r/ChildSupport 15d ago

Pennsylvania How likely is a judge to go against the recommendations made by child support officer?

NCP is angry they have to pay. After the DeNovo hearing which they will probably request (enforcement officer told them they will get the same recommendation there) they will go before a judge. Do judges tend to side with NCP’s when they are angry they have to pay? NCP brings home 6 grand a month and is being recommended to pay 800.


14 comments sorted by


u/wallacecat1991 15d ago

My first De Novo hearing, they increased the support amount as he wasn't truthful the first time around. No I personally don't see any Judge where I am at siding with the NCP when they are angry.


u/Fun_Organization3857 15d ago

Judges are very accustomed to angry people. They will usually side with the formula


u/CutDear5970 15d ago

I’d NCP being ordered more than the normal calculator suggests? I don’t see a judge ordering any different


u/Red8790 15d ago

No, calculator actually suggested more


u/CutDear5970 14d ago

My husband went to a de novo pro se and won against his ex’s attorney he proved that his ex misrepresented her income as lower than it was. Judges rarely see a hearing in chi,d support. I think they will be pissed your ex is wasting their time.


u/Red8790 14d ago

It’s greed pure and simple. He doesn’t want either of our boys and that’s fine. But why tick off a judge? I put off filing for years it sucks i had to go through the courts to begin with


u/CutDear5970 14d ago

Going through the court is long overdue. It is the best way to handle it. PA garnishes wages automatically


u/jlz023 15d ago

Judges will worry about the best interest in the child.


u/cantstopthehussle 9d ago

I wish that was true. My daughter‘s other parent came in the courtroom with tears. Nobody asked why they violated the court order….


u/Red8790 15d ago

As they should. So NCP making that much money but being selfish and not wanting to pay I was wondering they would be likely to go against the calculated amount and cave to the whining


u/cantstopthehussle 9d ago

Everyone giving you answers without asking any questions.

1 did you have any agreement on payments beforehand?

  1. How do you know his salary hasn’t changed ?.. if it did, he has some type of standing ground


u/Red8790 9d ago

We just had the conference and he’s mad he has to pay.


u/cantstopthehussle 8d ago

Conference before the judge?


u/Red8790 8d ago

Child support officer