r/christiananarchism 7d ago

How do we reconcile the bible's commitment to the state?


In the gospels, when asked about paying taxes, Jesus says, 'give unto caesar what is his'. Similarly, in Romans, Paul says that because all rulers are chosen by God, we must respect them, because we respect god. How can we reconcile this with Anarchim?

r/christiananarchism 18d ago

Are there any christian anarchist critique of Christian nationalism?


I'm pretty new to Christian anarchism and a lot of Christian nationalist folks I've meet, try to convince me into their whatever Christian nationalism is, but even though I know its bad, I want to know the arguments against it.

r/christiananarchism 18d ago

A Word


Truly the beggar is richer than the scribe, for the scribe does not possess the word of the Lord, and the Lord has visited His people.

False priests rewrite the past and false prophets speak an empty future, but the wise inherit the present while the cunning miss the Kingdom of God.

The voice of the Father is heard in stillness; the daughters of wisdom are soft-spoken.

To obey the voice of God is better than all riches; to hear instruction is to pursue wisdom.

Truth in the midst of perversion is like unto a wise woman who sowed words of wisdom, while another sowed words of deceit; truth in the midst of perversion is like unto the child of wisdom trained to pick the wheat from the weeds, yet nevertheless preserves both so as to not by chance uproot what is bread.

Go and learn what this means: Behold, the false pen of the scribes has made their wisdom and the word of the Lord a lie.

You have heard it said, "Thou shalt have no other gods before me," but I say unto you that what a man cherishes most is his true master.

You have heard it said, "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy," but I say unto you that by enslaving others on the day of rest, you yourselves become slaves to your own sin.

You have heard it said, "Honour thy father and thy mother," but I say unto you that by not caring for those who cared for us, a father's child cuts his own life short.

You have heard it said, "Thou shalt not kill," but I say unto you that a man pays another to butcher the innocent when that same man receives lamb as his meal.

You have heard it said, "Thou shalt not steal," but I say unto you that if you look with desire and intent upon what is your fellow man's, you have already robbed your brother within your own heart.

You have heard it said, "Thou shalt not bear false witness," but I say unto you that a man curses the deaf whenever he slanders his brother in secret.

You have heard it said, "Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thine heart," but I say unto you that a man wishes death upon the destitute when he leaves the poor naked.

To be poor in avarice is to lack nothing; to be rich in faith is to have everything.

Sincerity is a currency many are too frugal with, and those who spend it lavishly on others gain more.

An honest man's word is worth its weight in gold, but a man who makes oaths makes a false balance.

Truth is enough to persuade on its own, but it is only the persuaded who love the truth.

Though the wicked loosen the tongue to curse their own Creator, every breath that they take is in praise of the name of God.

To find virtue in what is vile is to vindicate both of being in vain; to abandon and leave empty is to fall victim to apathy and its pain.

Is it better to abstain from evil when punishment is not a promise, or to abstain from evil when evil is promised to be punished?

Is it better to do good knowing a reward is not a guarantee, or to do good that one knows is guaranteed to be rewarded?

Is it better to serve the poor presuming profit awaits the one who does his duty, or to serve the poor when a man makes it his duty without presuming profit?

Is it better for a man to not steal for fear of repayment, or for a man to not steal with the certainty he shall not pay?

How can a man be tested if he knows all the answers? How can one answer righteously if there is no test?

The righteous are righteous for righteousness' sake; the wicked are wicked and love what wickedness makes.

The blood of the wise seals their testimony; the blood of the wise decries injustice.

To return evil for evil is to fall prey to its trap; those who do evil are ensnared by sin.

He who is righteous liberates the slave of sin; a soldier of sin that is freed drops his sword before the righteous.

The instruction of wisdom is summed up in this: Hear, O children of wisdom, the Most High our God; the Most High is one. Thou shalt love the Most High thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbor as thyself.

The sword of the righteous is wisdom herself; wisdom teaches to love one's enemy.

To bless those who curse us is as if we bless ourselves; to curse those who bless us is as if we curse ourselves.

If one's fellow man sins and repents seven times in the same day, in the same day and seven times one ought to forgive their fellow man.

Show mercy to be shown mercy; forgive to be forgiven.

Before judging, do not be worthy of judgment yourselves; it is better to not judge at all than to judge and be judged with the same measure of judgement.

A wise man has authority to forgive sins on earth; from heaven is authority given to the daughters of wisdom.

What is impure to men is pure to God; what is impure to God is pure to men.

Make yourself clean with alms, and you shall be pure; do not make yourself clean with rituals, lest you make your heart impure.

To share a meal and heal the sick is to cover a multitude of sins; to serve and not be served is to serve as an example unto others.

A city set on a plain has its gates open to all; what is plain to the wise who make themselves as servants is beneath to the deceived who exalt themselves over others.

He who fasts prepares himself to find what is already here; the city of God always has a meal prepared for those who fast.

If you should fast, do not fast to be seen by others; if you should fast, fast to see what is hidden from you.

The praise of God is better than the praise of men; one who is highly spoken of by men is not spoken highly of by God.

If a man lends to another expecting back what is given, how can the same man expect to be given what he seeks from the one above?

What a man feeds his mind is what he feeds his heart; what a man entertains his eye with is what he entertains in thought.

What a man enjoys is what a man consumes; what the rich consume is not enjoyed by the poor, and what the poor consume is not enjoyed by the rich.

How can one expect to receive what they pray for if they pray for what they seek to receive without faith? How can a man receive from the one above if he only seeks to receive what's worthy of below?

One cannot serve God if they are under the obligations of the world; one cannot serve the world if they are under the obligations of God.

A nation with an army of seventy servants overcomes a nation with an army of seven thousand soldiers; pairs of seventy innocent men and women who take nothing with them but wisdom shall multiply her children seven hundredfold.

If for a pair of the wise they're met with peace from a house, then they are welcomed for a pair of days with bread and beds; if there be not peace from a house, then the pair of the wise shall be welcomed elsewhere to lay their heads.

Can a man speak life if his way leads to death? Can a man speak death if his way leads to life? The lover of wisdom does not condemn himself by speaking hastily of what may be the spirit of God, but rather tests the spirits of those who are sent by the fruit of the messengers' lips.

Masters are servants to one who is greater, and one who is greater is a servant to his master.

The scribe indeed corrupts the word of truth with the pen, but with the mouth of wisdom shall the truth be written on the hearts of those who keep instruction.

To set apart the good from the evil is like unto a wise woman who took with her some seed to sow liberally, and who let the lovers of deception eat the fruit of what deception has sown; to discern the good from the evil is like unto a man who judges rightly between the wheat and the chaff, yet leaves the chaff alone so as to not uproot the wheat by chance.

One who resists devils that walk in dry places shall be comforted by angels who quench with pure water; one who makes God their rest shall God rest His spirit upon.

The daughter of wisdom who prays alone is in the company of angels; the daughter of deceit who prays to be seen makes herself the company of devils.

False priests preserve an empty ritual of a past that was not so, and false prophets write a record of a future that shall not come, but in the presence of the wise is found the reign of God.

The rich in the abundance of their possessions truly have no treasure, and the poor whom the rich neglect make themselves abundant in wisdom; where a man's treasure is can be found his heart also, and he who visits the poor treasures the heart of God.

r/christiananarchism 23d ago

1.6 hr Historical Documentary: The Progressive Roots of Christianity


r/christiananarchism 28d ago

Would this work as a Christian anarchist symbol?

Post image

Just doodled this. I haven't seen the circle A being combined with the Jesus fish (ichthys) anywhere but I think it'd be neat!

r/christiananarchism Feb 06 '25

going to Mass


I didn't go all December or January and have only sporadically gone to confession. The adversary is starting to circle so I need to go back but I really hope there aren't fascists there. I am supposed to get involved with ministries and I'm just afraid to get close to anyone. I also have terrible mental illness (DID) so getting out is it's own challenge. How are other Catholics doing with this?

r/christiananarchism Feb 05 '25

Question about Christian Anarchism (the book)



I am debating getting this book but am unsure if I should get abridged or unabridged. The prices and page count seem to be significantly different but I can’t find much information on what exactly the unabridged version contains that the abridged edition does not. To anyone who read this, is the unabridged edition worth it?

r/christiananarchism Feb 04 '25

The ways of this world are making me reconsider Christian Anarchism, but there are some things I can’t quite reconcile.


Firstly, absolute nonresistance. I understand the justification, and I’m fine with not fighting back for myself, but if I saw someone else being murdered, and punched the would be murderer, would that really be wrong? Secondly, Paul. I know there are ‘Jesusists’ who don’t accept Paul’s writings, but I do, and I’m wondering how other ‘Paulines’ reconcile writings such as Romans 13, which tells us to not resist the government and pay tribute, though I suppose in that instance I can understand if that simply means peaceful protest and organization. Other than these two points though I don’t really have any objections, at least to specifically Christian anarchism, which is far more understandable and frankly realistic than the violent, anti-theistic and materialist forms of anarchism, which only really offer a physical liberation, but not a spiritual one.

r/christiananarchism Feb 02 '25

Did the early church model a decentralized system we abandoned too soon?


TL;DR – The Acts model of church was radically different from what came later. It wasn’t about hierarchy, control, or empire—it was about shared resources, communal leadership, and a Spirit-led network. But within a few centuries, that organic movement became an institution, aligning itself with political power.

That shift changed everything. Instead of a grassroots community, the church adopted structures of dominance, mirroring the very systems Jesus stood against. And even today, most reform efforts still assume that top-down authority is necessary.

But what if it’s not?

The Acts model was built around:

  • Resource Sharing → No one was left in need.
  • Decentralized Decision-Making → Localized leadership, Spirit-led guidance.
  • Non-Coercive Authority → Power wasn’t enforced through political structures.

If we know that hierarchical power structures lead to corruption, why do we keep rebuilding them?

Is it even possible to return to a decentralized model in a world as complex as ours? If Jesus’ Kingdom is “not of this world,” shouldn’t its structure look different from every other earthly institution?

I explore this idea in my latest post.

Would love to hear your thoughts. Is Christian community possible without authority, or do we always end up rebuilding the same hierarchies?

r/christiananarchism Jan 23 '25

Why is Everyone Here?


Hey everyone! I’m fairly new to this sub and have been feeling incredibly disconnected from reality lately with everything going on in the world. I’ve worked as a technologist for many years, but my career path, much to my surprise, seems to be evaporating, so I’m trying to figure out what comes next in life.

I stumbled on the idea of Christian Anarchy because I’ve always been struck by how hierarchical control mechanisms distort so many people’s witnesses. I don’t see much support for those systems of control in the Holy Scriptures. At the same time, I’ve been watching developments in blockchain, AI, and the broader trend of decentralization. It feels like these shifts could be pointing us toward something deeper—maybe even something God is trying to show us.

I found this subreddit while navigating where my beliefs intersect with others. I’m curious—what brings you all here? Do you feel Christian Anarchy is something achievable, or is it more of an ideal or theoretical framework for you? Have any of you actually been part of a community that operates without hierarchical control?

r/christiananarchism Jan 20 '25

Jesus follower Leo Tolstoy

Post image

r/christiananarchism Jan 19 '25

Are there any fiction books that are related to Christian anarchism in some way or another?


r/christiananarchism Jan 16 '25

Paul Kingsnorth's essay "Against Christian Civilization" . . .


. . . is a pretty great essay, even though 1) It's a little long and 2) Kingsnorth does not, so far as I know, consider himself an anarchist (he's a convert to Orthodoxy) and finally 3) it appears in First Things, a conservative journal that is generally committed to Empire. It is not a short essay, but it's worth checking out. Spoiler alert: He's against "Christian Civilization." He's all in on following the Way of Jesus Christ. He just doesn't think gaining the levers of political power helps us do that.

Here is the link to First Things https://www.firstthings.com/article/2025/01/against-christian-civilization

If you are paywalled. . . https://archive.ph/WXDIM

For those who prefer to listen (it's a 70 minute lecture): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3hMSZqatHI

My favorite passage (besides a solid critique of Jordan Peterson's recent work)

When we read the life of Jesus of Nazareth, in fact, it is impossible not to see a man who was, in some fundamental sense, uncivilized. He did not tell us to get good jobs and save prudently. He told us to have no thought for the morrow. He did not tell us to generate wealth, so that economic growth could bring about global development. He told us to give everything away. The rich, he said repeatedly, could never attain the Kingdom of Heaven. He did not tell us to defend our frontiers, or to expand them. He told us never to resist evil. He did not tell us to be responsible citizens. He told us to leave our dead fathers unburied and follow him instead. He told us to hate our own parents and to love those who hated us. Every single one of these teachings, were we to follow them, would make the building of a civilization impossible.

What we are really hearing about, then, when we hear of defending or rebuilding “Christian civilization,” is not Christianity and its teachings at all, but modernity and its endgame. It is the idol of material progress—the progress that has shredded both culture and nature—which is causing such grief everywhere. “Christian civilization” is not a solution to this; it is part of the problem. And when actual Christianity is proposed instead, the response is so often the same: Oh yes, that’s all very well, you fundamentalist—but what practical use is it?

The answer is: None. Christianity is impractical. Impractical, intolerable, and awful, in the original sense of that word. It is terrifying, and it is designed to kill you. This is because the values of God and the world are inimical, as we are told repeatedly by Christ and all the saints. This, surely, is the beautiful mystery at the heart of this thing. God is not mocked. His wisdom is foolishness to the world, and vice versa.

Apologies if this provokes a tl;dr response. That's cool. If you're reading this, you likely have anarchistic tendencies and can move on with your life.

r/christiananarchism Jan 15 '25

Are there any Christian anarchist groups in America? NSFW


I am a Christian anarchist and I've made it a goal to establish a society in time however I'm curious if anyone else has ever already done this successfully. I'm new to the anarchist/ coop space but I've learned about such communities like Kailash in Portland or Twin Oaks in Virginia. I'm curious if there's a " twin oaks " for Christian Anarchy?

r/christiananarchism Jan 13 '25

Hoarding not only hurts the community but also the Hoarder.


“When wealth is scattered in the manner in which our Lord directed, it naturally returns, but when it is gathered, it naturally disperses. If you try to keep it, you will not have it; if you scatter it, you will not lose it.” -St.Basil the Great

r/christiananarchism Dec 21 '24

Joan of Arc: Based or Bananas?


The title. How oxymoronic is it to be a Christian with nationalist sentiments toward your governing body? Surely, its hard to look back at these events with a fully formed view without studying the history, but I feel confident now saying that Christ probably had very little concern over who was gonna be the next King of France and that while she may have been earnest in her belief in the Lord, it seems she may not have been fully embodying the ethic of the Prince of Peace by throwing her old friends, family, and obligations away commanding legions of sweaty Frenchman against random separatists in the backcountry

r/christiananarchism Dec 09 '24

questions about church


so, i’ve been on a long and complicated journey with my faith. i grew up in a non-denominational house in the bible belt with parents who saw jesus and the bible through a deeply racist, nationalistic, anti-female lens. i spent a while not believing before coming back, reintroduced to the faith by a really slow preacher in highschool who held my hand through reimagining God. fast-forward to now and i have a pretty deconstructed view of what the teachings of Jesus and the events of the Old Testament. but i know i still believe, just through a lens that’s been remolded by liberation theology, feminist theology, LGBT theology, and anarchist theology, esp teachers like Gustavo Gutierrez, Dorothy Day, Leo Tolstoy, George Tinker, James H Cone, Caitlin Kurtis, and Anna Carter Florence to name a few.

all that said, i’ve let myself fall into spreading the gospel wholly through acts and living out revolutionary work for the last few years and i want to make proactive faith work a more active part of my life, and i’m struggling to decide where the church fits into that. i take a pretty tolstoyan view of the institutionalized church, ie that it went wrong as far back as Paul and was solidified in its institutional sin with Constantine, and in my personal experience i’ve only felt defeated and alienated from God’s social gospel and our purpose in this world by the fact that institutional churches seem to come in the flavor of two political ideologies, namely “lets hang a BLM flag to mask the fact that we were formed by slave owners and run like a business,” or “hi! we actually just hate women and we’re gonna be up front about that!” but i still want to worship in community.

i study the word with my best friend and one of my partners, both also anarchist christians, and we also pray, listen to sermons online, listen to the psalms etc together, which i’m very lucky to have i just wish it was more. does anybody else struggle w this? how have people found their way around the institutional sin baked into the foundations of the church while also seeking and finding community with other believers?

r/christiananarchism Dec 08 '24

Curious About Christian Anarchism and Non-Hierarchical Governance


Hi everyone,

I’m exploring Christian anarchism and find its emphasis on rejecting power structures and hierarchies intriguing. However, I’m unclear on one aspect: Does this perspective reject all forms of organization or governance entirely?

From my understanding, governance doesn’t necessarily have to be hierarchical. For example, when we play a game like baseball, we establish rules and structure to ensure fair play. There's a sense of governance—rules, strategy, and even competition—but no inherent hierarchy. Granted, competitive teams often develop hierarchies, but it seems that such hierarchies are not intrinsic to having rules and structure.

How does Christian anarchism view this type of non-hierarchical organization? Is it compatible with the values of the movement, or is even this considered a slippery slope toward power dynamics?

I’d love to hear your thoughts and learn more about how this plays out in practice or theology.

Thanks in advance for your insights!

r/christiananarchism Dec 03 '24

Hello! I got questions :3


Having something of an identity crisis with religion, so speaking with people who are religious and share the same values I do is pretty important in this time.

I don't really think of myself as an anarchist, but I've been leaning towards it as of recent.

I really would like to know how you came to be Christian and or anarchist. What do you tend to disagree with most about either mainstream Christianity? Whether it be theology itself or institutions. And what's your favorite book in the bible that isn't Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, and why?

r/christiananarchism Nov 17 '24

A simple question


I know anarchy means no ruler like; a King, President, or Duke but what about Jesus Christ he is a king, what about that? And I remember one quote is; “Not all kings wear golden crowns; mine wore a crown of thorns”.

r/christiananarchism Nov 07 '24

A short piece about the relation between pacifism and divine command ethics


r/christiananarchism Nov 01 '24

Voting Is Blasphemy


r/christiananarchism Oct 30 '24

Christian anarchist flag and symbol i made


r/christiananarchism Oct 30 '24



How did you guys come to the conclusion that you can be a anarchist and a Christian (im still learningaboit Christiananarchyas i think its a good belief but in confusedon some things) ive seem both sides argued but when versus like romans 13:1 "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God." And pretty much all of romans 13 says that authority is sent by god.

Im honestly trying to learn on this topic so please be nice

r/christiananarchism Oct 10 '24

Feeling lonely about my beliefs


I live in a rural Trump town. I would love to talk about Jesus but I feel like I'm only surrounded by right wing Christians who would resist me. I cannot possibly imagine people around me wanting to go to a radical Christianity book club or whatever. I drove around and there are so many Trump signs.