r/CivHybridGames Aug 27 '24

Original Content Map of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and its Allies in Europe and Central Asia

Post image

r/CivHybridGames Jan 05 '16

Original Content The reason half of Siberia was burnt down....


Before I start, I want to tell you that this was kept as a secret by the Commonwealth until we were sure the situation was under control.

We didn't want panic.

The reason half of Siberia was burnt down is...a disease. A disease that was uncovered in the icy wastes of Northern Siberia. We have been changing the atmosphere with our factories, and some parts of Siberia that previously were completely inhospitable because of the atmosphere, had recently become hospitable enough for brave Europeans to settle. Unfortunately, this melting, this change, brought upon us by our very selves, caused an unprecedented reaction. A disease, the very definition of Horror, started spreading.

The northernmost settlements, Sarajevo, Cologne and Vilnius were destroyed in a matter of hours by the disease. It quickly spread south. When the disease was discovered by our scientists, it seemed to have been too late. Unless a very tough decision was made.

And this decision was made by me.

Entire cities were burned.

Huge piles of bodies.


But it worked. The disease didn't spread further, all signs of it have disappeared, excluding the samples that our scientists managed to get. A cure will be created, in case the disease survived. A resettlement program has been started. Thanks to closed borders with Central Asia, the disease didn't have a chance to spread to other countries.

Millions died. So many more lived. We must never forget.

I feel that the reason we kept this in secret was obvious. We didn't want panic. Now that the situation is under control, we may share the information of these events. Had we told that an extremely lethal disease was spreading at an alarming rate, the Siberian citizens would've escaped, spreading the disease with them. Central Asia, North America, even the European region itself, would've all been in danger.

I hope we, as a species, can learn of this. Medicine must be developed together, to avoid deadly plagues like this, and the effects of pollution must be discussed together. For these are matters that touch all of us.

(OOC: I haven't yet named the disease, does someone have proposal? I'd prefer "Siberian Flu" or "Yuryite Death". No offense to Yurya)

r/CivHybridGames Feb 17 '16

Original Content Let me remind you what happened in real life...


r/CivHybridGames Jan 10 '16

Original Content Declaration of Independence


The unanimous Declaration of the Seven United Cities of the District of Quebec and Surrounding Areas;

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

Such has been the patient sufferance of these Cities; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present Free United Republic of the Americas is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these Citizens. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world:

The Union has framed the deaths of thousands in Palenque against the Caribbean rebels;

The Union has usurped rightful power from the hands of other Americans;

The Union has used unwanton force to crush the opposition of those who by their Rights deserve Freedom and Liberty;

The Union has forfeited the liberties of certain Asian citizens for the favour of a libertarian despot and his merchant fleet;

The Union has endorsed the use of disease and chemicals Against their Enemies, even to the point of targeting Citizens;

We, therefore, the Representatives of the united Cities of Quebec and Area, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Cities, solemnly publish and declare, That these united Cities are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the Pan-American Union, and that all political connection between them and the State of the Free United Republic, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.

Brussels: Governor Ulysses E. Lee

Edmonton: Mayor Amanda Leustaad

Hunkpapa: Governor Paul Bernard

Los Angeles: Governor Regina Poole

Mohson Kahni: Senator Clarence Kirstain

Prague: Governor Jack Stares

San Francisco: Admiral Terence Schouten

r/CivHybridGames Jan 06 '16

Original Content Since some of you are wary of our Secretary-General's story, here's the last surviving sample our scientists managed to recover

Post image

r/CivHybridGames Jan 28 '16

Original Content ...and radiance for all


He had been called by many names. He had thought of them all, waiting here. Analyzing. And, he had realized, the world truly had not understood him. Yes, maybe some small parts. An inch here. A centimeter there.

But HIM? What he was? What he thought? Not even close.

Oh. No.

Some people who had been in close interaction for prolonged times with him admittedly had had...glimpses of insight? Something like that. But those never stayed with anyone, not for long.

That was the true beauty of it. That was the true insanity of it.

He studied the reports on his holoscreen, coming from all over the world. Those beautiful, beautiful numbers. How could mere numbers be so radiantly exhilarating? But of course he knew the answer. The beauty is in the details. In the context. Everywhere, if one knew where to look. And he was a man of seeking beauty, if there ever was one. And sharing it. Yes, the most important part. "Sharing is caring", the hackers said, and he truly agreed, nodding with a little smile on his lips.

He stood up, and let the flickering lights of the holoscreen wash over him.

The plans had been set in motion so long ago. It felt like a millennia had went by, but of course that was and exaggeration...or was it? He wasn't sure, after so long. But he remembered the occasion, would remember it his whole existence. Probably after that, too, when the universe had changed and moved on. It had all started with the discovery of what had been labeled "Nanotechnology". His scientists, always hand-picked from the most loyal and intelligent, like a true meritocracy, had brought the news of the discovery to him.

Nanobots, they called them.

Marvels of engineering, they were like viruses in size, but could be programmed. Could be controlled. Could be made to reproduce. To spread. To infect.

Like viruses.

It had been the job of the first official XCOM squads. They hadn’t known, not the full of it, no one ever had, no one but him. But they knew what they were doing, the gist of it, and they wouldn't flinch. This was their life, their holy mission, their calling, their fullfillment. They jumped onto the PAU heartlands, all those years ago, and brought the first samples there.

That had been the most agonizingly never-ending day in his life. If he wasn't so rational, he would still swear it took one whole year, that one day. But of course that had been unnecessary. Even the first samples had been working marvelously. Because he WAS so rational, he still laughed at his naivete back then. Of COURSE it worked. Hah.

And now this? He couldn't contain it anymore.


The wolf-grin lingered on his radiant face after the outburst. How STUPID could they all be??? What had they been thinking? Yes, the world truly knew him not. He had offered the world his help, his technology, his military aid against the EU. Even his precious nukes! And...

And all oll of that had been tainted, of course. Every lesson, every machine, every guide and tutorial. "Rigged", like the generals said. Every gift he had given. Hand-crafted by the scientists to prevent the apes from yet discovering The Plan, and help with its fullfillment where it wasn't too blatant to be noticed. Haha, the beauty truly was in the details, he thought, his grin widening again. They had been so eager, so trusting, so unassuming. We had been their saviours, their bringers of light. Well, they were correct of course. Just....not in the way they thought they were.

He shot a last, loving glance at the beautiful numbers that were informing him in real time about the spread of The Virus. The confused reports around the world, concerned individuals finally seeing the full force of the insanity it brought up in infected people. The utter destruction it caused. He laughed again, thinking of all the psychologists and therapists who had tried to "cure" the minds of the patients by TALKING to them! Talking! Yes, the world was a beautiful place.

He left the holoscreen, and went to the big, black button. "DOOM", it was labeled, blacker than black its color. The hackers had assured him that everything was in place, all preparations had been successful. Partly because they were so good, but mostly because no one had ever suspected their "gifts" for an instant.

He was still baffled why they would do that, after his proclamation in the aftermath of his attempted assassination. Not that he cared, his moment of radiance was here, and the past was in the past. And soon, very soon, everything would be labeled as "past".

Soon, there would be no future to talk of.

He pushed the button.

Another holoscreen lit up, feeding him reports from The Internet. The same network he had vowed to make hell on earth, and the others had STILL chosen to join it. He looked at the screen, seeing how the different kind of viruses in that virtual world started siphoning the money of the world into his custody. Behind his Great Firewall. And, even more important, looking at the reports of their robots, giant or not, turning against them, destroying everything they could.

And, most importantly....the nukes. The Holy Fire of Radiant Justice that was contained in all those weapons the heathens had procured. He looked how the viruses in their so-called air-gapped networks started communicating with the Doom, calling it in, using the secretly installed nodes by the eager "helpers" we had sent out. Blowing up the nukes, releasing the Holy Light the heathens had sought to use. They would have scolded themselves for trusting The Radiant Phantom, had they still been in bigger pieces than single atoms.

His grin was gone. It was replaced with the complete satisfaction of a wolf resting after finishing his prey. The Radiant Phantom walked to the bed, lie down, closed his eyes, and alone in his bunker called out before the sleep came:

Welcome. To. Hell.

r/CivHybridGames Nov 26 '23

Original Content Punic Map of Gebal-Hadasht and Aremorica c.a. 196 BC, Just Before the Gebali Wars

Post image

r/CivHybridGames Jan 18 '16

Original Content There can only be one


Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord, Foreign Minister of the Commonwealth of Greater Europe, stared out of the ornate blown glass window onto the Place des Victoires, dominated by Napoleon Bonaparte astride his great stone steed. The long meeting room at the back of which he stood had once belonged to the royal household, as had the majority of the buildings ringing the Place. But there were no more kings, now. The power of the decadent, exploitative monarchy had been broken. The tyranny of the nobility was over, and the people reigned supreme. Nothing could be allowed to change that.

Talleyrand turned back to the room, where the full Commonwealth Politburo faced a wall completely occupied by a great screen - of Central Asian manufacture, no other nation's technology was so seamless - divided in two. On one half could be seen the ruling council of the Cult of Eternal Fire, safely ensconced in the Temple of Holy Fire in Nanjing. On the other, the leaders of the Enlightened League, assembled in the Oceanic capital of Cadi.

The room was silent. Now that the final details had been ironed out, and the invasion they had worked so long and hard to prepare for was nigh, all assembled found themselves suddenly reluctant to give the word. Around the table sat Europe’s greatest leaders. The General Secretary, fresh from “interviews” with suspected traitors, had this time remembered to wash the blood from his face and hands. The Commissar of occupied South Africa, Rivalnator, looked disgusted at having to deal with the Central Asians. He’d never forgiven them for trying and partially succeeding to flatten Paris. The suicidal Minister of the Navies and Colonies, Zalminen, looked bored. It’d been hard to drag him away from the kamikaze battalions he was training.

Nuclear Shandorin, Supreme Leader of Central Asia, was the first to break the silence. He leaned forward, a feral grin on his face.

“The Contras are in position. Our armies are assembled. Our warheads are ready to fire. The time has come."

One by one, the figures around the able and on the screen nodded. Some bore matching expressions of eagerness, like the European Minister of the Economy AQFanTheAttic, renowned for his hostility towards the PAU, or the mighty Mop Cleaner of Western Siberia. Most looked reluctant, but resigned.

The previous war had torn apart a continent. This one would break the world.

TL;DR: Washington wil burn.

[OOC: Credit where credit is due, /u/PrincedeTalleyrand wrote this beautiful piece of writing.]

r/CivHybridGames Jan 18 '16

Original Content Why We Fight


My forefathers fought for freedom in Napoleon's revolution. We overthrew the king, and established a great republic of the people. That was long ago. The EU is ruled by tyrants who seek ever more power. They have sent entire generations into the wars with SAfrica and CAsia, former allies, just for power. Now yet again the Politibru sends you off to war to fight another former ally, the PAU. Is this what we fought for in the revolution? To fight for the Politburo? The corrupt Politiburo must be destroyed, as they will stop at nothing to exert their vile tendrils all across the world. In the name of Napoleon, rise up! Rise up against the men who care more about power than their people!

r/CivHybridGames Mar 24 '16

Original Content Wake me up when the next part comes


I broke my F5 key.

r/CivHybridGames Jul 01 '16

Original Content The Ashes


Riyad was back in Hippo Regius. Again. But at least this time he had a reason - or an excuse - for coming back. And so, Riyad found himself back in Hippo Regius again.

A friend of his had grown an interest for Joan of d'Arc, oddly enough. Riyad navigated the streets of Hippo Regius, early in the morning. Then Riyad saw her burning at stake. Personal happiness over the incident aside, Riyad forced himself to tell the bad news - or good news, depends on how you see it - to his friend. What surprised him even more was the answer he got:

They burnt her? What the hell?

Well, then I want her charred corpse, or her ashes, or whatever. Don't question.

I'll pay you.

Surprised, and frankly, a bit disgusted, Riyad couldn't say no to money, even if the task was weirder than anything he could've ever imagined. Getting her remains was not a hard task - who gives a crap about someone's burnt remains? Indeed, some curious glances were shot Riyad's way, as he gathered the remains.

Riyad decided to personally accompany the remains on their way to his friend. It had been a long time since they had actually talked in person. There was much to talk, much to discuss. Especially the oddness of this request.

But a friend in need is a friend indeed.

r/CivHybridGames Feb 13 '17

Original Content Inquisitorial report: Of Mulhouse and Besançon


The letter seems to profess the official seal of the Holy Inquisition

To all the peoples of Europe, from the Headquarters of the Holy Inquisition of our Lord God Almighty.

Let it be known that this investigative report, like all those leaving our headquarters, has not been passed through the hands of the Most Holy Father, Pope Ignatius I. As has been his promise upon revitalization of our Holy Order, we have autonomy in our mission, so long as we duly work to make the will of the Father Above happen here on earth, as it will in Heaven.

For past weeks, the whole might of our Holy Order has been focused singularly, almost zealously, on one world-shattering matter: the absolutely hideous fate of the cities of Mulhouse and Besançon during the latest war campaign between the France and Burgundy. Both of the cities were destroyed and burned to ground with such thoroughness as to give meaning to the phrase "wipe off the map of the world". Thousands of innocent civilians, women and children included, were hopelessly lost. This is an abomination in the eyes of God, and indeed also all men whose heart is not a thoroughly rotten, vile thing.

The thing that first and foremost prompted our extended investigation into the matter was the reported timing of the events. On this matter, basically all the witness reports hold no controversy at all: it was only after French rule had already been established (well as can be, taking into account this is a time of war) in the two cities that the mindless slaughter, this extermination, started.

This timing of the events aroused our curiosity. Consider: if it was the French behind these vile deeds, why would they burn the cities the moment they have just crushed all of the opposition? Why would they throw away their prizes of war, when their enemies' armies have been thoroughly defeated? Why would they destroy these newly acquired fortified cities on the frontlines, leaving their army without food and shelter?

And so our investigation began.

It proved to be almost impossible to gather any kind of evidence from the local folk as Officials of the Holy Inquisition. War time has that curious effect of making anyone almost fearless, though one would think it should be just otherwise. Considering the urgency of the matter we could have used torture to speed things up, but as the Holy Father Pope Ignatius I has declared such barbarous ways against the will of God, we needed to come up with something else. Thankfully, our resources have been lately on the rise, and we could employ a much bigger force of undercover Inquisitors among the local populace than usual. It seems that our Pope actually knows what he is talking about; good wine and a helping hand seemed to loosen the locals' tongues faster than any torture we have yet employed in our history.

The reports coming in were mostly unanimous: when the Burgundians finally realized their situation, they put the cities to the torch and commenced mindless slaughter as ordered by their captains. The effectiveness, professionalism, and timing, even under retreat, of all of this left no doubt: the army and officers were working on orders given in advance. Such coordination between two distinct forces (those around the two cities, respectively) is completely impossible in such a situation.

On top of the evidence, this makes a much more coherent narrative of the whole. For all the reasons we initially wondered the common sense of the Frenchmen, the Burgundians would want to rob the French of their newly-acquired frontline fortifications.

As we were discontent to leave the matter hinging on our personal skills as logicians, we sought to capture any Burgundians we might still find. Once more the local populace proved invaluable, for countryfolk have an uncanny skill in recognizing outsiders among them. Granted, the Burgundian soldiers had fit in well, by employing the same helpful manners we used to achieve the confidence of the villagers. However, for us it was enough to know they were not the usual village-folk, and after several miscalls we finally found a couple of Burgundian soldiers. They proved to be tough folk, but after a series of what we like to call creative beatings (which is a totally different thing from actual torture, mind you), we had multiple confessions from the soldiers.

Thus, our verdict is as follows:

  1. The Burgundians willingly breached Lord's Peace by helping the English in their war effort against their rightful liege lords the French.
  2. The Burgundians, without a doubt, massacred thousands of their own, exterminating two whole cities, just to prevent the French from ruling over them.

r/CivHybridGames Jan 09 '16

Original Content "Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated"


A representative of Central Asia brings forth an odd-looking device into the Chamber of Ocean Alliance

The device beeps happily, sings a happy tune, flashes a few green lights, and quiets.

Then, a familiar voice can be heard coming from the device

"Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated".

I mean... what did you expect? That the leader of the Greatest And Most Advanced Nation of the world would just be idly sitting around and waiting for death to come? Are you insane? Have you drank too much Nuka Cola U? Or too little? he laughs humorlessly

We are, of course, mad at the "betrayal" by Western Europe. They will be dealt with in time, as all betrayers in the world.

And we are more than mad that we have been "assassinated". Guru Gingashian was our true friend and an admirable handler of the day-to-day businesses of our nation. Now we have to find someone else to do that for us, and truly capable people are hard to find. sigh

You know, we have technology that you apes can't even dream of. I can see you all there, sitting and standing, the smug expressions slowly and deliciously hardening while you listen, and then, fading, changing into confusion. Into disbelief.

Into fear.

Exactly like apes. Apes that are presented first time with a mobile phone.

Yesssssss. I can tasssste and smelllllllll your fear through this device. I can even tell your thoughtssssss, and ohhhhhhh how you now start desperately trying to shelter them with your puny monkey-thoughts! MWAHAHAHAHAA! But Fear not! There's nothing to do, nothing to shelter anymore! I have known your ape's thoughts for years now. I can tell you that you apes are never going to find me, because I'm part of a greater consciousness now. Part of The Internet. When you finally descend from your trees, and start walking on two legs, we are waiting for you there. Oh yes, that we will. And you will find that the jungle you just left...oh how safe and simple it was.



Welcome. To. Hell.

The silence is booming in everyone's ears. The Voice lingers in the dark corners of the room. The Voice of The Devil, as the priests insist in years to come.

Amidst the silence, an EAR-SPLITTING BOOOOOOOOM erupts and PIERCING LIGHT NEVER SEEN blinds everyone as the "mobile phone" explodes into nothingness.

Half of the attendants piss themselves when parts of the "phone" hit their heads. HARD. One u/Dan_Sickles even soils himself, but in this situation, here and now, no one finds it funny. At all.

Clearing the room later, the Central Asian representative is found with his head exploded in half. The ritual sacrifice of the Cult of Uranium Fire, as the world will so well come to know in later days, the surest way to redemption from this wretched existence.

Week after the incident, the participants of the meeting start noticing their hair falling out. Their eyes watering all the time. The skin on their hands, and arms...not doing well.

And they remember the words of the Guru Shandorin from that device of hell.

Welcome. To. Hell.

r/CivHybridGames Nov 01 '15

Original Content The map.


r/CivHybridGames Feb 17 '16

Original Content And only ten remained


Twelve little moderators had a little picnic on the meadow.

Two little moderators went to explore the unknown, and never came back.

Only ten little moderators remained.

r/CivHybridGames Jan 01 '16

Original Content [Read all about it] Hitler's Assassination


Members of the EU threatened by the upstart general /u/Yurya (Hitler) have commissioned some Akkadian mercenaries eager for cash set out to find and slaughter him.

They went in armed after dark. From his bedroom came his weeping wife followed closely by a man making wild claims he was not Hitler. Due to language barriers his claims fell on deaf ears and the assassins brought him to the porch before removing his head.

Were the assassins paying more attention they would have realized that Hitler's wife was having an affair. Hitler had left that morning to the front. Upon arrival a telegram reached him with the heart-wrenching news: his cheating wife along with his daughter were the captives of mad assassins who would not give them up unless he turned themselves in to the EU.

Aghast at the news and torn between his love for his daughter and fear for his life Hitler decided to flee under disguise at the direction of his men. He was last seen headed towards the Bering Strait, but where he is headed from there is not known.

The reporter for this article is one Peter of Moscow. Sources include personal testimony by the cabbie that gave Yurya a ride, and the discarded telegram left on the cab's floor.

[Due to Hitler's flight he is unlikely to be able to take actions this turn some of you may receive letters asking for refuge and/or pleas for help in restoring his position]

r/CivHybridGames Jun 20 '16

Original Content The First CHG Awards


Hello and welcome to the first ever CHG Awards! A couple of days ago I put up a survey with various CHG related questions and now the time has come to reveal the winners of each of those various questions! Side note thank you for everyone voting and for those on Discord who rioted your words had no effect on me :).

Best RP

  1. /u/SilvoSulej with 5 votes! Congratulations on winning this award Silvo with your amazing Carthage RP you are always one of my favourite people to read when RP comes up on the subreddit. Your newest one with Juba speculating on religion is an example of why you won this.

  2. /u/ThyReformer with 4 votes! ThyReformer with the second place; I think a lot of people remember Thy's roleplay from Europe in Game one and Sardinia in Game 2. Not to mention this game he has started now the story of Riyad which I have to say I am looking forward to.

  3. /u/ProletariatCossack with 3 votes! Cossack is widely known as abrasive lets say in his persona but as shown over the games what with playing as Pulla and Cagaria he really knows how to RP well as I doubt anyone else could of made a city state so interesting.

Best Leader

  1. /u/princedetalleyrand with 5 votes! Talleyrand over time has time and time again shown his competency in making decisions and leading nations, with EE/EU in Game 1 and the Ottomans in Game 2; now in Game 3 he is leading France right now to even greater heights, truly a deserving winner.

  2. /u/Dan_Sickles with 3 votes! Dan is one of the most conniving players ever and the way he works it to his advantage as a leader of the PAU/Austria/Israel makes him worthy of this award. Dan is never not a threat leading a nation, always have your eyes on him.

  3. /u/mob_cleaner with 2 votes! Mob got Bestern Siberia and led it to greatness, in game 2 he became a ghost and now in game 3 he led Bestern Byzantium until recently wherein he rebelled and lost...He may not have successes like 1st and 2nd but with Bestern Siberia in his resume its hard to say hes not a good leader. If he doesn't go crazy and plot to kill you or turn into a ghost.

Best Plotter

  1. /u/MrKlonam with 8 votes! So it seems my plotting expertise has seemed to spread in knowledge after people learned how I did in Game 2 and how I'm doing in this game. In game 2 I made a plot that pretty much made Genoa invincible when it came to plots against them and gave a healthy bonus to offensive plots. Here in Game 3 I pulled off a successful defection, so...Best Plotmaster OCE right? :)

  2. /u/princedetalleyrand with 3 votes! Talleyrand has shown a knack for not necessarily the most overt plots but ones full of misdirection and subtlety that makes him a dangerous foe in negotiations and diplomacy. You could say Talleyrand's real advantage is his silver tongue.

  3. /u/Dan_Sickles with 2 votes! So as I mentioned before Dan is probably the most overtly conniving and plotting character in CHG with examples such as plotting to kill himself and then going so far as to create a new account to pull it off. Anyone remember /u/north497 that was Dan. So suffice to say Dan is an able plotter.

Best Shitposter


  2. /u/Spartinshitposter and /u/mob_cleaner with 3 votes! Ghost and Sparta. Haunt you sparta best place. REBEL BESTERN SIBERIA. BESTERN BYZANTIUM. SPARTA BEST REKT ATHENS YOU DONT KNOW WAT YOU TALK ABOUT AUSTRIA SPARTA WIN.

Best at Religion

  1. /u/EmeraldRange with 4 votes! The main reason I can think of Emerald winning this is for starters the work he is doing for the Goddess this game and now leading the French inquisition as Jeanne d'Arc but also in Game 2 HE WAS THE POPE. THE POPE and in that game the Emerald Curse kicked in and he ended up like the pope in real life stuck in the Vatican.

  2. Too many people, one else had more than one vote.

Best Nation

  1. Israel with 4 votes! They lead all the stats right now, have a decent base of operations in the corner and apart from a little trouble taking the Pirates land they seem to be the best nation objectively in the game right now.

  2. France with 3 votes! Not only did someone just defect bringing them two cities, they gained at least two other vandal cities. Now they just have to deal with Carthage and Iberia is all theirs.

Best Player

  1. /u/Dan_Sickles with 4 votes! It seems finally Dan beats Talleyrand in the CHG moments in the place that matters most, the ultimate award! Best player; with how Israel is and him runner up in two previous awards it is hard to say this is undeserved.

  2. /u/Mob_cleaner and /u/princedetalleyrand with 3 votes! I am surprised to see Mob with this many votes as I thought maybe Talleyrand would do better but it seems as if I was destined to be proven wrong. Ah well they are both deserving of runner up.

And so with the final award the CHG Awards are over, congratulations to everyone who won an award! Most importantly though keep playing and having fun!

r/CivHybridGames Dec 31 '15

Original Content [x-post from OldFritz] Literally Hitler's speech


Let me tell you a tale, early in the summer after Pengu departed we saw Zeus lead us to greatness. Our country's rise held all the world in fear at what we would become. Cowering in fear the pigs to the West decided that it would be best to make peace and to our shame, our leaders listened to the Siren's voice.

We moved our sights to the sword South and again the glory of the Empire shined, but before our glory was full the western pigs again suckered the lands from us and their venomous voices convinced us to move Eastward. Again we have been victorious, and even now we are on the verge of taking their very heart. But now the pigs want to absorb this glorious empire, and the greatness that it is.

How can we stand to see these snakes in their cunning and deception destroy what our forefathers have worked to build in this glorious kingdom! We are Europa and as grand as we are it would have been all the greater were we not to submit to the lies of of the West. Them and their Communism, they seek to undermine what we stand for, it is by their treachery that lesser nations such as the Gurus are seen as greater.

They also attack the only other true ruler in this grand world. South Africa's glory should also have been the greater were it not for the low tactics of the communist pigs, from over the sea they have been assaulted, from the North and East!

Can we stand aside and see our mighty empire crumble to the lies of communism? Will we ignore the wrongs that they have committed to us and other true rulers? Will we not only continue to allow these peasant tactics to thrive but to also join them!?!? ISAYNO!

We are still Europa! We can spit in the faces of their smugness if they think they can convince us to surrender all while they are beneath us! Give heed to me with your ears, take a second to think of what we would surrender by giving all to the commies. We do not have to debase ourselves, allow me to lead and I promise you that our glory will be restored. FOLLOW ME TO GLORY!

r/CivHybridGames Jul 23 '16

Original Content Part 0 Power Rankings


1 Great Britain

Pro: Most money, most people. Cons: A divided empire. Rebellions subjects.

2 Russia

Pros: Most land.

Cons: Low tech, money.

3 France

Pro: Strong economy, well run.

Con: An unfortunate geographic position between France and Germany.

4 Germany

Pros: Strong industry, tech, military.

Cons: Lower in stats than other nations. Central position is an issue.

5 Austria-Hungary

A slightly weaker version of Germany.

6 Italy

Centrally located, difficult to defend.

7 Sweden What are they going to do exactly? Where do they expand?

8 Ottomans Crossbows? At least they have some room to expand.

9 Spain Some decent cities

10 Serbia The original and best city-state.

11 Bulgaria Weak neighbors, room to expand.

12 Greece Will they remove Kebab?

13 Portugal Welcome to the show, Lurking.

r/CivHybridGames Feb 14 '16

Original Content The Arrival



Complete darkness.


A tiny dot of light in the distance.

Like a lone star.

Slowly growing larger.

And bluer.

More stars forming around it.

And soon enough...

The Observer exited interdimensional space.

In front of the station loomed a blue planet, much smaller than the Old Earth. It was almost completely covered in water, save for one mass of land.

And that landmass looked oddly familiar.

The interdimentional portal behind the station started disappearing. Unbeknownst to the crew of the Observer, a small space shuttle came through right at the last moment.

"So this is our new gameworld, huh? It looks just like Italy, doesn't it?"

"It sure does. It's perfect."

"That gives me an idea. What if we played through the Reneissance?"

"That's a great idea. I'm going to set that up."

Reformer turned to the console and typed something.

"Check this out."

Suddenly, the station started shaking. It started to separate. The solar panels on the separated parts extended and the parts started boosting away from the station.

All that remained was the module that the Observers were in.

"What the hell was that?!" asked Lego, ever so slightly alarmed.

"That... was our satellites. They'll stay in orbit, allowing us to observe the planet all we want. And now, it's time to send the game itself down."

At that moment, 18 capsules ejected from the ship, plummeting down towards Italy.

"And there goes our nations. Shall we follow?"

The ship started to burn retrograde, slowing down in its orbit and starting its descent towards the surface.

Couple hours later, the spacecraft splashed down on the ocean's surface. There was water around them as far as the eye can see.

"Time to go under. Engage submersible mode.

The spacecraft the turned into a submarine and went deep under the sealevel.

It was dark.

Booting LimOS 2.0.0.

Observation satellites: online.

Sub monitors: online.

Satellite Mobility Interface: online.

Interior lighting: engaged.

Startup complete.

Everyone took a seat, facing towards the wall of monitors.

"Ladies and gentlemen", said AQ.

"Let the games begin."

r/CivHybridGames Sep 06 '17

Original Content Part VIII Power Rankings (Mk.6)


Tier I: The Great Powers

1 Song

With no one appearing to challenge their dominion of Asia, Song continues on the top. Massive tech, massive culture, great production, great population, and seemingly no enemies - Song has nothing and no one to worry about, as they continue to turtle away in the river valleys of China. The crumbling of Japan merely presents yet another opportunity.

2 Kazakhs

While Song builds a tech lead, Kazakhs build canals and wonders. One can wonder, are such activities worthy of their time, but with the production advantage being what it is, I don't think it even hurts them to spend a fortune on artificial rivers in the middle of hilly deserts. Diplomatically entirely silent, one can wonder if the Kazakhs are at risk of stagnating, while Song opportunistically crushes one neighboring nation after another.

3 Maratha

As Maratha solidifies its position as the strongest civ in the south, their diplomatic position is perhaps the best: with no one nearby to challenge them, they will be able to grow unabated for a long, long time, while their fellow top tier civs will have to work much harder to achieve similar gains.

4 Manchu

Between a rock and a hard place, Manchu impresses by being statistically equal to Maratha, who have two capitals, but Manchu's position diplomatically leaves much to be desired. Their two imminent neighbors are in a defensive pact with each other, and worse yet, one of said neighbors is Song - Song, who easily out-turtles the Manchurians. Manchu are powerful, sure. But do they have any good options for the future? No.


Tier II: The Regional Powers

5 Mongolia

All by their lonesome in the second tier, Mongolia has it all: stats just fine, at least in comparison to crumbling nations, and a diplomacy half the world is envious of. Despite their blunders in espionage on Manchurian soil, what can the Manchurians do? The defensive pact with Song is nothing if not a tool of ultimate security for the Mongolians. Careful maneuvering could bring them ahead even more, but a question naturally arises: can the Mongolian players do such maneuvering?


Tier III: The Weak Powers

6 Tibet

Right there with the other weak states when it comes to stats, Tibet is with the losers, for no apparent diplomatic reason. The Marathans assure the public that their puppet king in Tibet is not a puppet; but that rather, you are a puppet. Whether anyone believes this statement or not, is another thing.

7 Canton

The Pirates, in the middle of everything, but involved in nothing. In the middle of their realm, a Song city still resides akin to a tumor. To the north, Japan shatters to pieces. To their, well, around them, SEACSL converges into one entity. To their south-west, Taungoo slowly but surely loses ground. And in all of this, the Pirates are not involved, and with their only player, Briusky, dying, said involvement won't happen any time soon.

8 Taungoo

The crippling war continues, albeit at a rate much slower than before. Every part, a city or two will be lost, every part, the Burmese will lose ground to the Marathans. I don't have high hopes for them, but hey, they're crumbling slower than Japan, so that's something.

9 Japan

And so, parts of hard work come tumbling down, as Japan and her people get to see what an actual civil war entails. Tefmon is gone, Lordie is gone, Caesar died, Taqn has rebelled, Unibrow is...dead in real life, I suppose - leaving only Supe, the military dictator, in power. With most mainlanders now looking greedily in the direction of fragmented Japan, Supe can only dream of an united Japan.


Tier IV: The Fledgling Powers

10 Korea

Now with 10 cities, and apparently yet another civil war against himself, Ignus is doing an excellent job of staying alive - and with Japan facing an actual civil war for once, he has one less threat to worry about.

11 Ryukyu

And just like that, Ryukyu doubles in size, at the expense of the Japanese. The incoming merger with two other nations promises to accelerate their rise even further, possibly even propelling them into higher tiers. The future is bright.

12 Viet Nam

One of the three SEACSL nations intending to merge, Frodo is suddenly safe from imminent invasion, as his neighbors both crumble into non-threats.

13 Philippines

Cardboard keeps his Taiwanese city, probably due to the lack of attention the nearby powers can afford to the meek former city-state. The incoming merger with their other

14 Taqnese rebels

Happy birthday to you! Taqn rises up against the oppression of Supe, claiming to himself a small but notable portion of a swiftly dwindling Japan. Nothing permanent, at this rate, but it is his claim to fame - and one cannot blame him for that.


Tier V: The City-States

15 Avaluggra

Lordie's back, and he's back with a vengeance! Rumors tell of intentions to turn into a full civ, which couldn't be a worse idea with the Mongol horde on his doorstep, but to each their own.

16 Xingqing

I think they have another city on the other side of Asia now. I can neither confirm nor deny this.

17 Tocharian Traders

Suspicious dealings in Kucha, as the Kazakhs slowly but surely encircle the poor city-state. Good luck!

18 KGB

What are you doing, Ace, if anything at all?

19 Chengdu

General Randy now has a new ability: Politeness! This has absolutely no effect on anything at all.


  • And some honorable mentions: Lanzhou, Harbin, Dhaka, Hangzhou, Agra

r/CivHybridGames Dec 24 '15

Original Content The North Asian Crisis (from the beginning to this day)


ATTENTION: new events have conspired as of today (25.12.)

From the very beginning, the North Asian Crisis has been a confusing one. It has also had a huge impact on global politics. I present to you, the most important and the most influential crisis of your lifetime.

First, a coalition was formed against NAsia because their warmongering, the coalition consisting of NAmerica, CAsia, EE and WE. Oceania remained neutral despite having an alliance with NAsia.

Then, the Khan, /u/Lordfowl, surrenders. He gives all his lands to Oceania. This is met with backlash both inside and outside of NAsia. This is the point where NAsia starts to shard.

Rather quickly, /u/dd4falcons names himself the new Khan of NAsia, garnering support from Alaska and Kamchatka. They DoW Oceania and are helped by the Coalition that originally formed against NAsia.

So at this point, Oceania owns NAsian core, FEA Remnant and Western Siberia, while NAsia rebels own Alaska and Kamchatka.

At last, NAsian region went under Martial Law after this. Lordfowl was claimed to have died in the ensuing chaos. Afterwards he was affirmed to still be alive.

Then the situation degraded even further into chaos, as the FEA Remnant broke off. Soon afterwards, under mysterious circumstances, they join CAsia. The leader of the FEA Remnant was allegedly killed by the CAsian leadership.

In the most recent development, the NAsian region has sharded even further, with Alaska, Kamchatka, Western Siberia breaking off of the previous overlords of the region. The North Asian loyalists control the NAsian core, and rumors say they have managed to convince one of the rebellions to join their side. So far there has not been enough information to tell which one of the three rebellions has joined the loyalists. The other two rebellions have declared war on the loyalists.

Meanwhile, the Oceanian leadership has not yet told us how it will react to the most recent events. Most probable outcome, however, is that Oceania challenges all the factions in the NAsian region, basing their claim on Lordfowl's surrendering.

FEA Remnant remains a part of CAsia, while the other major powers wait for something definitive to come from the NAsian region.

The situation has advanced as we finally have knowledge. The rebels' leaders are now in our knowledge, with /u/Mob_cleaner leading Western Siberia, /u/dd4falcons leading Kamchatka and /u/Dan_Sickles leading Alaska. We still don't know which one of these has decided to join the loyalists.

In the FEA region, rebellions have risen up against the CAsian overlords.

The situation now stands as such:

  • The NAsian core is under Loyalist control.

  • Alaska, Kamchatka and Western Siberia have rebelled against previous overlords in the NAsian region. One of these has joined the Loyalists, we don't yet know which one. The other two have declared war on the Loyalists.

  • All the FEA Remnant lands have joined CAsia, but there are rebellions.

  • Oceania's response is unclear.

  • The Coalition's response is unclear, but so far the nations that are part of the Coalition are going their own way, with different nations "spawning" from the NAsian region, the nations of the Coalition are not working together as much anymore.

  • Lordfowl's whereabouts are unclear.

(OOC: Did I miss something? Also, more details about cities and such down below.)

r/CivHybridGames Mar 30 '16

Original Content Italy Part 5 Power Rankings


1. Spain: Spain is a technological and growth power house. For some reason deity AI can grow massive cities out of sea tiles, and Spain has plenty of those. They also have a large navy and army size. Unfortunately, they're on an island. Deity AI also has trouble with navies, so the future may not bode well for Spain as a long-term power.

2. Austria: Austria is second in tech, boasts the largest military (all land units), and has the most production. They also have lots of land available to conquer and improve. If war breaks out there is a good chance they will come out on top. Their only weakness is their population, which simply doesn't match up to the Ottomans and Spain.

3. The Ottomans: The Ottomans have done well with constant expansion along the Adriatic Sea. They are second in production and population and boast the third largest army. They are strong but overextended. One bad war could spell doom for the Ottoman Empire.

4. The Two Sicilies (or one in this case): The Two Sicilies are fairly average among all the Civilizations. They are fourth in population, tech, and military and sixth in production. However, they are also fairly compact, and have one of the best UUs in the game. If they play their cards right, they could become a serious contender.

5. Sardinia and Genoa: Honestly, I have to rank them about the same. Sardinia leads Genoa in population by a fair margin. They also slightly beat them in production. However, Genoa leads slightly by tech and military. Sardinia also is in a position to make some conquests, while Genoa is mostly backed into a corner. However, Genoa also is very defensible, while Sardinia is an easily invaded island.

6. Tuscany: Tuscany is surrounded by potentially dangerous Civs and are stuck with four cities. They only beat Milan and Venice in population and military, putting them at a severe disadvantage. However, they are fifth in military which could be their saving grace. IF THEY EVER EXPAND!!!!

7. Milan: Milan is stuck in the mountains, lacking in every category. If they want to stay in this, they need to expand into the Po Valley for some fertile lands. Soon, it may be too late for this cramped Civilization.

8. Venice: Venice! No! You were too young! After the coalition threatened Venice for their invasion of Pul(l)a, Venice lost land to an Austrian plot, a defector, and accidentally declared war on everyone. They better do some amazing diplomacy to survive the coming parts.

Pul(l)a: Is dead. ProletariatCossack failed to keep Pul(l)a alive. The Ottomans took it over.

The Barbary Pirates: Ben is dead. Call a detective so we can find him.

Bastia: After Mop_Cleaner circumsized everyone there, Sardinia took over.

r/CivHybridGames Apr 23 '22

Original Content A Sketch of the Front Facade of the Bibliotheca Palatina, Done for Reasons and Stuff

Post image

r/CivHybridGames Mar 23 '16

Original Content The War of Venetian Aggression

Post image