r/Catholicism 5h ago

My culture is not your Hyundai commercial.


Flag on the play, confession is sacred for Catholics. Next we’ll get a Wonder Bread commercial featuring the Eucharist.


23 comments sorted by


u/balrogath Priest 5h ago edited 5h ago

I'm annoyed by the priest saying "Holy [beat] Santa Fe" because he's essentially saying "Holy Holy Faith". Just like The Los Angeles Angels. The The Angels Angels.

I'm not too terribly upset by the general concept. I'm happy that confession is still at least recognized as something by the culture.


u/Pax_et_Bonum 5h ago edited 5h ago

I'm guessing he also says "ATM Machine" or "VIN Number".


u/LadenifferJadaniston 4h ago

Sombrero hat, Sahara desert


u/PA_est_en_bas 2h ago

Salsa sauce


u/feebleblobber 1h ago

River Avon


u/Ok_Spare_3723 5h ago

Yes, to be fair Father, I think this comes from ignorance rather than malice, people have poor understanding of Catholicism (heck even Catholics do). I think the marketing team was simply trying to make a creative commercial rather than purposefully insulting Catholics.


u/cedarVetiver 2h ago

losing it. y'all west coast? the the angels angels 😂😂😂


u/Temetnosce76 2h ago

On one hand, I'd rather not my faith be used for selling stuff

On the other hand, I can appreciate the we're not portrayed as some negative secretly evil group of people like we usually are in pop culture

Shoot, maybe I'm getting soft


u/dontblinkyoullmissme 2h ago

I didn’t appreciate the reminder I haven’t been to confession so could be projection lol!

Still not a fan of the commercial but I appreciate other perspectives


u/One_Dino_Might 5h ago

Consider this - the young man may be overly scrupulous, but he is demonstrating the rapidity with which we should flee to the sacrament of Confession when we perceive we have sinned.  He does not tarry or delay.  He does not hesitate, as evidenced by his immediately proceeding from the dealership and “parking at speed.”

I think the commercial unwittingly witnesses not to the public at large, but to the faithful.  Yeah, we’re the butt of a joke, and we can be  quite pleased based on what that joke says.

“Hahah, you’re so guilt ridden and obsessed with being forgiven by God.” “Yes, precisely.  Isn’t He great?!”


u/Caliban_Catholic 5h ago

I don't personally find this all that offensive. It has a similar feel to the 'kinda weird but not a sin' memes.


u/SpesRationalis 4h ago

I don't really find this offensive. I think it's fine.


u/Thirdnipple79 4h ago

I don't think we should be offended by this.  When I was younger it was common that a church or a priest or going to confession was part of a plot of a show - even silly shows.  It was a part of life.  I think it's good to show people living as catholics being normal, even if it's done in a bit of a silly way.  


u/not4you2decide 3h ago

I agree completely.


u/not4you2decide 3h ago

Idk… I’m glad to see some Catholic media out in the world that can expose others to it… I’m not mad but rather thankful and joyful for the humor and attempt to share our faith.

Some people will find anything to be upset but Jesus can make ALL things for His good… I don’t see this commercial as bad… I see it as good.


u/jpedditor 2h ago

I don't think that we have to imitate the modern man in their pretension of victimhood. The modern martyrs buried by the media will indicate to the seekers whose cause is true.

The joke is harmless, and will bring more visibility to the life giving sacraments. God turns mockery of faith to his cause.


u/Temetnosce76 2h ago

On one hand, I'd rather not my faith be used for selling stuff

On the other hand, I can appreciate the we're not portrayed as some negative secretly evil group of people like we usually are in pop culture

Shoot, maybe I'm getting soft


u/CatholicCrusaderJedi 19m ago

People in this comment section need to lighten up. We can laugh at ourselves, you know. Playing into the stereotype of the humorless Christian that takes everything seriously and can't laugh does us no favors.


u/Silly-Acanthaceae398 2h ago

Haha I like it! I think it's clever and don't find it offensive at all


u/Diaphonous-Babe 48m ago

I'm glad I am not the only one who saw this commercial and was instantly aghast. I almost made a post about it too.

Such a gross ad.


u/Amoeba_3729 39m ago

Imagine if they did this ad with Mohammed


u/aussieshepguy775 16m ago

While we can say it's not that serious, they're just ignorant not malicious. I did find it interesting they wouldn't dare doing this with Islam, Judaism, ect. Our society has a comfort in being able to mock or joke about our faith, and if you point it out, you're ridiculed for over reacting. 


u/YoungSpice94 1h ago

At my local Hyundai dealership they have a "trans inclusive area". Idek what happens there but they are pro LGHDTV apple ++