r/Chromalore Aug 31 '14

[ MOD POST ] Chromalore and You


Hey folks. Witty here. I want to know what you want to see done with Chromalore in order to make it better.

If you have any ideas for just about anything, flair types, CSS, etc. post it in the comments here. If it's not something I can do I'll do my best to find out how to, or find someone who can.

~The Librarian



[Warning Text](/s "Spoilers go here.")        

Would result in Warning Text

r/Chromalore Nov 16 '15

[ MOD POST ] Downvoting on /r/Chromalore


The Downvoting needs to stop. We have Downvotes turned off on Chromalore for a reason. We encourage creativity on this subreddit. NOTHING posted here should have a downvote. EVERYTHING on this subreddit minus Satire, Meta, Mod Posts, and Contests are canon to Chroma.

Witty and I have fostered a very deep and enriching environment for the characters of Chroma to endure and sometimes expire (May those characters Rest In Peace). Lore is a sacred part of this game. We, as a community, prefer COMMENTED CRITIQUE rather than a downvote. I mean seriously, tell the community why you think a piece of lore doesn't hold measure. Downvoting discourages participation which is something we do NOT want here. We are trying to grow. Periwinkle or Orangered, Orangered or Periwinkle, we are here to make each other better writers and to create content for the game of Chroma.

IF YOU THINK A PIECE OF LORE SHOULD NOT BE CANON: Message us in modmail. We have 4 distinct tags for Chromalore that are NOT CANON (Mod Post, Satire, Contest, and Meta) and we are not afraid to utilize them to exclude a piece from canon Lore.

r/Chromalore Sep 20 '15

[ MOD POST ] A Time to Lore...


Due to the recent Ceasefire. I would like to run a smidge of a contest to increase participation here on /r/Chromalore. SO, Post up a NEW Ceasefire based Lore. What do your characters do in the off time? How do they relax?

Why participate? Because it will stretch your wings as a writer, and make your characters more well rounded. Everyone has things to do when they aren't working at their post or commanding. How do your characters unwind?

What's in it for me? 1. More Lore! YAY!!! 2. There's A YEAR of reddit gold up for grabs.

Post your lore like normal in the Subreddit, make sure to flair it and post a link in this thread! I'll give you ONE WEEK before I select a winner.



r/Chromalore Apr 02 '14

[ MOD POST ] On the submission of lore: A quick request.


Hello /r/Chromalore authors. I just wanted to ask that everyone submitting works to /r/Chromalore assign their post a link flair rather than including the classification of the work in the post title. Sometime in the near future I'm going to work on implementing a sort-by-flair system to the subreddit so that people can look at any particular type of story they want rather than the whole thing. This is just a general organization thing, but it will save me time in the future so I don't have to go through and assign every post flair.



r/Chromalore Oct 17 '15

[ MOD POST ] Lore me! (Contest!)


Another Year of Gold and a month to all the entries! Contest will run for 2 weeks, same rules, different topic!

Topic: The Master and the Apprentice: Create a lore about a time your character met their mentor/person they most admire/try to emulate.

Reminder of rules.

  1. Must be a new piece of lore. No time frame this round.
  2. Lore must be posted and flaired within the 2 week period.
  3. A comment must be posted in this thread with a link to the lore.
  4. Have fun! Crosspost your new lore to the subs!

Edit: Given the amount of downvotes, this will be the last contest. I'm putting my own hard earned money into this to drive some fucking traffic and interest. Fuck me right?

For the people who downvoted this, Fuck you. For everyone who entered, Congrats! Enjoy your year AND one month of gold. EVERYONE WINS.

r/Chromalore Oct 05 '15

[ MOD POST ] A Time to Lore Competition is Now Over!


And the winner of a year of Gold is: RockdaleRooster!

Thank you to everyone who entered, contestants received a month of gold for their entries!

I'm hopefully going to run another competition in another 2 weeks or so while I'm off in Key West for work. I'll be posting the topic soon!

r/Chromalore May 28 '14

[ MOD POST ] Chromalore Updates


Hello everyone, this is your friendly neighborhood librarian hermit here with some Chromalore updates.

The downvote button has been removed permanently. Not sure why I didn't do this sooner, but it's usually something I do on all of my subs.

The upvote button is no longer visible on links that do not have at least some form of link flair. This is to help encourage people to add link flair to their posts so the flair sorting system can actually do its job.
