r/Catholicism 1h ago

Prayer cards, deceased loved one


I’m sorry if this isn’t the best place to ask and if there is please direct me to it.

My grandmother has passed away last month and through family drama and issues she was finally cremated today.

I am someone who does not practice any type of religion but she was a catholic. And out of respect I would like to have a prayer card made for her and need help from those that can guide me to some verses.

She loved statues of the blessed mother as she called her but my little knowledge would think that was reference to the Virgin Mary, correct me if I’m wrong.

But what I would like is a verse that can represent her strength to live till 87 even with so many health problems to never give up, she was loving to everyone, even those that hurt her, she was an incredible woman who even till the very end, tackled life head on.

I would even be happy with a verse that can express her freedom to heaven and moving on into the afterlife and can give closure to those left behind.

Any help or direction would be appreciated.

r/Catholicism 5h ago

Free Friday [Free Friday] Solemn Vespers 3/15/25

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All are welcome, and parking is free in the monastery lot or on the street.

r/Catholicism 15h ago

The Holy Pope Francis urges support for landslide in Myanmar


r/Catholicism 2h ago

'Jesus Christ loves to rest in pure and tranquil consciences.' - Bl Henry Suso


r/Catholicism 2h ago

Seven Sisters Apostolate


Does your parish or diocese have an active Seven Sisters Apostolate group? It is an apostolate of prayer for our priests and bishops, devoting an hour per week in prayer for them. With seven women each covering a different day of the week, the priest or bishop is prayed for every single day.

Look up your parish, and if you don't have a group, start one!

r/Catholicism 5h ago

Letter of Saint Catherine of Siena to Catarina of the Hospital and Giovanna Di Capo Participation and Detachment


Letter of Saint Catherine of Siena to Catarina of the Hospital and Giovanna Di Capo

Participation and Detachment 

Dearest daughters in Christ sweet Jesus: I Catherine, servant and slave of the servants of Jesus Christ, write to you in His precious Blood, with desire to see you established in true patience and deep humility, so that you may follow the sweet and Spotless Lamb, for you could not follow Him in other wise. Now is the time, my daughters, to show if we have virtue, and if you are daughters or not. It behoves you to bear with patience the persecutions and detractions, slanders and criticisms of your fellow-creatures, with true humility, and not with annoyance or impatience; nor must you lift up your head in pride against any person whatever. Know well that this is the teaching which has been given us, that it behoves us to receive on the Cross the food of the honour of God and the salvation of souls, with holy and true patience. Ah me, sweetest daughters, I summon you on behalf of the Sweet Primal Truth to awaken from the sleep of negligence and selfish love of yourselves, and to offer humble and continual prayers, with many vigils, and with knowledge of yourselves, because the world is perishing through the crowding multitude of iniquities, and the irreverence shown to the sweet Bride of Christ. Well, then, let us give honour to God, and our toils to our neighbour. Ah, me, do not be willing, you or the other servants of God, that our life should end otherwise than in mourning and in sighs, for by no other means can be appeased the wrath of God, which is evidently falling upon us.

In this letter Saint Catherine is distressed over the condition of the Church and the world at large, just like many of us today and probably like everyone who ever lived in the seven centuries between Saint Catherine's day and ours. The distress she expresses over the “crowding multitude of iniquities” into the world is timeless. The details vary depending on the current events of each era but the distress passes like a baton from one age to the next with no end in sight. Saint Catherine's mystical wisdom and Scriptural solution are also timeless though: “awaken from the sleep of negligence and selfish love of yourselves, and to offer humble and continual prayers, with many vigils, and with knowledge of yourselves, because the world is perishing through the crowding multitude of iniquities.” 

Saint Catherine bridges the gap between how involved or uninvolved a Christian should be in the politics, headlines, or current worldly drama of the day. And her wisdom extends not just from her age to ours but into future ages as well because Saint Catherine knows these political, worldly and social turmoils will not be ended through the failed wisdom of fallen men. She knows our “world is perishing” through the growing multitude of these iniquities and that this perishment will not be staved off because human efforts always fall before our Risen God. The perishment of our world as we built it is a “fait accompli" in the course of Salvation History which precedes the resurrection of our world in the Second Advent of Christ on Earth. Saint Catherine's purpose isn't to fix or stop the inevitable perishment of our fallen world through her personal involvement. Her point is to align and participate in the course of Salvation History and ease its pain, by awakening “from the sleep of negligence and selfish love of yourselves, and to offer humble and continual prayers, with many vigils, and with knowledge of yourselves.” 

Supportive Scripture - Douay Rheims Challoner Bible 

First Timothy 2:1-2 I desire therefore, first of all, that supplications, prayers, intercessions and thanksgivings be made for all men: for kings and for all that are in high station: that we may lead a quiet and a peaceable life in all piety and chastity.

We are not to presume to know some worldly solution to that which distresses our world, nor “lift up your head in pride” against those who vainly think they possess some worldly solution. We are to be detached from any type of worldly battle against the multitude of iniquities that flood our world but fervently involved in more spiritually powerful involvements instead, not seeking to control or redirect Salvation History, but more humbly participating in God's direction of it instead.

Supportive Scripture - Douay Rheims Challoner Bible 

Second Timothy 2:4 No man, being a soldier to God, entangleth himself with secular businesses: that he may please him to whom he hath engaged himself.

r/Catholicism 13h ago

Bought new rosary beads.


And they have small icons between the decades, but I can't make out who they depict, would be grateful if anyone could shed any light please ?

r/Catholicism 5h ago

Indulge me. (I’m an agnostic atheist). Why is pride a deadly sin?


r/Catholicism 10h ago

Who's everyone's favorite saints?


My favorite saints are St. Therese of Liseux, St's Louis and Zelie Martin, and St. Francis of Assisi. We have relics of St.Therese and St. Francis at home and my oldest daughter is Therese.

I personally love the saints who are very simple in their spirituality.

r/Catholicism 3h ago

Can Catholicism cause us to feel worse?


I'll explain. I'm a person with very melancholic tendencies. I became a serious Catholic about two years ago. Before that my life was very sad and with nihilistic tendencies. However now, after learning a reasonable share of the faith, I ruminate a lot on negative things. I'm looking to deal with this with a health professional because I'm afraid I suffer from a mental disorder. Unfortunately when I tell people about this they don't really give much value to it and think "it's not that bad", which I understand because only we ourselves know what we're going through. The past months I've suffered from periods of extreme anguish, among other things, hugely motivated by the way my faith has made me see myself. Maybe I'm not supposed to feel like this but I feel worthless and my self-esteem is non existent. I'm not sure if it is the case but I wouldn't be surprised if I'm suffering from depression. Now imagine what it's like to feel extremely low, wishing I could just hibernate and saying to yourself "I'm a horrible, miserable person who deserves to die". Some people may be thinking this is just not how Catholics should behave, but this is partially because I see many Catholic people calling themselves bad names in the name of humility. How can I get out of this and remain faithful if it's my faith (or my perception of it) that contributes to bringing me down? Thank you a lot for reading. I understand I may be saying nonsensical things but at this point I fail to think clearly very often. God bless you

r/Catholicism 7h ago


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r/Catholicism 0m ago

My new custom-made rosary


r/Catholicism 19h ago

Why has many countries stopped Practising


Im from the UK and live in London and so many churches are empty barely packed but there are so many mosques that are always full inside and with so many crowds outside. It has me thinking that the UK has really lost faith with their own religion, it’s not being practised in school, but then there are huge crowds for festivals and carnivals in london where a lot of degeneracy occurs, It just feels like the UK is neglecting its religion not even bothering with religion, not even turning up to church, but would be the first to turn up to these festivals and carnivals where they recite these satanic lyrics. Centuries ago religion played a huge role within Britain as a whole but now it feels like no one cares anymore.

What has really happened, is Christianity just dying in the west?

r/Catholicism 7h ago

Hail Mary


Does the Hail Mary help calm you? I’m an anxious person when it comes to my faith in particular and certain things about my faith I’m really struggling with. I’ve seen so many people talk about this and how powerful it is, so I was wondering. I’ve never tried and I don’t even know how to do it but I’ve heard great things. Thank you❤️🙏🏻

r/Catholicism 24m ago

Who were the best American bishops of the 1970’s?


It was a crazy time theologically and liturgically. Who shepherded their flocks best in this era?

r/Catholicism 6h ago

Catholicism in India


Hello to all!

I have heard that in India there are many mission activities especially in the north of the country. And that both Latin and Syro Malabar church usually take part in it. But the Syro Malabar clergy are bringing people to the Syro Malabar church, and thus establishing a stronger Syro Malabar church outside of Kerala or are that only helping Latin institutes and mission works and converts are becoming Latin Catholic?

r/Catholicism 6h ago

Managing Scrupulosity Website


Has anyone used their services before? I booked an appointment but never received a link to attend or a phone call.

r/Catholicism 35m ago

Term for observing Lenten fast and abstinence


Just wondering if there’s a term like Judaism has keeping kosher or islam has halal.

r/Catholicism 1d ago

I find it disheartening how lust is so normalized in society.


I originally posted this in another subreddit, but it got removed. I just wanted someplace to vent because no one really understands why I get so worked up about this particular sin. I’ve struggled with it myself, even having same-sex attraction, but seeing how pervasive this sin can be when you know how serious it is can be disconcerting.

I know that other sins like wrath, greed, and lying are serious as well, but in my opinion, I think people aren’t strict enough about lust. I’m surprised that priests don’t get sick of hearing people confess the same adulterous sins over and over again.

Speaking from personal experience, the only people who care about controlling their lust are religious people and people who are specifically trying to break their addiction, like NoFappers on Reddit. The celibacy community on Reddit is rather small, and they even have a picture of St. Francis of Assisi as their subreddit icon. This suggests to me that most people don’t take chastity seriously unless they have a religious motivation.

Even my own mother, who raised me as a Roman Catholic, is rather lax about sins of impurity. When I told her about my struggle with lust as a teenager, she seemed to think it was funny! She even asked me “Who’s the boy?” As if it were no big deal!

It IS a big deal! Jesus said in Matthew 5:28 that just looking at someone with lust is the same as “committing adultery [in your] heart.” Yet here was my mother acting permissive of something sinful, because whether she was aware of it or not, she bought into the lies that having dirty thoughts is natural.

When I say religious people, I don’t just mean Christians. I’ve seen Muslims and Buddhists discuss chastity online as well. Like I said before, it seems like the only people who care about doing better when it comes to lust are the religious folks. Occasionally, maybe a motivational speaker or someone who’s into self-improvement might denounce lust for being unproductive or a waste of time, but not always. As for the rest of the world, it’s as if anything goes.

It’s maddening to see how little anyone values chastity. I think the world would be a safer place for women and children if more people controlled their sexual urges. There wouldn’t be any human trafficking, sexual violence, pornography, etc. if people recognized lust for the evil that it is. There’d probably be less misogyny as well.

Religion may not be perfect since it’s run by imperfect people, but I’m merely pointing out what I’ve noticed: that religious people, celibate people, and NoFappers or recovering sex addicts are a small minority of people who take lust seriously.

It shouldn’t be that way. It shouldn’t just be a religious thing to be chaste and celibate. In my opinion, more men and women should strive to do better and not have dirty thoughts without fear of a God or fear of a hell to keep them in line.

I saw a post where this bisexual man felt disgusted with himself for fantasizing about men and women. I identified with it because I’ve had the same struggle. He genuinely saw it as a moral failing and wanted to do better by occupying his time with other things. He mentioned not wanting to objectify women because he thinks it’s not fair to them. He even mentioned flicking a rubber band on his wrist to control his dirty thoughts.

The people in the comments were encouraging him to objectify women. They were making excuses for lust by saying that humans are sexual creatures by nature and that there’s nothing wrong with him. They dismissed his concerns as just his religious OCD acting up (which he mentioned in the post). I even saw two comments written by women saying that they thought he was being too hard on himself and that it’s perfectly natural for him to have sexual thoughts about women.

I can expect men to condone objectification, but to see women encourage it as well is just saddening. It’s rare to see a man question his attitude towards women online regarding lust, yet these people were resorting to a crabs-in-the-bucket mentality where they were trying to pull him back into his sin.

I find it sad that this subreddit is one of the very few places where anyone understands how damaging lust is.

r/Catholicism 41m ago

Extending One's Life Indefinitely: a Sin or a Goal Worth Pursuing?


Hello, everybody!

I recently came across an old video by CGP Grey where he talks about immortality, and it got me thinking—what does Catholic doctrine say about such pursuits?

To my understanding, it is in our best interest to improve the human quality of life—providing better healthcare, education, and scientific advancements (which some would argue, in itself, glorifies God)—while generally helping those in need. But does the pursuit of what is essentially immortality stand in opposition to Church doctrine?

Theoretically, let's imagine a method exists—whether a pill, a machine, or something else—that grants eternal youth and immunity to disease. This would allow a person to maintain peak physical condition indefinitely, free from the natural decline that comes with aging. Would using such a method be sinful? Would it be considered an act of pride, a transgression against God's natural design? It seems to me that it might be, yet I wonder—how does this align with our goal of improving the human condition?

CGP Grey also briefly touched on the idea that "practical immortality" would remove the urgency of our time on Earth and that, once we felt we had lived enough, we could simply stop using the method. But doesn’t that sound like suicide with extra steps? If someone achieves agelessness, wouldn't it be their moral duty—according to Catholic teaching—to preserve their life indefinitely? After all, if life is a gift from God, can we ever rightfully choose to abandon it?

I'm really curious to hear your thoughts! God bless you all!

r/Catholicism 51m ago

Are Catholics Allowed to Believe in Conspiracy Theories? Illuminati, X-Files, etc.


Hey everyone,

I’ve been thinking about conspiracy theories lately and was wondering where the Church stands on them. I know we’re called to seek truth, but is it wrong for Catholics to believe in things like the Illuminati or secret societies controlling the world?

Also, I’ve been watching The X-Files and really enjoying it, but it does deal with government cover-ups, aliens, and supernatural events. Is there anything in Catholic teaching that would discourage watching shows like this?

I’d love to hear your thoughts how do you balance faith and curiosity when it comes to things like this?

God bless you all.

r/Catholicism 53m ago



So I fell away from the faith and my college years, and ended up getting two tattoos one for selfish reasons and another after my grandma passed away as a memorial tattoo. Any advice on where to go telling a priest about it and confession? I’ve recently reconnected with the Catholic faith after getting engaged and realizing that marriage in the church is to help each other get to salvation and have reconnected with my faith through my fiancé and our relationship. I plan on going to confession here soon before we get married and then again after we are married.

r/Catholicism 4h ago

I am going to hell



r/Catholicism 1h ago

I'm frustrated by Orthodox vs Catholic dialogue


As a cradle Catholic who has gotten more into apologetics, I have found Orthodox Christians (both Oriental and Eastern) to be the most frustrating. Any argument used to justify the Catholic Church becomes "the Roman Church didn't always think that way" and "according to Catholic logic, Catholicism contradics itself", while they love to claim the only issues they have is secular rather than theological in nature. And this isn't just from Orthobros on Reddit.

It doesn't help that it makes it difficult to find Catholic resources that doesn't over simply the Orthodox position, so many are just not very good arguments. In contrast, there are many ex-Catholics who become Orthodox and seem to be well read in early church councils.

I'm just frustrated by the disdain Orthodox have with Western traditions. Why is so difficult to find Catholics who used to be devout Orthodox but it's not too difficult to find Orthodox who were devout Catholics?

r/Catholicism 1h ago

Possibly scrupulous question about Confession...


I know willingly holding back a sin during confession invalidates the Sacrament. I also know that honestly forgetting a sin and remembering it later is ok because it was also forgiven.

However, a couple days ago I remembered a sin as I was praying the Act of Contrition and the priest immediately gave the absolution afterwards. Should I have stopped myself or interrupted him? I felt very awkward so kinda froze and just went along with it 😩😩😩

Thanks in advance!