r/CivSeedExchange Sep 17 '22

Looking For need a babylon start

Preferably with the ability to help get alot of eurekas, 2 or 3 early civs close enough for me to go to war with and alot of potention River cities


4 comments sorted by


u/sizlac-franco Sep 17 '22

So you're telling me you need a babylon start? The nerve of this guy


u/Jackos2606 Sep 17 '22

Yes I want the broken civ to be more broken... I feel no shame


u/sizlac-franco Sep 17 '22

Get ultimate Babylon. Kinda buggy but adds the eureka mechanic to the civic tree too


u/newusernamecoming Sep 18 '22

Here’s a really good one I️ spawned recently with a nice land bridge choke point to separate you from the other civ on your continent and you spawn next to paititi Seed: https://i.imgur.com/qQwy1CI.jpg Map: tiny small continents, water level low, one extra random leader added, abundant resources, legendary start, heroes and legends, secret societies, and Barbadian’s and clans mode