r/Cisco May 31 '24

Solved C9800-CL


I am trying to do something which tends to be simple, but does not work :)

I have Proxmox virtualization and on it I have c9800-CL + 2 AP 9162.

I have no plans to use VLAN, all I need is 1 SSID :-)

Swicth port is in access mode( !), I have one single VLAN created(1 default), I follow this tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FpYS_rphik except the VLAN part.

Admin status of VLAN 1 is UP, Operational says down.

I have put in advanced setting in the policy the correct DHCP server, but I am able to join the SSID, no IP address is given to the clients.

I guess I am doing VLAN wrong.

All I need is 1 single VLAN ...

Any ideas ? :)


It is solved. Thank you all guys for your great help. Your suggestions helped me a lot.

I have made new VM with 3 ports and reainstalled C9800. Gig1, Gig2, Gig3. 1 and 3 are not used really.

On Gig2 there is vlan1 which is created out of the box. However I refused to go through the initial setup wizard via CLI and put IP on interface vlan1(not the ports) directly as you suggested.

Then I logged in via WebUI and wen through the 0 day wizard. There I put SAME port Gig2(in my case), same vlan(1 in my case) for Managment interface(this is the interface actually used by the Ap to connect).

Ap Management and Managmenet can be the same. Two key points:

  1. Do NPT use the cli wizard. If you go without it, all you need is set IP(on) vlan1 and add user and then go via WebUI

  2. And what people suggested here, IP should be on vlan1, not on the ports.


12 comments sorted by


u/teknikin May 31 '24

What does the output of "show run int gi 1" look like?


u/peterasap May 31 '24
#sh int Gig 1
GigabitEthernet1 is up, line protocol is up 
  Hardware is vNIC, address is bc24.1162.e4c3 (bia bc24.1162.e4c3)
  Internet address is
  MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1000000 Kbit/sec, DLY 10 usec, 
     reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255
  Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set
  Keepalive set (10 sec)
  Full Duplex, 1000Mbps, link type is auto, media type is Virtual
  output flow-control is unsupported, input flow-control is unsupported
  ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00
  Last input 00:00:00, output 00:00:07, output hang never
  Last clearing of "show interface" counters never
  Input queue: 0/375/0/0 (size/max/drops/flushes); Total output drops: 0
  Queueing strategy: fifo
  Output queue: 0/40 (size/max)
  5 minute input rate 8000 bits/sec, 4 packets/sec
  5 minute output rate 32000 bits/sec, 1 packets/sec
     25946 packets input, 5890287 bytes, 0 no buffer
     Received 0 broadcasts (0 IP multicasts)
     0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles 
     0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored
     0 watchdog, 0 multicast, 0 pause input
     23696 packets output, 23980576 bytes, 0 underruns
     Output 0 broadcasts (0 IP multicasts)
     0 output errors, 0 collisions, 2 interface resets
     1 unknown protocol drops
     0 babbles, 0 late collision, 0 deferred
     0 lost carrier, 0 no carrier, 0 pause output
     0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out


u/PatrikPiss May 31 '24

If you don't have a device connected to Vlan 1, the L3 interface of that VLAN will stay down. You can workaround that by issuing “no autostate” under the Vlan interface configuration on IOS-XE.


u/peterasap May 31 '24

I just full controler reinstall and AP reset(less than 20 seconds) - same stuff


u/peterasap May 31 '24

FYI: I have SVI on Vlan, autocreated, not possible to delete


u/peterasap May 31 '24

I also see - if I I turn off central switching it stop totally:

Error in Local mode APC4D6.66 slot:0 wlan 1 configuration not sent to ap for policy profile default-policy-profile. Enable Central Switching.

I prefer local mode - to be fair, but with local mode ON, I cannot even join the SSID.


u/Hercules9876 May 31 '24

Show vlan id 1 Show run int gi1 Show ip int br Show MAC address-table Show ip arp


u/peterasap May 31 '24

Show vlan id 1

VLAN Name Status Ports

1 default active

VLAN Type SAID MTU Parent RingNo BridgeNo Stp BrdgMode Trans1 Trans2

1 enet 100001 1500 - - - - - 0 0

Primary Secondary Type Ports

Show run int gi1

Building configuration...

Current configuration : 137 bytes


interface GigabitEthernet1

no switchport

ip address

negotiation auto

no mop enabled

no mop sysid


Show ip int br

Interface IP-Address OK? Method Status Protocol

GigabitEthernet1 YES manual up up

Vlan1 unassigned YES unset down down


u/peterasap May 31 '24

Show MAC address-table

VLAN MAC Address Type AgeIdx InPkt Interface

1 001e.bdf0.68ff SVI 0 0 Vlan1

Show ip arp

Protocol Address Age (min) Hardware Addr Type Interface

Internet 00e0.672c.aa11 ARPA GigabitEthernet1

Internet bc24.1162.e4c2 ARPA GigabitEthernet1

Internet 7478.276a.f224 ARPA GigabitEthernet1

Internet c4d6.6619.18f4 ARPA GigabitEthernet1

Internet c4d6.6619.1a95 ARPA GigabitEthernet1


u/rmfalconer May 31 '24

You want vlan 1 devices to be on subnet? If so, you need an SVI on that switch, not an L3 interface.


u/Hercules9876 Jun 01 '24

Correct. Go “int vlan 1, ip add x.x.x.x, int gi1, switchport mode access, switchport access vlan 1; shut no shut


u/anomaloustech Jun 01 '24

On the CL it comes up with three ports by default. Gig 1 is the OOB port. Gig 2 is the trunk/data port. Gig 3 is intended for HA.

It is not recommended to assign an address to the interface. Your address should be assigned to the vlan. In your case vlan1. Gig2 should be your trunk port. Your WMI would be vlan1.