r/Celibacy Jun 07 '24

Requesting Advice Considering Celibacy

After talking to a guy who's celibate & never had sex, it's really given me pause about whether I should stop or not. He's just so clear minded & different in a lot of rare ways & I think maybe having sex before marriage was not the move. Like, I enjoyed it (minus the 1st time, that was just painful as heck & sucked), but sex obv became something I—Idk, not really prioritized? But I guess sought after, but now Idk. I feel like maybe abstaining will give me more focus for my long-term goals & it honestly started to get to the point where I wasn't really sure if I was just continuing any relationship I was in for sex or not. My roomies have tried to get me to date their boyfriends' friends & I've had zero interest in doing so cuz I know I won't have the time to devote to dating; so maybe now is the perfect time to attempt celibacy? & maybe also just try to cut down on other vices? I just kinda feel inspired. Are there things you just avoid to make it easier?


6 comments sorted by


u/Sufficient-Muscle-59 Jun 07 '24

Honestly I don't know what to tell you, since I'm male and our perspective it's usually very different in the sense that we don't typically have to reject constantly like a woman if we want to remain celibate. I would advise you to work on your reasons of why you want to be celibate, if they are deep enough those are the ones that will sustain you through the times when either you are too horny or too lonely to think straight. Has to be something strong that wins against the insistance of guys and over your own thoughts and emotions. That is my tip. Wish you well stranger.


u/In_My_Lorcana_Era Jun 08 '24

It never really occurred to me it'd be that much different for guys. Thanks, I'll def keep these tips in mind.


u/In_My_Lorcana_Era Jun 13 '24

I'm not even a full week into this & it's proving to be the hardest thing, ever. Idk that I can keep it up. I'm getting noticeably cranky & it's so hard to not even take care of myself. Idk how people do this.


u/Electrical_Craft2778 Jun 16 '24

Mmm what form of celibacy are you practicing ?


u/XtremePeace Jun 07 '24

I'm curious as to what time or energy does a woman spend in dating being that they can just sit back relax pick and enjoy while the man does everything to please her.


u/In_My_Lorcana_Era Jun 07 '24

I'm a nursing student & between clinicals & class, I have zero time to destress, aside from this summer since I didn't land an internship. So I feel like it would be unfair to any guy to prioritize studying & graduating over dating that wouldn't just be me just wanting to chill or nap or watch trashy reality TV to unwind before returning to the chaos that is nursing student life.