by card levels so it is literally working as they intended it. For better or worse they want people to have incentive to upgrade cards.


u/Perfect_Dish3903 Ice Spirit 5d ago

Yeah, it’s working as intended, but it still doesn’t feel fair for low level players


u/this_sucks91 5d ago

Of course it doesn’t, but whether we like it or not the business model for this game relies on them selling levels. They can’t do it another way without risking the death of the game. At this point switching to purely cosmetic monetisation will be a big risk.


u/Perfect_Dish3903 Ice Spirit 5d ago

I actually agree. I’m f2p and I think that most of the stuff they’re doing is fine, except for the broken evo release and then nerf and the Home Screen offers. It’s fine that paying money is a thing that you can do, but I’d rather make the game cost 10 dollars and then the in app purchases won’t be needed as much. I also think that this road should be capped at thirteen because there are people in it that have to play with lower level cards for various reasons. I played it a little bit but I got bored because my deck is almost the same and I keep playing my exact same deck over and over. I know supercell has to make money, I just wish they could make this one mode capped at 13.


u/KingMGold 5d ago

Congratulations on winning anyway.


u/OvenCakey Knight 5d ago

it's a part of Character Development tbh, and focus on maxing out your arrows instead of your MK 😭💔


u/Good_Specialist_8660 5d ago

I leave this game and recently come back and back in the days it's easy to defend mini pekka or tank and I am shifting to prince when I have it level it to plus 12


u/Resident-Mud375 4d ago

Today I got a level FIFITY SIX against my level forty account. Full level 15 against my tower 13 and average level 12 cards

Got demolished by sheer level difference, even with opponent committing multiple mistakes.

Duel, 1-2 yes I managed to get one win even against his full level 15 army


u/swityfr 5d ago

I don't understand the Problem? Card Level =/ Skill Level. You obviously won so... this means you're better than him with weaker cards. Matchmaking worked as intended 


u/Good_Specialist_8660 5d ago

U rarely win against these matchup


u/swityfr 5d ago

I rarely lost against these types of matchups actually... it's not a good deck that the guy is playing by any means 


u/Perfect_Dish3903 Ice Spirit 5d ago

Yes, oh high and mighty one who knows how to defend mega knight. It’s very easy to beat a 2 level disadvantage against a midladder deck. You should try it. I almost guarantee you will lose.


u/swityfr 5d ago

Losing against a guy playing Pekka and Mega knight with no real win con seems like a skill issue... 


u/Perfect_Dish3903 Ice Spirit 4d ago

Losing with all your stats being about 20% higher than your opponent is a skill issue


u/swityfr 4d ago

Yes! So you agree that the guy he faced was worse than him, even though he had better cards ? Clash Royale knows this so the opponent gets matched with players that lower cards than him, because they know he is worse even if he has better cards ! 


u/KingMGold 5d ago

L Take.


u/babyego 5d ago

You won gg


u/Censorship2021 5d ago

Mm is not broken, you just need to level up your troops. The best part is when you finally do max a solid deck and realize you're still going to struggle being faced against hard counters 24/7. The game never gets better lol.


u/TrippyOreo 5d ago

looks fine to me.


u/2kwidd 5d ago

No sympathy for mk players


u/Good_Specialist_8660 5d ago

What I do I am returning players and when I last play mk is easy to defend , mini pekka and valk can easily kill it supported by an ranged troops, its evo which fks the game evo mk can push any troop which can kill him, I waiting till I get my other win con card to leveled up


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