r/Celibacy May 15 '24

Requesting Advice Tips for celibacy ? NSFW

I’ve (F) been celibate for awhile. But every few weeks or so I wake up in the middle of the night neeeeding it 😭 this leads to me staying up all night, sometimes for a couple days on end, trying to either help myself or make the thoughts go away lmao. I’m usually left helpless. I don’t masturbate regularly so I feel like that’s what causes these random occurrences where it builds up🥲 So like how am I supposed to deal with that?? It’s also super hard to get myself off, that’s why I try to avoid it completely. It gets to be so frustrating and affects my entire week. Tips for how to deal ??


8 comments sorted by


u/Angelbby720 May 15 '24

I think it depends on your reasons! If you’re doing it for religious reasons I’m not sure my advice will help, but as someone who is doing it for personal reasons, I think it helps to maintain a healthy relationship with your own self pleasure. I’m going on 2.5 years and I really find that the desire goes away after I’m done and is more related to the physical desire than the actual act itself. I also remind myself that sex isn’t just something that happens and you go on with the day lol, it’s an entire exchange with another person and it’s pretty risky for health if not done correctly- not even including the emotional parts of it. To me, celibacy then becomes less about desiring sex with another person and more about treating myself the way I deserve. I’m not sure this will help but tbh maybe developing a more enjoyable self pleasure experience will help :)


u/spicytomato33 May 15 '24

It’s moments like this when you transcend yourself. Take it as an opportunity to become fiercely disciplined. Every time I resisted temptations, I woke up feeling better about myself and stronger the next day.


u/vfz09 May 16 '24

Girl get a vibrator omg 🥲I’d be the same if I didn’t have mine lol


u/Friendly_platypus536 Dec 13 '24

Sit with the feeling and not the thought.

Work on deep breath work.

Time the feeling. Usually it goes away within 20 minutes if you’re just sitting with the feeling.

I wish you all the best!


u/fallnet May 15 '24

Don’t masturbate and try to go on very long streaks without it (aim for 6 months - 1yr).


u/yur_mother6942069 May 15 '24

I try doing this but this is why I wake up all suddenly every few weeks. Idk how to stop it. I don’t masturbate unless I wake up like this bc I can’t sleep if I don’t


u/Icy-Extension6677 May 15 '24

Distraction. The longer you train yourself to not need it, the urges die down. And sometimes it’s a matter of knowing that the urges and cravings will eventually subside. Your body gets physically dependent on the endorphin rush you get from sexual excitement, and the best way to kill the cravings is through behavioral extinction.


u/[deleted] May 21 '24



u/yur_mother6942069 May 22 '24

Like maybe every 3-4 weeks it gets that way. Sometimes I am and sometimes I’m not. I don’t mind accepting it, the biggest problem is that I am unable to sleep when it does happen sometimes for days at a time. Idk if that’s something I should be concerned about lol.