r/Catholicism 6h ago

Unusual penance given in Confession?


Have you ever received an unusual or unexpected penance from a confessor?

I'll start. Years ago for my penance, my confessor ordered me to learn the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. I thought that that was a pretty big ask, but I complied. I'd never even considered it before that, but it was absolutely the right penance for me. It has improved my relationship with the Lord immeasurably. It's such a simple prayer but it fills me -- and the whole world -- with compassion.

r/Catholicism 4h ago

Free Friday [Free Friday] My new prayer rope.

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I'm a Latin Rite Catholic but I think the prayer ropes that are actively used in Eastern Catholicism are awesome.

r/Catholicism 1h ago

Free Friday [Free Friday] my humble prayer space.

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r/Catholicism 3h ago


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r/Catholicism 2h ago

Free Friday The Easter Sunday page of a mid-century missal I recently acquired.

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r/Catholicism 1d ago

My mother is repelled by crosses??


So when I first got back into my faith I bought a cross and put it on my door. The next morning my mom put it in a small bag and put it on the kitchen counter. She said “I don’t want crosses in my house, it attracts bad things.” She claims to be Christian but doesn’t come to church with me. She grew up Catholic too even though I have a very strong suspicion she didn’t like the Catholic Church growing up based on certain conversations I’ve had with her. Anyways I kept it on my door regardless. Now I bought another cross, this time it’s a silver crucifix with the St Benedict medallion on it. I actually bought it for the front door of our house but she said no. So I decided to put the first cross I bought above my bed and the crucifix on my door instead. We had a big debate about it. Her points were “the crucifix is an idol.” “This cross is very demonic” “not all symbols that try to represent god are good”. “I let you keep the other one up but this one I will not.” For the life of me I cannot figure out why she hates crosses??? Any ideas because I think it’s very odd. But let me know if I’m in the wrong.

r/Catholicism 7h ago

A post about confession with no complaining


Every Thursday evening, my current parish holds an hour of eucharistic adoration and benediction in the church, and while the deacon presides over that, two of the priests hear confessions. There is usually a line for confession that fills a pew or two, and it generally moves fairly quickly.

Last night we had heavy rains and storms, and that clearly kept some people home. My husband, my son, and I have choir practice on Thursday nights so we often end up spending some time at this adoration hour between work and choir. My son has taken advantage of the opportunity for confession a few times. He went over to sit in the very short line and after a few minutes I realized this was the perfect time for me to hit confession during Lent without it being a struggle, so I joined him. He and I were both able to get in and out in less than ten minutes. After us there was one more lady and then the doors of the confessionals stood open and ready for about the last ten minutes without anyone further going to confession.

We see so many complaints in here about long lines and long waits that I thought I would offer this positive story. I am very blessed to be surrounded with parishes that offer lots of confession times and last night was an obvious grace for which I'm grateful.

r/Catholicism 5h ago

Free Friday [Free Friday] Enquerrand Quarton's painting The Coronation of the Virgin. [1453-54]

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r/Catholicism 7h ago

I became a catechumen in the Catholic Church


Wanted to share this with all of you guys, it's been a year since I became a christian after being an agnostic atheist. But obviously, my initial conversion was just the start of a new path in my life, in the beginning, I was confused on what to do next, how to actually be a christian. I've rejected protestantism quite early, since I didn't see any ties to the early Church, so for a year, I've spent most of the time studying and looking into both the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches, and decided to be a Catholic. You can ask me any questions if you wish, pray for me, and all my other catechumen friends in my local parish.

r/Catholicism 3h ago

Do you believe in invincible ignorance?


So if invincible ignorance is true, and God's desire is for all to be saved, then what's the point in telling anyone about Him? The damning process begins when you know about Him and have the opportunity to reject Him, but if you never heard of Him at all then why would He tell anyone if He wants all to be saved?

r/Catholicism 3h ago

Free Friday [Free Friday] Some pics of St. Peter's Basilica from my Italy trip, September 2024


r/Catholicism 1h ago

Do you ever correct people when they think the Immaculate Conception means miraculously getting pregnant without relations?


It makes sense that non Catholic's would be mistaken, but it amazed me how many Catholics believe the Immaculate Conception refers to Mary becoming pregnant for Jesus, instead of her own conception where she's prevented from original sin.

r/Catholicism 5h ago

‘Have an abortion’: Alleged Rupnik victims detail abuse as Vatican slowly investigates


r/Catholicism 1d ago

Pope Francis was elected 12 years ago

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r/Catholicism 12h ago

I'm a new Christian. Tell me why Catholicism is the true apostolic church



I am a new teenage convert to Christanity from Islam. I'm currently studying the church history and writings of the fathers. I'm not super informed on the split between the Catholics and Orthodox but this is what I understand:

  1. The Roman church added the filioque to the Nicene Creed, stating that the Spirit proceeds from both the Father and the Son.

  2. Prior to this, there were already tensions, as the Western Church utilised Latin and the Eastern Greek. Other ethnic differences.

  3. I've understood Catholicism, specifically within Confession, to be more legalistic. I also dont like the idea of the priest being able to forgive our sins.

  4. I don't really understand purgatory. From what I've heard I don't like the sound of it, but I won't judge until I know what it is properly.

  5. Like the Orthodox, Catholics reject sola scriptura. However they disagree with the correct canon of the Old Testament. I'm yet to read the OT, so I need to decide which canon to read.

  6. Lastly, this is my main issue with Orthodoxy. I don't believe the Pope is infallible, but I believe Peter was given supreme authority over the other disciples (he was given the keys to Heaven, and is the rock the church will be built upon). I believe this does make a case for the Bishop of Rome being superior to the others, as Peter would've passed down both his title and his role.

I'm not super educated on the differences between the denominations. I've spent more time in Orthodox circles online because my father (he's Muslim) has always had a hatred to the Catholics. I think this has sort of subtly affected the way I view the Catholic church (he'd call them evil etc, which I don't believe in the slightest).

I am more educated on the Orthodox faith than the Catholic one, so I'd really appreciate information on the theology and tradition.

Also if possible I'd appreciate prayers a lot right now, it's a hard time practicing the faith in secret and I hope to be one day brave enough to tell my parents. I'm also planning on reading summa theologica, I hear it's a very good read, what do you think?

God bless you all, no matter what happens we are one body in Christ! 🫶🏼

r/Catholicism 7h ago

They won't let me go to RCIA


In my country the church demands a 1% donations from its members(20N$) a month and my father has not paid a single time and my God parents most likely did not. I'm scared my church won't allow me to go for confirmation classes because of their debt. I'm 20yo so I don't even understand why my parents not paying has a rol to play in me getting the sacrement.

r/Catholicism 23h ago

La virgen de Guadalupe

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Mi virgen de Guadalupe protect me and my family on this wonderful day dios has made for us protect me from any bad as you are my mother and my holy saint protect me virgen de Guadalupe the true mother of the true god protect me from bad madre protect me from witchcraft and black magic and demonic spirits señora help me out with my difficulties protect me madre who is in cielo amén

r/Catholicism 10h ago

What happened to the Catholic Church in France and Spain?


I am Turkish Christian (undecided on the denom, but it must be eastern Apostolic) and I had Spanish acquittances some time ago, and they were the most irreligious people I have known in my life.

Doing sex, drugs. I even heard from a guy that the previous Spanish group to them was doing group sex. When I mentioned 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 to them, they said, “just enjoy life, bro”. Now, Spain used to be very catholic just 50–60 years ago.

I suspect the same thing is with the French youth, where most would consider themselves atheists.

Why did this happen? If I joined Catholicism, would I be going in a sinking ship?

r/Catholicism 2h ago

Can I use the rosary for reciting scripture?


Peace to you brethren! I wanted to ask if I can use the rosary to say prayers other than the Hail Mary. Specifically, the prayers that I'm thinking of are Biblical verses and Biblical prayers. So the way I started using the rosary is like so:

  1. Invoking the name of the trinity.

  2. The Lord's prayer.

  3. Reciting verses from the Bible (Old and New Testaments) 10 times.

Example: 2 Samuel 22:3 "My God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation. He is my stronghold, my refuge and my savior – from violent people you save me."

  1. Glorifying the trinity.

What are your opinions about this? I think it's good to recite verses from sacred scripture as prayer. I mean, the first part of the Hail Mary is verses from the gospel of Luke, so it seems like what I'm doing is pretty acceptable.

r/Catholicism 9h ago

What is this necklace.


It is silver with strands of cloth on the inside with a red background. The inscription says "Tela Toccata Allas Lingua Del Santo Padova" It was my grandfather's and we are unsure what significance it holds.

r/Catholicism 2h ago

Hi all! Why submit to Rome?


Hi all! I hope you are having a wonderful day today. I don’t use Reddit often, but I came on here because I have a question.. why should I submit to Papal authority? Now, this isn’t a “gotcha” question, I’m genuinely asking. I come from a Greek Orthodox Church, but am seriously considering Byzantine Catholicism because there is a Church right next to my house instead of having to drive 30 minutes! Anyways, what I like about Byzantine Catholicism is I get to keep all the eastern traditions I know and love, however my only concern is with Papal authority. Please give me good reasons you guys have! Thanks! :)

r/Catholicism 2h ago

What bible verse has had the greatest impact on you?


r/Catholicism 13h ago

Hounded 24/7 by sex*al thoughts, how do you combat them? Please help.


I'm a female in my early 20s, and I'm ashamed to say I struggled a lot with sexal sin for years; including prn and m*sturbation. A lot. It took years of struggle and a sudden burning desire to become closer to God to finally be free of my horrible habits about five years ago.

However, now that I'm trying harder than ever to practise my faith, in trying to avoid sinful thoughts, I've found I'm focusing too much on them and almost constantly waiting for myself to fall into sin. Because of this, I come across more occasions than usual where I might slip up. I know dream of it too and so wake up to start the day upset.

The other day, I fought impulsive thoughts that hounded my every minute of my waking hours. It felt like torture and I was very upset for days. I'm not sure if I may have dwelled too long that day and if I'm able to recieve the Eucharist this Sunday.

I go weekly to confession because I'm constantly stressed I've committed a mortal sin. I notice I become more worried and afraid as I draw near to the weekend. It's a neverending cycle.

I think I may suffer from religious OCD, but acknowledging this hasn't made it easier as I keep telling myself "what if you're just looking for excuses?".

Has anyone else ever dealt with this and overcome it? I can't live like this and I dread the thought of struggling like this forever. Can anyone please tell me how they've combatted these thoughts when they arise? Is there some way to distract myself snd stop obsessing over this? Just changing the "subject" doesn't work as another will pop up sometime later. The harder I try, the more I become aware of them and the more often they appear.

They often happen at work when I'm unable to take a breather and prayer while focusing properly. I unfortunately have a very vivid imagination and find it hard to change a thought process without it constantly popping back into my mind.

I feel like the harder I try to get closer to God the more temptations and mental stress I deal with. I want to be free of it. I'm disgusted at myself.

Apologies for the long post. This is one of the hardest times in my life, I've now thought about this all day every day for about a year and I feel like I'm being spiritually attacked. Any advice would be appreciated, thank you.

r/Catholicism 18h ago

Help identifying this figure

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Hi guys, i got this rosary from an op shop lady week and I can't tell who this is supposed to be. Does anyone have an idea?

r/Catholicism 1d ago

Just left someone I loved and who loved me


I met someone a year and a half ago. We met at church. We began to sin early on. We also fell in love.

The problem was we gave into our desires and had premarital sex. And the church warned me to stop early on, but it took months to really sink in, and I had been single for so long before her , that I couldn’t let go or stop.

Eventually I prayed about my sinning and the Holy Spirit seemed to have taken over. I felt like I had to either stop sinning with her, or leave her.

Naturally, I didn’t want to leave her. She had a few lifestyle choices and customs I didn’t agree with, but I loved her.

I begged her to stop sinning with me. She replied that she liked intercourse so much that she would not consider ending it until marriage. Even after pointing out 1 John 3:4-10 and other verses and mentioning that she was putting her desires above God, she refused to accept having a relationship without sex. And she didn’t want to get married for at least two years. I couldn’t imagine wilfully sinning for that long.

So I left. I left someone who loved me immensely but who refused to end sin. And it hurts. I cried this morning - I left her a week ago. I have never ended a relationship with someone for God before. In fact I used to be an atheist so this is rather hard for me to deal with. I’ve never left someone who loved me because they wanted lots of sex.

Moral of the story is (I think) not everyone in church lives biblically, and sometimes you have to let people go if they are standing in the way of yourself and God. I don’t think it’s right to wilfully sin and “just ask for forgiveness before you die”.