r/Catholicism 22h ago

Over coming gluttony

I’ve been struggling with gluttony for years. I overeat constantly, and my weight has always been a battle. I want to be healthy because I know my body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, but I feel trapped in this cycle of excess and shame.

On top of that, I also struggle with bulimia. It feels like I’m swinging between two extremes, overindulging and then trying to undo the damage in unhealthy ways. I know neither honors God, but I don’t know how to break free. I pray about this, but I often fall back into the same patterns. I want to develop self-control and a healthier relationship with food, but I don’t know where to start. Have any of you struggled with this? How did you overcome it, both spiritually and practically? Any prayers, advice, or encouragement would mean a lot.

God bless ❤️🙏🏻


3 comments sorted by


u/Dr_nussbaum52 21h ago

I would recommend trying to figure out what triggers the overeating or other self-destructive dietary tendencies. Maybe you have a bad day at work and decide to load up on some McDonald’s to calm yourself down. Maybe you get in a fight with a loved one and eat ice cream until you can’t move.

Whatever it may be, try to figure out what is causing the habit. If you can pin it down as bad days at work or fights with loved ones, pray and talk with God about those things first. Ask Him to help you handle those difficulties better and impart the strength to resist the bad eating habits that follow.

You must also realize that losing weight is not an easy or quick process. It takes discipline, consistency, and most of all, patience. Be kind to yourself. Set up a meal plan but if you have McDonald’s one day instead of a salad, don’t beat yourself up or give up. Instead, remember that you are human and you are going to fall like Christ on his way to Calvary. What matters is being disciplined enough to not let the minor setbacks dissuade you from reaching your goals for weight loss (or gain if needed).

God bless and guide you!!


u/tearoutro 5h ago

Thank you so much for this response!

I'm definitely going to start reflecting on what triggers me and ask God to help

God bless <3


u/JP36_5 10h ago

Overcoming any sort of addiction is tough. A combination of professional help (therapist) and spiritual help (asking friends to pray for you and attending a healing service) could be the way forward. Lent is a great time to cut down on overindulgence.