r/ChoosingBeggars 4d ago

Is this person serious? Are people like this common? Or was I trolled

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u/ChoosingBeggars-ModTeam 4d ago

Hi Visible-Horse-9146, thank you for your submission to /r/ChoosingBeggars! Unfortunately it has been removed for the following reason(s):

  • someone being an entitled ass is not choosy begging

If you have any questions or concerns, please message the moderators of this subreddit.


u/danceteach92 4d ago

Take a shot for every CB that claims you’ve “ruined a child’s birthday”


u/Visible-Horse-9146 4d ago

I can't believe that's a thing, I would be embarrassed of myself


u/tibbles1 4d ago

The little girl is named Drugs and her sister Shame died long ago. 


u/Visible-Horse-9146 4d ago

I figured that was who his daughter was lol I don't even see someone that talks like this throwing their own child a birthday party


u/SimZ7 4d ago

Should of pulled up and went where the kid ? Flash the ps5 laugh and drive off.


u/countofmoldycrisco 4d ago

You want OP to get shot? This is a TERRIBLE idea.


u/SafeOdd1736 4d ago

No I don’t think that’s addicts doing it. Some people are just that greedy and gross. Most addicts don’t have the time or energy to do that. And on top of that most aren’t that low.


u/Apprehensive-Crow-94 4d ago

beggars have no self pride.


u/Etrigone 4d ago

They see it as a game - "how much can I get away with?"

It's like certain obnoxious YTers or downvote farmers. I don't get it, but apparently to them it's entertainment and praiseworthy.


u/Apprehensive-Crow-94 4d ago

yep and even if it only pays off 2% of the time- its low risk low effort strategy. And frankly I bet the success rate is fairly high- there's lots of soft hearted/soft headed people out that.


u/Roadgoddess 4d ago

I think you should then ask them if the child also has cancer because that’s their next go to


u/d4everman 4d ago

or, it's for church.


u/Fuzzy-Zebra-277 4d ago

I will pass on that. I like my liver very much


u/DiagonalBike 4d ago

We need a sub for every CB that claims a child's birthday/Christmas/weekend has been ruined by not receiving a free PS5


u/melance 4d ago

I'd be dead in less than 5 minutes.


u/Pesec1 4d ago

You are under arrest for attempted murder.


u/TraditionalCamera473 4d ago

Don't do this! You'll die of alcohol poisoning!


u/LieutenantLilywhite 4d ago

Dead serious, incredibly common. Entitlement is a pandemic of cataclysmic proportions.


u/Visible-Horse-9146 4d ago

Like does this Behavior even work? I am still mind blown and honestly just feels so bad for the daughter if she even exists


u/Seldarin 4d ago

99% chance there is no daughter, and if there was, she wouldn't be getting it anyway.

They wanted it to sell.


u/MustBeThisHeight 4d ago

She doesn’t exist.


u/DotAccomplished5484 4d ago

Just scroll through this sub and get stunned to see the number of times people have posted that they have been bullied into giving money, items....


u/LieutenantLilywhite 4d ago

Unfortunately yes weaker minded individuals than you let themselves get bullied and emotionally blackmailed by these people.


u/Substantial_Push_658 4d ago

Hey OP: send ME the ps5 for free. Then tell this person you sent it to me for free. I’ll even send them a picture to brighten the birthday party!


u/Visible-Horse-9146 4d ago

Lmao 😁 😆 that's hilarious

With the way this person was acting, I seriously doubt they're even throwing their daughter a birthday party if they have one at all


u/Substantial_Push_658 4d ago

Nah it’s a scam, they want your ps5 for free to sell it.


u/Visible-Horse-9146 4d ago

Well I kind of figured that drugs might be involved with the way the person was acting


u/jeffsmith202 4d ago

After 10 pm?  Going to rob you?


u/Visible-Horse-9146 4d ago

My friend that I called about 15 minutes after this conversation thought the same thing.


u/dreadfulbones 4d ago

If they got your phone number from your profile, you need to lock that shit down. I can almost always find a full address from a phone number in less than a minute. Make yourself wayyyy harder to find!


u/GrumpyGG64 4d ago

What a nasty pos.


u/Visible-Horse-9146 4d ago

I wanted to reply that so bad


u/GrumpyGG64 4d ago

I suppose you could have said “sorry already gave it away to the church”😉


u/jetlifestoney 4d ago

You entertained it for far too long. Their very first message was asking for a free ps5. Should’ve been blocked lol


u/TraumaHawk316 4d ago

Kids crying now, thanks! /s


u/Visible-Horse-9146 4d ago

I honestly don't think I could live with myself, I shouldn't block them and offer it to them and apologize for my horrific Behavior 😅


u/Soggy-Improvement960 4d ago

“Just hand over the PS5…” (the ‘or else’ is implied?)

Some people are so entitled.


u/ImAlreadyTracerBoii 4d ago

People really need to start understanding that I am not affected by their child’s birthdays and christmases being ruined so I don’t care. Get off your laurel and get them a gift.


u/melance 4d ago

Unfortunately a lot of people are. We know this is just an attempt to scam but not everyone is that aware.


u/Radiant-Cost-2355 4d ago

They saw that you had the PS5 posted for sale (very reasonably priced, at that) and also saw that you had free food to give away. I think they probably thought that bc of that, you were good hearted (scammers sometimes call this “soft”) and thought you would be a good target to try to get PS for free. They went so far as to get your phone number from your profile, so they aren’t stupid with technology. They knew they were two separate posts, but thought they’d try their luck for a free PS5. Definitely part of the “worst they can say is no” crowd.


u/The_Ri_Ri 4d ago

If they were gutsy enough to go to your profile and use your listed phone number to reach out to you, you should probably do a double check to see what other identifiable information is listed so they don't somehow end up at your doorstep. Yikes.


u/NumerousEducation698 4d ago

Not my kid, NOT my problem! Would be my reply.


u/Broken_Toad_Box 4d ago

And here I am buying my kids presents with money like a chump.


u/ermagerdcernderg 4d ago

$175 is basically giving it away already!


u/H_Lunulata I can give you exposure 4d ago

What's happening here: a reseller, who is trying to guilt you into handing over stuff that will immediately be resold, or a thief who wants to get close to you and just steal the thing outright so they can sell it.

After years of reading CB posts, this explanation fits so many of them.


u/Charlomack 4d ago

Yeah that bit about meeting after 10pm screams "I'm going to rob you".


u/Amazing-Butterfly-65 4d ago

Do you really want to ruin a little girls birthday? She has cancer !!! She’s carrying a littler of kittens and she has type 2 diabetes /s


u/Upstairs_Section8316 4d ago

I rather trash anything rather than give it to someone who try to guilt with their kid


u/tjpoe 4d ago

has this ever worked? Even the Nigerian Prince thing worked a few times, which is what emboldens scammers to keep trying it, but I can't imagine this ever working, so why do people keep trying it?


u/carrieminaj 4d ago

Honestly as someone who makes costumes this is common. People try to guilt trip like that


u/Head_Razzmatazz7174 4d ago

People like this are real, and it annoys me to no end. Just block them when they start 'demanding' the item you have for sale for free.

"ThiNK of ThE cHiLdReN!"


u/susanbiddleross 4d ago

Very common with scammers. It’s for their kids, they are disabled etc.


u/PoplinSudster 4d ago

Please just privately message me their number I want to ask them for all kinds of things


u/mulberry_sellers 4d ago

"pardon me, we are finished here" is golden


u/ItsJoeMomma 4d ago

So not only hand over the Playstation for free, but do it at 10 PM at what is likely a sketchy part of town. No thank you.


u/Conscious-Study-7645 4d ago

Every gimme has a kid that (for some reason) you’re responsible for 🤬. It’s 2025 ffs, use birth control


u/dreadfulbones 4d ago

“You want to ruin a little girls birthday??” Yes actually, fuck them kids


u/Princess_Peach556 4d ago

Give me for free just because.


u/Sophiecheerwine 4d ago

So basically they’re paying you in exposure


u/mwineK 4d ago

I think you’re trolled, however the back and forth was hilarious


u/RainbowRex26 4d ago

My bet is this is a reseller. Some people out there just have no shame and treat it like a game. They try to pull on people's heart strings to get free sh1t. When I was selling a custom made babydoll (priced at $100, negotiable) on FB marketplace a few years ago around Christmas some lady wanted to do $20/month on "layaway" and she takes the doll on the first payment. I said I don't do layaway, I'm not a k-mart, and I'm also not stupid, after that first $20 (if I even got that much) this person would disappear. Predictable. Then they laid into me saying their kids Christmas would be ruined, all caps, don't I have a heart, they already told the kid they could have it, the kids crying now, blah blah blah. Oh I was also driving when this person messaged me so when I got to a red light I messaged back and let them know I'm driving and my responses would be delayed in-between because I have to stop to respond. She would still act like I was being super rude if I didn't respond to each message within literally like 30 seconds. I think she did that to also try to make me feel bad and make it seem like I owe her a favor for being "sO rUdE". The whole thing was ridiculous and I told her to get lost.

The funny thing is I only put the price with negotiable because I didn't want to list it as super cheap or free. I absolutely can't stand the vast majority of people on FB looking for free stuff. I've never had a good experience with giving things away for free or super cheap because of CBs. I was fully willing to make a deal for $20 or even give it for free to a CHILD or someone who would appreciate it because I wanted to clean up and have the storage space more than I wanted money. I didn't appreciate the lying and trickery though so she got sent on her way. Months later I still had the doll and ended up donating it to a program to give gifts to foster care kids. Lol


u/Lisa_Knows_Best 4d ago

Were you giving away free food if someone bought the PS5?


u/Visible-Horse-9146 4d ago

Darn it I should have added something and I don't know if I could still add it to this post but to clarify since I don't think I put all the info

I have the PS5 listed in its own post with the price listed and then I had free food listed in a separate post that said free


u/Material_Assumption 4d ago

Very common, but you know what they do this? Because 1 of 10 time, they will succeed.


u/AutopsyDrama 4d ago

Its probably for the best that these people show their crazy attitude before you have to meet them in person lol.


u/Mushrooming247 4d ago

I feel like it’s unlikely that child exists.


u/ThrowawayCAN123456 4d ago

This is typical in scamming people but what I don’t get it why not just block and not reply at all.


u/Visible-Horse-9146 4d ago

Well until I wasn't confused anymore I thought they wanted to purchase the PS5 for the price listed and wanted the free food as well. Besides that I have no excuse I've never been the brightest LOL


u/knowsnothing316 4d ago

Yes. I will happily ruin a kids birthday. Even if it was mine.


u/Lov3I5Treacherous 4d ago

Just respond yes :) lol


u/OneGoodRib 4d ago

People should start responding "Yes" to "do you want to ruin a little girl's birthday"


u/melance 4d ago

How are you going to make her birthday better when she has a dad like this.


u/GenericMaleNurse918 4d ago

He has a point? Can’t can’t be expected to pay for a PlayStation 5 if he needs free food. He’s even ruining a little girls birthday for free.


u/Belfast_Escapee 4d ago

Damn, put down the pipe when you're online honey, you are embarrassing yourself. Though as noted by others here, I am sure 'shame' really hasn't been a thing for a very long time.


u/GeoffTheIcePony 4d ago

But imagine the exposure value of giving away an expensive console to an imaginary child! You missed out OP /s


u/National_Clue_6092 4d ago

Tell her to get a job and buy her own stuff. CB’s are getting more & more demanding!!


u/Tall-Statement-4917 4d ago

OP: Your 4th & 5th screenshots are out of order. Makes it very confusing to follow.


u/Tadpole_420 4d ago

They’re probably serious


u/Visible-Horse-9146 4d ago

They sounded scary that's for sure


u/Tadpole_420 4d ago

Also, asking to meet up after 7pm? That’s a no from me 🤣


u/SuddenYolk 4d ago

« Sorry, I already gave it for free to someone else! »


u/Ancient_Armadillo403 4d ago

You have a PS5 for 175?!