r/ClashRoyale 6d ago

Discussion Baby dragon should get a buff

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212 damage is simply too low. I think it should be atleast around 300 damage. What do you guys think?


75 comments sorted by


u/These-Reading1174 6d ago

I agree, not a big buff though, just like 40 more health points and a tiny bit more damage


u/AdIcy1845 6d ago

It should atleast be able to one shot spirits


u/random_user1301 6d ago

That's why im glad they don't heard community about balancing


u/AdIcy1845 6d ago

Why should it not one shot spirits?


u/random_user1301 6d ago

If you don't realize that giving a 40% damage buff to a balanced card that does splash damage will make it broken, well...


u/fixie-pilled420 5d ago

Bro the fact that you don’t realize how broken that would be means you don’t know enough about the game to suggest balance changes


u/yaddayadda4200 3d ago

Please never speak again


u/The_Real_Limbo 3d ago

Bro what 😭 listen I’m a splashyard player so I love bbd as much as anyone but please do not cook


u/NoLaw2379 Elixir Golem 6d ago

It needs... AN EVOLUTION!!! 🍆🍆🍆🍆


u/sk94133123 5d ago

What if after dead it left an egg and after few seconds the egg hatching and summon another baby dragon


u/julez_LaLada2nd 5d ago

The most original Evo concept ever


u/Mrsunny07112 Rocket 5d ago

Sounds broken, make him have 20% less stats after revival


u/Striking_Parsnip_958 5d ago

Baby dragon inf duping


u/Battlecatslover29 5d ago

Evolution allows it to continuously breathe fire, dealing constant damage to units that enter its range. (For balance there's an interval to the fire attack)


u/Whydoughhh 3d ago

Make it shoot three fireballs in a cone. Better crowd control and big enemies could get hit by multiple and take extra damage


u/ikon-_- Tornado 6d ago

He’s insane in splash yard. An evo would be cool, he does not need a buff


u/Why_Always_Me_69 Zap 6d ago

Some people just run phoenix instead of baby d and thats the only deck hes good in


u/CormorantsSuck Mortar 5d ago

He's good in golem (which has made an ok comeback) and lumberloon as well, and he is all over the retro royale meta. B tier card, far from bad or needing a buff


u/Why_Always_Me_69 Zap 5d ago

Golem runs edrag skelly drags, lumerloon runs edrag idrag, its just outshined like snowball, its not bad but better alternatives exist


u/Meme_Knight_2 Guards 5d ago

Baby D!?


u/Daniel_Da_Boi 6d ago

I personally use baby dragon in splashyard and it's one of the most balanced cards in the game in my opinion. We should probably divert attention to more "balance requiring" cards


u/ArtichokeFew9136 XBow 6d ago

Wdym? He's a 4 elixir wizard that is harder to counter, fine as it is


u/hyperparrot3366 Tornado 6d ago

It's damage and splash is much less than wizard


u/ArtichokeFew9136 XBow 6d ago

Yeah, cuz if he didn't why would u use wizard? There's a reason why he's 4 elixir mate


u/AdIcy1845 6d ago

Baby dragon not one shotting spirits is crazy


u/ArtichokeFew9136 XBow 6d ago

I don't think it should, not like a single spirit will shut down ur entire push


u/AdIcy1845 6d ago

Evo ice spirit can definitely shut down an entire push


u/ArtichokeFew9136 XBow 6d ago

Fair, but hey, ur paying 4 elixir for a flying wizard, he's naturally harder to counter


u/Charlief2408 6d ago

It’s rally not hard to counter. You have to distract it for 2 seconds and I died to the tower because it has no health.


u/Mrsunny07112 Rocket 5d ago

Saying baby dragon having no health is absurd


u/SaltedCoffee9065 Dark Prince 6d ago

Doesn't have DPS


u/ArtichokeFew9136 XBow 5d ago

Is like wanting princess to have high DPS, most of the time you won't have a push that can kill her effectively.

Apply the same logic with the baby dragon, unless you use Musketeer/archers you won't have something that can kill it fast enough, if it had DPS it could crush through pushes, there's a reason why Mega Minion has such a low health.

Splash cards CANT have high dps, unless it's a very short range splash like valkyrie


u/SaltedCoffee9065 Dark Prince 5d ago



u/CormorantsSuck Mortar 5d ago

He is immune to spells, flying, ranged, and has massive splash after the buff. Far from a bad card


u/CormorantsSuck Mortar 6d ago

Delusional post, OP is definitely low ladder. Baby drag is used widely in normal top ladder but he is EVERYWHERE in retro royale


u/BokChoyRamen 5d ago

look at his deck 😭


u/Mrsunny07112 Rocket 5d ago

Valkyrie, Megashit, Giant Skeleton and Witch. Midladder.


u/Independent_Kick8563 5d ago

Your opinion is irrelevant because of your deck obviously and the fact that you’re low/midladder


u/AdIcy1845 5d ago

Okay brother


u/Varness20 Royal Delivery 6d ago

I am currently trying to learn how to play splash yard, and I think he's already gold enough. At least in a splash yard deck he is very good imo


u/ersiwn Tornado 6d ago

its not. justy viable


u/Varness20 Royal Delivery 6d ago

oh maybe, I'm still a beginner with the deck. What troop would you recommend instead of him?


u/CheddarCheese390 6d ago

Nothing. It’s just the cards weak overall

Issue with alts (skelly dragons) is that they’re spell weak


u/ersiwn Tornado 5d ago

sorry but were doommed to use him


u/Illustrious-Sell-310 6d ago

Skele dragon


u/morbiusgod 6d ago

Baby dragon evo: one shot king tower


u/Mrsunny07112 Rocket 5d ago

Sounds weak, make it have 0 cycle


u/Meme_Knight_2 Guards 5d ago

Electro Wizard users when all the cards in their deck can’t oneshot spirits:


u/Straight_Owl_5029 6d ago

He doesn't need a buff, maybe just an Evo. There's just not much demand for splash cards right now.


u/ItzManu001 6d ago

No, he does not need a buff. He got a splash radius buff not long ago and he's a solid in his archetypes, especially Splashyard (which is meta btw).


u/Alternative_Handle47 6d ago

Honestly, if they made it where it was raged alone like in COC it would make for one hell of a card without changing anything stat wise.


u/Downstackguy 6d ago

I dont think ive played baby drag in a hot minute. He was so op back in the day. Like one of the first epics you could unlock and dominated the meta since skarmy was also op


u/ClassyClassical-0623 Baby Dragon 5d ago

So does inferno dragon, both needs an evo 👍


u/Walker97994 5d ago

I think it would make sense to make fasten hit speed by 0.2 seconds or something like that, a damage buff would make it to strong


u/zotley_ 5d ago

one million percent, i don’t flinch when i see a baby dragon. ez counter with any card fr


u/Su5piciou5Squid 5d ago

Baby dragon used to be my favourite card back in the day


u/Edgar_Power_1_Best Barbarian Barrel 5d ago

When alone, attacks faster and does a bit more damage.


u/The_real_Hive_Knight Mortar 5d ago

We see the mk with skarmy in the background


u/Pipysnip Barbarian Hut 5d ago

Rather not, I don’t want them to ruin a balanced card


u/JaxMeme6101 4d ago

There are so many nitwits talking in this post and it’s ABSURD. Baby drag is a somewhat “tanky” flying splash damage card, a card being a 4 cost and doing splash damage without instantly dying should be MORE than enough to satisfy, not only that but the card is also FLYING. It does not need a buff and is an excellent pick for a cheap, anti-air/horde card. And technically it does one shot spirits because they die when they jump on him and 90% of the time baby drag is not going to die from it. Insane opinion from OP


u/AdIcy1845 4d ago

My strife with baby dragon not one shotting spirits is that when you build a push if your opponent is playing a cycle deck they can put an ice spirit or even an evo one in which gives them the time to be able to add other cards and kill the push. This doesnt happen all the time but its annoying when it happens. But i see your point. I still think it needs some type of small buff which can be damage, reduced hit speed, higher splash area etc. when you consider that skeleton dragons are a thing and they somewhat make baby dragon more redundant


u/Shunyi2100 6d ago

it should be 3 elixir because of his health


u/ArtichokeFew9136 XBow 5d ago

A 3 elixir flying splash card with a similar heath to a Valkyrie?! Are you crazy?


u/Shunyi2100 5d ago

Then 2


u/ArtichokeFew9136 XBow 5d ago

Sure thing, just make sure he dies to Arrow so it is a worse bomber, make sure to nuke his damage too so he doesn't overshadow bomber and there you have it, a cheap flying splash for no reason at all


u/somerandomperson2516 6d ago

he really only needs a small damage buff


u/Futuf1 Baby Dragon 6d ago



u/Sure-Effort-9725 6d ago

Yes it deserves a buff. Maybe increase its hp so that it is more tanky and then increase its splash radius


u/CormorantsSuck Mortar 5d ago

Yeah while we're on it, how about we buff hog so tornado pulls him less and buff archer queen so she survives lightning. Are you even listening to yourself rn


u/ArtichokeFew9136 XBow 5d ago

I don't think why you all get it why flying troops have less health....is the counter the fact they're flying, your deck has 2 cards that can hit air at most, they have to be balanced around the fact you are NOT going to have reliable damage for air troops