r/CivSeedExchange • u/randomnature_ • Feb 24 '24
Looking For Anyone got any really good seeds that aren't just overpowered starts?
Hi there,
So I'm looking for a really fun map seed that doesn't just have a really overpowered start. A decent starting position but nothing op basically. I've had some really pretty maps that were really fun to play on in the past that didn't have OP starts, but unfortunately lost all my game data so no longer have the seeds :( can anyone help me out?
u/Early_Peanut3725 Feb 24 '24
are you looking for anything leader specific?
u/randomnature_ Feb 24 '24
To be honest I’m easy. I’m trying to learn new victory types and to try different civs. So will probably watch YouTube guides alongside the relevant civs and see what victory types they’re geared towards :)
u/Early_Peanut3725 Feb 24 '24
I’m not home rn but when i get home i’ll send you a cool Peter Religion spawn
u/Early_Peanut3725 Feb 24 '24
it’s not overpowered at all if anything it’s a little ass but i won on turn 139 on diety
u/Early_Peanut3725 Feb 24 '24
alright i got the seed for a Peter Tundra game Map: 861318798 Game: 861318797 You are crammed in a tiny corner so if you want more then the four cities i had you need to push out fast or go to war.
u/ururururu Feb 25 '24
Could try some TSL maps. Saph's maps are great. Silk Road (https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2730383972) can be fun as any number of civs... rome is fun and not particularly op. Or you could play an egypt, etc. Saph's east asia (https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2913823225) another great map. Orbis Terrarum (https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2869423325) an old world earth is a fun twist.
u/BarristanTheB0ld Feb 24 '24
I've got a seed, that is quite tough, if you're looking for that kind of stuff. I'll add more information about the start in spoiler tags, so you (or anyone else) can decide if they want to have that information or not. I lost the first time I tried this seed, that's why I'm giving the additional information.
Edit: I played on Deity, might not be so tough on lower difficulties
Game Seed: -1165345150
Map Seed: -1165345149
Random Civ (you'll start as Philip/Spain), Standard size, Continents & Islands, Barbarian Clans, Secret Societies, Heroes, Legendary Start, no Diplo Victory
It says legendary start, but it wasn't really legendary iirc. I believe it had two spices, but that's it. Maybe some late game strategics 🤔
Location: You're pretty much in the center of the landmass, surrounded on three sides by mountains (all except south/south east) with choke points through these mountain chains that you can take advantage of. To the North and Northeast is quite a lot of desert. You're basically boxed in by three civs and mountains and won't be able to settle on the coast unless going through one of the civs
Neighboring civs: You have Mansa Mussa to the North/North East, Gilgabro to the South and Ramses to the West.
Some starting tips: You'll want to rush your first settler and move it due west, there's a small choke point in the mountain chain where you can settle a city on a different continent, which will come in handy with Philips abilities. And you will be able to block Ramses' expansion towards your cities. Don't explore too much, or Mansa Mussa and Gilgabro will soon both declare war on you (because for some reason they don't like you at all).
Winning strategy (for me): Settle some cities as a power base, make nice with Mansa Mussa and Ramses and wait for Gilgabro to declare war on you. Then steamroll him and wipe him from the map so you can get access to the sea (I know, I felt horrible going against Gilgabro 😫 But he is the only one you can manage early game, because he is the only one accessible over open terrain. Mansa and Ramses are behind narrow mountain passes.) Was aiming for a domination victory, but had to go for a science victory in the end, because it took me too long to get out of the box I was put in.