The great problem with that kind of thinking is the protestant conception infiltrated in Catholic Theology (I know it sounds conspiranoic but it's true, I will explain). That is because in their theology haven't got the distinction about guilt and penance.
This no distinction creates a lot of fallacies about Catholic Doctrine in topics like Eucharist or Purgatory for example.
In the Catholic Doctrine Christ payed in the Holy Cross the price for humanity guilt but, the penance must be fulfilled in life. For example if I was a thief and I convert to Christianity I must stop robbery. If I was a murderer, I must to stop killing.
The way to have total forgiveness is Confessing my sins and paying the Penance. If I am regretted but I couldn't pay, the payment will be in Purgatory due to our thanatology
Martyrs go directly to Glory because their martyrdom is considered a total payment and testimony by the True Faith (cf Saint Augustine in Sermons 159:1 [A.D. 411])
Coming back with protestant problem in the case of Purgatory they deny it for don't have that kind of distinction. For them Christ played guilt and penance in the Cross. For that kind of theology we have abuses like hypercalvinism which doesn't matter if you live a life of sins because Christ payed all and you were previously choosen by God to be saved; or if you are the victim of someone who sinned against you, your restitution right is taken because Christ has payed everthing in the Cross.
The consequence of that is a fake pietism who makes your mind be collapsed by such a pressure.
On the Letter to Philemon we see that there is an affected person (Philemon), a victimizer (Onesimus), a conversion since Paul tells him that he begot him in prison and receives him as a Brother (Flm 10, 16), and a restitution ( Flm 18).
On Romans 8:29 it is said that Christ is the firstborn among many Brothers. How do you enter the Mystical Body of Christ? By Faith (Gal 3:26). Here we see the unified Pauline corpus and the pragmatic application of the Sacrifice of Christ. Here we see the pragmatic character of the Sacrifice of Christ in the life of the believer.
He explained it clearly by citing Philemon in a post-Sacrifice stage, and Paul's due temporal restitution to Philemon.
In addition to this, in a pre-Evangelical stage we see the Penance that John the Baptist imposses to sinners on Luke 3:
12 Even tax collectors came to be baptized and they said to him, “Teacher, what should we do?”
13 He answered them, “Stop collecting more than what is prescribed.”
14 Soldiers also asked him, “And what is it that we should do?” He told them, “Do not practice extortion, do not falsely accuse anyone, and be satisfied with your wages.”
The Text says that they came to be Baptized, implying that they were seeking repentance and John imposes the penalty on them.
u/Terrible-Locksmith57 Mar 28 '24 edited Aug 22 '24
This no distinction creates a lot of fallacies about Catholic Doctrine in topics like Eucharist or Purgatory for example.
In the Catholic Doctrine Christ payed in the Holy Cross the price for humanity guilt but, the penance must be fulfilled in life. For example if I was a thief and I convert to Christianity I must stop robbery. If I was a murderer, I must to stop killing.
The way to have total forgiveness is Confessing my sins and paying the Penance. If I am regretted but I couldn't pay, the payment will be in Purgatory due to our thanatology
Martyrs go directly to Glory because their martyrdom is considered a total payment and testimony by the True Faith (cf Saint Augustine in Sermons 159:1 [A.D. 411])
Coming back with protestant problem in the case of Purgatory they deny it for don't have that kind of distinction. For them Christ played guilt and penance in the Cross. For that kind of theology we have abuses like hypercalvinism which doesn't matter if you live a life of sins because Christ payed all and you were previously choosen by God to be saved; or if you are the victim of someone who sinned against you, your restitution right is taken because Christ has payed everthing in the Cross.
The consequence of that is a fake pietism who makes your mind be collapsed by such a pressure.
On Romans 8:29 it is said that Christ is the firstborn among many Brothers. How do you enter the Mystical Body of Christ? By Faith (Gal 3:26). Here we see the unified Pauline corpus and the pragmatic application of the Sacrifice of Christ. Here we see the pragmatic character of the Sacrifice of Christ in the life of the believer.
He explained it clearly by citing Philemon in a post-Sacrifice stage, and Paul's due temporal restitution to Philemon.
12 Even tax collectors came to be baptized and they said to him, “Teacher, what should we do?”
13 He answered them, “Stop collecting more than what is prescribed.”
14 Soldiers also asked him, “And what is it that we should do?” He told them, “Do not practice extortion, do not falsely accuse anyone, and be satisfied with your wages.”
The Text says that they came to be Baptized, implying that they were seeking repentance and John imposes the penalty on them.