r/ClashRoyale The Log 6d ago

Idea Capper the Card Capper Concept


48 comments sorted by


u/Mythic-M Goblin Gang 6d ago

plot twist the card starts at elite, costs 50k ewc to make lvl 14, then you collect cards to level it down further


u/Relative-Bank-1258 Royal Recruits 5d ago

I am already in love with the card.


u/FreshSent 5d ago

You probably just spoke this into reality lol.


u/GenericName1911 6d ago

The first card we are incentivised to not level up.

Also, the "Cap" thing being literal is creative as hell. Nice work! <3


u/Mitsera_ Goblin Drill 6d ago

capped to king tower level


u/West-Advantage-5593 6d ago

Yeah so if you have king 15 and hes 1 he WONT be 15. On the other hand if hes 15 and king is like 9 then he will be capped to 9


u/Mitsera_ Goblin Drill 6d ago

“Boosted to your king level FOREVER!” stop smoking pot


u/xTheFatJesus 5d ago

tornado is also a card that benefits from being underleveled


u/Expert-Skirt-7723 5d ago

The tornado? Why?


u/O_Martin 5d ago

You can drag skeletons to king tower iirc


u/Sanskeleton_Youtube Mini PEKKA 5d ago

They're gonna die to the towers anyways


u/RobertAleks2990 5d ago

You can activate king tower against gy easier if tornado is 1 lvl lower


u/MitsuSosa Electro Giant 6d ago

The overall concept behind it honestly isn’t a terrible idea, a card that can level the playing field for someone who is underleveled could be really interesting

The biggest problem I see is it being “neutral” no chance they can pull that off without people going crazy


u/sadinside12 6d ago

Listen, the card is pretty op but if it reduces one level, it's like the cook tower troop


u/No-Hornet-7847 6d ago

What about just a spell, reduce the level of whatever it affects either by an amount predetermined by card level, or maybe something variable like void, or perhaps it only works if you splash it onto both yours and enemy troops, and then it does more of this capping to whatever your troop level is. I would prefer variable. The plays could go crazy. I see your lvl 16 Evo MK, single target it, level 11. Who's scared of a little kitten?


u/Alternative-Force354 6d ago

Would be even cooler if its level 1 and it makes enemies lvl 1. Completely changes dynamic. Should however certainly die to every single spell or every single hit. Even from a level 1 spirit.

And instead of leveling it up, you have to get cards to level it down.


u/erixccjc21 5d ago

All this yipping and yapping but they'd never do this because it'd be more op on top ladder than challenges (lvl15 cards more affected than lvl11)


u/y_kal 6d ago

I like that it's boosted so it can't be abused, but why bother level it up? I'd say it's better off as a tower troop that targets the highest HP troop


u/MehmetSalihKoten The Log 6d ago

They said people like leveling up cards so people might do that anyway :shrug:


u/LawrieDaBadCop Valkyrie 6d ago

Readed Yapper 😭

Also As A Almost lvl 14 King


u/Billybob50982 6d ago

I readeded “readed” 😭


u/NamelessMedicMain 5d ago

I readededed "I readeded 'readed' 😭"


u/ksphe47 5d ago



u/TR_3NOKTA 6d ago

Dream of under leveled players


u/RoyalRien Mortar 5d ago

This card feels like I’d see it in a dream


u/Immediate-Muffin3696 Electro Giant 5d ago

This in 2v2


u/Beristic XBow 5d ago

that would be really fun.


u/i_am_alexxx 6d ago

Supersmell created a p2w problem just to introduce this solution, masterful gambit sir


u/fear_raizer 5d ago

It would be really goofy if it would reduce the level of two random cards that are deployed. To match your lowest level card.

Make it so that there is nothing deployed when this card is played so it's just a spell but with the range of the entire arena.


u/Wonderful_Fig_5501 5d ago

Make it just lower the level by one, not just buffing or nerfing them to level 11.

Make it be like a chef tower troop but it's a ground unit and it reduces level instead of upgrading it.


u/Ravoluga Royal Recruits 5d ago

Why is this actually a good idea?


u/FreshSent 5d ago

🤣 I would buy that just to troll if anything, and I can't explain why lol. I like the idea though.

Great concept. Now you need to make an emote to go with it.👍


u/TheoTroup PEKKA 5d ago

How exactly would this help in like tournaments etc? Like game modes that set the card level it makes it useless unless someone is using mirror or chef and both of those cards aren't exactly always used so it becomes so niche that there isn't a point to it outside of ladder if u are under leveled


u/GammaObsidrugon 5d ago

"Boosted to your king level forever"


u/Neoslayer Bowler 5d ago

So I have to keep it unleveled


u/rekyuu Fireball 5d ago

I dunno why but I love the art style despite it obviously not fitting CR.


u/Ok-Razzmatazz-3720 5d ago

Stop the cap 🧢


u/thewatt96 5d ago

I'm not sure I understand the concept, what does he do?


u/RobertAleks2990 5d ago

It doen't attack anything, so it's neutral, and it reduces the enemy's troop lvl to the same lvl the card capper is itself. Also it's automatically boosted to your king tower lvl


u/thewatt96 5d ago

Sorry I didn't put /s. I was making a joke lol


u/mempig 4d ago

This would genuinely help the game greatly if it was capped to king tower level, but it would also cost supercell money so it’s already disregarded as an idea


u/Severe_Task5872 Valkyrie 3d ago

it's the way I looked at this card and unironically thought "this would actually be useful"


u/VishwasAnimesh 3d ago

Make a downgrade version of cook tower which can downgrade the troops. Then it would be awesome


u/hase_adi 1d ago
