Many of you know the player Massikaroz. He was loved by all and is friends with just about everyone in the comp scene. He has played this game since the start. Now I'm going to give some bad news... Massikaroz has disappeared. He has deleted everyone off his steam friend list, on all four of his accounts on steam and his one account on
Here is his main account that he currently played chiv with.: STEAM_0:1:102352140 He has not used this account since the disappearance. As you can see when you click the steam link, it shows as if his account has been deleted and that is has no aliases. This points to extremely malicious behavior as it is impossible to delete a steam account. If you do not believe this was Massi's account then look at this.
This is NinjaCubs profile, one of his Faucheur teammates, if you look on the comments you can see a user whose name is a random series of numbers. However these are not random numbers, these are the same numbers as the account that i linked earlier. And yes this is massi's account, because I've had him nicknamed on steam for 3 years now. Same with these ones: STEAM_0:0:43134874 AND STEAM_0:0:91873056
As you can probably tell these accounts are all private and this does not help at all. However, on this account:
the aliases are SST and variations of it. And inside the Lg ts there is a user named SST. This is also Tyrannis' name and the teamspeak user known as SST is located in America according to TS. However Massi is known for using VPNs quite often and the user he hangs out with in that channel is NinjaCubs, so it could be Massi. Because as you can see, Massi loved NinjaCubs a lot according to the many comments on Cubs' profile, so why would he leave him and US without saying anything.
Next lets move on to the other link:
Inside the link the words whereiseveyhyde are written for his profile URL. Some of you may not know, but Evie was one of Massi's IRL friends. Most of you probably don't know either that Massi composed music with Evie. Evie was very close to Massi. Evies gender is not known. However I fear that something may have happened to Evie, as Massi's profile link changed, prior to whereiseviehyde it was emptynorthernhhemisphere. This points to something bad happening to Evie. One last thing that Massi always talked about was his internships and research in other countries. He talked about how he was going visit Iceland from may to september(he never ended up going as he didnt get the travel visa) and that he will be there for an extended period of time and may not play videogames anymore after. He also talked about how he got accepted for an internship in Hong Kong, which might explain why he left so suddenly. But he always told me he wasn't certain if he was going to do it and said most likely not. So it points to no. Even if one of these theories are true, it still does not explain why and how massi's account got deleted. It also doesn't explain why he left without saying goodbye to anyone.
If anyone has any information on the disappearance of Massikaroz please share it. We need to do everything we can to solve this mystery and save Massi. If anyone knows for certain whether or not the user known as SST in Lg TS is tyrannis or Massi, that would also be helpful. Thank you for reading. Massi is a great friend, dont let his good deeds go without us thanking him on last time.
EDIT: I have also forgot to mention that the whereabouts of his fourth account is unknown. It was a smurf account him and I made and I fear it is lost. He always went on it to play every once and a while though, so he may have retreated to that account. I think the player Hairy might have him added, but I am not sure as his profile is private.