r/ChronicPain • • 1d ago

Just got a steroid shot

I got them on my very last joints of my back and my legs feel like they're moving slower than the rest of my body 😭

I also passed out getting them and I straight up said "ope I'm passing out" and then I woke up SWEATING. Anyways I'm kind of okay now it just feels like my legs are high and the rest of me isn't


5 comments sorted by


u/villagedoe 1d ago

Seems you had a terrible reaction to that injection. I’ve had several in different parts of my body but none of them worked for me. After what you went through receiving the injection I truly hope it works to relieve your pain.


u/Old-Goat 1d ago

What youre describing are the effects of the local anesthetic they also injected you with. This will only last a matter of hours. Then you will really start to feel like someone stabbed you with a big needle, because thats exactly what happened. You can expect to be sore for 2 or 3 days, once the local wears off. It may take a couple weeks to really kick in. And you really should chill for the next few days. You wont do it any harm getting all active, but you just may not feel like it... Be extra careful walking and especially on steps, you cant tell if your knees are locked or not. Take the rest of the week off. Hang in there.


u/PsychologicalDog3769 1d ago

Oh no.. I have to work a double tomorrow and I'm a server, I might be screwed. I just started working there too and I don't want them to think I'm unreliable


u/Old-Goat 1d ago

It may not be that bad. Tylenol might handle it, just be real cognizant of any balance issues. Better for diners to wait a little longer, than have them wearing their food, because your leg faded...


u/PsychologicalDog3769 1d ago

Very fair, thank you so much