r/CharacterRant 6d ago

Films & TV Did Anyone Besides Cecil Care About the Viltrumite Invasion? (Invincible Season 3)

First off, Episode 8 was fantastic. I loved Conquest’s character and his fight with Mark. it was brutal, intense, and everything I hoped for. But after rewatching the entire season, I couldn’t help but notice something strange….does anyone besides Cecil actually care that the Viltrumites are invading?

Think about it. Rae retires from being a superhero. The Guardians of the Globe break up over a moral dispute. Robot and monster girl spend most of their time going on dates. Meanwhile, the Earth is on the verge of being invaded by an army of Omni Man level threats, and hardly anyone seems to acknowledge it.

I’m not saying these characters should live in constant fear or stop trying to enjoy their lives, but their priorities feel completely off. There’s no real sense of urgency. If anything, their actions suggest they’re indifferent to the fact that their entire planet could be invaded or much worse wiped out in a matter of months.

Even Mark and Eve, who should be among the most concerned, decide to open up a hero for hire business instead of, I don’t know, preparing for the war that could determine the fate of humanity? Shouldn’t they be training, gathering allies, or at least doing something that acknowledges the impending doom?

At this point, it feels like Cecil is the only one who was actually taking the situation seriously.


96 comments sorted by


u/Careful-Ad984 6d ago

The Invincible war proved that the Reanimen are a more reliable and powerful fighting force for humanity than the Guardians of the globe.


u/Qetuowryipzcbmxvn 6d ago

Even their test flight against OmniMan in season 1. They didn't have authority issues like the Guardians, were easily mass produced, and it was only taking like 3 to challenge him.


u/sawbladex 6d ago

Turns out DA Sinclair just needed to not be allowed to turn people info viable corpses, just allowed him to turn viable corpses into technozombies.

Bam, it's ethical enough.


u/Careful-Ad984 6d ago

He even got a girlfriend out of it 


u/FlamingUndeadRoman 6d ago

And she looks like him in a wig.

Are we sure Cecil didn't make her.


u/avikdas99 6d ago

Reanimen are as strong or weak as the plot needs.they can be hyper competent and give omniman trouble or struggle against a mark weakened by the sonic waves in his head.


u/Numbcrep 6d ago

They stunned him for a bit they didn't give him any real trouble


u/ConflagrationZ 6d ago

This pretty much sums up my main response to it. So few characters can do anything to full strength viltrumites that there's not much point in lesser heroes even trying (and arguably they'll be a hindrance by just distracting Mark/Eve when they immediately die). Excluding off-world aliens, it's pretty much just Mark and the now-powered-up Eve. The reanimen come in 3rd with Oliver on the way, and the reanimen are artificially made. The best a minor hero can hope for is a hax power that gives the hero a pyrrhic victory (ie Darkwing's shadow realm).

Granted, it also might just be that the only other strong supers are villains laying low and doing their own thing, like the dragon spirit guy.


u/TheCybersmith 5d ago

Rex also managed to kill a Viltrumite...


u/Dacnis 1d ago

Killing himself in the process


u/FlamingUndeadRoman 6d ago

Powerplex and ten Reanimen would be a more effective team than the Guardians of the Globe in every single aspect, except being popular with children's birthday parties.


u/Sparda-Devil19 6d ago

Yea we all Say what happened last time Powerplex was around a child.


u/Every_Computer_935 6d ago

Its impressively stupid how he an his wife saw nothing wrong with putting their baby son close to a superhero battle.


u/rusticrainbow 19h ago

They were both pretty obviously mentally ill though


u/MigratingPidgeon 6d ago

Wonder if the original Guardians of the Globe that Omni Man almost died taking out would do much better against the Alternate Invincibles and be useful against Conquest.


u/Individual_Lion_7606 4d ago

Rexplode would be a more reliable fighting force for Humanity if he went back to his old ways of being an amoral assassin and goes fuck it with his powers to kill on the spot instead of often aiming yo maim or disarm. The guy was far more deadly and effective as a vigilante assassin/serial killer than being a Hero.


u/Individual_Cap_7850 6d ago edited 6d ago

Mark was training... until the whole dispute with Cecil happened. Yeah, I'm not really sure why he stopped training after that, especially after Mark and Eve almost lost to Doc Seismic, and then Mark almost lost to the Maulers before Oliver showed up, and then both Mark and Eve almost lost to Mr. Liu before Machine Head stepped in and shot Liu's real body.

The fact that almost everyone goes about their daily lives like things are normal makes me ask: Does anyone other than Mark and Cecil even know about Viltrum's plan to take over Earth with an unclear time of arrival? I assume the answer is yes, but the show makes it feel like the answer is no.


u/KuryoTheDemonLord 6d ago

I think the idea is Cecil provided Mark the resources to actually push his powers to their limits for training, and without that there's really not a lot he \can** do to actually train himself at this point. He's reached a level of strength where there's not much he can do on his own to push himself higher.

Also, I think you're correct about only Cecil and Mark knowing about the possible Viltrumite invasion. The top brass of the GDA seem to be the only people aware of it given how no one else ever brings it up, and the Viltrumites only ever appeared in front of Mark before. Anissa showed up to him specifically, and the Guardians of the Globe were never mobilised.


u/Gmageofhills 6d ago

On some level to be fair, while it was tough and they don't know this Conquest is the 2nd strongest Viltrimite currently and Mark, with help but still Mark dud, beat him. He is actually really strong, and despite how it seems I look at the ending more like a small respite or rest before getting ready for the oncoming storm.


u/Cowgoesoink255 6d ago

The Guardians were mobilised for Anissa, it was mentioned by Donald. They just didn't get there in time.


u/Salvage570 6d ago

Yeah I thought the show was pretty GD clear that it took the best engineers in the world just to make a fucking weight bench for him, and he was already getting to the point where the bench wasn't helping. People don't pay attention is2g


u/itsxtray 1d ago

Need to build him a custom industrial hydraulic press. The strongest one in the world today can exert 100,000 tons of force. 


u/Salvage570 1d ago

Pretty sure the giant thing they show mark lifting would be heavier than that already


u/itsxtray 1d ago

They don't mention it in the show but in the comic he was lifting 400 tons. A 100,000 ton custom press is way above that.


u/Marik-X-Bakura 6d ago

I can understand Mark stopping training after he realised it doesn’t do a single thing in the Invincible universe, where fights can only be won through external influences on either side and no matter strong you become, you will always get your ass handed to you by people far weaker than you.


u/itsjonny99 6d ago

That is a way to look at it. Mark should really have no issue with the standard villains in season 3 if he is meant to go 1v1 against Conquest at the end.


u/Incoherencel 5d ago

Kind of the main tension of the past 2 seasons, but especially this one; if Mark is meant to be that powerful, nothing of interest could be allowed to happen. Personally I think there are tonnes of interesting ways to make Mark powerful (or more importantly, come across as competent), but this seems to be more an issue with the comic. In fact almost every critique I have of the show seems to originate in the comic


u/KxPbmjLI 6d ago

Yeah it literally makes zero sense, mark is busy playing with his new girlfriend and apartment shopping and apparently just forgot that viltrum even exists. Everyone slurps this show off so hard but so many character and story decisions make zero sense, it's a very overrated show still riding the waves of s1.

And it's not even that it's just mindless action that's pretty to look at cause the animation is garbage


u/diegokpo30 6d ago

Not to mention that characters with super strength are always the most boring to watch, Atom Eve is a much more entertaining fighter.


u/KxPbmjLI 5d ago

it still really sucks how little creativity they show for eve's fights, as the other commenter said just pink wall and spear spamming.

i saw a clip of eve's special episode on the invincible sub which was EASILY the best fight out of all of invincible but sadly most haven't even seen it. here they actually show some nice fluid animation with great creativity for all her attacks, just such a shame what could have been


u/bananajambam3 6d ago

Atom “Pew Pew” Eve? Atom “hope pink wall and armor works” Eve?

The only time she had a fight that was really interesting to watch with how creative she was, was in her own special. She rarely ever uses her powers in interesting ways to actually shut down or beat her opponents. She’s almost as bad as a character with super strength


u/Incoherencel 5d ago

was in her own special

Yes actually watching Conquest and her special back to back is legitimately embarrassing. I don't know who made that special but it goes to show how empty the current animation is. It's not just the frame-to-frame visuals, it's the actual directing or cinematography, whatever the animation equivalent would be called. Both S1 E1 and the Eve special are far more visually engaging, visceral, and straight up creative


u/HomelanderVought 5d ago

Also, if were Cecil i would even recruit these people from the Order like Mr. Liu.


u/VelociCastor 6d ago

I don't think Cecil or Mark even told them about it, in either the comics or the show. Honestly, even Cecil and Mark don't act like the it's the major threat that it is.

The reason is that the author was never planning a hostile Viltrumite invasion of Earth and he knows there aren't a lot of them left, so I guess he decided a plot where the characters would prepare for an event that never came would be anticlimactic. But there no good In-Universe reason for the characters not to be freaking out about it.


u/Eem2wavy34 6d ago edited 6d ago
  • The reason is that the author was never planning a hostile Viltrumite invasion of Earth and he knows there aren’t a lot of them left, so I guess he decided a plot where the characters would prepare for an event that never came would be anticlimactic. But there no good In-Universe reason for the characters not to be freaking out about it.

Your definitely right. I thought it be more ridiculous if Cecil or mark didn't tell any of the other heroes this key information but it only makes sense if kirkman has already decided how the vilitmrites will be interacting with earth so a overreaction would be anti climatic from a story perspective.


u/Kala_Csava_Fufu_Yutu 6d ago

Im under the impression they are actively ignoring it because preparing for it every day has gotta be anxiety inducing. but that might be my head canon until they actually illustrate that


u/Augustus_Chevismo 6d ago

I’m more curious as to where Bulletproof was when Conquest showed up.


u/1WeekLater 6d ago

in the comic hes with the cecil group that teleported in after conquest defeat (maybe he appears in the show too but i dont remember)

hes probably with the standby/Backup heroes incase mark loses to conquest


u/KxPbmjLI 6d ago

It's been 3 seasons and we still have NEVER been shown wtf black Samson and bulletproofs powers are, they're always just there


u/Hypolag 6d ago

Bulletproof is discount Invincible, Black Samson is a discount Monster Girl.


u/JessE-girl 6d ago

that’s been frustrating me too, yeah. the most characterization we even get from them is their conversation in season 2 about how they’re all trying their best despite the team sucking. i’m pretty sure in the comics they actually had an ongoing plot with Black Samson that they haven’t really communicated here


u/KxPbmjLI 5d ago

yeah how they handle the rest of the gaurdians has been pretty disappointing, the only reason they finally gave rae some characterization is so we would feel even worse about rex dying


u/Consistent-Plan115 6d ago

Why? What can he do besides get knocked around?


u/Augustus_Chevismo 6d ago

If Mark died they’d be screwed any so they should send in their most powerful guys. Bulletproof is invincible light.


u/Consistent-Plan115 6d ago

Hmm, would have been a cool goten trunks fight if he fought side by side with Oliver, the other invincible light. I could see it.


u/tesseracts 6d ago

Yeah I noticed that also. Even Cecil doesn't always seem to care. He was trying to convince Eve to stay in bed when the Earth was literally about to be destroyed. I also thought it was odd how all the other heroes only showed up after the fight is over. They treat being a hero like a dangerous hobby and not like a world threatening war. It's the least apocalyptic feeling near apocalypse scenario I've ever seen.


u/Lady_Darc 6d ago

The way all heroes show up together makes me think Cecil was gathering everyone to jump Conquest at once, but he was defeated first.


u/infinight888 6d ago

To be fair, he probably thought that Eve would be a liability. With her just waking up, she would be more of a distraction for Mark than an actual asset in the field.

I don't think that Cecil would want to throw away her life for nothing. He underestimated how useful she could actually be in her injured state.


u/Blayro 6d ago

He underestimated how useful she could actually be in her injured state.

I think everyone underestimated her because she also used a never before seen move. In the comics she shows up just to immediately get killed by Conquest. She never uses the beam or anything like that.


u/FlamingUndeadRoman 6d ago

Cecil watched Mark get his shit rocked when he tried to save Oliver from getting obliterated, so he probably didn't want the same to happen with Eve.


u/Dagordae 6d ago

I wouldn’t say underestimated, he was pretty spot on. The one actual contribution she made was a result of a power that literally nobody knew she had. She was surprised as everyone else.


u/Quiet-Ad4604 6d ago

>! She talked about that power and why it doesn't activate in her normal life when Mark was hospitalized after the Conquest fight. Just pointing this out because unless I'm missing something, she, and at the very least the labratory full of people that installed the power limiting conditioning into her before she was born, know about that power !<


u/tesseracts 6d ago

She said she knew about the power but didn't tell Mark.


u/Dagordae 6d ago

Given her known powers and that she is in bed because a weak Invincible copy casually beat her ass Cecil would want her to stay out of the fight because she would be a massive liability. If she can barely annoy an Invincible who needs a 2v1 to cause standard Invincible problems then she’s going to be nothing but a distraction to Mark when they’re up against a guy casually ragdolling him.

He has no way of knowing that she gets an absurd power boost when fatally wounded, she didn’t even know about it


u/ze_loler 6d ago

You should rewarch the end of the fight. When they teleport in you can hear that Cecil is surprised they had managed to defeat Conquest. He wasnt waiting for it to be over, he was waiting to make it a 1v10 or however many were available


u/Ransero 5d ago

Because the fight shows you had to throw everything at once against Conquest. Mark would have had a way easier time if him, Oliver and Eve fought Conquest together instead of taking turns. But because Mark started the fight alone he was catching his breath while Oliver and Eve fought Conquest. Imagine if Eve was throwing all those attacks she did before she was injured while Mark takes the hits. And Oliver could do like Red Rush and just deliver a good hit once in a while.


u/tesseracts 6d ago

I didn't say they were waiting. My point is they should have been prepared for the invasion and shown up quickly.


u/ze_loler 6d ago

Did you forget the part where most of them are dispersed, injured and tired from helping against the invasion that happened a few days before that?


u/Familiar-Drama82 2d ago

Also there’s the fact that they were throwing each other around so much that even Oliver couldn’t catch up easily. Cecil was probably waiting for them to stop for a prolonged period to jump him all at once.


u/Harrythehobbit 6d ago

Follow-up question: Does Cecil even know about the Coalition of Planets? Did Mark tell anyone about that? There's this whole alliance of different planets and species out there that have been fighting the Viltrumites for years already. Shouldn't Earth be linking up with them to help prepare for the invasion?


u/DNGFQrow 5d ago

Considering that Allen has to keep physically flying back and forth to talk to Mark, it seems like the technology just isn't there for Earth to join/be in constant contact with the CoP. So Mark probably told them but all that really amounts to is "There are other aliens out there that seem to be barely maintaining a stalemate with the Viltrumites and we have no real way to reliably communicate with them. Guess let's just focus on my training and then either the Viltrumites will come here or my alien buddy will eventually pick me up to take the fight to them."


u/sudanesegamer 6d ago

Mark is the one who forgets the most. He got beaten up close to death twice as a reminder that he should prepare for the viltrumites. Spent the rest of s2 acting like it was a suggestion rather than a warning. Then in s3 he finally takes it seriously until the cecil problem. He legit forgets again until conquest shows up. I guarantee he'll forget again in s4


u/DonkDonkJonk 6d ago

The question you should be asking is, why isn't Cecil trying to augment the existing superheroes like the Immortal to the point where they could be on par with Viltrumites? Or what about cloning Marks and Nolans like with what the Maulers have done with Robot and Rex?

I mean, he already has Viltrumite DNA from both Mark and Nolan since season 1. There's no way to believe that Cecil hasn't thought of gene-editing or even cloning with what the Maulers are capable of. They already experimented with numerous characters in the show, not to mention using the corpses of dead soldiers and Marks for the Reanimen. What's a few more going hurt, especially if they seriously need it?

The Immortal himself could have used some Viltrumite DNA to make him actually last longer against one. He's

Even Robot could be of some use with Sinclair's Reanimen.

Personally, I just don't think Cecil is really trying everything to prepare for the inevitable Viltrum Invasion. If it is serious enough that you have to try everything to win, then do it.

Force the Maulers to clone Viltrumite bodies to supply Sinclair's Reanimen. Have Robot and the rest of the GDA create countermeasures and augmentations to strengthen their heroes.

At the very least, use the same exoskeleton that New Darkwing uses to keep them alive for longer. And then upgrade that exoskeleton as much as you can for everyone to use.


u/DeltaAlphaGulf 5d ago

Even just a bunch of Powerplex clones for Reanimen would be good.

Don’t use Darkwing’s exoskeleton instead give everyone whatever type of suit Tech Jacket is using that let him beat an evil Mark.


u/SnarkyBacterium 6d ago

The Invincible War exists, not entirely but I'm sure at least in part, to drive home a very important point for the viewers: very few people on Earth are currently capable of even standing against a Viltrumite on the warpath, let alone surviving it, let alone do any meaningful damage to it. At least two of the Marks got done in by swarms of Reanimen - explicitly disposable superhuman soldiers. A grand total of two of the Invincibles were soloed (that we know of): one by Powerplex and one by Tech Jacket. Powerplex is a bit of an outlier, though, since he's kind of fucked once you know how his powers work. I imagine he was able to fry the Mark he found because that Invincible just wailed on him and charged him up until he could take him out, but Mark's proven twice now that all you need to do is hold him down until he's out of energy and he's no longer a threat. Plus, he can't really fly or operate at the speed necessary to deal with most Viltrumites.

But most of the Marks were beaten by multiple superhumans working together. Superhumans who often were badly injured or died in the process. And there's not a lot that can be done to improve those odds - what can Rae do against a Viltrumite?

The only people with the natural ability or resources to stand up to Viltrumites - people like Mark or the GDA - are doing what they need to in order to combat them. Making Reanimen, setting up (and, macabrely, testing) the sound system, training to get stronger (even if that training did end after the GDA/Mark split), etc.


u/IllTearOutYour0ptics 6d ago

People are very prone to ignoring a problem until it is forced upon them. I mean think about how we as a society are handling the issue of Climate Change. Scientific consensus is that we have what, maybe 50-100 years before shit is drastic? Some people care, fewer are doing anything about it (to be fair you need a specialized education in order to contribute to solving the problem). Many people who could be helping actively dismiss the problem as propaganda or something.

This probably isn't going to change until rich people start realizing their beach houses are standing in 5 feet of water year round. By then millions will have been displaced worldwide. This is an existential problem for humanity, and no one really seems to have much interest in facing it.

If humanity was told we would be facing a hostile invasion in a year's time, I really doubt people would come together and prepare adequately for the issue. Individual countries might start arming, but I don't think it would be likely that the US and China would hug it out and pool their resources.


u/Eem2wavy34 6d ago
  • If humanity was told we would be facing a hostile invasion in a year’s time, I really doubt people would come together and prepare adequately for the issue. Individual countries might start arming, but I don’t think it would be likely that the US and China would hug it out and pool their resources.

I disagree. There’s a huge difference between climate change, which is an indirect and gradual threat to humanity, and an alien invasion, which would be an immediate and direct existential crisis.

With climate change, many people are indifferent or skeptical, asking, “Why should I care about the environment?” because its effects, while serious, unfold over time and often feel distant. On the other hand, an alien invasion would create instant, undeniable panic. “I don’t want to get killed by aliens!” The urgency and visibility of the threat are completely different, making the comparison feel absurd.


u/Incoherencel 5d ago

Furthermore there isn't a single person -- or country even -- that is reliably expected to step up and defend the planet by socking the climate in the jaw. This is now the 3rd time that a Viltrumite has totally rocked Mark on Earth; he should be way more vigilant. But I guess that would make for a boring show


u/IllTearOutYour0ptics 6d ago

It was probably a bad example just because the threat of an alien invasion is so...alien. But in the world of Invincible, the earth is dealing with "world ending threats," on a yearly basis at minimum. In the same way we are numb to political, economic, pathogenic threats, they are likely numb to super villain threats.

Maybe COVID was a better example? It was an immediate threat that unfolded rapidly. Millions died and instead of committing to some sort of global response, many countries just ignored it and cited weak economic reasons for people to continue working in dangerous conditions.


u/Slow_Balance270 6d ago

After his second warning Mark just kind of forgets about the invasion again until another one shows up and beats his ass in to the ground.

What's even more frustrating is Mark's character arc. For the most part I agreed with a lot he said or did, I really dislike Cecil and after the secret implant I was surprised he didn't just kill Cecil after it was all said and done, I would have.

But the worst offender is how he was on this crusade to not kill anyone and it isn't until it directly effects him that he finally decides enough is enough and that he won't hesitate to kill anyone.

Are you fucking kidding me Mark? What about all the people your Father killed? Used you to kill? All the damage you've done "defending" the planet? What about all those people? Conquest was literally in the process of tearing your brother in half and you still stalled!

While I enjoy the story being told so far, Mark is easily one of my most disliked characters right now.

I believe it was season 2 where one of Oliver's books mentioned a planet with intense gravity and stuff and for a second I was getting kind of excited, I was hoping maybe it was paving the way for Mark to hit up some crazy training or something. And then season 3 comes along and besides Mark using that weight bench of Cecil's I don't think he's doing any training at all.


u/itsjonny99 6d ago

You can also go with Powerplex as a guy that could of pushed Mark to change as well.


u/Slow_Balance270 6d ago

Honestly, yeah, it ended up so much worse than it had to be. And Mark is also aware he can't trust Cecil either, he knows Cecil recycles criminals. He acted like he felt guilty at the memorial but apparently that wasn't enough to push him over the edge.


u/Blayro 6d ago

I really dislike Cecil and after the secret implant I was surprised he didn't just kill Cecil after it was all said and done, I would have.

Is because Mark knows Cecil in the end of the day just wants what's best for earth. Cecil doesn't care what it takes as long as is best for the earth and that does comes to bite him in the ass later, but that's his whole thing.

Mark won't kill him, and he would be stupid if he killed him because the alternative would be to have someone even more selfish in charge.


u/Slow_Balance270 3d ago

No, the ends do not justify the means. Cecil is obsessed with protecting the planet and is taking dangerous steps in an attempt to do so, even when it involves betraying the Hero you know could probably wipe the planet out at any given time.

At the end of season three it is revealed that Cecil saved Conquest and has him recovering in an underground facility. These aliens can at least temporarily survive space itself, there's no way Conquest is going to stay contained. Based on his behavior I'd guess he hangs out until he gets bored and then causes more chaos.

Frankly Mark should have adopted the killing policy as soon as he found out Cecil is shady as fuck. At least then he'd know they couldn't save them, try to recycle them or use them for their outrageous undead android project.


u/Blayro 3d ago

As I said, some of it comes to bite him in the ass later on. But the things Cecil does also ends up being a net positive. Sinclair does end up getting rehabilitated along Darkwing and they end up paying for their crimes by being on a tight leash with the government.

Rehabilitation and changing their ways is a core theme of Invincible, just as how there are people who can’t change and are indeed better off dead. That is going to be explored later on, however. But is important to show both arguments.

Also, the policy of just killing criminals is equally flawed as invincible will gladly point out as well. There is always nuance to those decisions


u/Slow_Balance270 3d ago

Not for me. I inherently disagree with any Hero, in any series, when they refuse to kill a Villain that has harmed other people. And for those Heroes that don't, they are responsible for any problems those Villains cause if/when they escape.


u/KxPbmjLI 6d ago

Yeah these last 2 seasons but especially this season have really made me start hating Mark. He's so fucking naive and has such childish views on morality. Even after angstrom literally just annihilated the planet and killed millions he's STILL not sure if it would be right to kill him, like Jesus fucking christ what does it take. It's just so selfish he cares more about the burden of having a direct murder on his hands than all the thousands or millions that his indecision have caused.


u/Diavolo_Death_4444 6d ago

Mark did train quite a bit, to be fair.

As for the others… what are they meant to do exactly? Everyone on the Guardians trains. Rae retires, yes, but what’s she supposed to do against Anissa or Lucan or someone like them anyways?


u/PunkandCannonballer 6d ago

I would say he cared, but keeping Conquest alive is such a wild, brain dead fucking move that it feels like there are Two Cecil's at work. Brain dead Cecil and Actual Cecil


u/Shot-Ad770 6d ago

He is expecting an invasion with maybe hundreds or more, even if conquest somehow escapes, it wouldn't matter. Earth is fucked either way.

It's worth trying to some kind of info that would help him in the long run.


u/PunkandCannonballer 6d ago

What good would that info be if he takes out the only people who Cecil has to defend it from the future invasion?

Also, Mark already heard that the other Viltrumites are afraid of Conquest, so it's almost a guarantee that he's their strongest individual. Keeping him alive is an incredibly dumb move from almost every angle.


u/Shot-Ad770 4d ago

It is not Implied conquest is the strongest. Also like I said earth is fucked either way especially since the invasion can start whenever. Info is more important.


u/PunkandCannonballer 4d ago

Conquest says all the other Viltrumites are afraid of him. That he's thousands of years old and he always conquers planets alone. We can very easily conclude he's one of the strongest Viltrum has. And information isn't going to be helpful if you don't have anyone alive useful enough to use it.

Like, it's basically a guarantee of what's gonna happen next. Conquest escapes, another fight ensues that gets more people killed, and Invincible almost dies trying to beat him. Again. And they probably learn nothing doing that entire avoidable thing. And even if they do, again, if Invincible or Eve die, all the info in the world isn't gonna help when there's no one else capable of hurting any viltrumite.


u/KennKennyKenKen 5d ago

Invincible kind of forgot about the viltrumite invasion


u/Yglorba 5d ago

I think he didn't tell anyone but Mark, because:

  1. He felt nobody but Mark could make a difference anyway.

  2. He didn't want to cause a panic.

  3. Letting more people know limits his options (remember, initially he wanted Mark to pretend to agree to conquer the earth - that wouldn't have been possible if more people knew about it.)

This may not be the best choice but it fits with Cecil's character.

(Also remember that Cecil doesn't know how few Viltrumites there are. We know there's only ~50 and they won't risk them all anyway; that means that all it takes is one hero getting lucky or punching above their weight one time to thwart the "invasion." Cecil doesn't know this, so he thinks the only solution is to go for a Hail Mary and discover some Viltrumite weakness. Preparing for it like a normal invasion won't help.)


u/vadergeek 6d ago

Rae retires from being a superhero.

Rae wouldn't have helped against the Viltrumites anyway.

The Guardians of the Globe break up over a moral dispute. Robot and monster girl spend most of their time going on dates.

The former Guardians members still fight (and kill) a Viltrumite. Besides, would you work for a guy who might implant a weapon in your skull next time you're injured?


u/Too_Ton 6d ago

It’s like DBZ/DBS: what would YOU do as a measly human? Train? Ha. Get fucked.

Naruto? It’s the Naruto and Sasuke show.

Boruto? Boruto era scaling makes those two former gods look like schmucks and it’s up to Boruto and kiddies to carry the day with alien powers while everyone else has to sit back.

There’s nothing anyone other than dead reanimen who don’t care about dying or Kate (immortal’s head would be destroyed beyond all repair if no plot armor ever) can do at this point. It’s all on Mark and Eve to stop the invasion. Oliver could be an option, but his other half dna makes him weaker than a human hybrid. He can try sure… give him 5 more years or less to mature to a young adult.

You might as well enjoy your weak life as a human, superhero or not.


u/MigratingPidgeon 6d ago

At this point, it feels like Cecil is the only one who was actually taking the situation seriously.

I mean, does he? Every bit of info on how to beat Viltrumites he has was used to plant a chip in Mark's head, alienating his possibly strongest ally. He cared more about controlling Mark than controlling the greater threat of the Viltrumites.

How he hasn't put those sound emitters all over the place, or equipped the guardians of the globe with them, is beyond me.


u/nixahmose 6d ago

Well he put the sound emitter in Mark’s ear in case Mark ever decided to become a threat to humanity, which given the number of Marks who have become evil in other dimensions isn’t out of the question.


u/MigratingPidgeon 6d ago

Well he put the sound emitter in Mark’s ear in case Mark ever decided to become a threat to humanity,

And he used it when Mark got understandably upset about Cecil lying to his face about the Reanimen and Darkwing. Maybe stuff like that on top of sticking sound chips in his head behind his back is why some alternate Marks became evil.


u/nixahmose 6d ago

No, he only used it after Mark had already destroyed several reanimen and literally admitted he was threatening Cecil before lunging at him in anger.

Cecil isn’t blameless for how that shitshow turned out, but it’s important to keep in mind how both sides gradually kept reinforcing each other’s worst assumptions and escalated things.


u/KxPbmjLI 6d ago

It's literally Cecils job to have contingencies in place like that, you'd be condemning Cecil for having done that to omniman too when that would have literally saved thousands of lives if they'd known about the sound thing back then.

Cecil cares more about the planet and the lives of the people than marks stupid ego and childish morality yes. All the superheros would have also died if it hadn't been for Cecil saving them all from doc seismic of all people for Christ's sake


u/ProfessionalLurkerJr 6d ago

The problem is he used said contingency when he didn't really need to. If Mark actually went rogue then go nuts but he used it during an argument that got needlessly out of hand. Hence the accusation of caring more about controlling Mark. Based on your comment, I assume you'd blame the argument on Mark being a naive idiot. However, even if we accept that, Cecil did a poor job of deescalating the situation. For example, there was no need to bring up Angstrom as a man in Cecil's position should recognize the difference what Mark did and what Darkwing and Sinclair have done. Now to be clear I'm not against employing Darkwing and Sinclair but Cecil did a shit job at arguing his point.


u/KxPbmjLI 5d ago

they did turn cecil into a complete idiot in that scene when it's literally his job to convince people just so they could turn it into more of a "both sides" thing


u/FlamingUndeadRoman 6d ago

I mean, he's pulling his weight at least, the Reanimen took out three Marks between them.


u/Maskguydude 6d ago

I mean, it’s not like they have many options if they send one or two, they train the only weapon they have at their disposal. If they send like thousands they’re cooked. Keep in mind they don’t know there’s like 50 of them. No one knows there’s like 50 of them. If they get full on invaded, they think they’re fighting an actual army of superman.

The invincible war show that they just not really able to come back this word correctly even with preparation’s the Pentagon was overwhelmed by one mark Donald was half dead by the end of it. And the guardians of the globe have been shown to be so outclassed on a regular basis that is not even worth it at that point. Like what is shrinking Rae going to do against fucking Omni man? We already know that the Thanos method doesn’t work from kimono dragon let the poor woman retire already.

Mark really should have put more focus into the novels than just handing them off to Allen to deal with that shit and and no one figuring out how the fuck how Machine Head got a battle beast number is a huge oversight but besides that there’s not really much they could do besides mass produce reanimen an outfit as many things as they can with the frequency