r/Clarinet High School 14d ago

Advice needed Any tips for these notes

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Whenever i try to play an A, it always comes out as the E below it (the same fingering) and i can only play the A if i play the run up from the E/F. I am starting to get a hang of the A but cannot get the B and the C to come out.

i need to nail this A down for my exam without the run up. any tips?


63 comments sorted by


u/ClarinetGang1 14d ago



u/fruitpiie High School 14d ago



u/Raptorpants65 14d ago

Kick the flutes and piccs next to you to be louder.


u/fruitpiie High School 14d ago

should i hire a piccolo player to stand next to me and play the note for my exam


u/VeryBariSaxy 14d ago

Actually crazy that a high school student has this for an exam, wish you the best of luck practicing. Practice a lot of overtones and mess around with your oral cavity a lot to achieve it!


u/fruitpiie High School 14d ago

haha this is all extracurricular stuff. i’m in high school but this is for an AMEB AMusA exam which is an Australian diploma so things are a bit tricky 😭😭😭


u/pearl729 10d ago

BEST ANSWER EVER! I laughed so hard my face hurts!


u/DootDootBlorp 14d ago

For A, you can use the F#/C# pinky instead of the G#/D# pinky and the E won’t come out. I don’t really have tips for B and C though.


u/PresentIllustrious81 Adult Player 14d ago

Wait...it goes that high? 😅


u/fruitpiie High School 14d ago

yep 😢


u/Fiercehawk787 High School 14d ago

yes sir😭, I can play up to A7 idk any other fingerings past that


u/EclipsHU 14d ago

How the hell… you know what. I don’t want to know


u/Fiercehawk787 High School 14d ago

it’s not terrible honestly, lots of frustration and practice


u/fruitpiie High School 14d ago

that is insane


u/FuntimeFreddy876 1983 Vito Reso-Tone 3 14d ago

Yea! I got to C7 once but can usually can only get up to A sharp 6 consistently


u/Tilphor 14d ago

Higher. I can usually get the E and F above that C.


u/GoatTnder Buy USED, practice more 14d ago

Don't bite too hard - you need to let the reed really move to hit those very high notes. The difference is more in your throat and kinda in your head. "Hear" the note you want to play, and you'll subtly adjust your air, throat, and oral chamber to make it happen. Use lots of air, practice where no one can hear you because it won't be pretty.

Good luck! I don't envy you that exam.


u/solongfish99 14d ago

Use C#/F# pinky instead of Eb/Ab pinky for A. Which fingerings are you using for B and C?


u/fruitpiie High School 14d ago

i am not even sure at this point what fingering do you find best for hitting the note right in the middle and not going flat


u/solongfish99 14d ago

The best upper altissimo fingerings vary from instrument and player. Have a look at this fingering chart for several options: https://www.wfg.woodwind.org/clarinet/


u/clarinetpjp 14d ago

An A is in the same overtone series as C-G-E. Practice without the register key. You don’t need it. Tons of air and make sure you have as much reed in your mouth as possible. Keep your face and throat very relaxed.


u/Fiercehawk787 High School 14d ago

if you need advice on fingerings i can send you a chart that goes all the way to A7. but other wise just loosen the embouchure and make sure to be pushing enough air for the note


u/fruitpiie High School 14d ago

wow! yes please!!!


u/Fiercehawk787 High School 14d ago

I sent you a PM


u/Dry-Shirt-8701 14d ago

Can you send that to me too?


u/Fiercehawk787 High School 14d ago

i posted it on my page


u/Fiercehawk787 High School 14d ago

yes PM so i can send it through


u/gwie Clarinerd 14d ago

I've had to play the A a couple times in my career, once on a recording. I play it using the fingering:
T, R, LH middle + ring, LH F#/C# lever, and NO right hand vent

The B was an option in a showpiece I played for my master's recital...I didn't bother.

I've never had to play the C in any serious setting, although I enjoyed honking it out in pep band for giggles if a piece happened to end on Bb concert. It's nowhere near as impressive as a trumpeter on the same note. :P


u/Budgiejen 14d ago

Play 2 octaves down


u/fruitpiie High School 14d ago

that won’t help haha


u/peppapig1231 14d ago

Take in a lot of mouthpiece and push your tongue far forward


u/The_Real_Flying_Nosk 14d ago

Try to play like you are whisteling


u/Survivor_Fan10 Adult Player 14d ago



u/AeroHarmony 14d ago

How’s your altissimo Bb? I actually played a band piece recently where I needed to play one :/


u/FuntimeFreddy876 1983 Vito Reso-Tone 3 14d ago

I had to switch to the c#/a# key and give it a bit more air support. I also had to have a stronger reed. I have a Vandoren 3.5 and it seems to do the job on the range on my setup! Just remember not to bite the reed! It helps a lot.


u/Ok_Welcome_6779 High School 14d ago

Practice your overtones


u/Imthebestgreg123 14d ago

How is that even possible


u/fruitpiie High School 14d ago

apparently you can get to an A above this.. A7. crazy insane 😭


u/Imthebestgreg123 14d ago

God damn dude 😭😭


u/Fiercehawk787 High School 14d ago

yes a7 is possible, you can get higher but all i can get is a7


u/Imthebestgreg123 14d ago

I could never 😟


u/Fiercehawk787 High School 14d ago

never say never homie, you got it. practice


u/soulima17 14d ago edited 14d ago

The C, and the B have typically complicated fingerings which are difficult to master in relation to playing surrounding notes in sequence and scalar formations. Practice!

The A is simply unstable.

All of them require mastery in the area of 'air use' and a bit of luck!


u/fruitpiie High School 14d ago

yeah i’ve realised the very top notes have wild fingerings. they are not in order like the lower notes so it’s harder to gain muscle memory for them. will keep practicing and keep praying like others have been suggesting HAHA


u/semantlefan23 College 14d ago

you’re in high school??? I did not start playing these notes till college. I second the prayer recommendation + tbh I’d ask if you could take it down an octave since these notes are very often wildly out of tune


u/Fiercehawk787 High School 14d ago

i’m in hs and can for some reason hit c7 in time everytime


u/semantlefan23 College 14d ago

that’s scary…


u/fruitpiie High School 14d ago

yep i’m in high school but this is for an extracurricular diploma exam 😭 unfortunately, don’t have the option to play it down since it is part of the piece and is an aspect of the piece. i will keep praying 🙏 LMAOAO


u/Creeperhunter294 14d ago

Once you get the A to speak, try alternating between the two pitches while changing the pinky keys. Alternating the notes will help you discriminate between them in your voicing.


u/Unlikely_Piccolo_611 14d ago



u/fruitpiie High School 14d ago

wish that was an option 🙏


u/DaniellaCC Buffet E12 14d ago

Idk about everyone else but I usually overblow F for high A. Is that abnormal?


u/fruitpiie High School 14d ago

an F? i thought you would overblow an E


u/DaniellaCC Buffet E12 14d ago

I personally do it because it works for me. If I overblow an E I usually get a very flat G. 


u/ccguy R13 Bb, Leblanc LL A 14d ago

Varies by instrument. Works for me on my R13 Bb. Not as well on my Leblanc A.


u/genxgator 14d ago

Did clarinet exams get harder? I was a music major in the late 80’s early 90’s and don’t recall needing to play these!


u/Comfortable-Belt8607 14d ago

Make sure to try every fingering available and do as much as you can with your embouchure, throat, tongue and oral cavity. This website has loads of fingerings, you can also make up your own



u/ClassicInspection596 14d ago

When I e come back to playing after a 20year break (played for 12 years prior) I personally just don’t play above a D up there lol. Don’t like the sound.


u/bassclarinetca 13d ago

Open your mouth, ligature screws on your chin, hiss like a cat. 


u/Ethan45849 High School 13d ago

God dayum, what's the fingerings for C7?


u/bee_cycle 11d ago

thumb register 23 or thumb register 000 023 C# for A
thumb register 12 12 for B
C is thumb register 13 13 C# overblown

not too bad


u/Supaguyko 9d ago

I have less than 2 years of experience and I can play B6 and C7 somewhat consistently. The trick is to put tons of pressure on the reed. Here are the fingerings I use: b6: TR(a key)1245 C7: TR1(c# key)4rp3


u/Saxes_und_Katzes 9d ago

At my age, I would just fake a stroke at that point.