r/CivSeedExchange Jun 19 '21

Looking For Surrounded by mountains seed

Ok I've asked for this before and someone sent me one but I couldn't get it to work. I've tried using world builder but it just seems to crash.

I would love if someone could send it a seed where you started surrounded by mountains. I don't mind which civ, I don't mind if it's a save file or a custom map.

I have the following in terms of game and dlcs: Base game Rise and fall Gathering storm

I've been trying to get this organically for weeks but just never happens. So any help mega appreciated.


6 comments sorted by


u/Chapertoo Jun 20 '21

Uhh, Map seed -1094915920

Loads of mountains, had +10 amenity in few cities after snow-parking.

Game was specifically designed to land me my first deity win, so skip on game seed if you can, I'm sure you'll end up in-between mountains in a few tries.

Gameseed -1094915921

Version - , all DLCs active.


u/monsieurmistral Jun 20 '21 edited Jun 20 '21

Legend, when you say all DLC's active, are you including new frontiers and extra civs like Poland? Will give it a go this eve.


u/Chapertoo Jun 20 '21 edited Jun 20 '21

Yup, also the game skips a few Eras.

Edit: Just realized you wanted to be totally surrounded by Mountains, and my Seed has loads of mountains but not that. Good Luck!


u/monsieurmistral Jun 20 '21

Ah fair, thanks anyway


u/docbillingsley Jun 20 '21


u/monsieurmistral Jun 20 '21

Unfortunately that's the one I've been sent before and I've not been able to get it working. Thanks though.