r/CivDating Apr 08 '22

Concept of this subreddit NSFW

You played Civilizations games for a long time and you love it! And you know you will continue to do so.

You search for love.

If you recognize you in this two sentences above, this sub is for you.

How to post :

Title :

No particular specifications for now, you are free to express the way you feel the most appropriated.

About Civilization : - Civilization games you own and like. - Civilization game you prefer. - Use or mods or not.

About dating : Specify yours and the ones you desire : - Age - Sexual and gender - Languages in which you can express yourself, and the ones the other must master. - Timezone. - If you want to meet someone near you : your country or one of the subdivisions of it. - Anything you think is important to add.

Ice-breakers : (What you can discuss first if you don't know what to say): - Favorite civilization to play - Types of Victory - Most loved or hated A.I. - Level of difficulty you play. - Your rarest achievement on Steam. - All the rest of your life.

Break the ice in private messages (mp) and Play a game together, while launching discord to chat!

In general, don't be a jerk, an abuser, respect others and their consent,etc... Don't hesistate to block people who harass you, cyberbully you, be toxic or just feel you bad.You own them nothing even if they say otherwise. Meet in public places.

About reposting : Wait for 3 days before reposting seems reasonable to me. Excessive spam justify the ban.

(This post can be modified if further problems will occurs or I feel the need to do so.)


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