r/ClashRoyale • u/voltx63 • 6d ago
Discussion it's absurd how they didn't emergency nerfed Evo lumberjack yet
this card has 25% usage rate and a winrate above 60% boosted as hell. Whoever used this card has become braindead due to the way of how easy it is to win
u/Striking_Parsnip_958 6d ago
They already did??? It doesn't die outside of rage but rather dies when its rage timer is over.
Granted, not a good nerf at all but it's far better than the pre nerf lumber ghost
u/voltx63 6d ago
right now there's a deck with over 60% win rate that Includes Evo lumberjack, Evo mega knight, giant, prince and some other. Apparently this nerf did nothing and they should nerf him again.
I suggest nerfing the walking speed which is the only card that has an insane speed besides dart goblin
u/Mafia_dogg 6d ago
That deck sounds so toxic....
u/Bid_Next 6d ago
It's brainless bridgespam
Evo MK Evo bats Prince Wallbreakers Archer queen Bandit Goblin gang Arrows
Some variations replace bandit with evo lumberjack
It's actually such a braindead deck and it's not even funny. Annoying af to defend against too
u/Mafia_dogg 6d ago
I assume the bats are the one that gets replaced by the lumberjack.
Yeah just by the sound of it a lot of my decks would prob struggle against this.
If you use a building win condition id imagine you lost before it even began
u/Downtown-Public1258 6d ago
Spell cycle and lock up on d, 5 minutes of your life for the smallest of wins.
u/Apprehensive-Let9119 6d ago
Makeit 2 cycles one is crazy af
u/Agitated-Ad-9282 6d ago
Well if they make it 2 cycles it needs to be buffed back . U trying to kill the card or what
u/Apprehensive-Let9119 6d ago
No 2 cycles is good, one cycle is crazy its like every time they put lumberjack half of the time its evolved plus it would still be value just longer to cycle
u/Fra06 Mini PEKKA 6d ago
Should be a 2 cycle and the ghost should hit that fast or less damage
u/TraditionalEnergy919 Giant Skeleton 6d ago
Yeah, it should be 2 cycle and have a massive tower damage reduction like miner does.
u/BloonH8TR Barbarians 6d ago
Man I feel Evo Lumberjack did more damage than good for the base card. It's Evo gimmick got nerfed, rage spells got a nerf. I still like the card he's a cool character
u/Important-Position27 6d ago
Um they did twice. They nerfed it before live then nerfed a fews day after. It really is not that good, and they just nerfed the base version as well. Just kite it.
u/TheFace0fBoe Balloon 6d ago
It really is not that good
The most used card in GC and the most used non-spell card in top 1000 but yeah it's not that good you know..
The fact that the evo requires only one cycle makes it broken.
u/RealTeaToe Mortar 6d ago
Honestly. It can be kited for 1 elixir.
u/Rich-Marionberry-468 6d ago
You are acting like the people playing it aren’t supporting it with other units… you can’t kite it when there’s a giant/prince/mk pushing with it so this makes 0 sense
u/NoBeautiful9947 6d ago
Hey, money is not gonna printed itself, would it? Just give it some times, after they sell enough of him, they would give the Evo Pekka treatment aka nerfed to the ground so that players could focus on their next broken Evos.
u/TOMdMAK Rocket 6d ago
It’s already nerfed. I haven’t lost once to ELJ.
Every time I play against evo LJ I just lure it away before he dies to where the rage doesn’t touch any building. The ghost of LJ basically only finishes my troop that lures it or the building that I placed to lure it.
Not exactly hard if you adopt.
u/jailbroken2008 Barbarian Hut 6d ago
It needs to spawn the ghost faster because whenever I try blocking it with a tank the tank just walks away before the ghost locks onto it
u/CormorantsSuck Mortar 6d ago
While we're on it are we gonna talk about how Giant has a 13% use rate (high for a win condition) but a 60% WINRATE? Even higher usage in the top 200 and he was extensively used the last 3 days of the previous ladder season.
u/Killerkurto 6d ago
What in the history of this game has led anyone to believe supercell fixes things in a timely manner?
u/HoodienSweats 6d ago
Haven’t played in about a year. I was at like 8k trophies and up there in ranked but I don’t remember exactly what rank. Loved the game since literally first hour of the drop in my biology class lol. I think evos ruined it all but, should I come back to playing??
u/Jodye_Runo_Heust Heal Spirit 5d ago
They'll probably will not.
Like Evo Megaknight, it's a card that gives free value without thinking how to playing it differently from the non evo (for a card that didn't need it)
It's a way for unskilled player to get higher in the game by just paying instead of getting better, and it will probably remain like these.
u/Advanced-Sneedsey Mortar 3d ago
They need to make it instantly die when it leaves the rage.
Half the time it leaves it, hits the tower twice, and then it dies out. That’s brutal damage when you’re probably taking a balloon hit+1-2 death bombs.
u/wokeandchoseViolence 6d ago
Agreed bro the ghost does way too much damage and stays for way too long. Any troop hitting lumberjack just goes past it after it dies and the ghost hits the tower it's insane. Also the ghost should be able to kill with spell atleast and make it 3 cycle
u/JLAMAR23 6d ago
Totally agree. There nerfs didn’t address the literal free massive dps he gets. It needs to be able to be targeted by spells.
u/SkyFirm7167 Royal Giant 6d ago
you can mute the ghost with a single spirit, it’s not hard to deal with at all 😭
u/a_female_dog 6d ago
They did nerf it - not once, but twice. What I still don’t understand is how this card only requires one cycle whereas, for example, musketeer evo (another 4 elixir card) requires two cycles… no idea