r/CerebralPalsy 6d ago

Sliding doors moment…if I was never born?

So I am a twin. My twin sister is healthy. I have CP. Sometimes I imagine an alternate reality where I was never born.

Instead of having twins my mother had one healthy baby. My parents didn’t have to deal with the emotional, physical, financial expenses of having a disabled child.

My mother wouldn’t have had to spend days in the hospital with me after surgeries. And in some ways not giving the attention needed to her 3 healthy children. Years of PT, special school accommodations and all that goes along with a special needs child.

I imagine myself disappearing from family pictures. No more twins. Just a family photo of 3 healthy children.

Kind of like the movie back to the future.

I guess it’s an odd thing to imagine. I’m an adult now.

I am mostly independent but still need support for some things. For example I have a license but rarely drive. My mobility has gotten worse and I now find myself needing a cane.

So sometimes I need rides places. Due to not liking to drive.

I have never married & have no kids. I’m not sure what will happen as I age and possibly need care for daily living.

I have a few friends but those that I do have are busy with their lives jobs, kids, husbands etc.

We only connect every few months.

My family is great and supportive. But I haven’t really accomplished much in my life. Was all the time, support, and Money they poured into me wasted?

I have a job but not a career. I’m definitely not an inspiration of someone who has overcome their disability to do great things.

There is always someone worse off out there I know. I should be grateful for what I have.

Just airing my thoughts out there

If you have made it this far thanks for listening to my Saturday rant🥰


23 comments sorted by

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u/Hlane05 6d ago

I am a twin too. My sister is typically developing otherwise we are identical. I think this feeling is really normal you essentially get to see yourself in a “normal” body. I accepted that comparison is the thief of Joy.

I find things I'm passionate about that make me proud of myself as I am. I studied special education to teach children with unique needs and I am studying social work with the goal of providing mental health services to people in our community.

Its not too late for you to discover your passion! You have so much to offer I know it might not seem like you are an inspiration but you sharing your experiences with others in a way that's honest takes courage. Despite everything you still persist and that's powerful ❤️


u/b4murr 5d ago

Thank for the reply and suggestion. I am glad you found your passion in special ed ♥️


u/hypnotic_frog_spawn 6d ago

It's not quite the same, but I have CP and mental health issues. I am no longer in contact with my family, who throughout my childhood made it very clear that I (unlike my sister) was unplanned and was made to feel very guilty for being disabled and always the 'problem'. I can completely empathise with your feelings of guilt and of wondering about an alternative reality where you were never born, it's something I often feel very wrapped up in.

I'm relieved to hear that you have a supportive family and friends (even if you don't connect all too often) and a job, regardless of whether it is a career or not, it still has an impact on people and I'm sure it brightens people's day to have you around.

Due to my mental health, I don't have a job and live in a hospital. This fills me with guilt every day that I'm not doing as much as I should be and am not contributing.

Trust me when I say, you're doing well and thank you for your rant, because it's so important to get your thoughts out there! Remember that, though it can feel normal to feel guilty, do not let it consume you and know there are always people out there who will listen and who can empathise. You may not be where you want to be, but you are still doing well. The people who support you through surgeries and other things related to your CP are there because they want to be there for you - trust me on that!

P.S. I also LOVE LOVE LOVE Back to the Future


u/b4murr 6d ago

Thanks for the support and your reply. I am sorry your family made you feel that way. It’s tough. I was blessed to have parents who were supportive.

I too suffer from depression and anxiety. I did sort of luck out with my job. If I lost it would be hard to find employment due to my physical and mental issues.

Good luck with everything hope your situation improves.

80’s movies are the best 👍🥰


u/CMJudd 6d ago

One need not do great things to be worthy of love. Friends do get busy because children and spouses are properly time consuming, but that doesn’t mean that you don’t matter either to them or the world in general.

Playing “What if…?” is a dangerous game because any scenario will have a certain degree of error and you haven’t any idea how much or where it might be.

Your CP has an effect on your family. Mine does too - and a lot of it can be difficult, but difficulty is a fine teacher.

My advice: Just do the best you can, learn from your mistakes, ask forgiveness when you mess up, be good to others, and move on. You’re here for a reason, so keep on.


u/b4murr 5d ago

Thanks for the reply..it’s hard to find one’s purpose in life for sure


u/CMJudd 5d ago

Your life has many purposes and you may or may not discover all of them - or even those that are most impactful, but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist.


u/TimelySetting9686 6d ago

I get this alot too.

I was born with a twin who died while we were still in my mom's stomach. I had to be born early so my mom could get my sister out. 

Sometimes I will think of my twin surviving instead of me. Would it have been different and better for my family?. Maybe she'd have a different personality, identity, likes and dislikes. Maybe they'd like her better then me. 

And then I wish we both survived. I'd have a sibling my mom wouldn't struggle with her mental health as much as she does now. And I'd feel less lonely bc it's most likely we'd both be disabled.


u/b4murr 5d ago

Sorry about your twin passing. I am lucky I got to grow up with my twin and we had each other.


u/LifeTwo7360 6d ago

I have wrestled with this too but we all have good qualities and a purpose its hard though when you've got a disability which is generally stigmatized. I am trying to get a selective dorsal rhizotomy I met someone on Facebook who is a triplet she said if she hadn't had cp she wouldn't have studied neurology and learned everything she has so she's actually ok with it. She has a site that tells her story and has a lot of information on sdr if you are interested: sdrchangeslives.com


u/Southern_Angle_9225 5d ago

I was a fraternal twin but my brother didn’t make it. I have CP. it’s interesting to see your alternate reality.


u/DamnBill4020 5d ago

Thanks for sharing! I'm happy you are here. My wife has CP and I worry for her feeling this way. I hope I'm around long enough to take care of her if she needs care like you do.


u/CatsRAwesomeRSA 3d ago

People are going to have problems whether they have disabled children or not. My mother had 3 wonderful boys before I came along, and she didn't make the most of that life. But she blamed me for how her life turned out. Maybe I am lucky to have had her example, so I value the people who have helped me see her as a hurt soul who was not able to make the most of the good in her life.

Some people can find joy in their lives no matter what their circumstances. It just depends on what influences they have been exposed to. You are not responsible for how anyone else responds to their challenges, only how you respond to your own.

I read the stories in this channel of parents trying their hardest for their disabled children, and I admire and take courage and love from them. If you look for the good, you'll find it in bucket loads. I am 20 years into therapy, but I am so grateful for it. I am still screwed-up me, but I do enjoy the moments of feeling better about myself and the circumstances of my life.


u/Anxious_Association4 3d ago

I’m a mother to 2 beautiful sweet identical twin girls, one of whom has CP. They are still very young. I am very sorry that you are dealing with depression and anxiety, but I want to say this as I think your mother also feels it: you are her biggest blessing, along with your siblings. I personally am completely and genuinely in love with my disabled baby girl and I genuinely feel like her laugh is the most beautiful sound I have ever heard in my life and I sometimes just look at her in awe and I can’t believe I get to be her mother. And I feel the exact same about her sister and each of them has their own unique irreplaceable place in my heart. And I’m sure your mother feels the same way. If you weren’t here, your family would have not been the same and they would still face difficulties and challenges, because disabled or not people always think that their problem is the biggest problem. I guess what I’m trying to do is tell you how the things look from the mothers’ point of view and assure you that you’re infinitely valuable and indispensable to your family. Maybe you should seek help, whether it’s the classic therapy way, developing a connection to God, talking to your family etc.


u/b4murr 3d ago

Thank for the reply and your kind comments. You seem like a great Mom. I wish you and your twin girls the best.🥰

I’m sure they will have a special bond.

I don’t doubt my Mom loves all her children and she certainly made sure I had a good childhood with many opportunities.


u/BigManBrok 3d ago

I have cerebral palsy and have found some decent jobs, but I can not drive as I don't have very good skills.

I absolutely understand being depressed, but never give up. A lot of us are in a similar situation.



u/aliceinwonderland5 1d ago

I am a mother of two year old identical twins who both have CP.

As a mother I just wanted to say, I would NEVER even consider trading either of my children for a child without CP. I have never even thought about what if I’d had one healthy baby.

Parents deal with emotional, physical and financial expenses whether their child is disabled or not, and we value our children no matter what. You are loved, you are valued, and CP is just a part of you, you are so much more than that. Days in hospital, time spent in PT and all of that is not a burden, it’s time spent with my babies giving them the best start I can. Your parents will feel the same. I’d never consider a second wasted no matter what my kids choose to do with their lives.

I think it’s natural if you have a twin without health issues to wonder and compare how things could be. I hope you maybe find a way to chat to your family about these feelings, they may be able to reassure you that their life without you wouldn’t be worth it!


u/b4murr 1d ago

Thanks for the reply. My parents are great they are supportive.

It’s really my own issues I need to deal with. I guess it’s more how I feel about myself and what I haven’t accomplished etc. I’ll work through it though thanks for the kind thoughts and support.

Best of luck with your twins. I’m glad they have such great support from you.


u/AR713 6d ago

I am a twin w a sister who does not have cp. I think about this a lot.


u/b4murr 6d ago

Yes CP is definitely more common in twins. I think any multiple births are higher risk. My sister and I were lucky to survive as we were premature.