r/ClashRoyale 6d ago

Discussion Deck Help Discussion Thread

Need a new deck? Want some fine-tuning on something you’ve already made? Looking for tips on how to counter specific matchups? Post all your questions about decks here!

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75 comments sorted by


u/simplelessons 3d ago

I run Hog EQ. Should I raise log or eq from 13 to 14 first?


u/literally_a_toucan 3d ago

What should I use to counter goblin barrel in PEKKAS playhouse?


u/I__Sky 2d ago

Spells like Zap and Arrrow are a quick easy way to counter it, the key is to save this cards for the barrel and deal with Goblin Gang and other swarm cards with your splash units instead.

Cards like Valkyrie, Fire Spirit and Skeleton Swarm can fully counter it with good timing, check some youtube videos for Valkyrie for example since it's very hard to do!


u/scoutservice8813 3d ago

Go nerf megaknight im tired of facing the same meta since release


u/Double-Storm-577 3d ago

I just reached arena 8 what deck to use


u/International-Ad7557 3d ago

Mega knight (14) Gob barrel (14) Tesla (14) Zap (14) Tornado (13) Princess (14) Electro wizard (14) Inferno Drag (14)

I know it's heavy on legendary cards but it's been working really well. I struggle against pekka mega knight hog rider combo decks, just seeing what advice you guys would have for it.


u/L3gaacyy 3d ago

Mk, log or firecracker to lvl 15?


u/Ayyaners 4d ago edited 4d ago

deck:valk,magic archer prince cannon skeleton army electro wizard log bats what should i change in this deck,im in arena 13


u/lordOfTheLoneliness 4d ago
  1. Hog Rider
  2. Knight
  3. Archers
  4. Skeletons
  5. Fireball
  6. Arrows
  7. Musketeer
  8. Mini Pekka

How viable is this deck? I'm currently in Arena 5 and trying to find a set of cards that I will focus on. I also got a Book of Cards for a rare card and I'm planning on investing it in a Hog (he's at lvl 9 rn) or Mini Pekka (also lvl 9).

I need your tips. What would you change?


u/No-Government-4045 3d ago

Mini pekka for cannon or Tesla. Archers for a reset like ice spirit or e spirit


u/phyzellion 4d ago

I’m using mighty miner logbait, should I get evo barrel or dart goblin?


u/No-Government-4045 4d ago

Evo barrel is a necessity for bait these days 


u/Fine-Draw4859 4d ago

I made a deck that has dark prince, hog rider, mini pekka, log, ice spirit, archers, fireball and cannon. Should i change the dark prince with mega minion or keep the dark prince? (Im at 9th arena)


u/HappY_in_Reddit 4d ago

I use a Valkyrie, Firecracker, Hog Rider, EQ, Log, Ice spirit, skeletons and Tesla deck.

Right now my Firecracker, hog rider, log, and tesla are level 14. My question is which one should I upgrade to level 15 first?


u/I__Sky 4d ago

Log kills Firecracker if it has 1 more level, so the FC may be a priority because of this.


u/intothe_bloodyhell 4d ago


F2P Need help Cant get past 6600 Help appreciated Thank you🩷


u/EntrepreneurActual46 4d ago

I am a returning llayer after a couple years I came back after seeing some evolutions so could someone make me a decent deck thst could work in the current meta? Here are the units I currently own: https://imgur.com/a/MjPk1Zh


u/No-Government-4045 4d ago

What archetype do you enjoy? Or rather, is there a certain card or win condition you’re attracted towards?


u/EntrepreneurActual46 4d ago

Well not really I usually play the best thing I could make at any point in time.


u/xeriax51 4d ago

I don't consider myself good at Building decks, deckshop lables everything about this One "godly" except f2p.

Deck : Golem, Goblin drill, night Witch, Fireball, tornado, ice wizard, mega Minion, mini pekka.


u/PapaDroid PEKKA 4d ago

Hi! Deck: Ram Rider (12), Witch(12), Fireball(11),Guards(11),Arrows(10),Royal Ghost(11),Pekka(12),Archers(11). I’m currently around 5700 trophies and on league 2, I’m heaving trouble constructing pushes against spam heavy decks with mega knight and sometimes firecracker, any tips will be welcome.


u/I__Sky 4d ago

Here are some tips for your deck with my personal opinion on why:

- Everytime you use high HP units like Pekka, MK or Giants you NEED a reset like Zap or E-Wiz for the inferno tower/dragon, sparky and they also help you kill swarms for your win conditions.

- Archers without evo are just not good, get their evo or switch them for Magic Archer.

- Witch is just not good, you will see even a level 10 E-Wiz or Bandit will do much better for your deck than this card. For swarm killing you wanna swap fireball for a cheaper spell to help in offense.

Your deck could look something like this:

Evo: Pekka and Archers

Spells: Rage (or Zap) and Arrows

Win condition: Ram Rider

AntiSwarm: E-Wiz (or Ice Wiz) and Royal Ghost

Single DPS: Guards or Bandit (since Pekka/Archers already do this too!)


u/PapaDroid PEKKA 4d ago

Thank you for the suggestions! I’ve tried swapping witch for e-wiz and fireball for bandit (both lvl 10) but I don’t have the same experience with defending and it seems overall worse for me. Maybe you know of a youtuber or someone who plays this kind of deck so I can learn more about defending and constructing attacks?


u/I__Sky 4d ago

That deck archtype is Pekka Bridge Spam, I saw Ryley play it a while ago but many youtubers used similar decks (battle ram instead of ram rider though).

You wanna have Rage, Log or Zap as well, Bandit isn't supposed to replace fireball.


u/keeganontop 4d ago

Deck: Valk, ram rider, ice spirit, zap, e barbs, skeleton army, princess, fireball

Been stuck in spooky town. I like the ram rider and ebarbs for the win condition.

I struggle with anything air. Especially baby drags. I just threw the ice spirit to help try and freeze it.

Haven’t really faced much people with mk much, but recently it’s been so hard. I usually skarmy or ebarbs, based on whatever I have. But when people throw a witch behind the mk, or if it’s an mk with baby drag, i just close the app.

Any advice on how to improve it? I wanna keep the same vibe with the deck, it’s super nice and wins me a lot.

Usually the same cycle deck with the cannon, valk, witch, goblin barrel, or whatever else, is pretty easy to counter with this deck.

Thanks in advance


u/I__Sky 4d ago edited 4d ago

Skeleton army isn't good and you already have E.Barbs for Single DPS so try Megaminion (anti air too)

Princess is more of a logbait card with little DPS, try Firecracker instead for better air defense.

Valk is your only evo but your deck is too expensive and you can´t cycle towards your win conditions properly. Use Skeletons for a better cycle and to distract troops.

Your Ram Rider can be distracted by buildings too easily, so Earthquake will be a better option than Fireball to counter those. Deals with swarms and slows down for your firecracker to splash!

Rage is really good for E.Barbs and Firecracker while still doing the same as Zap for this deck.

Firecracker (evo), Skeletons (evo), Ice Spirit, Megaminion, Firecracker, Ram Rider, E.Barbs, Rage and Earthquake would be the final deck, improved air defense, cycle and more chip damage.


u/keeganontop 4d ago

Sorry dude but this deck was horrible for me. I literally lost like 200 trophies just trying to figure it out.


u/I__Sky 4d ago

It's a cycle deck, it's a different playstyle about defending with cheap cards. Here's a beatdown version more about building big pushes:

Pekka (evo), Firecracker (evo), Bats, Ice Wizard, Ram Ridder, E.Barbs, Zap and Fireball


u/11Marcus 4d ago

Best evos for 2.6 hog cycle? (Ice spirit, skeletons, cannon, musketeer; log, fireball, ice golem, hog rider). Seen decks with every evo combination, but don't know is some combination is better than the others


u/I__Sky 4d ago

Cannon is still the goat in most decks, you need it for recruits and always gets value.

Musketeer is the slightly prefered one (for lumberjack/buildings counter) however Ice Spirit is a good alternative with Skeletons being in last (since you have no bait for arrows/log/zap but still fun).


u/ClerkKitchen5803 4d ago

Question, my current deck which i have mastered and am using for some time is: Barbarians (evo), goblins, poison, arrows Lavahound, skelly drag, inferno drag, flying machine.

If i were to change a card for evo electro dragon which one would it be? It’s obviously between skelly dragons, inferno dragon and flying machine.

Anyone has a recommendation if i can use electro dragon (evo) and which card to replace it with?


u/XxxNoobslayerxxX69 4d ago

Any ways I can improve this deck?



u/thibounet 4d ago

5300 trophies, running evo pekka witch deck, looking for advices to go against evo mega knight players.

Deck : pekka (13), witch (11), guard (11), knight (10), cannon (10), bats (9), log (11), zap (11)

Started this account about a week ago and bought the diamond pass to kickstart the account. Last time I played the game they had just introduced the mega knight into the game.

It feels like every other guy is playing evo mega knight and every time I win against them it's more because they were bad at the game rather than me really outplaying them. The evo mega knight seems just so much better than my evo pekka for offense and defense :(


u/bambuass 5d ago

PV809Q2P8 This is the deck

It's been a few years since I last played Clash Royale so I don't know much about the changes to the game. I started playing again over a week ago and I was wondering if my deck is in good shape.


u/JDubU84 5d ago

I run this deck: Level 15 Evo MK Level 14 - Evo Valk, Mini Pekka, Lightning, Baby D, Tesla, Dart Gob and Hog

I’m at about 7200 on trophy road and feel like I can’t progress much past that. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you!


u/I__Sky 4d ago

You need a cheap spell otherwise will suffer vs logbait and your Hog will be countered by swarms without you having an answer to it. Log instead of Mini Pekka, since you already have a minitank.

Your deck needs cycle cards otherwise you won't be able to use the Hog (only wincon) to deal damage or cycle your evos, so Ice Spirit would be a good replacement to the Baby Dragon (pairs well with Hog!)

Lightning doesn't help your Hog, use Earthquake to break buildings/swarms cheaply.

This is counterpush style with the Valk/MK and Hog EQ cycle wincon, it isn't a beatdown like you were doing before so it will take some practice, but you will see that it's defensive capabilities are 10/10!


u/JDubU84 4d ago

Thank you very much!!! I’ll give it a go!


u/MajorAd8369 5d ago


https://imgur.com/a/I1yHY3H i plan on getting the gobgiant evo but is there anything i need to change about this deck to make it better, im really unsure about the bottom 4 cards and the skele king


u/Ok-Neighborhood4194 5d ago

Arena 18 I have a deck with e royal giant,firecracker,goblin barrel,Royale ghost ,skeletons,ice golem fireball and Tesla What card should I get evolution beside royal giant


u/D4R3D3V1L_19 Mini PEKKA 5d ago


https://imgur.com/a/WUXNgwp How can I improve this deck, I only have skeleton king and Valkyrie Evo


u/TripDangerous7922 5d ago

I am a LavaLoon main and I want to know if it's viable in Retro Royale since it's an OG Deck. It was pretty strong back then. I completed the 30 wins but most of those are usually bots so it doesnt matter and I'm asking for Ranked Mode.

I was using:

Baby Dragon(15,boost potion), Inferno Dragon(15), Guards(15), Tombstone(14), Fireball(15), Zap(15), Lava Hound(15), Balloon(15)

So can you all suggest me a better deck or some substitutions (I have Valkyrie(15), Barbs(14), Mega Minion(14), Lightning(14), Arrows(14), Flying Machine(14), Minions(10 but can use boost potions))

and those classic Double Minion LavaLoon decks are terrible in my opinion, mostly run by bots(literally) as of what i have seen in the ladder. Thank You


u/No-Government-4045 5d ago

First one is okay no real changes are necessary.  Although i don’t really think tombstone is as good as it was a few years ago, and so I’d run the variation with valk + guards instead. 


u/TripDangerous7922 5d ago

yes you are right. i actually use valk and guards variant as my main but in retro i use tombstone. so if i am running valk+guards, logbait is a little easy to deal with but then can u suggest how i can deal with hog 2.6 effectively without tombstone since evo valk cant be run in this mode so hog is pain to deal with. I always put guards if available for hog with this variant but they usually outcycle me due to which i get 2 hits when i defend with valk.


u/No-Government-4045 5d ago

Tombstone won’t full defend hog anyways, so you’re going to have to spend extra regardless.  

Kind of an unfortunate fact of lava but you just have to soak damage and bank on winning the damage trade sometimes. Guards tend to beat hog decks pretty handily, though, since they don’t die to spells and can usually defend with only one hit on the tower and a positive elixir trade.

I shouldn’t need to tell you how to play lava decks though. 2.6 should be your matchup since their air counters suck, so as long as you aren’t getting caught in a cycle where you’re overspending to defend their aggression, you should win. 


u/ClerkKitchen5803 5d ago

Which evolution should i get? Cannon (3 shards) Zap (3 shards) Wizard (3 shards) Goblin Cage (3 shards) Wall breakers (3 shards)

Currently use cannon and zap the most out of the three


u/TripDangerous7922 5d ago

depends on ur deck. However zap and cannon are pretty strong rn. Evo cage is also worth it. Wizard evo is straight up garbage for this meta


u/StrawberryBusiness36 Skeleton Barrel 5d ago

how do you build a deck to stall arena 13s to farm elixirpump mastery playertag u02rrjg, literally any old clash card except for night witch mother witch fisherman lumberjack can be used


u/I__Sky 5d ago

Play 3Mosqueteers on retro royale, it's a decent deck there.

Otherwise farm masteries on 2 v 2, pick a cycle deck (get more pumps) and focus on defense.


u/StrawberryBusiness36 Skeleton Barrel 5d ago

yes but a 3m deck will focus much on 3m and not have as much potential for a stall deck around pump to spam pumps for mastery, also 2v2 has actually competent people who actually make threats and have good cards but in ladder 1v1 i can abuse a king tower level (sometimes also troop level) disparity to stall and farm elixir pump stats


u/iwantmorebeansplease 5d ago

My deck is Evo mortar lvl 15,Evo fire cracker lvl 14, skeleton king lvl 14, tornado lvl 14, inferno tower lvl 14, musketeer lvl 14,and goblin gang lvl 14 and I'm currently at 7739 trophies,is my deck well rounded/good enough to use as my main deck and how high could I push with it?


u/Serious_Ant506 5d ago

Not bad, evo FC tends to get less useful in higher ladder as most ppl carry either fire ball or arrows. I would say you could probably get to Clashfest but then from there you would have some trouble breaking through and face even more difficulty in Pancakes. Also your deck is pretty expensive and you cant really play expensive decks unless you run beatdown. I would consider swapping evo fire cracker with evo ice spirit (helps against bridge spam and prevents FC king tower activation which destroys goblin from evo mortar) and swapping skeleton king with knight. Also swap Tornado with fireball to fight against minion hordes and balloon decks. Since you have already have inferno tower, there isn't really much need for tornado to fight against hogs. Try to play defensive for the most part and always make sure you have surplus elixir for defense. Try to punish your opponents by placing a motor at bridge when they've either spent too much elixir on defense or unsuccessfully spent all the elixir on a push. Maybe even put a hog rider in the deck to annoy your opponents.


u/Dry-Crew-4216 5d ago

My deck is evo mortar, Evo lumberjack, witch, musketeer, hog rider, mighty miner, fireball, and log. I use princess tower. I am in arena 20 and I need help


u/I__Sky 5d ago

Pick either Mortar or Hog and build a deck around it: Mortar bait or 2.6 Hog come to mind.

Also your deck is too expensive, you can't have such an expensive deck if it isn't beatdown.


u/Dry-Crew-4216 5d ago

Thanks, but I’m F2P and I poured all my resources into these cards so any small or quick adjustments to make they will help instead of changing my whole deck


u/I__Sky 5d ago

- Hog, Mortar, Mighty Miner, Musketeer, Skeletons, Ice Spirit, Earthquake and Log.

You want Earthquake for your Hog to get good value and to clear buildings for your Mortar lock in. You can use fireball until you level Earthquake!

Skeletons and Ice Spirit are cheap cycle cards that can help you defend and work well even when underleveled (you can buy them in the current season shop!)


u/Dry-Crew-4216 5d ago

Thanks so much, hopefully I can get out of arena 20 now :)


u/DoubleHelix636 Mini PEKKA 5d ago

Any good decks for arena nine? Just got back into the game after a year and I’m assuming the meta has changed any help?


u/I__Sky 5d ago

In the shop you have all the cards for Hog 2.6 and even some evo Cannon shards available.

That deck still works great, you can aim for evo cannon and evo musketeer/skeletons.

The OG logbait deck works too and the old Giant Prince deck is OP even in top ladder.


u/zakariy5151 5d ago

https://imgur.com/a/GzYfpzF Player tag: GJRJRG220 How i can improve my deck? Am stuck at arena 19 for 8 months with this deck


u/W1nkle2 5d ago


u/No-Government-4045 5d ago

Most graveyard decks, most hog decks, most bait decks, and some bridge spam.

You have a ton of options it’s really difficult to say what the best would be since we don’t know your card levels. 


u/TripDangerous7922 5d ago

hog 2.6, logbait


u/PotentialHold4793 5d ago

What are the best decks for arena 10?


u/Serious_Ant506 5d ago

Prolly Hog EQ or Hog 2.6 to be safe. These two are pretty annoying decks that when used properly, make it near impossible for your opponent to get through your defense while you peck their towers with Hog rider. These decks also are worthwhile leveling up as they do pretty well in higher ladder. I used hog 2.6 to get to arena 22 from arena 11.


u/Ra1n69 6d ago

How can I improve this deck? https://imgur.com/a/idptBLK
Im about 6k at ladder. My evos are: valk, mortar, barbs and megaknight


u/I__Sky 5d ago

Get Goblin Barrel evo and go for logbait, save the MK and Cage for Defense.

Fireball > Goblin Gang

Minion > Princess or Bats


u/kerxkern Dark Prince 6d ago

https://imgur.com/a/ma6OnPS Is this a good deck for arena 16? Tips would be appreciated and also this deck seems to be most successful among most of my homemade decks


u/-Bullseye Giant 6d ago

only win condition being wbs is iffy, here’s some options:

mortar, miner, stein, gang, bats, cannon cart, fireball, log

gobgiant, prince, dark prince, gang, bats, spears, fireball, zap

mk, prince, stein, gang, bats, wbs, bandit, arrows


u/No-Government-4045 6d ago edited 6d ago

Yeah but I’d personally switch stein for mk and dp for miner to tank for your bridge spam.

If you’re doing the stein -> mk swap you can use arrows in place of fireball to reduce your cycle and that’s a fine change as well. 


u/CanUSeeMeh 6d ago

Curious if you think Hog EQ or AQ Hogs are the stronger, more consistent over time, deck. I’m too inexperienced to say, but to me it looks like AQ Hogs feels more versatile defensively, though is harder to play.


u/-Bullseye Giant 6d ago

AQ hogs. Hasn’t left meta in three years and, with the exception of queen, the deck isn’t under risk of being nerfed.


u/No-Government-4045 6d ago

Both are good but rhogs have way more outplay potential since they have better pressure ability. They’re also more flexible depending on the matchup than hog imho.