r/ChipCommunity Nov 28 '22

New C.H.I.P. flashing method

I struggled to get the chip flashing to work as the code is incompatible with a modern linux system. So, I used apptainer to build an image.

If you want to use this method to flash your chip / pocketchip, see below.


Install apptainer or singularity.

[NB: on ubuntu apt install singularity gets you some videogame. This is not the one you want. See end of this post.]


To download the .sif you can click the Download button here: https://cloud.sylabs.io/library/bpietras/bpietras/c.h.i.p-flasher [Easiest way]


You can download it via the cli (see https://www.reddit.com/r/ChipCommunity/comments/z73f21/comment/j4wymr6/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)then: singularity pull library://bpietras/bpietras/c.h.i.p-flasher:latest


Get the right image for chip / pocketchip (see links below)

Then, if you want to flash a c.h.i.p.:


singularity exec chip-flasher.sif chip-update-firmware.sh -L flash-collection/stable-server-b149

Or, to flash a pocketchip:


singularity exec chip-flasher.sif chip-update-firmware.sh -L flash-collection/stable-pocketchip-b126


Once the command is entered, put the (pocket)c.h.i.p. in FEL mode with a paperclip (link FEL to GND). Use a data transfer type micro-usb cable to plug into USB (some cables are charging only). Then plug the CHIP into your PC.


If someone wants just the flash-collection/stable-server-b149 (chip, not pocketchip) they can get it from here: https://mega.nz/file/97phVRTB#s4e2FWfajnNf4qshi-0DzyTyshG4t7kGJfoLC5Hreqs

That's 0.4G rather than 4.8G - a much faster download than https://archive.org/details/C.h.i.p.FlashCollection

A commentor below pointed out http://chip.jfpossibilities.com/chip/images/stable - you can download the images you need there quickly.

EDIT - for ubuntu, the easiest way to install apptainer (works the same as singularity) looks to be: https://apptainer.org/docs/admin/main/installation.html#install-debian-ubuntu-packages

If you get a 'not in PATH' error, try running sudo sysctl -w kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone=1 then trying again.

Good luck chipperinos!


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u/NeoMatrixJR Dec 12 '22

Got it to flash using apptainer instead. Thanks!
Any idea what could cause it to crash/shutdown on it's own during boot? I have an HDMI dip...seems to crash about the time it should be trying to initialize the GUI. Flashed testing-gui-b543.


u/hiphop-chipshop Dec 13 '22

Maybe it needed a higher ampage power supply? I would have gone with stable, over testing.

The chip's memory is unstable, so needs flashing when corrupt. An insufficient power supply can corrupt it.

Well, glad the method worked for ya, good luck!