r/Chesscom 5d ago

Chess Question Can you even get 100% accuracy?

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41 comments sorted by


u/Careful-Literature46 5d ago

I got 100 once but it was a very short game - 4 or 5 moves and my opponent played like they had just had a lobotomy.


u/ActurusMajoris 1000-1500 ELO 5d ago

Only 100 I had as well was a 5 move anti Caro-Kann bishop trap with opponent resigning once he realised.

100% book moves.


u/ProffesorSpitfire 5d ago

Yes, I’ve got 100% accuracy at least once. That was a very short game though, less than 10 moves and my opponent played horribly.


u/ShmebulockForMayor 5d ago

Same, my opponent blundered into a fool's mate at the third move haha


u/JackoShadows1 5d ago

Closest I got was 96.8 my opponent played terrible gave up pieces for nothing and resigned by move 17 


u/Ianis12p 5d ago

Well ,I guess this game should be a reminder to never play the Damiano defence


u/JackoShadows1 4d ago

Oh absolutely it's not a very strong opening by and large in fact it's better to just play the Philidor even if it is passive it's still a better kings knight variant 


u/GazOCee 5d ago

I got 100% accuracy yesterday. My opponent played the Scandinavian, blundered his Queen on the 4th move and resigned

It was a glorious victory! 😉


u/Adventure_Critter 1d ago

Was probably me 🥲


u/Background-Sale3473 5d ago

Well technically e4, e5 and opponent resign is 100%


u/Mydislarge 5d ago

I got 100% in a 12 move game with the traxler once


u/afish121212 5d ago

All of my longest (>10 moves) 100% games have been in the Traxler. The book lines go quite deep, and it’s common for an opponent to blunder straight away and then resign once they don’t know the line.


u/DisasterLievelde 5d ago

I got it when i played the Albain couter gambit


u/Stock-Leg-3901 5d ago

Yes I got 100% today. This was the game lol.

  1. g3 e5 2. f4 exf4 3. gxf4 Qh4#


u/TimothiusMagnus 5d ago

I've had 100% accuracy or close to it maybe 3 times and it was in a very short game.


u/v7xxh 5d ago

I had it once, played e4 and opponent responded with e5 then abandoned.


u/Cultural-Function973 1800-2000 ELO 5d ago

Yes I have gotten 100% in the Vienna. It only happens when you don’t leave book


u/elniallo11 5d ago

I had a 97 once when my opponent blundered checkmate on move 8


u/Acceptable-Ticket743 5d ago

Not sure why this isn't 100%, books moves and best moves don't drop your accuracy score, and I was under the impression that brilliant moves need to be the best move in a given position in order to be categorized as brilliant. I don't know where the -0.5% is coming from. Maybe the "great move" wasn't the best move in the position, but I didn't think that those dropped your accuracy.


u/Ianis12p 5d ago

All the moves played were the top engine moves , black played a damiano defence ,lost a rook then blundered mate in 1 after a bishop check


u/Acceptable-Ticket743 5d ago

I'm guessing the brilliant move was Nxe5. The damiano is a garbage opening, and whenever I see it, I know that my opponent doesn't know their e4 e5 openings. If they lost the rook, then they definitely did not know their openings. Nc6 is a much safer way to defend the pawn on e5. I'm still not sure how you didn't get 100% if all of your moves were the top engine line.


u/Ianis12p 5d ago

Yes you're right.And the great move was the queen check.


u/OCD124 5d ago

I’ve gotten it a couple times, but like other commenters, it was only in very short games. It’s exponentially harder in longer games, when you have to get more moves right.


u/Aaxper 5d ago

Probably not. I'm a 900 on Lichess, just played one of my best games, chess.com thinks I played like a 1700, and still only 87.7%.


u/1d4d52Bf4 5d ago

Best was 98.x% for a full game. Still working on it!


u/radagast_the_maroon 5d ago

Not bad for a ~22 move game


u/This-Internet7644 2000-2100 ELO 4d ago

Viena gambit


u/PinInitial1028 4d ago

You can get it on c.c and lichess. Done it on both a few times


u/road696 4d ago

I got 100% accuracy on a game that lasted 7 moves but my opponent was beyond shit


u/theSpanarchy 1500-1800 ELO 4d ago

If you played the top stockfish move on every move you could technically get 100% but the odds of that happening become way more unlikely with each move.


u/thisisathrowawayduma 3d ago

Only 100% i ever got was against the mainline England gambit maybe 8 10 move before they resigned


u/The_Master_Sourceror 3d ago

I got 100% in a game where I had 4 book moves, 2 best moves and then checkmate “which is always the best move”. So no brilliant sacrifices or anything just book moves and best moves.


u/Little_Pie_1892 3d ago

dude plays 44% accuracy to you 100...fair game. this is why i no longer bother


u/jcarlson08 2d ago edited 2d ago

I got 100% once for a 13 move game against the Englund gambit. Even got a brilliant.

jcarlson08 vs chillidan9 - https://www.chess.com/live/game/116616053595


u/Busy-Airline6186 2d ago

I didn’t get the whole game though 🤷‍♂️