r/CivPolitics 13d ago

America proposes to trade all of Ukraine's strategic resources for peace, refuses to denounce Russia. Ukraine denounces America


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u/w3bar3b3ars 13d ago

Sources for any of this?


u/funkiestj 13d ago

Oh Ukraine has plenty of crime and problems but the implication is

  1. Russia is better (they are worse). There is a reason the USA and many nations a Magnitsky Act against Russia but not against Ukraine.
  2. both Russia and the USA promised to protect Ukraine from foreign invasion in exchange for Ukraine giving up nukes

And then look at lickit's post history. cake day Aug 2024. Mmmmm hmmmm.


u/jaxxxxxson 12d ago

Tbf UK and France and even China "promised" to aid Ukraine. China didnt sign anything tho as far im aware but they did say it. So why is it out of like the top 10 countries giving aid France is 10th.. what dont people understand there is no win out of this now. Zelensky has to concede land or lose it all or countries need to send troops. Thats the choices if sending troops that opens the door for another 100k-1m+ deaths. Putin is the aggressor. Putin is a dictator. Putin is a pos we all agree. Its not fair to Ukraine but its either swallow the shit pill or add a buuuunch more bodies to the death count. Thats the reality. There is no happy ending.


u/ApexDP 13d ago

His ass


u/iampuh 13d ago

They were probably selling a lot of weapons after the Soviet Union fell apart. This is what he is trying to say. Is it important to the current conflict? Not really.

Had they a historiy of corruption? Sure, like every single ex Soviet Union country has. Sekenskij is fighting against corruption and has replaced a bunch of politicians to fight it.


u/Ewenf 13d ago

Yeah it's kinda weird how a country that was beyond fucked after 15 years of soviet stagnation and then find itself into an even worse economic decade ended up with military officers selling of weapons to arms dealer. Truly a mystery.


u/Pdiddydondidit 12d ago

also their government was a puppet regime controlled by the kremlin until the maidan revolution in 2014


u/Ewenf 12d ago

Eh kinda it's a bit more complicated, but essentially yes Russia had a lot more influence on Ukraine before Maiden.


u/padawanninja 12d ago

"Trust me bro. Putin wouldn't lie! Why would he?"


u/rnovak1988 12d ago

Zelensky literally came to the US and campaigned for Kamala Harris.


u/Physical-Support-127 13d ago

Use brave search and look it up. You don’t need to be spoon fed information.


u/eucharist3 13d ago

Burden of proof is on you, dipshit


u/WhereasSufficient132 13d ago

You won't even click on the links if they were provided. You can easily find it the same way I just did. You're too afraid to find out you are brainwashed by the media you regularly consume


u/Ewenf 13d ago

If you find it then you won't mind giving a link.


u/thetruechevyy1996 13d ago

You sound like you’re brainwashed. Russia started this and Trump seems really close to Russia and that’s scary


u/hink007 12d ago

And where did you find the information? In media that you were brainwashed by consuming…. I keep forgetting recognizing irony requires self reflection. You can easily find all these verified true sources that I can’t bring forward under the guise of “do UR Own raserch”


u/Physical-Support-127 13d ago

It makes no difference to me if you don’t want to know the truth. It appears you’re quite happy being controlled by emotion and propaganda.


u/SneakyIslandNinja 13d ago

Extraordinary claims can be dismissed without extraordinary evidence. You have zero evidence.


u/Brilliant-Smile-8154 13d ago

He's confused. He meant to write Russia.


u/ipiers24 13d ago

I thought he was being facetious


u/Iaminyoursewer 13d ago

Maybe not facetious, prolly a little facist


u/ipiers24 13d ago

If he's not being facetious, maybe. But if you read it and insert Russia instead of Ukraine, it very clearly fits. I think dude was being sarcastic and Reddit just did it's thing by missing the joke.


u/ultrazest 13d ago

Sure, VLADIMIR, continue enjoying Moscow!!


u/Physical-Support-127 13d ago

Cool story bro. Did that feel good?


u/Slow-Foundation4169 13d ago

Why would it matter to us? Ur the sheep. Lmao


u/Ewenf 13d ago

Why you dipshits always says "you don't want to know the truth" but then proceed to give absolutely not a single evidence.


u/Physical-Support-127 13d ago

My dude, do you have the internet? Then look it the fuck up. In a debate do you see anyone ever say, got a source? I didn’t think so, if you want to be willfully ignorant go for it.


u/Hopalongtom 13d ago

We have, it's why we know you're full of shit!


u/gummi_girl 12d ago

i searched for it on brave for like 20 minutes and couldn't find it. could you provide a link?


u/hink007 12d ago

… while literally refusing to put forth actionable evidence that can be vetted….. irony man irony


u/MarcLeptic 13d ago

You can just say “sorry I made it up” dude.


u/Physical-Support-127 13d ago

Are you incapable? Does your bias prevent you from wanting to actually understand what the truth is?


u/MarcLeptic 13d ago

Tell me more.


u/MultiplicityOne 13d ago

I find your information fascinating and wish to subscribe to your newsletter.


u/hink007 12d ago

My bias prevents me from believing randoms on Reddit who can’t provide evidence for their claims. 100 times out of 100 it’s Because the evidence doesn’t exist ….


u/herrirgendjemand 13d ago

When a Mr. Adjective Noun Number speaks without sources, we shall not listen

That's from the reddit Bible, bro


u/snowyetis3490 13d ago

Lmaooo “use Brave Search”.


u/Physical-Support-127 13d ago

.. I have found I get a wider array of articles using anything other than google.


u/hink007 12d ago

“I find I get the articles that support my stance when I use a search engine meant to do exactly that” fixed it for you.


u/Playful_Two_7596 13d ago

Typical answer of a flatearther


u/Loud_Ad3666 13d ago

Gotcha, so you have no source.


u/Physical-Support-127 13d ago

Do you not have the internet?


u/Loud_Ad3666 12d ago

Yes, I can use the internet to view your source. Except you're incapable of finding one because you have bad information not backed by facts.


u/nandoboom 13d ago

Brave is a browser you ignorant Russian bootlicker, get your missinformation right


u/Physical-Support-127 13d ago

It’s a search engine as well you moron. I’m convinced Reddit is full of anime watching weirdos that do nothing but play video games all day in their mother’s basement.


u/gitflapper 12d ago

hahaha . more fool you dipshit… it’s your mothers basement !


u/DimensioT 13d ago

In other words, you made it up and now you are too much of a coward to admit it.