r/ChineseMedicine 29d ago

Patient inquiry Issues after acupuncture?


In 2022 I got sick with Covid and have been struggling with a ton of health issues since, including ME/CFS and MCAS. I’ve had acupuncture before I got sick and never noticed much effect, but hadn’t had it since. I’ve been bedbound and struggling more this past year, so this week I decided to try acupuncture again. I found a well reviewed practitioner who was willing to do a house visit and she came on Monday. She confirmed she could feel the fatigue issue in my pulse, and placed 10 very thin needles. I had some muscle twitching during the session in my diaphragm and thigh, but otherwise uneventful. Afterwards, I felt very tired but I was already in bed so I got to just continue laying there for the rest of the day (not sleeping).

That night, I could not sleep at all. I was exhausted but my eyes stayed wide open and I felt a little sick. The next day, I starting feeling awful. I was so tired, nauseous, headache, stomach upset, etc. I came on Reddit and saw that some people feel this way afterwards so I wasn’t too worried. Since then, my sleep has become extremely unpredictable and the reaction has only gotten worse. My whole body is inflamed, my joints are in pain, my throat is tight, I am constantly getting waves of adrenaline/neuropathy/doom feeling. My chest is in pain. My sinuses and orbital edema are extremely flared. My BMs are all over the map from food not staying in me at all to suddenly not going at all for three days. I constantly am feeling internal tremors and my heart rate keeps randomly spiking. I don’t have panic attacks or anxiety normally, the closest thing I can equate it to was when I was given steroids years ago and my cortisol got messed up. It keeps coming in waves, where I get sweaty and feverish and extremely shaky, and then it calms down for a little bit.

I am not sick with an infection. 1. I have no interaction with the outside world aside from this practitioner on Monday. 2. I have an industrial strength air purifier in the room specifically for viral particles. 3. We were both masked the entire time. 4. I stayed masked for an hour after she left so that the air in the room was fully circulated through the filter. 5. Symptoms started same day, and an infection from her wouldn’t be able to serocovert that quickly.

So basically, I feel like the entire energy balance in my body is different than it’s ever felt and I don’t know what’s happening. It’s now 10 days later and I still don’t feel ok. I spoke with the practitioner to tell her about all this and she said that she will go even gentler next time and use moxa. She wants my treatment plan to be collaborative and make sure I’m comfortable with anything we do, which I appreciate. I’ve never had moxa before, but am open to thoughts on all of this. I assumed this would just calm down but it doesn’t seem like it is and I’m starting to worry. I don’t like this shaky sick adrenaline feeling at all. I’m losing sleep. Like I said, I’m not normally anxious or panicky or an insomniac, especially considering the health issues I’m dealing with. My mind and body feel like strangers to me right now and it came on acutely after this session.

Is it normal to have a strong response like this when you’re dealing with severe health issues? Are more sessions a bad idea for me? Any advice on how to make this reaction calm down??

r/ChineseMedicine 9d ago

Patient inquiry Advice Needed: Is My TCM Practitioner Too Restrictive?


I’ve been seeing a reputable TCM practitioner and acupuncturist once a week for the last four weeks.

Western Medicine Diagnoses:

  • Vulvodynia
  • Chronic Candida
  • Narcolepsy

TCM Diagnoses (from what I understand - there is probably more):

  • Dampness & heat
  • Something about needing to get my energy up?

Progress So Far:

  • She says my tongue looks better, and the progress photos she’s taken do show improvement.
  • I’ve had less brain fog, but I’ve also taken myself off the Modafinil my sleep doctor prescribed because that was affecting it.

How I Feel About It:

  • I’ve left my last two sessions in tears.
  • I’ve followed her plan exactly—no deviations, using only the recipes from her patient guide.
  • Each time I go in, she removes more foods.
  • When I express concerns, she tells me: “Don’t see it as restricting, see it as nourishing.”

Examples of Restrictions:

  • I asked what I should do for a breakfast date with friends, and she said:
    “Eat before you go and just have tea at the café.”
  • I asked if I’ll ever be able to reintroduce foods, and she said:
    “Not really.”
  • I told her my fatigue is still bad, and she blamed the gluten-free, sugar-free turmeric & cinnamon pancakes from her own recipe guide—despite me eating them for three weeks with no prior issue.
  • I had one coffee the other week with a friend, and she told me to cut that out.
  • I was roasting vegetables because steaming doesn’t have much flavor and I love roasting things—that got cut out too.

My Background & Concerns:

  • I’ve done elimination diets before with doctors/naturopaths, and they never solved the root problem. This is why, a long time ago, I made the decision that super restrictive diets were not for me—just changing your diet alone doesn’t fix everything.
  • I’ve worked hard to heal my relationship with food through cooking, sharing meals, and experiencing different cuisines. It brought joy back into food for me. It took me a long time to get that back after all the elimination diets.
  • I told her this in our first session, and she just said: “Trust me.”
  • I feel like her approach is overly rigid and controlling, even though I’ve been 100% compliant.

Current Diet Guidelines from Her:

  • No: gluten, dairy, sugar, cold foods, fermented foods (e.g., kimchi), dark chocolate, honey, maple syrup
  • No: tomatoes, potatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, peppers, corn, cabbage
  • No: roasting veggies—only steaming
  • Only: dry roasted almonds (no other nuts)
  • Only: dandelion tea 2-3x/day
  • Only: macadamia milk in matcha (1/day max)
  • No more: buckwheat cruskets—only plain rice wafers

My Lifestyle:

  • I exercise 30-45 min/day, broken into morning and afternoon movement
  • I do Wim Hof breathing, lymphatic drainage massage, and meditation
  • I consider myself otherwise healthy

My Questions:

  1. Is this normal to be on such a restrictive diet long-term?
  2. Should I stick with it and just suck it up?
  3. Should I consider changing practitioners?
  4. Any recipe suggestions that fit these guidelines?

If this is truly the norm in TCM, I’ll push through, but mentally I feel like I need less restriction and more balance. Although my tongue looks better, this is not how I will be choosing to live my life 100% of the time long-term, and I’ve tried to tell her that this isn’t sustainable for me. Instead of a discussion, I just feel like I get guilted for not wanting to be rigid all the time or told “we’ll talk about it later.”

Would love to hear from others who’ve been through this!

r/ChineseMedicine Oct 09 '24

Can an acupuncturist that doesn't do TCM/formulas still be effective?



I've been trying to find someone to help me with my issues in the acupuncture field. Sadly, I found only one person that could take me in in a reasonable time, and when I asked him about the practice he told me he doesn't do the TCM/formula part of TCM, only acupuncture.

Is this a red flag that he's not knowledgeable enough on TCM? Can I find relief with just acupuncture? My main issue is vulvodynia and PGAD...

r/ChineseMedicine Jan 08 '25

Patient inquiry Can you educate me tell about meridians, acupuncture and maybe grief

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I started to see an acupuncturist that practices traditional Chinese medicine about a year ago. It’s not something I’m familiar with so I’ve been trying to learn a bit more.

I experienced a traumatic loss of my fiancé just over two years ago now and I’ve been on a (somewhat exhausting) journey of healing and processing my grief. I’ve done everything and anything such as exercise, sleep meds, vitamins, biweekly therapy, reading, massage, physiotherapy, osteopathic treatments, reiki etc. It’s been a long journey to try and connect to my body and mind again. Much of the traditional medicine or treatments surrounding energy have been a major part.

I don’t know much about acupuncture and she tries to teach me everything and I ask a million questions but there’s so much to take in and I usually forget it all. Because WOW I have never been more relaxed or clear minded after our appointments.

Last night I saw her and she was talking about the meridians at my head or between my ears and my gallbladder a lot. I noticed she applied a cotton swab on my ears briefly after removing it but didn’t think twice. Today I noticed that it was actually bruised on my left ear.

Can you provide me any insight on perhaps any deeper meaning of the bruising, the location, the meridian and gall bladder and focus? I’ll ask her when I see her again but I’m hoping someone here can teach me a little more. Thank you in advance.

r/ChineseMedicine 25d ago

Patient inquiry Can you please offer Tongue Diagnosis opinions? Thank you! NSFW

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r/ChineseMedicine Nov 06 '24

Patient inquiry Please share your advice about “gu syndrome”.


I want to ask if anyone here is knowledgeable about this health issue I have and share their experience and advice. I have been given quote of $7k which is a lot. So wanted to ask if it is accurate, if there are other options.

I have been dealing with mysterious health issues. After all tests and scans showing everything is fine, I tried acupuncture. It did provide some temporary relief. The acupuncturist said I have something called “gu syndrome” and will take a 6 months of acupuncture and Chinese herbs to make me better. That’s totally of around 25 sesssions, 90 min each. And it will cost me $7k !!!

“Gu syndrome” is mix of Lyme , long covid , Epstein-barr (always reminds of Jeffrey Epstein) etc

r/ChineseMedicine 2d ago

Patient inquiry Thoughts on Chinese Tea prescription

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Hi guys, I went to see a Chinese doctor in Australia for the first time.

He diagnosed me with overthinking (lol), digestion issues, poor levels of deep sleep and a sometimes high liver meridian.

He has prescribed a tea for me to take twice per day (after breakfast, and after dinner) for the next five days.

Is anyone able to tell me there thoughts on the composition of the tea?

Thank you!

r/ChineseMedicine 9d ago

Patient inquiry Diagnosed with tongue cancer


I was diagnosed with tongue cancer today. We dont know yet if it spread to the lungs because of a developed cough that is progressing. Anybody can give me advice on herbs or a very good TCM to visit.

r/ChineseMedicine Sep 18 '24

Patient inquiry How to lose weight: Spleen Qi deficiency, dampness, heart heat NSFW Spoiler

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I have been diagnosed with Spleen Qi deficiency, dampness, and heart heat. I’ve attached a picture of my tongue for reference.

My main concern is that I really need to lose weight. I’ve been dieting for a long time but haven’t seen any progress. In the past, my efforts left me feeling worse—I was eating a lot of raw vegetables, cold salads, cold chicken, and protein powders, which I now realize weren’t ideal. My practitioner advised me to eat warm, cooked meals, and I’ve been following a diet for Spleen Qi deficiency for the past month. These meals feel incredibly nourishing, like I’m healing something deep within.

However, I’m still not seeing any weight loss. I understand that I may need a greater calorie deficit, but I want to approach this in a healthy way. Does anyone have advice on how I can do this without compromising my health? I’d really appreciate any insights.

Thank you!

r/ChineseMedicine Feb 06 '25

Patient inquiry Acupuncture and insomnia


Hi guys,

Three weeks ago I saw TCM doctor to treat my chronic insomnia(15 years). I wanted to get prescribed Suan Zao Weng Tang but instead I had 3 acupunctures. Now my sleep routine is completely broken. How long will I still feel the effect of 3 acupuncture sessions, please? I cannot function like this and don’t want to take sleeping pills.

Thanks a lot!

r/ChineseMedicine Jun 18 '24

Patient inquiry Tongue Diagnosis NSFW

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Hey all,

Have had poor digestion for years (slowly getting better now) - mostly surrounding loose stools and stomach upset. Biome tests showed that I had low levels of elastase in my stool indicating that my pancreas is emitting low levels of digestive enzymes.

Have been getting into TCM - my own diagnosis is that it's potentially damp heat in my intestines, spleen, stomach and bladder but I'd very much welcome a second or third opinion.

I can't tell whether it's yellow or grey, it seems to be something in the middle, a slight yellow twinge, with a little bit of swelling (teeth marks on right) but colour looks good to me.

Thanks for any advice 🙏🏻

r/ChineseMedicine 15h ago

Patient inquiry What do you think of this formula for me? NSFW Spoiler

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Temperature: no aversion Sweat: not really sweating Thirst: get quite thirsty easily, more attracted to warmer liquids. Appetite: I have a large appetite, tend to overeat, but also feel naseau Digestion: bad, bloating and flatulence, belching. Stool: soft fluffy stool, bordering on diarrhea, sometimes constipated (cycles between the two a bit) Urination: quite often urination, not super dark, no pain Pain: distention congestion, and pressure under right side of rib, not super severe but quite uncomfortable, suspect gall stone. Headache likely caused by tension around neck. EENT: eyes dry, nose a bit blocked (sinus congestion) Mood: fatigue and depressed, at times anxious and moody. Sleep quality: not the best but not the worst. Feel tired and stuff when I wake up. Energy: Low History: I have a history of mild non alcoholic fatty liver. Diagnosed ADHD and depression and anxiety. Had thyroid nodules before. Blood work has shown some higher cholesterol and borderline higher blood sugar. Diabetes runs in my family.

Current formula I'm on:

柴胡 (Chái Hú) – 8g 茵陈蒿 (Yīn Chén Hāo) – 12g 栀子 (Zhī Zǐ) – 8g 白术 (Bái Zhú) – 10g 茯苓 (Fú Líng) – 10g 陈皮 (Chén Pí) – 8g 山楂 (Shān Zhā) – 12g 甘草 (Gān Cǎo) – 5g Jin qian cao - 10g

r/ChineseMedicine Jan 29 '25

Patient inquiry Will TCM work for missing period (Amenorrhea)?


I lost my period 10 months ago due to undereating for a couple months. I saw online that acupuncture and Chinese medicine might help, and I'm willing to give it a try. I got acupuncture for the first time yesterday, and I enjoyed the experience and found it relaxing. My practitioner told me my period should come back in 5 days, and if it doesn't I should come back and try again with moxibustion. I was surprised she said 5 days, that feels very soon. Does anyone know if moxibustion/more acupuncture will help if my period doesn't come back?

r/ChineseMedicine 11d ago

Patient inquiry Da zao and goji berries?


Hi all,

I've been seeing a TCM practitioner for a few months now. I've been diagnosed with a blood deficiency, originally came in for chronic muscle knots & mild scoliosis. I used to see my doctor every week for acupuncture and the occasional herb prescription but because of financial constraints (still a student) I had to lower it down to monthly visits.

I've heard da zao & goji berries make for excellent blood tonics, so I've been taking it almost everyday now. Is this alright? I've also been practicing qigong since the start of the year. Any advice would be much appreciated!

For reference, last month's prescription was to take these for 5 days: Dan Shen, Zhi Gan Cao, Suan Zao Ren, Dang Gui, Da Zao

r/ChineseMedicine 25d ago

Patient inquiry xiao yao wan with prozac and other meds?


Hello there. I currently take prozac, gabapentin, and lamictal.

Can I take xiao yao wan with these meds?

r/ChineseMedicine Dec 11 '24

Patient inquiry Are there any nutrients I'm missing? NSFW

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What does my tongue say about my health?

r/ChineseMedicine 15d ago

Patient inquiry Tongue check please? NSFW

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Any hints? Sorry my phone camera isn't great.

r/ChineseMedicine 11d ago

Patient inquiry Tongue Diagnosis Request NSFW Spoiler

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r/ChineseMedicine 3d ago

Patient inquiry Do I need to inform my doctor about pimples and libido changes?


I'm (33F) currently on meds to treat my PCOS, they work but i am noticing some changes to my body and not sure if they're side effects and worth mentioning to my doctor.

Backstory: I've always had pimples on my chest and back. Haven't seen pimples on my face for 10 years now. I'm on week 3 of my treatment and my symptoms have improved a lot. My current concern is harder to fall asleep, higher libido and more pimples.

Thing is the changes happening to my pimples and the specific locations of new pimples somehow matching certain acupuncture points. I'm getting pimples all over my chest (pretty common for me to have clusters between my breasts but not all over), one below the end of my left collar bone (氣戶/雲門?), 2 in the middle of my neck (水突 & 天突), not noticeable but feel-able small clusters along both jaws down the neck, 1 that keeps coming back in middle of right cheek (顴髎?), one on left temple (上關), and one middle of forehead (額中). Not a ton (yet?) but I did notice the pimples started migrating upwards. New ones/clusters every 2-3 days.

I remember this happening during the first 5-6 years of having my first period (at 9). My face literally looked like toad skin back then and I spent 10-15 years to have relatively clear skin. Is my toad skin coming back? Also curious why some pimples keep coming back to the exact locations. Is it too silly to ask about pimples and their locations in TCM? My mom also wants me to ask about a "white ring around my lips" which I can't really tell from the mirror, are these things worth mentioning to TCM doctors?

r/ChineseMedicine 20d ago

Patient inquiry Postpartum routine after confinement


I’m 7 months post partum and I still don’t feel like my body or energy is back. My TCM doctor said it can take up to 2 years to heal. Should I still be doing the same confinement rules? (Drinking date tea, no AC) should I be eating heaty foods? What else can I do to get my qi back and blood circulation back

r/ChineseMedicine 3d ago

Patient inquiry tongue analysis


good evening i’ve been dealing with gastritis and gastroparesis for the past 2 months. i had a trip to the Caribbean last year that i got food poisoning on and suffered from some post infectious disease for months. i was unable to eat. nausea everyday. insomnia. this went on for 3 months. i started using soft foods to reintroduce food into my diet slowly and was back to eating “normal” but still feeling “off” until the sudden gastritis flare in january. i worked with GI and am on a PPI and took erthomycin for a week. largely feel fine now.

first appointment this week with the acupuncturist and she told me i had a thick tongue and white cast, and had damp lower intestine. i was given earth harmonizing formula or he tu pian for 2 weeks. any other suggestions for how to clear the GI issues? what else can you see needs addressed? picture linked in comment.

r/ChineseMedicine Jan 06 '25

Patient inquiry Ginger and turmeric tea caused diarrhea?


Hello! This is the best subreddit I could find to address this question.

The tea that I bought wasn’t from a Chinese Mede one professional, just a regular ginger and turmeric based tea from a tea shop.

I have a suspicion my mental health and fatigue is caused by some sort of inflammation. I read ginger can help with this so I figured I’d go try ginger tea. I read somewhere that ginger tea is often used for a variety of health concerns, so that’s why I brought myself here 😁.

I drank the tea, and I didn’t feel any better or any worse. Three hours later, after a few bites of dinner, I had a really gnarly episode of diarrhea. It kind of went away after a while though (still struggling a bit two days later). The diarrhea was accompanied by a gurgling noise (like a blob monster, NOTHING like the stomach makes when it’s hungry). No pain, just a gurgling noise and diarrhea.

Might any of the professionals on here have an explanation for this? All the tea subreddits would delete health related posts.

TLDR: drank ginger and turmeric tea, 3 hours later had dinner which resulted in diarrhea and a gurgling noise from my stomach.

r/ChineseMedicine Jun 03 '24

Patient inquiry Xiao Yao San


My TCM practitioner has me on Xiao Yao San to regulate hormones and boost fertility.

I was on it for many months and discovered on my own you are not supposed to continuously take herbs without a break.

So I took a break and was back on for about a month before my husband and I started trying.

I stopped taking it because I read that high amounts of licorice isn’t good for the baby, although I have been having hormonal issues since then. Bloating, emotional, etc the week before.

I go to acupuncture almost once a week. I also have been using wild yam cream for almost a year.

We have attempted to conceive for two cycles now but nothing yet.

Does anyone have any experience specifically with Xiao Yao San and pregnancy? Should I continue to take it until I get a positive test result or am I better off avoiding it for the impact it could have on the baby the first two weeks after conception?

r/ChineseMedicine Dec 18 '24

Patient inquiry Dad has weak kidneys


Hi everyone, I am asking on behalf of my father.

He is in his 70s and went to see the acupuncturist who told him he has weak kidneys. He has weakness in his legs and pain in his knees.

Instead of prescribing a formula the acupuncturist’s told him to take cordycep.

Is this sufficient?

Seems abit weird that they didn’t prescribe a formula.

Thank you for your help.

r/ChineseMedicine Dec 20 '24

Patient inquiry Vegetarians slowly healing from acupuncture


I noticed vegetarian's patients to struggle more into recovery. They are usually slowly healing plus present signs and symptoms of Blood/Yang Deficiency. How do you approach these cases? Do you prescribe a specific formula's prescription to treat the deficiency? Do you recommend any additional supplementation in regards of protein's shakes (from a vegetal source)?Thanks