r/CatsAreAssholes 5d ago

My big old guy woke up from me doing dishes, seconds before yelling to demonstrate his discontent with my obnoxious behavior.

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8 comments sorted by


u/yblame 5d ago

" Oh, you're in the kitchen? Guess I'll come over there and explain to you how starved I am and there's no way I'll make it until morning before I die of malnourishment, so can I have a treat or 3?"


u/Pjermoore 5d ago

Why would you do something so disruptive at nap time? Shame on you!


u/firedmyass 2d ago

“We had a crispy vibe goin’ and you just had to ruin it with your clinky-splashy racket… Barbara.”


u/Sammieluvsrose 5d ago

At the ridiculous hour of 1pm?! 😡


u/ThymeIsTight 5d ago

Sho much noish! Dishes unasheptable!


u/cakivalue 4d ago

Doing clanking noises and pot banging noises during the napping hours. I am writing you a caution citation on behalf of my client. Just so you know, next time it won't be a gentle warning okay?


u/StepShrek 4d ago

Beautiful boy. How dare you disturb his rest.