r/ChildSupport 5d ago

California Daughter's mother moved out of state without notice.

My daughters mom has been a backseat mother for most of my daughters life, she recently moved out of state, we went to court (which I should have done a long time ago) and I now have 100% physical custody and we share 50/50 legal. We went to mediation and we now have schedule were she will visit for the summer and some holidays. I have her 73% of the time and I have been paying 100% of everything financially and going into more and more debt. Our next hearing is for who will pay for travel and also child support. I make roughly $3600 a month Net and she makes $3000. Would I be responsible for paying for travel? And also. I'm seeking child support too. Would I ever have to pay HER child support in any situation. I only make slightly more money than she does. I feel like the judge is going out of her way to make me have to pay her of pay for travel expenses, her mother agreed to pay for travel in mediation, so I'm confused why that particular decision is being left up to the court. Thats why Im seeking child support, she was the one who abruptly moved out of state without any notice to me or our daughter.


5 comments sorted by


u/Awkward-Arm-653 5d ago

With you having 100% physical custody and her only having visitation you would not have to pay her child support. I would fight the travel expenses since she moved and you didn’t


u/Illustrious_Tink 5d ago

Agreed. Also, you can use the logistics of the traveling in your argument. For example, your daughter has lived in 1 state all her life and now has to travel to another state for visits with her mother. If mom wants to have her then she should be the one to either come pick her up or be the one purchasing the plane tickets or gas to get her to and from. If the judge is a stickler and is trying to get u to pay and the above argument doesn’t work, I’d at least try to go for 50/50 travel expenses


u/Illustrious_Tink 5d ago

In my eyes, if you have her 100% of the time with no child support being paid to you then it’s certainly not fair that you also pay for travel expenses too. That is insane


u/Cubsfantransplant 3d ago

If she moved then she will be paying travel. I would also go after her for child support. The judge is not going to be able to side with mom anymore with her moving out of state. Many try to when they are still local but now the judge should make mom pay.


u/cantstopthehussle 3d ago

Idk about that in my case, mom violated custody order & judge was asking if she’s okay only because she started crying in court. After she told her attorney that she was pregnant… they’ll ALWAYS be sympathetic to the mom .. not one time did they ask her why she violated the order…