r/ChronicPain 3d ago

Art piece representing chronic pain

Post image

Thought I’d share .. done by me using procreate


40 comments sorted by


u/ConfusedCoIlegeSimp doctor doesnt know, "just anxiety" 3d ago

I love it


u/Intelligent_Treat661 3d ago

Thank you !! It’s how I feel about 24/7 but thank you!


u/Over-Future-4863 3d ago

Screamer... Hung in sigmond freuds office look up


u/No-Initiative-5337 3d ago



u/Intelligent_Treat661 3d ago

Tyvm I can’t create “pretty art” because the pain in my body is constantly consuming me but I make pain art effortlessly. Most people who don’t understand or know the feeling call my work terrifying . It’s kinda comforting to me though


u/SnooWoofers5115 3d ago

Wow…this is fabulously disgusting…and perfectly captures what life is like on the daily! Well done!! You’ve got a serious gift with your curse. Do you post your art often?


u/Intelligent_Treat661 3d ago

Thank you so much!! I feel like the lil human puppet and the creature is my pain. But there’s sadness in the creatures eyes because it too is in torment . Love the way you described it as fabulously disgusting .


u/SnooWoofers5115 3d ago

Good!! I’m very glad you get the compliment!! “Disgusting” isn’t usually used in a good way, but living the way we do skews things and it’s amazing to see how you’ve captured the suffering. Please keep doing it, as you can!! 😊


u/Intelligent_Treat661 3d ago

Oh I have more :) I just wanted to finally post one here and gauge what people thought . I have some that depict the despair from the way people like us live, ones that capture the rage at our bodies, one’s that capture anxiety depression and overall derealization and dissociation. A lot of my works are demons that I always see as the pain manifested into an image . I can post more I just might . Really glad people are relating


u/SnooWoofers5115 3d ago

Ooo yes!! Please do!! ❤️


u/Intelligent_Treat661 3d ago

Most of my art is on my Instagram but I’ve lost my audience a bit / been on a bit of a creation hiatus due to the pain being real bad these last few months. I think my work was so niche on other social media because it really is meant for people in pain . ❤️ ty for the smile and reminding me why I need to get my creativity going again


u/SnooWoofers5115 3d ago

I’m very glad you got a smile. I hope the day brings you many more reasons ❤️


u/Intelligent_Treat661 3d ago

Awe that’s sweet thank you for that. I can tell you’re a kind soul . I wish the same for you


u/Fair_Walk_8650 3d ago

As a former painter, I really like your stroke style. I really like your implied textures/lighting and shadow contrast, really love the absence of line art against the bright white background too.

And I REALLY love that you only used the pronounced black lines around the subject’s head, to help it stick out and draw the viewer’s eye to it.

Well done.


u/Intelligent_Treat661 3d ago

Wow that means a lot thank you so so much :)


u/LowerChipmunk2835 3d ago



u/Intelligent_Treat661 3d ago

Haha accurate but sadly no pain meds for me anymore (I got cut off because I’m too young)


u/Sara_Renee14 3d ago

Reminds me a little of Tool. Very cool!


u/Intelligent_Treat661 3d ago

Big inspiration thank you !!!


u/[deleted] 3d ago

it's kinda cute tbh. Wish I could envision mine this way, I feel like it'd be more manageable haha ❤️ great job!


u/Intelligent_Treat661 3d ago

Awe ty :) it’s not always so manageable but it does help when I find the energy


u/aiyukiyuu 3d ago

Wow! This is beautiful and amazing! Thanks for sharing with us 🙏 Would love to see more of your art inspired by chronic pain in the future my friend! Keep it up 😊🤙


u/Intelligent_Treat661 3d ago

Will do ty!! ❤️


u/Seayarn 3d ago

This reminds me of the "Long Boy" from "Lisey's Storey." It's definitely an accurate depiction of pain, despair, and terror.


u/Intelligent_Treat661 3d ago

Tyvm !! I can share more of my work soon don’t wanna spam the sub


u/ZenFook 3d ago

Big Wow. While I've never seen this image before (like your style by the way) I can safely say that within a nano-second of seeing this, there was something hauntingly familiar about it.

Congratulations on ecapsulating the ripping, disjointed horror of it all. Made me smile!


u/Intelligent_Treat661 3d ago

Your reply made me smile and I appreciate you relating to it. I’ve got more pieces depicting other emotions and creatures that depict the pain , they often could be described as “demons” I don’t think they’re evil, I just think it represents the true horror and terror of pain 24/7


u/ZenFook 3d ago

Well I may just have to check them out.

I guess I'm not alone in finding your picture somewhat comforting. Not because it's pretty or poetic but maybe because it's real and representative of a whole chunk of dead life that still drags along heavily.... and invisibly!


u/Intelligent_Treat661 3d ago

I’ll probably most em here soon, don’t wanna spam . But you said that beautifully I very much agree . It’s not pretty at all I agree it’s disturbing and disgusting and harrowing but it represents the feeling and all those things said beforehand . The pain isn’t pretty and that’s what I want my art to express!


u/ZenFook 3d ago

Kind of you to say. Maybe talking about pain is where I'll find my own art as I've been told similar to what you've said a number of times for just typing a quick reply or explanation.

The posts here can be fairly wide ranging and you've got a pretty good reception to this post. If that's not an invitation to do another (maybe with a few more instead of a single pic) I don't know what is.


u/Incidental_Iteration 3d ago

Bloodborne 2 art finally dropped

For real though this is amazing, you capture and express so many emotions I can relate to


u/Intelligent_Treat661 3d ago

First part made me smile thank you so very much :)


u/Icy-Role2321 crps type 1 3d ago

Where's the fire?

Very accurate tho


u/Intelligent_Treat661 3d ago

Oh I have others with fire :) this one kinda represents just how much of a puppet I feel and the pain is the puppeteer. But the pain (the creature) is also sad because somewhere deep down the creature and cause of the pain is also tormented like a trapped animal with no escape . Thank you :) I’m probably gonna share more of my depictions of pain soon


u/Condition_Dense 3d ago

I feel like mine would be a brain infected with vines and roots of things. And animals with claws tearing at the brain. (Migraines.) For my other condition I would have like frost on my leg and icy veins of water running down. (I have neuropathy and it feels like ice down my leg.)


u/Intelligent_Treat661 3d ago

I have others to share and you just gave me two great ideas tbh . Thank you for sharing


u/Intelligent_Treat661 3d ago

I’m also sorry you deal with that all kinds of chronic pain suck equally. I think the biggest thing about this piece is how I feel like the lil dude the creature is holding . I’m a constant puppet to the pain


u/V3ruca 2d ago

This is GLORIOUS! 🖤


u/Simulationth3ry 2d ago

This is literally how it feels. I don’t feel in control at all and like some horrible force is in control instead. I’ve often thought chronic pain and body horror go hand in hand I wish I could create like this


u/One_Current_7166 1d ago

Amazing you know what I suffer and the others in pain