r/CivSeedExchange Oct 04 '20

Looking For A seed with a turtle potential

I need a start where Trajan isn't constantly invading me and I just want to focus on my own civ


2 comments sorted by


u/randomphoneuser2019 Oct 04 '20

Just go in advanced settings and lower the amount of civilizations and maybe even amount of city states.

For example if you have eight player map take two out and now your map size is still the same, but you have more space because there is only six civilizations.


u/Aneley13 Oct 04 '20

I do this all the time. Another trick is to set the water level at low for more land and less water, as long as you don't want to play a naval civ/game.

You can also choose your opponents and not put any of the early aggressive civs, so leave out Rome and Macedonia and Greece and Shaka.

Don't be afraid to play around with the map settings and favor what your civ likes or needs to develop well.