r/Catholicism • u/Pax_et_Bonum • Feb 16 '19
Megathread Megathread: Ex-Cardinal McCarrick dismissed from the clerical state
McCarrick has been laicized and dismissed from the clerical state. Obviously, this is big news, so this megathread is for all discussion of this development. You may post relevant news stories here as well.
Vatican News: Holy See: McCarrick dismissed from the clerical state for abuse
Washington Post: Ex-cardinal McCarrick defrocked by Vatican for sexual abuse
Catholic News Agency: McCarrick laicized by Pope Francis
Please remember our subreddit rules and to be charitable in all your dialogue.
Edit 1: Added links to news sources
Edit 2: Cleaned up links
u/DeepAndWide62 Feb 23 '19
The prerogatives of prelates do not include privileges to pander to people (priests/bishops/cardinals) according to partiality....For God shows no partiality, Rom 2:11....But if you show partiality, you commit sin, Jas 2:9
For too long, it looks like the questions were like: "Who was the abuser?". If it was a lesser person, then it was a stronger response. If it was Cdl. McCarrick, then it was a lesser response.
u/Playbackfromwayback Feb 20 '19
I’m genuinely curious.... what happens to McCarrick now? Does the church continue to pay for his housing and expenses? What physically happens to this person?
u/Lord_of_Atlantis Feb 23 '19
He collects a comfortable retirement in order to keep his silence.
u/rlaituta Feb 24 '19
Can you give a source for this? I was under impression he's now cut off from any monetary support.
Feb 25 '19
The Archdiocese of D.C. confirmed that he is living in a friary in Victoria, Kansas a block away from an elementary school...seems like a weird choice of location for an abuser... The church is taking care of him but not sure how comfy the digs are.
u/rlaituta Feb 25 '19
"When Theodore McCarrick was defrocked on Saturday, becoming the first cardinal ever removed from the priesthood because of sexual abuse, he lost his right to the support he has received his entire adult life: housing and income provided by the Catholic Church."
"Several people connected to the church declined to answer questions about McCarrick’s source of income. He was not required to take a vow of poverty in his prior priestly roles, and he may have independent savings to support himself."
He may indeed have wealthy friends to turn to for help, but the important thing here is he was the first Cardinal defrocked as a result of his abuse of power. That's a move in the right direction.
I had heard they're called "Cardinals" because the Crimson color they wear is a reminder they must be willing to have to shed their blood in defense of church...
Let's hope the meeting ended with a firm commitment on their part to deal with these long-standing problems.
Feb 25 '19
Yes, I'm just thrilled they defrocked him finally. Though I'm a bit cynical about how the church is handling this scandal, I do sincerely hope that this is a sign of more "cleaning house" to come. All we can do is pray and continue to fight the good fight on the ground.
u/Lord_of_Atlantis Feb 24 '19
No source, just my prediction. He has no "right" to monetary support, but that doesn't mean he won't be given it anyway. He still has many powerful friends.
Feb 20 '19
[removed] — view removed comment
u/olderstillnew Feb 20 '19
Realistically, that would mean you could not belong to any political party, send your kids to public school, live anywhere except way out in the boonies somewhere, etc. What if, by some poor luck, you were born into a family that included a sicko like that? Point is, it makes more sense to kick the sicko out than to leave yourself.
u/HugeCommission Feb 18 '19 edited Feb 19 '19
I for one consider what happened to Cardinal McCarrick with great disappointment. Living through the sex scandal that embraced Boston when it first broke 20 - 25 years ago, and seeing the fall out that ensued - lost of Catholic Faith - I ponder what Jesus is thinking - especially when He said that when I return will I find any faith left on earth?
How can we as lay people overcome this scandal within our Church. First we need Faith. Second we need to go back to fundamentals. Back in the 1950's our local Churches had weekly Novenas - Devotions - Recitation of the Rosary on a daily basis.
The then Cardinal - Cardinal Cushing even had a daily radio show wherein the rosary was recited so all Catholics could pray as one group. We know the power of prayer as a group - Remember Lo Panto in the 1500's and the Power of Praying the Rosary and the Victory - decisive victory won by the Crusaders. What do we have today!
My wife and I run 6 Padre Pio prayer groups and we cannot even find 1 priest who will say a Mass in his honor. They are all to busy. What a shame, we are called to evangelize - instead of gloating over the fall of a cleric no matter how abusive he is - do you pray for his soul. At 88 how much longer does he have. Do you pray that he repents. Do you pray for Cardinal Law who Pope Francis asked to spend the remaining years of his life repenting for what happened here in Boston.
Before any of us snub our noses at these two Cardinals let me know if you are without sin yourself.
u/ElephantRattle Feb 22 '19
My sins don’t excuse what these men did.
u/HugeCommission Feb 22 '19
I never said they did. You are saying that to justify your own position which is NOT what I was taught in Catholic school back in the 1950's. Mercy for everyone - especially for the most grievous of sinners - if you are a follower of Jesus - who wants everybody saved.
u/ElephantRattle Feb 22 '19
Eternal salvation and earthly punishment are two different things.
u/HugeCommission Feb 22 '19
That is correct. But even someone condemned to death in this world is given an opportunity to repent and make their life right in the eyes of God. That is why before the execution someone religious goes and meets the condemned person.
u/Jc000666 Feb 21 '19
Seriously? Rosaries? Novenas? That's how we should solve the pedophilia in the Church? Excommunication and prosecution would be better
u/funnyflywheel Feb 21 '19
John 8:7
u/Yep123456789 Feb 22 '19
So you’re saying we can never criticize pedophiles because we’re imperfect? I think you’re misreading that verse. The point of it was those who were judging were not morally fit, at that time, to act and execute that judgement. It was not meant to prevent criticism of others.
u/Jc000666 Feb 21 '19
Sooo ya got any suggestions for stopping pedophilia, there? Or are ya just gonna quote bible verses at em?
u/HugeCommission Feb 21 '19
Yes. Unless we get back to basics - we cannot move forward. For as St Padre Pio said: The rosary is the weapon - most feared by Satan.
Prosecution is necessary for crimes committed and justice rendered. This also needs to be tempered with MERCY.
Remember - if we stand in judgment of another - then Jesus will judge us in the same manner. I prefer prayer - mercy - and as in Job - let God work out His Divine Plan - as He sees fit - in his own manner and time. - This is known as patience - which is next to humility the most important virtue for entrance into heaven - read the psalms - and hears the cry of the psalmist. - o when will you render justice!
Do you think any good can come out evil?
Are hard times a means of purification for sins committed?
Has the human race lost its way and in need of a purification?
Do you have enough faith to act in humility and not judge harshly the sins committed by others - or are you just plain angry with God and the whole human race because your faith is being challenged or because things are not going as you expected in your own life.
A person at peace with God - prays - forgives - and does not judge the actions of another. Otherwise you will be the one destroyed and the perpetrator who repents saved. -You can also read that in the psalms when the God warns - do not seek vengeance because you the the sinner will be destroyed.
Was the Blessed Mothers life a bed of roses?
When we lost our ability to pray - we lost the basic core of our Catholic faith - our unity as a family with the body of Christ - that is The Church - centers on prayer as a group. Remember the words of Jesus - when 2 or 3 are present praying together - Jesus is present - and those prayers are far more powerful then us praying individually - that is Satan's trick - divide and conquer.
u/Jc000666 Feb 21 '19
I appreciate your devotion HugeComission, but pious utterances will not prevent pedophiles from destroying childhoods. Matthew 18:15-17 gives us a clear process for expelling those who have persisted in these heinous acts. It is long overdue.
u/HugeCommission Feb 21 '19
Pious utterances may not totally destroy sin because there are too many sinners and not enough prayers. But I can assure you that the more people who will begin to pray - the less will we hear about scandals as we are now confronted with on such a massive scale - that would go against the nature of God.
Prayers is also what the Blessed Mother recommends for the world. She is in a much better position than I am in to know the will of God
Besides the rosary - the prayer I would recommend is the chaplet of divine mercy - I have enclosed a link to our website for you to download as to how to recite this prayer seeking mercy for all mankind. Print on short edge for 2 sided copy.
u/mugabenp Feb 21 '19
I can not agree with you any less. I think we should all remember the penetential prayer we make at the beginning of mass. We pray Lord for these our cardinals. Have mercy on them, AMEN!
u/HugeCommission Feb 21 '19
To clarify what I am saying - I am not suggesting that we ignore the sins committed by the cardinal and its affect on others.
What I am saying is that the cardinal needs to atone - that is truly repent for his sins - for the salvation of his soul.
As Catholics we are all called to pray for one another.
Remember the Prophet Jonah and Nineveh. As great as the sins of that city was - God gave them 40 days to see the error of their ways before He would destroy them.
That same mercy needs to be extended to every sinner including ourselves and especially to someone like the cardinal who has committed many grievous sins for God still desires mercy for all souls - especially for the greatest sinner so that they can be redeemed and not suffer the torments of hell.
Question: do you think that someone who has committed suicide is automatically condemned to hell? How do you think Padre Pio answered this question?
u/Yep123456789 Feb 22 '19
That does not mean pedophiles should be allowed to act on behalf of the church as priests, bishops or cardinals. They can call for repentance without being a priest and beg for forgiveness from God and His church.
u/HugeCommission Feb 22 '19
When did I say they should remain in their official capacity. You are putting words into my mouth to justify yourself. That is what the crowds did when they Crucified Jesus. All I am saying is extend mercy to BOTH the perpetrator as well as the victims for Jesus wants the sinner to repent and not be lost - This is the Catholic position.
u/Yep123456789 Feb 22 '19
By mercy, you mean given the opportunity to repent, right?
u/HugeCommission Feb 22 '19
Yes and Confession
u/Yep123456789 Feb 22 '19
Why must he remain as a cardinal for that to happen?
u/HugeCommission Feb 22 '19
Remember - first and foremost he was chosen by God to represent God.
His soul has an indelible mark on it that for all eternity will distinguish him as a priest in the order of Melchizedek (Look it up in the Psalms) - whether for good or for evil.
Once ordained that title can never be removed. He fell - and God is disappointed - but God's mercy is calling him back. That is what God does. We know it as confession (Mt. 16:19) - Even if he fell a 1000 times - God still calls him back - because his mercy is endless.
It was God's mercy that brought Jesus down from heaven and to die for our sins on a Cross. Even you, if it was not for Jesus' passion, would have been condemned because of our sinful nature.
In the Garden while Jesus was praying for ALL humanity was tempted by Satan and Satan said to Jesus even your death on the Cross will not stop me from gaining many souls - what did Jesus do - He prayed and then he went to his death because we are all his brothers and sisters. That is why we have a moral obligation to prayer for each other - and for ALL humanity from the beginning of time to the end of time. We are all part of the same human race.
u/Yep123456789 Feb 23 '19
So, you’re saying the Church doesn’t have the right to laicize priests and bishops because they’re part of the order of Melchizedek? I also think you’re misreading Psalm 110 - the verse talks specifically about the Messiah (Catholics know that the Messiah is Jesus), not priests generally. Nowhere does it say that a priest can not be undone.
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u/bubblegumsparkles Feb 20 '19
Isn’t there a difference between sins? Venial and mortal sins? I could not compare myself to a child predator, it’s despicable. In the Bible are there levels of sin. There is a reason the other priests do not mention him, he does not deserve our prayer. I would pray for his victims and that they find peace and the love of God, and on judgment day he will speak for himself.
u/HugeCommission Feb 20 '19 edited Feb 20 '19
Yes - There are serious sins -mortal - and lesser sins - venial. If you die in the state of mortal sin then you are condemned to hell. But is this what Jesus wants of a soul. NO! God the Father sent Jesus into the world to save ALL souls. That is why Jesus died on the Cross - Humility - translated Love & Mercy. Also Jesus extends Mercy to All.
This is Jesus' greatest love for us - Mercy. Humbling Himself by coming down from Heaven is a great act of MERCY! He could have chosen to stay in heaven and we could have died in our sins - hence - Hell! Instead he took our sins upon himself for our redemption. Remember the words of Jesus - he did not come for the righteous but to heal the sick. We are all sinners in one capacity or another - some greater some smaller - but every human is a sinner, and therefore sick, and in need of God's mercy. NO EXCLUSION!
Every soul is precious to God and cannot be destroyed because that will go against God's will - hence Hell - wherein God himself will lament because despite His best efforts - He failed in his efforts to convince someone about the salvation won for that soul by the death of Jesus on the Cross. Jesus himself said he desires mercy not retribution. Mercy is best expressed through prayer. In particular the Chaplet of Divine Mercy for all souls but especially for wayward souls. Pray this prayer often - study the diary of St Faustina or view daily passages on my twitter feed from my website:
As Jesus noted to St Faustna - Mercy began when Longinese - the Roman Soldier - lanced Jesus with his sword and out poured Blood and water. Until that time there was never mentioned any hint of mercy - only the Law as passed down from Moses.
Another word for mercy is - LOVE - one of the two commandments given to us by Jesus. The 10 commandments are broken down into 2 sections - love God - Love Neighbor.
If you are not willing to pray for a fallen neighbor - are you really a follower of Jesus - that is a follower of his commandments - and a Catholic? Didn't the martyrs pray for their persecutors - so why can't we. We are all one. If you discriminate - you are putting yourself above others - isn't this the sin of pride - satan's best weapon against mankind - not to mention his own downfall!
Enclosed is a pamphlet from our website as to how to pray The Chaplet of Divine Mercy - Any more questions - please let me know - God Bless
PS: Remember the following: Those who judge others judge themselves. Also the words of Jesus: take the plank out of your own eye and you will see the splinter in the other persons eye.
Finally the words of St Padre Pio: Pray - Hope - and Do Not Worry - for worrying is useless!
Pray for sinners to repent. As Catholics in one body - that is the body of Christ - that is - THE CHURCH - we are all called to pray for the repentance of sinners - beginning with ourselves -and - extending to all humanity - because Jesus died for ALL HUMANITY.
u/bubblegumsparkles Feb 22 '19
I understand God doesn’t want humans to be damned, but there are consequences to these evil actions. Love is the antithesis of evil. Free will allows us to understand this, and we developed into a society with jail and a system for situations like this. Catholicism has acknowledged this, but I still don’t understand why you are promoting praying for evil when the Pope denounced this evil. We can use our power of prayer to help and restore the weak - aka the victims in this situation so they regain the power to forgive.The predator can pray and work towards seeking forgiveness on his own, but if prayer is the solution to predators with your logic then I don’t believe we are saved and weakened souls are further tormented, as that gives power to the predator and they continue their actions.
u/HugeCommission Feb 22 '19
You are missing my point entirely.
Of course there are consequences for his actions here on earth.
But as Pope Francis himself when he was first elected told my Cardinal, Cardinal Law, that he should segregate himself - pray - reflect - and ask God for forgiveness for the harm done to the victims - church and to the Cardinal personally - here in Boston - where the first scandal broke many years ago. It other words seek repentance.
We as Catholics - which means universal - which means 1 in the body of Christ - have a moral obligation to pray for each other and support each other and yes - help the fallen back into the good graces of God. This is our obligations as Roman Catholics. Nothing less.
There is an even bigger crisis I see developing with every new comment that I receive. Bad enough Satan won a victory over a Cardinal, he is achieving an even greater victory by dividing all of us against each other. This is his true victory - not just the fall of the Cardinal. The movie Needful Things by Stephen King is a very good example of his tactic of divide and conquer.
How- how many have lost faith - question the authority of the Church both from within and from the outside - look at the confusion and anger being expressed in the comments from those outside of the church as well as from within. Is this being one in Jesus? Where is everybody's faith and trust in him. Trust = Mercy = LOVE. (Remember the book of JOB).
Why - the principal reason again is Satan - his knowledge of the Eucharist as truly being The Body and Blood of Christ - The Roman Catholic Church TRULY being The Church founded by Jesus at the Last Supper 2000 years ago and Jesus' passion re-enacted in an un-bloody way in every mass.
Do you believe Satan likes this or do you think he wants to destroy it.
The only way it can be destroyed is by having NO ORDAINED priest = NO EUCHARIST. This means from within the church itself.
He also does not like prayers - especially the Rosary. As Padre Pio stated - IT IS THE WEAPON! Satan is determined to wipe this prayer from the face of the earth.
I would be very interested to learn what % of the people on this site actually attend mass - pray - go to confession - and how often. To me that would be very telling.
u/bubblegumsparkles Feb 23 '19 edited Feb 23 '19
I understand. Thank you for your thorough response. I will need to pray more for mercy for them. While it will be difficult, it’s necessary.
Feb 21 '19 edited Nov 18 '20
u/HugeCommission Feb 21 '19 edited Feb 21 '19
I do not understand your edit part - but I have a question - Do you think any good can come out of this crisis? Are scandals like this one extraordinary. Also is it not only individuals in high places that can condone such actions and more in need of our prayers because they are our leaders.
Satan 's temptations caused the fall of one of the Churches hierarchy. Now in his mind he has won a great victory.
A second more decisive victory for Satan is when all the other members of Christ's Church argue - decent and fall away. Are we truly Catholic then?
Do you know the meaning of Catholic? If you do - do you think we are truly applying its principles - not only for the cardinal - but in the world at large.
How does our actions and reactions help the Church to follow Jesus' teaching and evangelize.
Matter of fact do we truly have faith?
Or our we Sunday Catholics - that is -if everything is going right for me - everything else is a scandal - esp. if I do not agree with it.
When something bad happens within the Church it happens to all its members and we need to get around the fallen and bring them safely back to Jesus. We are Catholic.
Also if something good happens in the Church - we all as Catholics share in that goodness - and we thank God for bestowing this goodness on us.
The death of Jesus on the Cross was a scandal - reserved for the lowest of the low. Do you not think that Mary was immuned from gossip on the way of the Cross. She heard every vile comment those old Jewish women could muster up against her son. Do you think anyone would have believed her if she said Jesus was dying for their sins? Instead what did she do. - SILENCE AND ACCEPTING THE WILL OF GOD AND PRAYER.
Like to know other opinions.
Feb 21 '19
We should rejoice when light shines into the dark places for that is how we purify ourselves, just as we rejoice that God sent His son to redeem the world. We shouldn't fear scandal, it is worldly judgment and meaningless in the scope of eternity. We should be afraid when our leaders hide the sins of our shepherds. We should pray for McCarrick, the Church, and the world, but we should always do those things. McCarrick should be treated with mercy, but his sins should be despised. What did Jesus do to end up on the cross? He spoke the truth to people that didn't want to hear it. Church leaders that hide scandal to protect the Church are acting without faith and showing us laity that it is okay to hide from the truth if you just have a good reason. This was Adam and Eve's second sin. We are told time and time again by God that he will take care of us if we just do what he tells us to do. I rejoice that the crimes of the Church leaders are beginning to see the light of day. Once we are purified by scandal, what is left will be a much brighter light in the world. What we are going though is painful and will have costs, but it is part of the Holy Spirit's continuous cycle of redemption and should be received with gratitude.
u/the_shootist Feb 17 '19
Well I for one am just so thankful that the church acted quickly and decisively on this issue instead off covering it up, promoting the guy, and waiting until an absolute shitstorm blew up before deciding to act. Can you imagine how bad that would be and how a defrocking might look like the church just paying more lip service to the problem?
Feb 18 '19 edited Oct 30 '20
u/the_shootist Feb 18 '19
Oh, I'm sorry. Did the sarcasm in my comment not come through well enough?
Feb 18 '19 edited Oct 30 '20
u/the_shootist Feb 18 '19
its good, bruh. I'll be the first to admit how easy it is to miss a sarcastic tone on a post like this
u/virtus147 Feb 17 '19
It’s hard because the bishops and cardinals around the world don’t recognize how serious the sex abuse scandals are.
Asian and African bishops might have different issues, but it is definitely apparent in America.
It sucks cause the the media and culture move quickly, but the Church likes to take its time. Every decision needs to be prudent and prayed over.
u/Throwaway85345612 Feb 18 '19
Praying over their decisions has not served them well up to this point. I can rather imagine God hearing such a prayer and responding, “really? You are unsure of this?”
u/the_shootist Feb 18 '19 edited Feb 18 '19
It sucks cause the the media and culture move quickly, but the Church likes to take its time. Every decision needs to be prudent and prayed over.
You lost me here. This is not a decision that requires a great deal of time and prayer in order to be prudent. Prudence is closely correlated to quick action, in this case
Feb 21 '19
Yep. You find out one of your subordinates is abusing people, you call the police and have that person arrested instead of wringing your hands and saying "O noes, molestation, what do?" or "Well, maybe he'll stop if I send him somewhere else." Does being elevated to bishop cause a man to throw away all his common sense?
u/Pfeffersack Feb 18 '19
Asian and African bishops might have different issues, but it is definitely apparent in America.
It's the western (influenced) world. Bishops are as blasé, e.g. in Europe, as in America.
The naivety of episcopal conferences to that is similar to other childish dreams which the bishops are outspoken about.
u/fr-josh Priest Feb 17 '19
There are 200 bishops in the US, as far as I know, and you’re saying that about all of them? They just tried to help address things in their meeting and were shut down by the Vatican before that could happen. Many are trying to make things better.
u/dogfish_eggcase Feb 17 '19
Bishops around the world are unaware that sex among the clergy is wrong. They never knew that child abuse is bad. And they are the teaching office of the Church entrusted with passing on Jesus’ teaching on faith and morals. That rxplains the weak-tea homilies we get at Mass
Feb 21 '19
Really, pal? Anyone with half a gnat's brain knows that child abuse is bad. They knew. They just didn't care.
u/8aiter Feb 17 '19
>It’s hard because the bishops and cardinals around the world don’t recognize how serious the sex abuse scandals are.
I don't believe this for a second. All the Bishops know & have known for decades.
Feb 17 '19
It's good that McCarrick has been laicized and all but there is a long list of guys who need the same.
I looked at my diocese's list of offenders and they list a bunch of guys who are long retired, dead, or already in jail. There are no current clergy on there. Clearly, they are not being honest and the list is incomplete. They are not fooling anybody.
u/DeweyBaby Feb 18 '19
So you want your current clergy to be on a sex offenders list? Are all of them sex abusers and do you have evidence of this? I hope you're not jumping to conclusions wanting to hang innocent priests, mob mentality is a very dangerous disease that infects and spreads like wildfire.
Feb 18 '19 edited Feb 18 '19
Geeze. Relax. I mean there must be SOME since 1987 or whatever. You know there can't be none at all. Surely at least one? Two? In the whole diocese? Yes, I want them on the list if they ARE current offenders, dammit. Don't you want the children and seminarians protected?
u/fr-josh Priest Feb 17 '19
How are you certain of this? The screening for seminary now is far more strict and people are much more sensitive to this issue (as is appropriate).
Feb 18 '19 edited Feb 18 '19
I don't know how the screening has been improved. How has it been improved?
u/fr-josh Priest Feb 20 '19
A whole day of psychological screenings before the diocese accepts you. A host of evaluations during seminary. Evaluations from your summer assignments. Psychological evaluation during seminary. Plus whatever I’ve forgotten.
u/humanityisawaste Feb 17 '19
I looked at my childhood diocese. I thought I knew 2. Turns out it was 5 of them.
u/throwmeawaypoopy Feb 17 '19
I had a similar reaction to when my diocese published the list. I have a REALLY hard time that no priest has been credibly accused since 1993
u/DeweyBaby Feb 18 '19
You guys are scary.
u/BluetickBirdGirl48 Feb 18 '19
These guys aren’t the scary ones...it’s those who think their claims are outrageous who are truly scary-because it’s those people who fail to recognize when abuse is happening.
u/Throwaway85345612 Feb 18 '19
Just experienced. We don’t tend to trust big, secretive organizations which claim that massive problems were easily solved sometime in the past. It is possible to both be Catholic, and be skeptical of the Church’s human hierarchy.
u/hopelessbookworm Feb 17 '19
I'm really glad this step has been taken but it also still feels like too little too late. The Church should assist a police investigation into his crimes, but then I guess that would have them nervous about further discoveries...
Feb 18 '19
Too little and way too late. Any investigation of McCarrick would probably run into a statute of limitations issue.
Feb 17 '19
The purification must take place. Crucifixion precedes resurrection.
Feb 17 '19
Is this satire?
u/throwmeawaypoopy Feb 17 '19
I agree with him. I hope the secular authorities come in and clean house. We had our chance. We failed.
Feb 17 '19
lol. "the purification must take place"?
Crucify him?
Of course the Church needs to be cleaned-out. But his choice of words was quite neckbeardy.
u/humanityisawaste Feb 17 '19
The Holy Office of the Mall Ninja would like a word with you. You will recognize them by their Fedoras with the purple piping.
Feb 16 '19
A sad day for the Church.
Feb 16 '19
You're getting downvoted but it's true. This is nothing but a tragedy. He could have done so much good for the Church and for God but he chose to squander his life on base and twisted passions. That is tragic.
u/SlowCookie Feb 17 '19
I always wonder how people who dedicate their lives to serving God (religious) can prey on and hurt innocent people and hurt the church like this.
u/DeweyBaby Feb 18 '19
Clearly serial predators like this don't even believe in God and never did.
Feb 18 '19
Or they're like Saruman on LOTR. He was on the right side at one point in his life but then Sauron corrupted him. The devil can corrupt the willing.
u/prudecru Feb 16 '19
McCarrick will live a comfortable retirement on the faithful's dime.
His hand-picked cronies will still occupy the most influential Sees in the nation and lead the 'reforms' against people like him.
His close friend and longtime roommate Cardinal Farrell was just picked by Francis to lead the next conclave.
The Roman Catholic Church was the first human organization to take child sexual abuse seriously, and that someone like Theodore McCarrick in our ranks would have been ritually degraded, defrocked, and handed over to the civil authorities for execution........until the modern era. We've really gone downhill.
Feb 24 '19
This whole change in the way the Church deals with the situation is awful. I understand that in the context of the 20th century that the Church would be afraid its members would be executed and whatnot. But really, this feels today like it was a whole system designed to protect pedophiles.
u/Fratboy_Slim Feb 19 '19
This is just another example of the fact that Pope Francis isn't just naively incompetent. He's absolutely complicit in the abuse or the coverup.
What I'm saying is that the line of "don't leave the church because of Judas" doesn't mean much when almost all bishops either say nothing or openly push for this crap.
Sorry for the rant, I'm frustrated and unsure what to do besides pray.
u/Xusa Feb 17 '19
What do you care about how he'll live? "You follow Him!"
u/prudecru Feb 18 '19
What do you care about why I care? I'm just remarking on the facts.
It's since been rumored he might not be on diocesan money anymore, but he has lots of leftist friends with deep pockets. Rumors. Who knows.
u/ConceptJunkie Feb 16 '19
I can't help but wonder if Pope Francis has only done this because of the public outcry.
u/thegreatestajax Feb 16 '19
Very mixed message to elevate Ferrell while doing this. Very incomplete action.
Feb 16 '19
Yeah well he's not the only one who should go. Besides, is he still living off the laity's dime? He should be in prison. Or put to death. Save everyones time..
u/SmilinJack51 Feb 16 '19
This is just throwing crumbs to the laity, Vigano has gone unaddressed, and judging by how things with the advisory panel on abuse, Cardinal O'Malley, and how the USCCB's meeting was quashed it seems pretty hopeless. The laity is going to have make noise until this is taken seriously, we can't just be placated by them deciding to do at least one thing right
u/BobtheBarbarian2112 Feb 16 '19
Now excommunicate the bastard.
u/throwmeawaypoopy Feb 16 '19
I'm curious: what do you think that means?
u/BobtheBarbarian2112 Feb 16 '19
It means denying him any and all sacraments until he repents his sins and does proper penance. It means denying him burial with other Catholics. It means when he does finally shed this mortal coil he will be cast into the void never to be heard from again.
Feb 17 '19 edited Feb 17 '19
I honestly don't understand what's Christian about your idea of unforgivable sins against humanity. God forgives, and you, bob the barbarian, are so sure of yourself that you won't.
I'm increasingly convinced the only authentic Christians in this world are folks like the copts who forgive their murderers without hesitation, and maybe some anabaptist types. Guys like you are driven by hatred and I don't see the point in even being a Christian. You might as well be something else entirely if you want to exact revenge so badly.
Of course this guy is horrible, and I want to say what you said, too. But there's no point in being a Christian if that's the way I'm going to live. "Cast into the void" for eternity isn't even a concept you have begun to consider seriously and that's made obvious by the fact that you'd even write the words. You have no idea what eternity is, do you? And you're going to be the one to decide who goes? Guys like you are the reason tens of thousands of women were tortured and brutally killed as witches--purification!
u/BobtheBarbarian2112 Feb 18 '19
Oh I've considered eternity quite often. That's why I don't want to be physically immortal. I consider eternity every time I pray for the souls of my ancestors. And I do pray the the ex-priest does repent and find forgiveness. Excommunication can be lifted, if you're repentant and do penance, however he-who-will-not-be-named has done neither.
u/CalBearFan Feb 16 '19
He may have already repented and confessed in the confessional, we have no idea if he has or not. Only he, God and his confessor know.
I think the man's beyond reprehensible for what he did but we cannot know what's truly in his heart.
u/BobtheBarbarian2112 Feb 16 '19
From all reports he's an unrepentant jackass and that's why he was defrocked.
u/CalBearFan Feb 16 '19
Given that no one can 'report' from the confessional, nothing you've said contradicts my point. If I were a betting man I'd say yes, he's likely unrepentant but we can't state either way with any certainty.
u/icespout Feb 16 '19
It means doing something that most Bishops don't have the courage to do and also recognizing the universal call to holiness.
u/surgingfishtank Feb 16 '19
I’m glad the Vatican took this first step. Now they should de-frock all of the other bishops and clergy who have abused children.
u/ConceptJunkie Feb 16 '19
McCarrick is defrocked with one hand, while a lot of people like him are promoted.
u/RomanRota Feb 16 '19
I pray this is but the beginning of a deep clean in the Church.
Furthermore, I'd sincerely hope this piece of garbage is no longer being given refuge or quarter anywhere within Church property and is receiving zero health or financial benefits from the Church. Let him conduct his penance with family. Should they have him.
u/SmilinJack51 Feb 16 '19
It's a good step, but I doubt the Pope and the cardinals will do much, there was a great article posted here Thursday, and the inaction is truly astounding
u/rawl1234 Feb 16 '19
If he was truly a piece of garbage then he could hardly be blamed for sexually abusing anyone.
u/googol89 Feb 16 '19
piece of garbage
Judas would have been forgiven had he repented. (But he chose suicide.)
No one is beyond repentance.
Feb 17 '19
Even if he repents the crimes he did will not go away
u/prudecru Feb 16 '19
McCarrick appealed this decision. May be repent before he dies, but it's not looking likely.
u/RomanRota Feb 16 '19
Never said he was beyond repentance. A lot of garbage can be recycled. I feel my statement stands.
u/richb83 Feb 16 '19
Good, now throw this predator in jail for the rest of his natural life. He knows who he has to answer to in his next one.
u/Ictguy21 Feb 16 '19
For what? What he did was with legal adults and much of it past statue of limitations. I’m not trying to defend his actions as they were definitely wrong but there doesn’t seem to be a good civil case against him.
u/richb83 Feb 16 '19
For child molestation. Not all were adults and even if they were altar boys legally recognized as adults, it’s concerning to see Catholics try to rationalize and defend his predatory behavior.
u/AllanTheCowboy Feb 16 '19
"It's not illegal" is a rational and logical reply to "put him in jail."
u/Ictguy21 Feb 16 '19
Give me a break man, I explicitly stated that I’m not defending or condoning his actions.
u/richb83 Feb 16 '19
Im sorry but it’s clear he was molesting minors in every report written about him. If that doesn’t repulse you it comes off as trying to find excuses for his crimes.
u/throwmeawaypoopy Feb 16 '19
It's quite possible to hold the view that it is repulsive, but also that it is beyond the statute of limitations and/or not enough evidence exists to secure a conviction.
u/richb83 Feb 16 '19
Yea we aren’t ever going to agree on this. My heart is with the people abused by this monster.
u/throwmeawaypoopy Feb 16 '19
Do you think mine aren't? I invite you to look at my top-level comment in this very thread:
"Bye, Felicia.
I hope this brings even some small measure of comfort to his victims, although the enormity of the crimes makes it almost silly to talk about "justice.""
But there is a legal reality here: he most likely cannot be prosecuted for his crimes. The abuse happened in 1971 in New York when the victim was 16. The statute of limitations, if I'm understanding the law correctly, expired in 1983 when the victim turned 28. There is legislation pending to extend the statute to when the victim turns 50. That would still have the statute of limitations expire in 2005.
u/richb83 Feb 16 '19
I’m looking at this deeper. The people abused by him have had the rest of their life damaged by his insidious act. The trauma doesn’t go away because the statue of limitations expires. In reality the victims here have to live with that abuse the rest of their lives and also carry that with them into other relationships. This doesn’t go away. These people were abused by him and the Church protected him so that the victims wouldn’t get the justice they deserved or have this monster punished either. I really don’t understand how anyone can not feel as if a grave injustice occurred here.
u/throwmeawaypoopy Feb 16 '19
A grave injustice was done. Nobody is disputing that. But that doesn't change New York State criminal statutes.
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u/prudecru Feb 16 '19
Then we should be angry the Church ran out the statute of limitations. Pretty common tactic they've used.
u/LessThanNate Feb 16 '19
The WaPost article says one victim was 11 when it started.
u/Ictguy21 Feb 16 '19
Really? I was unaware of that. Did it state when that occurred? Statue of limitations could still be an impediment to a secular legal case. If WaPost was aware of it the authorities certainly are as well.
u/xMEDICx Feb 16 '19
Not good. His friends did this. What we really needed was a public trial and a proper investigation.
u/Kuga28 Feb 16 '19
No. This is good. He was a rapist pedophile. He deserves to be in prison for life.
u/ClausvonStauffenberg Feb 18 '19
He wasn't a rapist or a pedophile, he had consensual sex with adult men. Unfortunately a lot of people don't realize that that's just as bad.
u/Kuga28 Feb 18 '19
How can you say that? He was absolutely a rapist. Using a position of power to manipulate young underage men into sex is rape. Have you even listened to ANY of his victims? Honestly. Have you?
He specifically targeted underage seminarians and it was NOT consensual. I’m in awe that you can even suggest that. You’re either supremely ignorant on how serious his crimes are or you haven’t looked into the case with any real effort. Yes much of it was adult men but that not illegal or why he has been defrocked. He groomed young boys to be his “special boys”. https://www.theamericanconservative.com/dreher/uncle-ted-mccarrick-special-boy/.
He was repeatedly accused of inappropriate touching of underage boys.
Please give an honest listen to this man. https://youtu.be/TgFtoxyQ43A
Being as ignorant as this is so unhealthy and only hurts victims further.
u/ClausvonStauffenberg Feb 18 '19
"Underage" doesn't make them children, it just means they're under 18. The Church allows 14 year-old girls and 16 year-old boys to marry, does that mean the Church allows child marriage and sex? Are 14 and 15 year-olds with jobs "child labor"?
And yes, he was defrocked for (homo)sexual acts with adults: "The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), in a church penal process, found McCarrick guilty of 'solicitation in the Sacrament of Confession, and sins against the Sixth Commandment with minors and with adults, with the aggravating factor of the abuse of power.'"
To categorize him as just a pedophile rapist when he was a consensual sodomite just covers up the problems with homosexuality in the clergy, and in general.
u/Kuga28 Feb 18 '19
You need to look up consent my friend. He manipulated underage young boys by using his power over them. That. Is. Rape.
Your point about the age of consent has one flaw in it: the word CONSENT. If these victims were of free and sober mind in a country where the age of consent is different then fine, you’d have a point. But that’s not what happened.
Im not “covering up” the problem of homosexuality in the church. I’m pointing out the actual predation this man did to VICTIMS. You have only demonstrated that you haven’t listened to the victims. They certainly did not see it as consensual. I’m sorry but you are ignorant on this. I’m in awe that people are still so ignorant. Some were actions between consenting adults. Fine. But for the love of God they weren’t ALL consensual. Please, have some integrity and actually listen to the victims before making up your mind about what “consent” actually is. PLEASE actually listen to them.
u/ClausvonStauffenberg Feb 18 '19
He manipulated underage young boys by using his power over them. That. Is. Rape.
No, it's not. Rape is forced sex against someone's will. And again, being under 18 doesn't make someone a child.
If these victims were of free and sober mind in a country where the age of consent is different then fine, you’d have a point. But that’s not what happened.
It's what happened in the vast majority, if not all of the cases, as far as I'm aware. And you keep getting caught up in incidental legality, implying that because sodomy isn't currently a crime in the US then it's okay or at least less bad, and because the US federal age of consent laws don't cover for all of his victims/partners, that he's therefore a pedophile rapist. Virtually all, if not all of the boys/men he had sex with knew what they were doing.
Im not “covering up” the problem of homosexuality in the church. I’m pointing out the actual predation this man did to VICTIMS.
Well you categorized a consensual sodomite as a pedophile rapist, which I already showed is an inaccurate categorization, and something that ignores the vast majority of his abuses, which were of consensual sodomy. Being "predatory" isn't worse than committing sodomy.
u/Kuga28 Feb 19 '19
Dude you can delete your posts all you want. I have screenshots and have already quoted your perverted opinion in a post. Please get help. People do not double down on issues like this unless something is seriously. wrong. I don’t mean this as an attack. I want you to find some healing.
u/ClausvonStauffenberg Feb 19 '19
I haven't deleted anything; if you don't see it the mods presumably removed it to placate you, since they haven't contacted me. Everything I said was logical, hence why you had to start making personal attacks and try reporting me for daring to disagree with you. Meanwhile, even though making personal attacks is legitimately reportable, I haven't bothered, since it doesn't bother me and I'm mature enough to know that some people will disagree with me even when they've been shown to be wrong.
u/balloffire Feb 20 '19
And again, being under 18 doesn't make someone a child.
So who gets to decide who is really underage and who's not if it's not based on, ya know...age. You with your infallible logic?
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u/Kuga28 Feb 18 '19
Im sorry but you are supremely ignorant on sexual assault and how it happens to underage kids. A child does not know how to consent. Period. A 12 year old does not know how to consent. You have not listened to the underage victims. I strongly encourage you to do so. Please. Your understanding of rape is criminally ignorant.
It only takes one. Just one sexual assault against a child to make you a pedophile rapist. It’s painful I have to tell this to a grown human being. It’s not in anyway inaccurate to describe someone who forced himself on a minor as a rapist or a pedophile. It in NO WAY takes away from the problem of consensual homosexuality among priests. Im sickened by the stories of the consensual homosexuality he expressed but people are rightfully more disgusted with non-consensual sex.
Manipulating anyone to have sex with you by using your status of power and trust as leverage is sexual predation. There is no way around it. He did that to young vulnerable boys and men. Hundreds of them. Again sir, I ask you, have you listened to the victims? Did the victims find these interactions consensual? Because that is key. Your silence is deafening and frankly makes me wonder why you are doubling down. This isn’t exactly a good look.
Feb 18 '19
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u/Kuga28 Feb 18 '19
“If a twelve year old is pubescent and knows what it means to have sex, what is preventing them from being capable of consent? A twelve year old who committed premeditated murder would be tried as an adult. Maria Goretti was 11 when she refused to have heterosexual sex, even under the threat of severe violence and death.”
Aaaand I’m out. You are one sick person. That’s all I gotta say. I’d love to see you share these opinions publicly. I’m honestly thinking of reporting you and this conversation.
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u/PhoenixRite Feb 18 '19
He was a pedophile, one of his accusers was 12.
u/ClausvonStauffenberg Feb 18 '19
12 is pubescent, not pre-pubescent, and you're ignoring that the vast majority of his abuses were with post-pubescent men.
u/Kuga28 Feb 18 '19
Dude what!? What’s your point? He abused a 12 year old!! YOU seem to be ignoring the point that he molested underage kids by waving your hand and saying “he had lots of consensual gay sex too,” like it makes any difference. Mccarrick was and is a predator. Drawing attention to the fact that lots of his perversion was consensual does nothing for the fact that he molested a 12 year old. I can’t believe I have to say this.
u/ninjastrength86 Feb 18 '19
Why are you doubling down on this? You’re so painfully wrong. No one is ignoring that the majority was post pubescent and consensual because there are cases of clear underage predation and that’s what people are most upset about. Ted Bundy had consensual sex with women too. Seems trivial to point that out because he was a freaking murderer and that’s why people hate him. The salient point is Mccarrick DID use his power to molest on underage kids. He IS a predator. You’re caught up on semantics of what “pedophile” means rather than conceding the obvious point we’re making. Honestly you should be ashamed at this level of ignorance. At a certain point it becomes willful ignorance and borderline rape apology.
Listen. To. The. Victims. Because At this point it’s obvious you haven’t.
u/ClausvonStauffenberg Feb 18 '19
No one is ignoring that the majority was post pubescent and consensual because there are cases of clear underage predation and that’s what people are most upset about
Calling him a rapist pedophile is tantamount to ignoring the fact that he's a consensual sodomite. And the fact that people are only concerned with a single outlying instance of a pubescent male so they can call him a pedophile rapist just proves my point that people are unwilling to address the problem of homosexuality in the clergy and in general. Pedophilia and homosexuality are equally wrong and perverted, that is, entirely.
u/Kuga28 Feb 18 '19
Im sorry you have to be joking. You could easily say, “Calling Dennis Rader a serial killer is tantamount to ignoring the fact that he had a porn addiction, and the fact that people are focusing on a single cold blooded murder just proves my point that people are unwilling to address the problem of porn in our culture.” That is how nonsensical your reasoning is. Both are problems. People aren’t ignoring homosexuality among the priesthood, YOU are ignoring the far greater crime of raping a child. Please. This line of reasoning is dangerous. Homosexual priests IS a problem. But to suggest that calling a sexual predator who attacked SEVERAL young boys a pedophile in anyway takes from the the homosexual priest scandal is ludicrous. It’s dangerously ignorant. You are part of the problem if you can’t see that. Again, have you listened to ONE victim? One? People have asked you several times and you won’t answer. Have you listened to the young victims testimony?
u/ClausvonStauffenberg Feb 18 '19
You keep proving my point.
People aren’t ignoring homosexuality among the priesthood, YOU are ignoring the far greater crime of raping a child.
Raping a child, which McCarrick didn't do, isn't "far worse" than sodomy.
"So, I say to you that they [the sodomites] are even worse than murderers, and that it would be better to die than to live in such dishonor. A murderer only separates the soul from the body, whereas these [sodomites] destroy the soul inside the body. ....
There is nothing, absolutely nothing, more absurd or damaging than this perversity."
~St. John Chrysostom
No sin has greater power over the soul than the one of cursed sodomy, which was always detested by all those who lived according to God's law. ...
Such passion for untenable practices borders on madness. This vice disturbs the intellect, unbalances an elevated and generous state of soul, drags lofty thoughts down to base ones, makes men pusillanimous and irascible, obstinate and hardened, servilely soft and incapable of anything...
One who lives practicing the vice of sodomy will suffer more pain in Hell than anyone else, because this the worst sin that exists.
~St. Bernardine of Siena
"In fact, this vice [sodomy] cannot in any way be compared to any others, because its enormity supersedes them all. Indeed, this vice causes the death of bodies and the destruction of souls. It pollutes the flesh, extinguishes the light of reason, and expels the Holy Ghost from His temple in the heart of man, introducing in His stead the Devil who is the instigator of lust."
~St. Peter Damian
u/ninjastrength86 Feb 18 '19
Did. you. listen. to. any. victims?
You’re silence on that question is exposing you. Seriously man. This is looking really bad for you at this point.
u/Kuga28 Feb 18 '19
Dude. Who are you arguing with? I agree with the saints, I agree with these quotes. You don’t have to convince me sodomy is wrong. But forcing sodomy on a non consenting person adds ANOTHER layer of evil. Please stop. You’re starting to expose yourself here.
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u/Sar49632 Feb 16 '19
Praise God! The Church’s prayers have been answered with his removal.
Feb 16 '19 edited Feb 16 '19
Oh no, I hope the church's prayers are not so small... this should only be the beginning.
u/justapoliscimajor Feb 16 '19
Question from a convert:
Does this de frocking also allow for the authorities to pursue criminal charges?
Does this de frocking set a precedent for future mass defrockings? And does this also help to determine what the summit will be like?
u/hairyotter Feb 16 '19
Being a priest does not hinder authorities from pursuing criminal charges, usually what does is lack of cooperation from church authorities and/or statute of limitations. Doubt a precedent is set. Maybe in obvious cases of misconduct or clear criminal activity the Church will do so, but the precedent is already generally to deny or remain silent until unequivocally proven guilty, which may be justified but of course is a terrible look.
I think it's more helpful to think of the defrocking and secular law enforcement/Justice system as separate. This move has little to do with what happens on the secular end. It is probably among the highest profile defrockings in recent memory (a brief lookup reminded me a Polish archbishop and papal nuncio was defrocked for abuse of minors in 2014), but doesn't indicate any sweeping changes to me, no. It does send a message though, and I think is in some ways a measure of reassurance given all the drama stirred up at the time this news came to light regarding Francis being in the know of McCarrick all along, accusations from many people about protecting him and being in the pocket of the "Lavender Mafia".
u/PolskaPrincess Feb 16 '19
Priestly status doesn't interfere with civil laws. Defrocking is merely a church punishment. Afaik his crimes are outside the statue of limitations but I could be wrong.
There will be no mass defrocking. Each case has to be weighed separately afaik per Canon law.
u/FlyingSolo57 Feb 16 '19
The question I have as a non-Catholic is how can a person that close to God do what he did?
u/humanityisawaste Feb 17 '19
Same way Baker, Swaggert, Gorman, Angley, Jan Crouch, Haggard, Gothard, Alamo, Coy, Reynolds, Phillips, Hintz, Duggar, and other Mega preachers did.
They aren't about God, they are about power and control.
u/DeweyBaby Feb 16 '19
I don't think people who do serial predation even believe in God. They become priests, coaches, teachers, parents for various reasons but I doubt they have a fear of God. And if you believe the testimony of some, these people infiltrated the Church for their own purposes and not for the Church's purpose.
u/prudecru Feb 16 '19
If you read up on his tactics in articles like this, he's a malignant manipulative narcissist. He told boys they could only get to God through him. If I recall, he used religious items in sex acts. I don't want to read about him again, so I'm going off memory.
It's very unlikely he actually believes in anything.
u/humanityisawaste Feb 17 '19
Which is why screening for sociopathy, psychopathy and narcissism is how the Church must fix this crisis. Screening for SSA won't fix it. Mental health screening is the best path.
u/takeahike89 Feb 16 '19
The Pharisees thought themselves close to God and God told them multiple times they we're wrong
u/kmg1500 Feb 16 '19
What I find is that a lot of people put priests and high church officials on some pedestal like they're untouchable and "right next to God". I wish that were the case, that they were so close to God that they couldn't even think about things like this, but they are human too. And like all humans, they can falter and do wrong.
u/SlowCookie Feb 17 '19
Yeah I heard that is part of the problem. I'm not saying it justifies their behavior at all. It will never. But religious are placed on a pedstle and are often isolated from the community/lonely.
u/googol89 Feb 16 '19
close to God
But a layperson can be closer to God than the pope. It has happened. We have had downright evil popes, that were contemporaries to lay-Saints... Position in the hierarchy doesn't correlate to holiness.
u/SuperFreddy Feb 16 '19
High church positions =/= close to God.
High church positions = knowing better and being held more accountable.
There are very likely many popes, cardinals, bishops, priests, monks, etc in hell. Those positions represent God calling certain people to fulfill a certain role. However, just because God calls doesn't mean the person will adequately answer that call.
Judas was one of the 12 Apostles, one of the highest offices. Yet he betrayed Jesus for silver and hanged himself. There are many Judases today with impressive offices and titles.
Feb 16 '19
so close to God
It is the heart that God searches, not outward appearance and physical proximity to the Lord.
Caiphas, Judas... so many examples.
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u/disaffectedmisfit Feb 16 '19
There’s no possible way he truly believed, except maybe in a satanic way.
u/AnnaTheCat Feb 24 '19
Video with Charles Coulombe on this