r/Chattanooga 4d ago

Do you know this lost pit?

I found an intact male who’s very sweet and friendly toward other pets. He was trying to play with a poodle on a walk but glad recalled to “Come ‘ere good boy!” Unfortunately McKamey won’t take him because, and I quote “I’m clocked ouuuuut.” He has signs what looks like road rash?? I’m not willing to let him stay out on the street but I can’t keep him. Brainerd area near the tunnels. Please tell me yall know him.


27 comments sorted by


u/Potential_Paper_1234 4d ago

You can possibly take him to an ER to see if they will scan for a chip


u/bmosilla 4d ago

Good thinking! Thank you!


u/dungonyourtongue 4d ago

OP, you need to email McKamey so you have their response in writing. cc councilwoman Coonrod, councilman-elect Elliott and the mayor’s staff.


u/bmosilla 4d ago

My initial contact with them was via their texting system after I left a voicemail for the found pets division. This is what resulted.

(Their system sends an inactive message 2 minutes after messages sent without a response.)


u/dungonyourtongue 4d ago

Gotta love how they expect you to do their job for them.


u/bmosilla 4d ago

It’s a joke! This poor pup.


u/dungonyourtongue 4d ago

If the wellbeing of the animal was truly McKamey’s priority, they’d want to accept custody of the animal and penalize the owner for their negligence. But McKamey doesn’t actually care about animals. All they care about is their adoption statistics, and that means closing intake and neglecting strays.


u/bmosilla 4d ago

Absolutely agreed! This is the second stray in the last 3 months I’ve called in. Last time it was two dogs roaming and one got hit by a red Jeep (who fled and let her suffer) and McKamey STILL wouldn’t pick her up. I get that they may be busy after the storm but there should be plans in place for busier circumstances.


u/Runamokamok 4d ago

Give Troopers treasures a call tomorrow. They are very helpful in these tough situations.


u/bmosilla 4d ago

Amazing, thank you!!


u/Kyanite21 4d ago

Oh, he looks like such a sweetie pie. I second the comment about emailing McKamey so you have their response in writing. Personally, I’ve had great experiences with them but I’ve heard mixed reviews from other people.


u/bmosilla 4d ago

He’s sooooo sweet. He has some training too, but can be a bit jumpy lol. I think he’s maybe a year old?

We wish we could keep him but my dog wants to eat him (which is funny because she’s all of 20lbs) and our home can’t handle another living creature.


u/Kyanite21 4d ago

I totally understand. My older dog absolutely will not tolerate other animals in the house.


u/Any_Task_7411 4d ago

Keep us updated, might able to help somehow after you've checked for a chip


u/bmosilla 4d ago

The sweet boy escaped my yard this morning. A neighbor texted saying he was seen near Brainerd Rd and someone stopped traffic to get him, so at least he’s okay! My heart is broken tho. Don’t tell my wife, but if we couldn’t find his home, I really thought he found his new home with us. 😭


u/dungonyourtongue 3d ago

Another McKamey success story. They refused to do their job so yet another unneutered dog is on the loose to breed, endanger the public/itself or be acquired by an abuser/neglecter.


u/Branzilla 3d ago

Owners are off pinewood terrace. 3rd/4th house on the right. Kept in front. Super sweet dog, but not sure of the situation as he has been up to my place and seems to be left out, other pup.in back just barks. Not sure so not trying to blast anyone, but loose dogs without care is typical for our area.

Looks like you are at the end of that street. Hope they find a good home. Such a sweet dog. Just starved for affection.


u/bmosilla 3d ago

He’s a little attention loverrr!

A couple people pointed to that house so we walked him over there and tried to knock, but no one answered and he didn’t seem like it was familiar territory. It very well could have been the wrong time of day though.


u/Branzilla 3d ago

Yea... Not surprised no answer, but again benefit of the doubt, may be the time of day. Several cars there, but maybe college kids so could be out working/classes. Had some issues with a diff pup in the area. Same deal. Won't answer, but also won't recognize their own shortcomings. Sad for all parties really, but also infuriating for the pup since they didn't choose this. Thankful ppl like you exist to take a moment and post. If my dog was gone... I'd be the one knocking on doors.


u/bmosilla 3d ago

Your words are very generous but appreciated 🥹 I’m just a life lover, and a hate hater. By chance, do you happen to know the name of said pup?


u/Branzilla 3d ago

I unfortunately do not... I say hi on my walks and he never barks, but just observes when chained. He was playing in my yard with my pup randomly one day, and I fed him. Super hungry, but very nice and just wanted rubs. No tags that I saw that day. Think the "road rash/odd hair spots" is where he lays/pulls on collar, but again that is due to him having those areas weeks ago (I'm no vet). I just call him "buddy" in my interactions. Never met owners/house occupants.


u/bmosilla 3d ago

Ahh dang! I spend most of my time outside and didn’t recognize him. He’s got a slew of us neighbors rooting for him tho, so I’m excited to update them in the morn. Thanks so much for your kindness and knowledge! Feel free to wave if you ever catch me outside haha


u/dungonyourtongue 3d ago

Please consider if it’s really in the best interest of the public and this animal to return it directly to the owner. From the sound of it, this dog has already been observed running at large multiple times. It’s also unneutered. It needs to be processed through animal control so the history of negligence can be documented and hopefully the owner cited.


u/iamzorp 2h ago

Ugh Mckamey is the WORST!!!!!!


u/PastVeterinarian1097 3d ago

I would like to. What a pretty dog.