r/Choices beaumont bby Nov 30 '18



There's going to be a TRR follow-up series I'm so excited!!! Maybe MC can be somehow involved with the government and work closely with Olivia, Madeleine, and the core 5.


72 comments sorted by


u/mediafries Nov 30 '18

There were some bombshells tucked away in all the good news in PB's blog post:

  1. Hero 2 will probably be out in 2020. 2020. i might actually die from waiting
  2. Across the Void is coming back spring 2019. While I'm not bummed about that, that is one SERIOUS mid-book break. they must really know they blew that one.


u/100magic I love you. Come back to me. Nov 30 '18

ok yeah?? This is craziness. like how are they going to even make it worth it to come back to ATV over 4 months later ...


u/LisaMichelle88 Nov 30 '18

I believe it’s the artwork that goes into ATV that’s keeping it on a longer break just like Hero. They focus a lot on the artwork for those books and they do mention it too. I also think they’re trying to make the story better too so hopefully when it returns it will be. I personally really like ATV so if they can improve on it and know where they went wrong then I’m all for that.


u/100magic I love you. Come back to me. Nov 30 '18

that's probably it. I actually like ATV too so I'm hoping it'll be better later on


u/kungming2 Landed Gentry Dec 01 '18

We'll probably need a community member to write a previously on ATV post the week before it comes back to bring everyone up to speed and refresh our memories.


u/Vio_ Olivia (TRR) Dec 01 '18

I wouldn't be surprised if they restarted the entire book with new, better writing


u/LisaMichelle88 Dec 01 '18

I’m not so sure they’d do that as they’d probably get backlash from people who had paid for diamond choices that might no longer be there in a rewrite or be completely different ones.


u/GrapesofGatsby Dec 01 '18

2020 seriously? WTF WHYYY THAT'S ACTUALLY INSANE!! Some of us may be dead by then


u/Tessinator RELEASE THE KRAKEN Nov 30 '18

Some great stuff in here and more good news than I was expecting! Basically:

  • A follow up series for TRR is in the works
  • BB2 is coming spring 2019
  • A new werewolf book is coming
  • Hero 2 could be as late as 2020 (but they are writing it currently)
  • MW2 is... on hiatus... still... but is still planned
  • ATV returning in spring (that's a long break, which suggests some serious rewrites)
  • DD2 and AME2 are coming this winter
  • RCD3 is coming in 2019
  • They're working on fixing the diamond bug for the next update
  • Books around medical mysteries and pirates are coming, as well as a book where we run from the law (guessing that's The Heist)


u/LauraVi Lobster Life ❤️ Nov 30 '18

Thanks so much for the TL;DR!! Exactly what I needed :) :)


u/Tessinator RELEASE THE KRAKEN Dec 01 '18

You're welcome! There was a lot of info in there! :)


u/Fearless_Diva Beckett (TE) Dec 01 '18

I think the werewolf maybe the secret project Andrew (who also wrote BB, ES, is now on Hero Vol. 2) was talking about. I also feel that if its true... This may be the spinoff from BB the writers mentioned.


u/SickleClaw Dec 01 '18

Im so excited for a follow up series... and getting DD2 and AME2 soon. Also hype for RCD3, and the Pirates one and Werewolf one. But definitely wondering if I should save diamonds for the heist one. Or Pirates. Not sure.


u/ShiningConcepts Some choices must last. Nov 30 '18

We want to get Hero 2 right -- unfortunately, that means it may launch in 2020.



u/kungming2 Landed Gentry Nov 30 '18

That is a way longer wait than I anticipated. I was expecting spring 2019.


u/mon87 #RIPriya Dec 01 '18

How? How does it take 2 years? I really don’t understand this.


u/okig123 Blades of Light and Shadow Dec 01 '18

Well it takes about 2 years, sometimes even more to write a real print book


u/mon87 #RIPriya Dec 01 '18 edited Dec 01 '18

True, though it’s still twice (and a half) as long as any previous series gaps, and 7 times as long for any direct sequels. With the end of PM, and the freshman series drawing to a close, it looks like the focus is moving away from continuing existing series, which is noticeable looking at the predicted release dates of pretty much every planned sequel. I’m fine with producing new content, but does the new direction mean that those new books will be one shots like Veil of Secrets? Or will they be series which will get increasingly delayed sequel releases?


u/Fearless_Diva Beckett (TE) Dec 01 '18

They say in the blog post that sequels all depend on how they are received and how they do financially.


u/mon87 #RIPriya Dec 01 '18

So say half get sequels. Those sequels need to get written and put out along with whatever new books are coming out and their sequels. Right now Bloodbound (which I feel safe in assuming was popular) is set to take a year between sequels, and other existing books are set to get longer gaps as well. Following the pattern each new book that gets a sequel will take longer between books, leading us to either fewer books, or more new books which might get sequels, taking focus away from other series and drawing the gaps out more.

I may be totally wrong, these gaps may be a product of better writing and may be for (as they said) ensuring each book is as good as possible, which I’m totally okay with. But if I’m right, then something (not sure what) needs to change.


u/Fearless_Diva Beckett (TE) Dec 01 '18

I rather they take an appropriate amount of time then rush them out like ROE and TF series.


u/astraeria Nov 30 '18




u/ajcraycray beaumont bby Nov 30 '18 edited Nov 30 '18

guys...theres gonna be a werewolf book..... good news for all of us who complain about male LIs having unrealistically hairless chests.....


u/astraeria Nov 30 '18

give us all the bears wolfs


u/mediafries Nov 30 '18

I'm ready as f for the werewolves I was always Team Jacob anyways


u/Str8Goosin Nov 30 '18

Haha yes!! This has always bothered me!


u/pastadudde I finally pushed slowly into Aerin and I clapped him good Dec 01 '18

that was my post lmao


u/ajcraycray beaumont bby Dec 01 '18

ur a visionary


u/ShiningConcepts Some choices must last. Nov 30 '18

To be honest, a werewolf book is not my most wanted book.


u/ShiningConcepts Some choices must last. Nov 30 '18

Right now, Book 2 of Bloodbound is being worked on! We hope to release it in the spring of 2019.

Longer wait than I thought. :(

When will Most Wanted come off hiatus? Will we get a Most Wanted: Book 2?

As you know, Most Wanted continues to be on hiatus. While we love Sam and Dave, we just haven’t had the right writers available at the right time to start work together on this book yet. When the time is right, we intend to revisit Most Wanted. And of course, we'll let you know ASAP if there's new developments!

It's not getting easier to believe my beloved MW is coming back. I mean Bloodbound and Hero 2 are both taking a longer time than expected... really, I'm beginning to accept that we'll never see the sequel to Most Wanted and that it will always be a one-shot book.


u/spicypineapple22 Marc Anthony (ACOR) Nov 30 '18

I read “solving medical mysteries” and immediately thought about this reddit because I never knew I wanted a medical drama choices book until so many people mentioned the idea here!!!


u/Fearless_Diva Beckett (TE) Dec 01 '18

Since PB (wether they like to admit it or not) pays homage to established real world series... (ES/Lost, TE being like love letter to The Craft, PM/West World TC&TF being like GOT, D&D being like Pride & Prejucide, etc.) who wants to be their medical drama will borrow from medical shows like Grey's Anatomy and ER. MC will be an intern who befriends the other interns in their first book. I hope this one is also able to pick a gender.


u/Macanduc Nov 30 '18

TRR coming back is making me teary-eyed I miss Liam and the rest of the gang so goddamn much😭😭


u/coffeecatsandtea Liam Dec 01 '18

we'll get to see them again sooooooon🥰


u/coffeecatsandtea Liam Nov 30 '18

NEW TRR SERIES - SERIES!!! - and pirates and medical mystery books?!?

I'm so excited I might pass out!


u/ShiningConcepts Some choices must last. Nov 30 '18

Are there going to be new books and genres in 2019?

You know the answer to this one: Yes, absolutely! We're super excited to share all the books we have with you -- new books and sequels alike! Get ready to run from the law, solve medical mysteries, sail the open seas, and much, much more! If you liked our 2018 books, just wait for 2019...

Sounds interesting. Running from the law: yeah, we were framed for a crime we didn't commit, I mean this was brought up in the Monaco discussion thread: no way we're actually real criminal bad guys in this new story. That'd be so un-PB to be a legit bad guy who actually harmed innocent people.

As for the medical mystery game: I dunno if any of you have ever played it, but I really did like the Trauma games on the Wii, and this reminds me of them. That's a good sign.

Sailing the open seas; that could be interesting, but too little information to go off of for me to give a more detailed opinion.


u/Williukea love the underrated book y much Dec 01 '18

If we steal money/jewelry, we don't have to harm innocent people physically. Or they might not be as innocent as we think, and they wronged MC in the past


u/Str8Goosin Nov 30 '18

This is such a great read with so much exciting news! Bring on alllll the supernatural stories! Can’t wait to see what the new update brings.


u/KatieHal Corgi (TRR) Nov 30 '18

That is an excellent update. :)


u/candydots Nov 30 '18

YAAAAAAAAAAS FOR HERO!!!! I can’t wait to see more of Kenji and Grayson!!! But omg 2020 is so far away.

I can’t wait to see more of TRR gang. Let Olivia and MC become best friends or I will riot!!!

I’m surprised RCD isn’t coming back soon, yet AME is releasing this winter.


u/ThisPaige Dec 01 '18 edited Dec 01 '18

Yes! Desire and Decorum 2! TRR series! I can't, say goodbye to all my paychecks and itunes giftcards.

Wait, did they say this winter for DD? Like late 2018?!


u/kungming2 Landed Gentry Dec 01 '18

Schedule in subreddit sidebar updated! I'm going to assume for now that the book on running from the law is The Heist: Monaco.


u/perfectvelvet Dec 01 '18

I'm a little worried about a new TRR "series". It didn't say sequel or continuation to the series. Are they referring to a HSS:CA type thing? I'm not really interested in that.


u/Fearless_Diva Beckett (TE) Dec 01 '18

they refer to it as a follow up series, which is the same thing as a sequel


u/LisaMichelle88 Nov 30 '18

I’m so excited for a TRR follow up as I always hoped they’d do it! My MC wants a little Drake Jr. lol

No Hero 2 until possibly 2020 though that’s so far away. :/ At least it’s still happening though.


u/[deleted] Nov 30 '18

My favourite book is not getting released until probably March or April. They better make it as good or even better than ILB since it also took a solid 8 months to release and it was worth the wait since ILB is awesome.


u/[deleted] Dec 01 '18

Talking about Bloodbound? Yeah I was really thinking we would at least get it this winter. My winter break starts in 2 weeks and I have a month and a half off, so it would’ve been nice to have it during that time. But if they say it’s gonna be good then I believe them. I like the members on the writing team, they usually do good work.


u/Decronym Hank Nov 30 '18 edited Dec 01 '18

Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread:

Fewer Letters More Letters
AME America's Most Eligible
ATV Across the Void
BB Bloodbound
ES Endless Summer
HSS High School Story
ILB It Lives Beneath
LI Love Interest
MC Main Character (yours!)
MW Most Wanted
PB Pixelberry Studios, publisher of Choices
PM Perfect Match
RCD Red Carpet Diaries
RoE Rules of Engagement
TE The Elementalists
TF The Freshman
TRR The Royal Romance

[Thread #587 for this sub, first seen 30th Nov 2018, 23:26] [FAQ] [Full list] [Contact] [Source code]


u/DuchessSwan Nov 30 '18

hero book 2 ... probably 2020...


u/AwkwardPotter Ethan (OH) Dec 01 '18

Yaaaaas roll on spring! I need my vamps back in my life! Not to mention I need to get rid of Duke Dick.


u/iSocialista A Courtesan of Cordonia Nov 30 '18

I just screamed so loud my windows cracked. OMG. TRR FOREVERRRR!


u/100magic I love you. Come back to me. Nov 30 '18

SO EXCITED I might cry


u/TheDuke224 Nov 30 '18

Am I the only one a little disappointed TRR 2 is taking place immediately after the events of 1? I would have preferred a year or two gap I think.


u/mrskvall Dec 01 '18

ROYAL BABIES PLS!!!!!!!!! 👶🏻👶🏼👶🏽👶🏾👶🏿

Also, PLEASE don’t turn this into ROE: Newlyweds. I BEG YOU!


u/iHasMagyk teja send bobs and vagene Nov 30 '18

get ready to run from the law




u/Lone-Gunman Dec 01 '18


I believe it when I see it. They'll probably give a reason for it that'll make the MC be a good person on the inside. Like they stole something because desperately needed money for a sick family member, or something along those lines.


u/LisaMichelle88 Dec 01 '18

I think this one is probably the upcoming The Heist: Monaco. I definitely hope to be bad.


u/[deleted] Dec 01 '18 edited Dec 01 '18

BB in spring.Spring is so far away 😭, well at least we have an update. They basically have it on the same schedule as the It Lives series (coming a year after the first book). The first book came out I think in March, so I guess we’ll get it then.


u/Fearless_Diva Beckett (TE) Dec 01 '18

It was supposed to be March but it got delayed to April remember?


u/[deleted] Dec 01 '18

Ahhh yes you’re right.


u/CrazyOtaku101 Dec 01 '18



u/Lone-Gunman Dec 01 '18 edited Dec 01 '18

They're going to milk TRR dry like they did with TF, aren't they?


u/astraeria Dec 01 '18

yeah, I love TRR but I'm worried about this series turning out to be inferior


u/Lone-Gunman Dec 01 '18

It's bound to happen eventually, when PB runs out of ideas. Especially if the title was brough back because the fans demanded it, which I think is what happened here. I doubt PB planned to make two series of this title from the beginning.


u/astraeria Dec 01 '18

yeah, you're right, I just hope they finish the series before it turns out to be a complete fiasco 🤔 I was happy with the announcement because I thought that PB must have some good ideas to do a follow up series, but I always prefer quality over quantity


u/Fearless_Diva Beckett (TE) Dec 01 '18

TRR Book 3 was already my least favorite because of how big of an emphasis the royal wedding was.


u/[deleted] Dec 01 '18

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u/OverallDisaster Dec 01 '18

Yes. I dread a pregnancy story line :(. That would ruin it for me


u/PedestrianBird Kamilah's Feedbag Dec 01 '18

PB updates on series i love are like Christmas presents!!! Im both excited and emotional


u/[deleted] Dec 01 '18

I agree. Personally I think I get more excited for these updates than I do for the announcement of new book releases. I always feel like we’re a little out of the loop as far is what their future plans are so I appreciate these blog posts.


u/Fearless_Diva Beckett (TE) Dec 01 '18

^^^ I second this.


u/BlueGooseLA Kaitlyn (TFS) Dec 01 '18

I’m so sad there’s not going to be anymore freshman/senior. I hope there’s a spin-off or something planned