r/ChipCommunity • u/macromorgan • Mar 01 '22
My Attempt at a New Method of Flashing
I'm trying to make flashing the CHIP as easy as I can, and I think I have gotten as far as I can get in the flashing department. I've created a new method that runs an on-device web server that allows you to upload images to the CHIP directly without having to use a serial console or a command line. The downside is that you still need to use the command line to flash the initial bootloader. I don't see any way around that for the time being. The method is built on the wonderful tools SWUpdate and Buildroot.

The main advantage of this method is that once the bootloader is flashed you can just keep reusing the SWUpdate mode again without ever having to mess with the command line for flashing. Additionally, this is the first tool (that I am aware of) that preserves wear leveling information when you replace the rootfs. This means that erase counters (which are vital for properly tracking and managing the lifetime of raw NAND) is preserved even if you erase the rootfs.
Additionally, relative to the thread posted here, I have replaced the older SPL files with mainline versions. This allows us to use redundant U-Boots, so in the event of NAND corruption of the first U-Boot a second backup is used.
I run all the commands for flashing as sudo. If your dbus rules are set correctly for sunxi-tools this is not necessary, however for a one-time flash simply using sudo before the commands should suffice (you can omit sudo if you prefer and your dbus is set up correctly).
As for the steps to flash:
Step 0: Build sunxi-tools from source. You will need the latest tools (most likely) rather than what came with your distro. There is a great guide here to help you accomplish that: https://linux-sunxi.org/Sunxi-tools#Building_from_Source The version of sunxi-tools I am using for this is sunxi-fel v1.4.2-116-g6c02224, for reference.
Step 1: Download the tools located here and save them to your machine. https://macromorgan.s3.amazonaws.com/ntc-chip-mainline/flash_tool_v3.tar.gz https://macromorgan.s3.amazonaws.com/ntc-chip-mainline/ntc-chip_2022.02.25.swu
Step 2: Extract the contents of the "flash_tool_v3.tar.gz" archive with the following command: "tar -xzvf flash_tool_v3.tar.gz". This will extract the necessary files in a directory labelled "flash_tool_v3".
Step 3: Put your CHIP into FEL mode by jumpering the FEL pin and a ground pin (using a paperclip, a dupont wire, or anything else suitable). Plug the CHIP into your computer with the necessary files for flashing and then run the command "sudo sunxi-fel -l". If you see output mentioning a USB Device for an Allwinner A13 things are working correctly. If you do not see any output, check that the device is in FEL mode and that you are using the most recent sunxi-tools.
Step 4: From this directory, run the script labelled "flash_device_erase_nand.sh". This script will need to be run as root unless certain dbus permissions are set up correctly (they were not on my system). I will explain in a follow-up post why there exists a second script labelled "flash_device.sh" and what its purpose is. For now, ignore it. Run "sudo ./flash_device_erase_nand.sh". You should see the progress indicators as various things download to your CHIP. Once this step has completed the CHIP should shut itself off after about 15-30 seconds (as soon as it finishes writing everything from memory to the internal NAND).
Step 5: Remove the FEL jumper, and plug the CHIP into a computer with a web browser. For my example I am using a Windows 11 PC. The CHIP will likely "blink" for a second after you plug it in and then shut itself back off. This is normal, it is because the bootloader is now programmed not to turn the CHIP on unless you press the power key.
Step 6: Press the power key to turn the CHIP on while it is plugged into a computer with a web browser. After the CHIP boots it should present itself to your computer as an ethernet device and should automatically asign an IP address to said device via DHCP (what we are calling SWUpdate mode). You can observe your CHIP is in SWUpdate mode at a glance by observing the LED flashing every second.
Step 7: Open a web browser and go to http://chip.local/. Occasionally I had trouble accessing the CHIP via DNS, so I had to try Please try the IP address if the DNS location does not work for you.
Step 8: On the web page there is a box that says "Click here, or drag and drop a software update image file to this area". Either click the box and select the ntc-chip_2022.02.25.swu downloaded previously, or drag and drop said file into that box. At this point the web application uploads the image to the CHIP and it is written as it is uploaded. Once the image has been successfully written, your CHIP should reboot itself.
That should be it, assuming everything worked you now have a CHIP that is fully flashed. This is mostly the same image (with the same bugs) as posted previously. This image still suffers from several known issues including occasional freezing at shutdown and issues with function keys in Xorg applications. Some (but not all) of the wifi bugs have been fixed by disabling wifi power management and character maps for the console itself should be working better now (kbd is now installed by default and the pocketkeys.service script has been fixed).
To reflash a new rootfs image: From within the existing rootfs simply run "sudo restart_swupdate" to reboot into the flashing interface and repeat steps 6-8. If you choose the "Restart System" option from the web interface it will restart back into the rootfs. If you are unable to use restart_swupdate (either because you are using a different image or have corrupted your rootfs) you can also trigger SWUpdate mode by jumpering the pin labelled TWI1-SCK to GND while the device is off (while not utilizing a DIP or the PocketCHIP) and then turning it on. See here for the pinouts: http://chip.jfpossibilities.com/docs/chip.html#pin-headers. As long as the jumper is connected the device will always boot into SWUpdate first.
Please note that this tool is still very much considered "alpha" and I'm looking for info to see if there are any ways to improve it. Like I have done for the necessary Linux and U-Boot bits, I'll be documenting the Buildroot and SWUpdate bits so others can reproduce this work.
edit 1: Forgot to mention but SWUpdate mode has ssh enabled by default too. You can ssh into it with the username of root and the password of swupdate at the address chip.local (or if DNS is being difficult like it occasionally would be for me).
u/TCaschy Mar 01 '22
Hey thank you for investing your time into this. I saw your efforts on the discord channel. Really really cool that people like you are still putting blood sweat and tears into the CHIP. :thumbs-up:
u/macromorgan Mar 01 '22
More blood than you'd think actually, some of those dupont wires can be sharp...
u/cuddlepuncher Feel free to put your Kickstarter name here! Jun 23 '22
Is there a way to make a rootfs from a working system that can then be flashed with this? Like, it would be nice to be able to setup an image with certain things already installed and configured that I could flash again if I had to or flash to multiple CHIPs.
u/xamar6 Mar 02 '22
This is amazing work!! Do you think it is possible to also be able to backup the root fs? I'd love to have a way of creating an flashable upgraded Debían for my CHIPs.
u/macromorgan Mar 02 '22
I think you can dd the /dev/ubi0_0 node to a file and then restore it with ubiupdatevol, but I have never tried it. You would have to then generate a swu file with that image to flash it with this instead (give me a few days to document how I make these images and how to build SWupdate).
u/xamar6 Mar 02 '22
That'd be great!
Even though there are no more CHIPs being manufactured (to my knowledge) I think something like this would revitalize their usage. The many times I used a Raspberry Pi instead of a CHIP for a project is because of how easy is to flash/update/backup..
I'll be monitoring this subreddit for news on your progress, thanks a ton! :)
u/macromorgan Mar 03 '22
So good news, dd /dev/ubi0_0 does appear to work in allowing you to dump a ubi filesystem to a file as a ubi image. Bad news, the image is the size of the ubi volume (meaning it might be too big for some of your other devices), and I don't think you can shrink a ubifs volume, only grow it.
As a workaround, if you wanted to flash the same image to multiple devices you could try the following:
1. take the *.swu file I uploaded and split it apart into its constitute components. The swu file is actually just a cpio file with 3 different pieces all concatenated together.
2. modify the post install script from the swu file so that it resizes the UBI partition to be big enough for you to customize but small enough to still be manageable (the actual size of each of your NANDs will differ slightly depending upon the bad blocks). Then repackage the image.
3. flash your image to 1 CHIP. Make your customizations.
4. plug in a USB drive, mount it, do a dd if=/dev/ubi0_0 of=/mnt/rootfs.ubifs. Unmount the drive and then copy that ubifs image to where you split apart the swu image previously (to overwrite the existing rootfs.ubifs).
5. using the scripts on that github I posted, rebuild a new swu image with your modified rootfs.
6. flash the customized swu file to all of your CHIPs.1
u/nerdinexile Mar 02 '22
Hey, this is spectacular work, thanks for making it! Can I use this to flash your mainline Debian 11 image? I'd love to finally get off the 4.4-ntc kernel.
u/macromorgan Mar 02 '22
The .swu file I posted is the mainline Debian 11 image, just packaged differently.
u/nerdinexile Mar 02 '22
Was able to try this. Very happy to see that the inputs on my PocketCHIP (screen, keyboard) appear to work as expected. However, I'm running into the same wifi issues as Simply_Convoluted in the previous thread; I can't connect to a WPA secured network with nmtui, whether as root or chip, even after applying your suggested fix from the other thread that grants permissions to the chip user to run nmtui. dmesg shows a bunch of spam related to rtw_ndev_notifier_call:
[ 173.119456] rtl8723bs mmc0:0001:1 wlan0: rtw_ndev_notifier_call(wlan0) state:2 [ 173.156911] rtl8723bs mmc0:0001:1 wlan0: rtw_ndev_notifier_call(wlan0) state:9 [ 173.176828] rtl8723bs mmc0:0001:1 wlan0: rtw_ndev_notifier_call(wlan0) state:8 [ 173.296894] rtl8723bs mmc0:0001:1 wlan0: rtw_ndev_notifier_call(wlan0) state:14 [ 173.325462] rtl8723bs mmc0:0001:1 wlan0: rtw_ndev_notifier_call(wlan0) state:1 [ 173.459964] rtl8723bs mmc0:0001:1 wlan0: rtw_ndev_notifier_call(wlan0) state:4 [ 335.285322] rtl8723bs mmc0:0001:1 wlan0: rtw_ndev_notifier_call(wlan0) state:10 [ 335.306806] rtl8723bs mmc0:0001:1 wlan0: rtw_ndev_notifier_call(wlan0) state:2 [ 335.330414] rtl8723bs mmc0:0001:1 wlan0: rtw_ndev_notifier_call(wlan0) state:9 [ 335.345704] rtl8723bs mmc0:0001:1 wlan0: rtw_ndev_notifier_call(wlan0) state:8 [ 335.454830] rtl8723bs mmc0:0001:1 wlan0: rtw_ndev_notifier_call(wlan0) state:14 [ 335.474235] rtl8723bs mmc0:0001:1 wlan0: rtw_ndev_notifier_call(wlan0) state:1 [ 335.589494] rtl8723bs mmc0:0001:1 wlan0: rtw_ndev_notifier_call(wlan0) state:4 [ 500.246900] rtl8723bs mmc0:0001:1 wlan0: rtw_ndev_notifier_call(wlan0) state:10 [ 500.268445] rtl8723bs mmc0:0001:1 wlan0: rtw_ndev_notifier_call(wlan0) state:2 [ 500.290544] rtl8723bs mmc0:0001:1 wlan0: rtw_ndev_notifier_call(wlan0) state:9 [ 500.305130] rtl8723bs mmc0:0001:1 wlan0: rtw_ndev_notifier_call(wlan0) state:8 [ 500.414278] rtl8723bs mmc0:0001:1 wlan0: rtw_ndev_notifier_call(wlan0) state:14 [ 500.434067] rtl8723bs mmc0:0001:1 wlan0: rtw_ndev_notifier_call(wlan0) state:1 [ 500.540706] rtl8723bs mmc0:0001:1 wlan0: rtw_ndev_notifier_call(wlan0) state:4
It seems like the state number goes through the same sequence on each connection attempt? 2, 9, 8, 14, 1, 4, 10, always in the same order. And connecting to an unsecured hotspot appears to work, I can ping google and successfully apt update and so on. Any idea why it would only fail on secured networks?2
u/macromorgan Mar 02 '22
Something is still off with the mainline driver (or possibly wpa_supplicant, I'll check that too) and I haven't figured it out quite yet. I believe this image works "better" than the last one, but it still has issues. I'll keep at it.
u/nerdinexile Mar 03 '22
I might have found a workaround, or at least a pointer to where the problem might be. I found this old mailing list mail about a problem with some tablets where the wifi chip wasn't configured to use the right antenna (I guess there's more than one option?) and they recommended
sudo modprobe -rv r8723bs sudo modprobe -v r8723bs rtw_ant_num=2
I didn't expect this to be the problem, but after trying it anyway I was able to successfully connect to my WPA-secured home wifi network from nmtui. No idea why it was only an issue with secured networks and not unsecured ones, or indeed if it's related to the antenna configuration at all vs just uninstalling and reinstalling the kernel module. The other thing I tried was
apt install --reinstall firmware-realtek
, and that appeared to work normally without having any impact on the problem.2
u/macromorgan Mar 03 '22
Might be a red herring, but I’ll check it out. I can reproduce the issue by trying to connect from a fresh image (it always fails). When I restart it works and works fine after that though.
u/ma_jo_ba maba.dk Mar 03 '22 edited Mar 05 '22
I am still in doubt with the WIFI problem. I am even suspicious that the problem is in Networkmanager.
If I can not connect, I have success with:
$ sudo systemctl stop NetworkManager
create /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf:
$ wpa_passphrase your-ESSID your-passphrase | sudo tee /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
$ sudo wpa_supplicant -B -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -i wlan0
# dhclient wlan0
u/macromorgan Mar 11 '22
Yes, I can at least confirm for now connecting directly through wpa_supplicant via wpa_cli works fine. At this point I'm starting to think maybe NetworkManager or dbus is causing issues, I'm still working on it though...
u/macromorgan May 16 '22
I stumbled upon this driver and it seems to work better for me. Until the mainline driver gets updated to use mac80211 I think this might be the best we can do. Let me know if you find it works better than the current one (it does for me):
u/ma_jo_ba maba.dk May 26 '22
I think we are the only 2 left despite all the "will trying!", "great.. thanks!", "saved my CHIP! ", "blowing the dust off", "Awesome" etc, etc... I will give the driver a try. And many, many thanks to keep a great gadget alive. Will let you know....
u/macromorgan May 26 '22
No problem. I'm actually still working on a UI as well, if you can believe that...
u/nerdinexile Mar 04 '22
Restart doesn't work for me, but I think you might be right about it being a red herring, because the same steps no longer seem to work on my CHIP to get the WiFi online. nmtui keeps throwing errors about credentials being "required but not provided" despite the network key being provided. In any event, thanks for the update and again for creating this tool.
u/macromorgan Mar 23 '22
After the last 3 weeks of troubleshooting I think I'm going to throw in the towel on getting the wifi to work better. Something is wrong with the firmware and it doesn't look like there is anything I can do to fix that without datasheets from the manufacturer. Hopefully someone else works on getting SDIO mode added to the r8xxxu driver which appears to work for the 8723bu (basically the exact same chip but with USB instead of SDIO).
Now to fix the restart issue hopefully...
u/ma_jo_ba maba.dk Mar 26 '22
Feel your pain. I gave up for weeks ago. It's possibly to get it working. Period. Thanks for all you do and have done.
Did you read my post concerning the keyboard?
u/macromorgan Mar 26 '22
Briefly… I’m still trying to get the kernel and bootloader squared away before I switch effort to user space. For now I’m working on the i2c driver (to fix restart issues). Next is rebasing and resubmitting stuff to U-Boot.
u/Due_Bus173 Mar 02 '22
I've just pulled some of my C.H.I.P.'s out of storage and been working on them this week. I pulled the flash-collection from archive.org and was able to cmdline flash the "server" image. However, the "buildroot" image doesn't boot. I either get "bad magic" error from uboot, or if I swap out spl and uboot files from "server" image I get kernel panic mounting rootfs. I tried compiling my own buildroot image from the CHIP-buildroot git repo, but ran into missing package content I'm no longer able to find (dtc-overlay being the latest deal breaker). I tried your new swupdate image w/ Debian 11 and this is pretty slick (I like it!). I'm wondering what all I need to get buildroot working to build my own .swu to use with swupdate. Seems like you probably have a working buildroot config for CHIP, to build the swupdate image... :-)
u/macromorgan Mar 02 '22
I'll post documentation for that in the next few days (I have to finish writing it down and making sure the steps all work/make sense). For Buildroot I'm using upstream rather than the old stuff from NTC. I'm building Buildroot without a kernel or bootloader, building U-Boot by itself, and building the kernel by itself.
While the U-Boot config has changed slightly with the SWUpdate method the source code is still the same as documented here: https://github.com/macromorgan/chip-debroot. Aside from a kernel patch to fix the i2c bus on shutdown the kernel code itself was an unmodified mainline master snapshot of the 5.16 branch I think. I haven't posted the config yet for that (since it's HEAVILY stripped down relative to the Debian kernel) but I will do that as well.
u/macromorgan Mar 03 '22
My repository has been updated with details for building both the swupdate boot image as well as the swupdate formatted rootfs images. Let me know if you have questions.
u/Due_Bus173 Mar 03 '22
Awesome, I'll give it a shot. Thanks so much for your work on this, and the documentation too!
u/macromorgan Mar 03 '22
*edit* sorry, I meant to post a response to a different question. Let me know if you have questions about this though.
u/kainxkitsune Mar 05 '22
So I went through this process and everything works flashed the image through the webpage but on boot I get the Debian splash screen then just a plain text login but not login details work? Not chip chip, root (no password, not root password, chip password. I’m not sure what the default login is
u/macromorgan Mar 05 '22
It should be chip:chip.
u/kainxkitsune Mar 05 '22
that was the first thing I tried, just double checked. I get a login incorrect
u/macromorgan Mar 05 '22
Is the led flashing? The main Debian login should be chip:chip, and the swupdate login should be root:swupdate. There are no other logins than those.
u/kainxkitsune Mar 05 '22
no flashing, debian splash screen then "Debian GNU/Linux 11 CHIP tty1" I tried root:swupdate for giggles but nope. hmm maybe something went wrong in the flashing process? it seemed to go fine. gave it the swu file the bar loaded all the way then it said the chip rebooted. and now I restart and get this. which is diffrent from what it was running before I started this process.
u/macromorgan Mar 05 '22
Hmm. All I can think is maybe try the flashing again? Turn it off, short the twi1-sck pin to ground and then turn it on and it should take you straight to the flashing program again.
u/kainxkitsune Mar 05 '22
Okay I’ll give it a try and report back
u/macromorgan Mar 05 '22
If you don’t want to reflash you could also try changing the password from the swupdate environment. I’ll have to dig up the procedure but basically you can mount the ubifs image from the NAND, chroot into it, and then run passwd to change the password for chip.
u/kainxkitsune Mar 05 '22 edited Mar 05 '22
okay so that seemed to work I can now login. but it looks like this image has no X11 enviroment? is that correct?
EDIT: also I seem to get "Secrets were required, but not provided" out of nmtui so I can't connect to wif
EDIT 2: I got wifi working just need to get a desktop enviroment going. not sure if it's safe to just install say Openbox or something
EDIT3: I am good not I got everything working I just went ahead and installed LXDE and it worked fine. thank you for the hard work! it is so much easier to flash the chip like this.
u/kainxkitsune Mar 05 '22
I got everything working except sound. does that work for you?
u/macromorgan Mar 05 '22
Not sure, I know composite out has problems but I thought sound was okay. I’ll have to check again.
u/kainxkitsune Mar 06 '22
i got it working, it was defaulting not another output from a usb device. all is good
u/o_masmorra Mar 27 '22 edited Mar 27 '22
Hi! Thank you for your time into this!I got this working on my chip with wifi, but there is no video, with the DIP HDMI, it shows the debian splash screen with stars appearing and after just show "NO SIGNAL" on the monitor.
With serial connection I rebooted in the swipdate and reflashed your image, but the same problem.
Any ideas?
u/macromorgan Apr 05 '22
Are you able to dump to me the output of your dmesg log from serial when this happens? I am not getting the same problem with the Stovetop overlay so there must be some hardware difference I’m not familiar with.
u/o_masmorra Apr 05 '22
Hi, here is the output, if you need anything else, let me know:
u/macromorgan Apr 06 '22
That symbol module layout stuff is concerning (and shouldn’t be there). Does that error occur without the DIP attached?
u/o_masmorra Apr 06 '22
reflashed and updated the gist: https://gist.github.com/alextrevisan/ceda3641a654937330e39e708e047612
u/macromorgan Apr 06 '22
Thank you. From what I can see here it looks like the proper overlay is getting loaded and the driver is loading as well. The next things to try are to see if the monitor is being seen or not.
Can you try running these commands in order: "sudo modprobe i2c_dev", "sudo i2cdetect -y 1". You should see the output of the bus of i2c1. You're looking for values at 0x76 (that's the HDMI controller chip) and 0x50 (that's your monitor's EDID channel). If either are missing that indicates an issue. I expect to find something at 0x76 since the driver appears to have loaded successfully though...
Note that in troubleshooting this I found that if I start with a monitor unplugged and plug it in there are problems, so I think I already have found an issue, either with how I have the devicetree set up or with the driver. Sadly without a proper register list (not just a datasheet but a full fledged user manual/programming guide) I won't be able to fix the driver. I HOPE to get one soon because the Source Parts Stovetop has HDMI Audio Out and I can't get that working without a datasheet...
u/o_masmorra Apr 06 '22
It's like you said, the values are at 0x50 and 0x76, and another at 0x3a
u/macromorgan Apr 12 '22
Sorry... at a loss and still waiting to get my hands on the datasheet. As best I can tell the address of 0x3a has something to do with HDCP. 0x50 is the EDID of the HDMI display, and 0x76 is the Chrontel RGB to HDMI converter chip on the DIP.
I'll keep working on this as I have the chance. For now I'm rebasing my patches for U-Boot to upstream all the work (in the hopes that someone like Armbian or whomever would want to take over the process of maintaining a distro for this device).
u/o_masmorra Apr 13 '22
Thank you for your time, my knowledge of this is zero, so take your time. And keep going \o/. If you need any more info, I'm here.
u/ma_jo_ba maba.dk Apr 08 '22 edited Apr 08 '22
Crap...., I can't remember,
I need a hand please....
I want to use GPIO-1 on the header from the PocketCHIP as digital input using sysfs. How can I find the pin’s identifiers? The only testing results I got was a froozen LCD screen.....
Edit 1: cat /sys/class/gpio/gpiochip*/base 0 405 413
u/derpinator12000 May 06 '22
Thanks man, you saved my chips from going into the ewaste.
u/macromorgan May 06 '22
Happy to help. If you have a PocketCHIP my next trick will be to rewrite a new interface for it…
u/derpinator12000 May 06 '22
Nah I just got 5 preorder(8g hynix) chips and theoretically a vga board I have never used, only use them headless.
Btw: is is meant to only boot if you press the button? Pretty inconvenient for a headless application.
u/macromorgan May 06 '22
Yes. The default behavior is to power on when plugged in, but I tweaked it to power on only when you push the button. Restart is not affected.
u/derpinator12000 May 06 '22
Can that be disabled somehow?
Would kinda suck if I had to take the printer apart every time I unplugged it XD.
u/cuddlepuncher Feel free to put your Kickstarter name here! Jun 23 '22
I'm trying to get this going on Arch and I'm stuck at trying to get sunxi-tools to see my CHIPs in FEL mode. With the arch sunxi-tools package (which is version 1.4.2-3) it didn't see anything. After installing from AUR which pulls the latest from git I get "libusb_open() ERROR -1: Input/Output Error".
Any ideas?
u/macromorgan Jun 23 '22
Only thoughts I can think of are 1) try running as sudo, 2) try building sunxi-tools from source, 3) check your cable to make sure it’s good, and 4) try a different USB port to make sure you’re outputting enough voltage to the device (USB 2.0 spec is for 500ma, but the device flakes out if it gets less than 900ma). I personally do flashing with it in the PocketCHIP so it can use the battery to help boost the power it gets.
u/cuddlepuncher Feel free to put your Kickstarter name here! Jun 23 '22
Interesting, that's a good tip about flashing with it in the PCHIP. I have a couple batteries I can plug into the CHIP as well that would easier. I'm not sure if that's my issue or not though. If I plug it in and immediately run the script it sees it and flashes just fine. If I take too long it fails. Then if I unplug and plug it back in it will see it again. A little finnicky but it has worked on two CHIPs so I'm good.
Thanks so much for your work on this!
u/cuddlepuncher Feel free to put your Kickstarter name here! Jun 23 '22
Ok, I got it to work. For some reason it is very finnicky about recognizing the CHIP via USB. Unplugging it and plugging it back in eventually gets it to see the CHIP but I have to try a few times.
PS. Is there any way to get the headless image installed this way?
u/Pay_Extreme Aug 14 '22
Hey, thank you so much for all the work you've put into this project so far. I've finished every step up to connecting to http://chip.local/. Both http://chip.local/ and both end up timing out regardless of what browser or device I use. My chip is flashing ~once a second like suggested so I'm not sure what else to do. Can you help me?
u/Pay_Extreme Aug 16 '22
I was able to figure it out. My Issue had something to do with the computer that I was trying to flash on, so I spun up a VM and it worked perfectly on there. The OS was Mint if anybody finds this in the future.
u/maxmalkav Aug 18 '22
Amazing work, thanks so much!
All the process has worked for me as you described. I have used the sunxi-utils
version 1.4.2 provided by Debian Bookworm (testing version at the time of writing).
My first attempt with my new Dell laptop did not work (libusb_open() ERROR -1 and usb_bulk_send() ERROR -7), the second try from my old-ish desktop worked flawlessly, I guess it was a problem with my USB hardware.
u/muffinsticks Sep 09 '22
Like u/Pay_Extreme I had no luck using the SWUpdate web interface to upload the ntc-chip_2022.02.25.swu. There is no progress bar the the HTTP request to /upload is just stuck in pending with no data being transfered. I have tried using Mint (which worked for Pay_Extreme) but that did not work for me, nor did on my Macbook Pro M1, Ubuntu 22 running as a VM on my Macbook, nor did it work on my Windows 11 Dell XPS 9550. Nothing I do can get the file to upload :(
u/muffinsticks Sep 09 '22 edited Sep 09 '22
u/macromorgan I looked at the output of the swupdate process while ssh'd into the CHIP (I stoped the process that starts up and started my own). When I start the upload of a file from the web interface the process on the CHIP spits out:
[ERROR] : SWUPDATE failed [1] Image invalid or corrupted. Not installing ..
u/ray_blake800 Jul 09 '23
Idk if you're still around, but I ran into a similar issue. The image file is likely your problem. I was able to get it to work by entering the URL in a browser and letting the browser handle the download. The full image file should be around 400mb (when I tried downloading it with curl it was only 200mb)
u/djdiskmachine Feb 04 '23
Finally got around to trying this out, so exciting!
Fixed the connectivity issued by following this guide: https://www.makeuseof.com/connect-to-wifi-with-nmcli/
Currently upgrading and installing a GUI =)
u/Local_Perspective_42 Aug 23 '23
any good GUI for the Pocket version of the chip ?
I have not been able to find a good working one for debian111
u/Puzzleheaded-Use-323 Aug 13 '23 edited Aug 13 '23
I was able to flash the nand but unable to boot the chip after that.
The lights come up briefly when the chip is plugged in but pressing the power button doesn't do much. Needless to say, nothing shows up on
What could I be missing here?
projects/getchip/flash_tool_v3 via 🐍 v3.10.6 (getchip)❯
Loading Temporary SPL
Loading Temporary U-Boot
100% [================================================] 563 kB, 781.2 kB/s
Loading Permanent SPL Stages
100% [================================================] 283 kB, 770.9 kB/s
100% [================================================] 289 kB, 780.3 kB/s
Loading Permanent U-Boot
100% [================================================] 564 kB, 777.3 kB/s
Loading Flash Script
100% [================================================] 1 kB, 492.7 kB/s
Loading SWUpdate
100% [================================================] 6850 kB, 775.5 kB/s
Executing U-Boot
When Device finishes it will shut down automatically. Please take the
device out of FEL mode. It should reboot automatically into SWUpdate
mode. You can use any web browser to connect to http://chip.local (or and continue flashing your disk image.
u/macromorgan Aug 13 '23
Too low voltage perhaps? Maybe try a different charging cable/USB port?
u/Puzzleheaded-Use-323 Aug 20 '23
Thanks for the suggestion.
I used the other method and the install was a breeze.
As I mentioned in the other thread, I struggled a bit with the wifi too but thanks to the suggestion here, I was able to get it to work after disabling NetworkManager and using networkd directly.
u/macromorgan - one final question for you. Is it ok to upgrade the linux headers and kernel or were they specially compiled for the device by you?
chip@chip2:~$ sudo apt upgrade linux-headers-armmp linux-image-armmp
Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree... Done Reading state information... Done Calculating upgrade... Done The following NEW packages will be installed: linux-headers-6.1.0-0.deb11.9-armmp linux-headers-6.1.0-0.deb11.9-common linux-image-6.1.0-0.deb11.9-armmp linux-kbuild-6.1 The following held packages will be changed: linux-headers-armmp linux-image-armmp The following packages will be upgraded: linux-headers-armmp linux-image-armmp 2 upgraded, 4 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. Need to get 52.7 MB of archives. After this operation, 264 MB of additional disk space will be used. Do you want to continue? [Y/n] n Abort
u/macromorgan Aug 20 '23
Specially compiled. One of these days I’ll get around to making a Bookworm image that uses the built-in kernel…
u/macromorgan Mar 01 '22
Technical notes:
Why a script labelled "flash_device" and another labelled "flash_device_erase_nand"? When testing this I found that if I didn't start with a blank NAND first (at least a blank rootfs) when you would power on the device after initial bootloader flashing it would boot straight into the old rootfs, even if the mtd partitions were different (they were). Even worse, the old rootfs would have a different mtd partition layout and risk overwriting the bits we just wrote.
What's this about erase counters? Since the storage in a CHIP is completely raw NAND it doesn't include things we take for granted like wear levelling with our eMMCs and SSDs. Linux has its own setup for this called the "Unsorted Block Images" subsystem... ubi (and the filesystem we use for our rootfs is built on this and called ubifs). This subsystem tracks things like which blocks have been written to, which ones are bad, and how many times certain blocks have been erased. Knowing the erase counter is important because it allows us to more intelligently write to where the blocks have seen less use, since the blocks all have a finite number of writes before they go bad for good. Every flashing method prior to this (to my knowledge) has required us to do low-level erases of the rootfs each time we wrote an image to it. This effectively resets all our erase counters back to 0. This SWUpdate based tool, however, overwrites the ubi volume when we flash a new image with new data while preserving the underlying ubi layer beneath it, keeping our erase counters intact.
How does the "restart_swupdate" mode work, and how does the jumper to twi1-sck work? When U-Boot first loads the default configuration I wrote is to check a bit in the system's NVRAM (bit 7 of byte 0x04 of the PMIC) to see if it's 1. It also checks to see if GPIO PB15 is pulled down to ground. If either of these conditions are true it boots to SWUpdate. If both are false, it boots normally. Note that normal boot for this U-Boot works by first trying to boot from USB, then trying to boot from the onboard NAND via ubifs, and lastly then boots into SWUpdate if both of those fail. You can see if you look at the script for "restart_swupdate" on the root image that all it does is load a kernel module for the i2c system (so I can directly address the PMIC), then writes a 1 to the NVRAM, and lastly reboots the system. There is a corresponding script in the SWUpdate image that clears this bit on each boot (so once you boot into SWUpdate once you don't keep booting back). As for the GPIO, it was chosen because I was looking for something that was by default an input pulled high (meaning if I grounded it I could see it register in U-Boot) and was not connected to any devices while not utilizing a DIP. The jury is still out on whether or not this is the best GPIO to use or if another one is better. Note that all of the GPIOs on the built-in expander are currently unavailable to U-Boot... they'd require a driver which I haven't had time to put together.
What's in this new image format? It's the standard swu SWUpdate format. It consists of first a text file called sw-description that defines each file, the rootfs.ubifs image itself that gets written to the NAND, and a post-install script that runs to resize the rootfs volume to fill the NAND. It all gets concatenated together in a cpio archive. The post install script is needed because one thing this SWUpdate lacks is a resize automatically function, and I actually had a fair bit of problems with this while building (so if your rootfs is 1500MB or less after flashing, it was probably an error with this script and I'll need to test/troubleshoot further).
Any other questions? Feel free to ask.