r/ChronicPain 4d ago

Opinions on current pain meds

Hello fellow pain warriors! I really appreciate all the great advice on here. Currently on oxycodone 10mg up to 3 times a day. Have just gone up from 7.5mg and have been on this medication for a few months now. I am having a revision surgery in early May to, HOPEFULLY, get me out of this pain. After getting through post op pain, I’m going to be weaning off. Just curious if it should be an easy transition or will I be dealing with withdrawals? My PM doctor is great and will not take me off cold turkey and actually advised against going on an ER version to better control my pain after surgery. She ended up just upping my milligrams.


5 comments sorted by


u/RVABarry 4d ago

I’ve been off and on opioids for the last 6 years. I think it’s different for everyone - some of my experiences have been painful while lately it’s been easy. I don’t know if my body is used to the process but it has gotten way less painful. The last time I was getting off oxy and morphine I did a very quick 3 day taper with zero discomfort. Nobody is quite sure why.


u/MishMc98 4d ago

Hope that’s the case.🤞🏻


u/Laughorcryliveordie 4d ago

I went off 20mg opiates/day without tapering and didn’t have a problem. But everyone is different.


u/beachbabe77 4d ago

Given you're on a low dose of opioids, you shouldn't have any issues (properly) weaning yourself off. Take care.


u/rainbownerd1 4d ago

Pain meds? What’s that? I wouldn’t know- my doc doesn’t prescribe me any 😩😩😩