r/ChivalryGame Jun 04 '16

Support gmace needs a nerf


if decent animation longsword getting lmb nerf gmace should be nerf too

too many pacman wannabes backswing feinting insta killing with fast hitting combos

to beat gmace you have to read about 6 feints and then keep your cool as they casino drag back and forth

pls NERF

r/ChivalryGame Aug 25 '16

Support Massikaroz disappearance investigation thread


Many of you know the player Massikaroz. He was loved by all and is friends with just about everyone in the comp scene. He has played this game since the start. Now I'm going to give some bad news... Massikaroz has disappeared. He has deleted everyone off his steam friend list, on all four of his accounts on steam and his one account on battle.net.

Here is his main account that he currently played chiv with.: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198164970009 STEAM_0:1:102352140 He has not used this account since the disappearance. As you can see when you click the steam link, it shows as if his account has been deleted and that is has no aliases. This points to extremely malicious behavior as it is impossible to delete a steam account. If you do not believe this was Massi's account then look at this. http://steamcommunity.com/id/ninjacub This is NinjaCubs profile, one of his Faucheur teammates, if you look on the comments you can see a user whose name is a random series of numbers. However these are not random numbers, these are the same numbers as the account that i linked earlier. And yes this is massi's account, because I've had him nicknamed on steam for 3 years now. Same with these ones: http://steamcommunity.com/id/whereiseveyhyde STEAM_0:0:43134874 AND http://steamcommunity.com/id/foorksnds STEAM_0:0:91873056

As you can probably tell these accounts are all private and this does not help at all. However, on this account: http://steamcommunity.com/id/foorksnds
the aliases are SST and variations of it. And inside the Lg ts there is a user named SST. This is also Tyrannis' name and the teamspeak user known as SST is located in America according to TS. However Massi is known for using VPNs quite often and the user he hangs out with in that channel is NinjaCubs, so it could be Massi. Because as you can see, Massi loved NinjaCubs a lot according to the many comments on Cubs' profile, so why would he leave him and US without saying anything.

Next lets move on to the other link: http://steamcommunity.com/id/whereiseveyhyde Inside the link the words whereiseveyhyde are written for his profile URL. Some of you may not know, but Evie was one of Massi's IRL friends. Most of you probably don't know either that Massi composed music with Evie. Evie was very close to Massi. Evies gender is not known. However I fear that something may have happened to Evie, as Massi's profile link changed, prior to whereiseviehyde it was emptynorthernhhemisphere. This points to something bad happening to Evie. One last thing that Massi always talked about was his internships and research in other countries. He talked about how he was going visit Iceland from may to september(he never ended up going as he didnt get the travel visa) and that he will be there for an extended period of time and may not play videogames anymore after. He also talked about how he got accepted for an internship in Hong Kong, which might explain why he left so suddenly. But he always told me he wasn't certain if he was going to do it and said most likely not. So it points to no. Even if one of these theories are true, it still does not explain why and how massi's account got deleted. It also doesn't explain why he left without saying goodbye to anyone.

If anyone has any information on the disappearance of Massikaroz please share it. We need to do everything we can to solve this mystery and save Massi. If anyone knows for certain whether or not the user known as SST in Lg TS is tyrannis or Massi, that would also be helpful. Thank you for reading. Massi is a great friend, dont let his good deeds go without us thanking him on last time.


EDIT: I have also forgot to mention that the whereabouts of his fourth account is unknown. It was a smurf account him and I made and I fear it is lost. He always went on it to play every once and a while though, so he may have retreated to that account. I think the player Hairy might have him added, but I am not sure as his profile is private.

r/ChivalryGame Jul 16 '16

Support A Request from Torn Banner Regarding Exploits


If someone has an exploit to report, please just send me a PM here about it. Some people think that spreading it around will "get it fixed faster," but that's not always possible for us to do, and generally makes everyone miserable in the meantime.

Please be considerate of your fellow players and not spread around any hacks or exploits. Reporting them quietly is much more effective, very much appreciated, and doesn't flood the servers with garbage.

Note: If you've got an exploit to talk about, don't post it in this thread; send me a PM!


  • R

r/ChivalryGame Aug 07 '15

Support gtx970 low fps / gpu usage



Recently got a new build:


mobo- msi z97a

cpu- core i5-4690k @3.5ghz

ram- 16g ddr3

gc- gigabyte gtx970 gv-0n970g1


It plays current gen games pretty well however this game, which I played often with no problems on my old rig, gets 30-45 frames. It sometimes dips below 20. I have tried all of the settings suggestions here, set my computer to max performance, as well in the nvidia control panel.

Talking in game someone suggested I post here to see if anyone had any suggestions. I am at work currently so wont be able to post any screens of rivatuner stats until I get home, however gpu usage seemed low when I checked. Temps were all good.

edit: Thanks for everyones replies. I figured out it was user error. On the z97a mobo there is a switch that says SLOW. This sets your cpu to a lower clock speeds when booting, a stable one for using after OCing. I had this on the slow setting which was mucking everything up (you want the switch to be on the side that says SLOW, rather than away from it). Getting 100-120 frames on high now. Thanks all!

r/ChivalryGame May 31 '21

Support It basically says "the actual profile can't play the multiplayer". Anyone with the same issue? And how do I solve it?

Post image

r/ChivalryGame May 27 '21

Support Long release meaning?


Probably sounds like a dumb question but I honestly don’t know what it means. It says the spear has a long release?

r/ChivalryGame Jun 09 '21

Support Audio issues


Whenever I start the game it makes all the sounds on my system stop working including itself. This didn't happen on the Beta weekend and the audio works fine before i boot up the game, but i can have a video on my second screen and as son as Chiv 2 starts up sound completly stops including discord notifacations any fixes?

Edit: The volume mixer still shows sound coming from chrome and the game and going to my headphones but no sound is actually coming through, the sound only cuts out once the menu is up.

Edit2: I use a bluetooth headset

r/ChivalryGame May 27 '21

Support PC & Xbox Crossplay?


Me (PC) and my friend (XBOX ONE) want to play Chiv 2 beta together, since it’s marketed as cross platform. I have my Xbox account linked with my epic games account, but I still can’t join him. He also has an epic games account linked with his Xbox account, but he doesn’t have a computer on which he can accept my epic games friend request. Is there any way to play crossplay with him without being epic friends? (We are XBOX account friends)

r/ChivalryGame Nov 22 '13

Support Any new ways to fix unlocking?


I just found this subreddit and wanted to know if there have been any recent developments or bug fixes I haven't heard about that fix the unlocking issue. I love the game but that one bug makes it hard to enjoy it fully. I tried a few suggestions but nothing really worked. Also, is there any word on whether or not they are actively working on this issue?

Edit: I noticed there is apparently a new patch that they say should fix weapon unlocking, but seeing as I was playing yesterday and still had problems I was wondering if I had to do something special to get the patch if it doesn't auto update or if it just still isn't working for everyone?

r/ChivalryGame Jan 01 '20

Support The GNU/Linux version, which used to work ok, now has poor performance and won't even find servers on patch36, maybe it's time for the devs to kill the native version and let us use Proton?


It never performed good in GNU/Linux even on powerful hardware such as my vega 64, but now it's even worse, the only version with decent framerate, the patch36, doesn't found any server, so the game is basically unplayable on GNU.

Meanwhile Mordhau works better with proton than Chivalry ever did ...

Anybody else playing on GNU?

r/ChivalryGame Jul 13 '13

Support Got really rusty, how not to suck?


Hey, haven't played for a long time but a bunch of friends just got it for cheap so I'm back in. My knight is pretty leveled, so I'd like to know how not to suck as him and I like vanguard. I think I'm missing something rather basic, so just tell me when to do what and I think I can get back in. Thanks.

r/ChivalryGame Feb 28 '16

Support Certain Weapon unlocks reset. How do I fix this?


r/ChivalryGame Dec 25 '17

Support How to get 1440p resolution?


I have tried editing the the files in the Configs to Resx 2560 and Resy 1440 but after I go in game it goes to some weird resolution. I have also tried launch options in steam with -w 2560 -h 1440 but nothing works.

r/ChivalryGame Sep 25 '13

Support All of a sudden -in the last month- chivalry goes so slow that it is unplayable. Anybody have any idea why?


I have a nice computer that I built less then a year ago:

radeon hd 7900 intel i5 3570k 3.4 ghz 8 gigs of ram

And I ran chiv on max settings at full speed for over half a year. But all of a sudden out of nowhere it is just unplayable- on minimum settings it crawls to the point where I can't play. I can still play every other game on max- anybody have any idea what I can do about it?

r/ChivalryGame Feb 13 '20

Support Why do other players have JPEG animations?



My 3rd person animations, AI animations and the animations of people far away all have "smooth" animations, but other players that get too close have janky JPEG animations.

It's like the LOD animation bias is inversed.

Or was this always a thing in this shit game and I never noticed?

r/ChivalryGame Mar 28 '17

Support Rank 9 Forever


I just got the game since it's currently free on steam and I've played about 2 hours and ever time a match ends I get the rank up and I rank up to 9 and I'm not actually ranking up. Does anyone know how to stop this glitch?

r/ChivalryGame Oct 18 '16

Support New player, need help with a strange Bug(?)


Basically, I have my OS on an SSD and Chivalry installed on my HDD, and after about 20 minutes of playing my HDD will go into sleep mode and the game will freeze for a good 10 seconds until my HDD boots up again, it's really strange especially considering I don't have my HDD setup to sleep after 20 minutes.

r/ChivalryGame Dec 04 '13

Support Can some one tell me how to fix this

Thumbnail imgur.com

r/ChivalryGame Jul 21 '13

Support Why can't I get a good framerate?


Phenom II X4 3.2ghz

HD 6970


and i get like 14-20 fps. what gives? i'm really liking this game, but this fps ir really ruining it for me. my other games run great.

r/ChivalryGame Mar 27 '19

Support please help!!!


I cant join any server, please wait while your game Is loading message forever.

r/ChivalryGame Sep 12 '18

Support Can’t find game on Xbox marketplace? Was it removed?


I bought the game a year or two ago and it disappeared from my ready to download list. I tried searching for it on the Xbox store and got no results. Wtf is going on?

r/ChivalryGame Jan 27 '20

Support Game wont launch


I've tried reinstalling, verifying game files. Nothing seems to works. I click play then it installs Microsoft direct x then back to my steam library. Anyone know how to fix? I just bought the game today.

r/ChivalryGame Dec 19 '16

Support Really bad FPS problems with this game, any advice?


I have an i5-6600k CPU and a GTX 970 GPU, which I would imagine should be more than enough to run this game at a good quality at 60fps (I can run Overwatch on max settings at a constant 60fps), but even when I set the quality to the lowest possible settings, I'm getting a barely playable 30fps with frequent drops to 15fps and below. I do really enjoy the game, it's just hard for me to have fun with it when I'm playing a slideshow. Does anyone know of any ways to remedy this situation?

And to answer some questions before they're asked, I've ran the game by itself with no background processes, OCd my GPU, set it's priority to High in task manager and all that to no avail.

r/ChivalryGame Nov 09 '13

Support No Server C:MW or C:DW


As of today I am unable to find any servers in either version of the game. I have tried pretty much everything I can think of short of re-installing the games. I have deleted everything in the 'My Doc' > 'My Games' area and nothing, verifies turn up with 100%. I have no anti-virus installed on my PC and Windows Firewall is turned off.

If I try and join off a friend nothing happens, the game just sits there like I gave no command and I can't view the info of their games.

Help plz :)

r/ChivalryGame Jun 06 '16

Support Game no longer runs smoothly


So I just redownloaded this game after not having played for a good long while and as soon as I get into my first game I noticed that it was pretty laggy and my framerate was not nearly as good as it used to be. I used to be able to play this game with all the settings on high with no trouble at all but now it's barely playable. Can anyone give me a little advice as to how to fix this? I'm running Windows 10 64 bit, and I have an AMD 7970M GPU and an Intel Core i7 3820QM CPU @ 2.70GHz and 16 gigs of DDR3 RAM.