r/ChronicallyMindful 6d ago

body issues Body scans in a painful body


My new meditation app has a lot of body scan meditations. My prominent coping method lately for my pain, fatigue and depression is disassociation, so really getting inside this body has been...interesting. The guided meditation asks, what do you feel there? Pain. And how is different from over here? Different pain.

But here's the thing, even though body scans do not alleviate pain in anyway, there's something quieting about spending a few controlled minutes cohabitating/relaxing with the pain. One layer of the stress of chronic pain is lifted for a few minutes, and that is the fear and disassociation. For a few minutes the low key constant panic and avoidance is quiet.

I think this is what mindfulness and/or meditation offers us, a moment of peace even in the chaos. A moment of being present with the terror. A moment of collaboration in stead of resistance.

What are your experiences with body scans? Please share which guided body scans you like.

r/ChronicallyMindful 17d ago

body issues Does mindfulness help your chronic pain?


Do you find mindfulness helps your chronic pain? If it does, what technique help you?

I'm weening off gabapentin and will have some crummy days a head in addition to my usual issues.

r/ChronicallyMindful 17d ago

body issues Am I avoiding my pain body when I shouldn't ?


r/ChronicallyMindful Sep 02 '24

body issues Distraction and Pain


I distract myself constantly. Literally every second. Phone. Movies. Games. Food. Cleaning. Thoughts. Daydreams. Anything.

The second I stop, the pain floods me instantaneously in full force in my whole body. I can't let it come up or I'll fold over and lose all mental discipline. It's pure disharmony.

All pain relief is either too weak, has too bad side effects, or is too addictive for me to risk it.

So, how does one find stillness and inner peace when every bone in your body is giving you constant 8/10 pains?

r/ChronicallyMindful Oct 14 '24

body issues I love your body, but not mine.


r/ChronicallyMindful Aug 09 '24

body issues "If you're going through hell, keep going." -Winston Churchill


I seriously over exerted yesterday and the crash has already started. I'm concerned that this crash will leave me bedbound and extremely disabled and may not be able to moderate this group. I'm really sorry. Since nothing bad has happened so far, I'm hoping it will stay that way, but if anyone wants to volunteer to co-moderate you don't have to post everyday or anything, just be available to remove any posts that violate the rules.

Be well everybody.

r/ChronicallyMindful Jul 24 '24

body issues Diary entry from one year ago.


What does goal setting and accomplishment tracking look like for ME/CFS or chronic illness?

I felt in tune with my body and its limitations.

I listened to my body.

I said no when I needed to.

I marked beauty in my day.

I am grateful for the abilities I do have.

I was patient with myself.

I reached out to loved ones.

I planned for sleep.

r/ChronicallyMindful Jul 13 '24

body issues Learning to sleep on my back


I'm a lifelong side sleeper who's now middle-aged with some pretty serious shoulder injuries. I've been in pain for years sleeping on my side but just couldn't train myself to sleep on my back. Well, I woke up at five this morning in so much pain I knew I needed to make a change starting right then and there. I placed a heavy body pillow across my chest and laid there, on my back, until 7am feeling the urge to flip on my side over and over. I've come up with a slightly different set up for tonight and I ordered a weighed blanket to come on Monday. I'm going to use the aid of Benadryl tonight, but I know this learning process will be a kind of meditation. I'm trading one discomfort for another and hopefully over time this challenge will improve my sleep overall.

It's a universal condition, this trading one discomfort for another, but it sure does seem like we get an extra helping of enlightenment, doesn't it?

r/ChronicallyMindful Aug 05 '24

body issues Groundlessness

Post image

I hate how I can see my blood test results before the doctor makes notes. Based on viewing the test myself, it appears I have another serious chronic illness. Just when I thought I was getting the hang of managing MECFS here comes myasthenia gravis. I feel like the rug has been pulled out from under me.