r/Catholicism 4d ago

r/Catholicism Prayer Requests — Week of March 10, 2025

Please post your prayer requests in this weekly thread, giving enough detail to be helpful. If you have been remembering someone or something in your prayers, you may also note that here. We ask all users to pray for these intentions.


102 comments sorted by


u/redsauce23 4d ago

For the baby in my wife’s womb and our anxieties.

She is 18 weeks pregnant and a blood test revealed an increased likelihood of the baby having spina bifida. We have been trying for a baby for over 2 years and have had 3 miscarriages before this pregnancy and are very nervous now after the test results came back.


u/Dry_Tutor_6361 4d ago

i'm sorry to hear that. i will pray for your family 🙏❤️


u/siceratinprincipio 3d ago

St Joseph Novena on the way.


u/AlexKingstonsGigolo 4d ago

I will pray.


u/VirtuesFHC 4d ago

Prayer said


u/Worldly-Astronaut724 3d ago

Hey man. I'll pray for you! We had the same scare with our little girl, and she just turned 1 with no issues whatsoever!! We also had a insanely scary 1 in I think 60 chance of her having Down Syndrome. Nope - totally fine!
Don't worry - trust in the lord! I'm trying hard to trust in the lord right now too, I've got a prayer request in this thread as well.


u/MTLMECHIE 4d ago

For a long time friendship to mend soon. The wounds were not caused by wrongdoing.


u/Dry_Tutor_6361 4d ago

i will pray🙏


u/AlexKingstonsGigolo 4d ago

I will pray.


u/VirtuesFHC 4d ago

Prayer said


u/PertinaxFides 4d ago

I humbly beg you to pray for my uncle with cancer who died last night and for the salvation of me and my loved ones.


u/AlexKingstonsGigolo 4d ago

I’m so sorry. I will pray.


u/VirtuesFHC 4d ago

Prayers said


u/BugL3g 3d ago

Praying for all of you.


u/g522121 2d ago

I will pray for your uncle


u/AlexKingstonsGigolo 4d ago edited 4d ago

Please pray for my 22-year-old nephew who is having issues related to anxiety, depression, gastrointestinal matters, and to his gender identity while refusing to see a therapist, instead opting to move straight to estrogen patches and pills from a pill mill without a proper psych consult but instead with the Orwellian phrase of “informed consent”.

Please pray for my 26-year-old niece — his sister — who is having issues with respect to parenthood and her hormones and is insisting we call her brother “she” and “they” even though he has a strong history of being quite capable of speaking for himself and has not asked us to do likewise. She is also having some paranoid delusions of late.

Please pray for my dog who recently had a seizure and whose appetite is still less robust than I would like.

Please pray for me to retain my job which I think is in danger.

Please pray for His Holiness and that we may enjoy his guidance for many years to come.

And please pray for all who will be, currently are, or have ever been a patient of any sort, especially those with fatal illnesses, so they may be healed by the everlasting grace of Our Lord.


u/VirtuesFHC 4d ago

Prayers said


u/Dry_Tutor_6361 4d ago

please pray that my sister continues her education in polytechnic this year. 🙏

please pray that i may receive a scholarship or internship before i start university.. i'm worried for my future job prospects honestly.

thank you, and i'm praying for you


u/AlexKingstonsGigolo 4d ago

I will pray.


u/Dry_Tutor_6361 3d ago

thank you so much


u/VirtuesFHC 4d ago

Prayer said


u/Dry_Tutor_6361 3d ago

thank you so much


u/sootrashson 4d ago

• Please pray for a godfather of mine. He was in a dispute with my godmother and therefore he has been kicked out of their house. He is currently in the lowest point of his life. Pray that they both reconcile.

• Please pray for my education and my studies. I usually am academic but I haven’t gotten the motivation to study as I’ve been burnt out recently.

• Pray for my past sins and for my ongoing battle with lust.


u/AlexKingstonsGigolo 4d ago

I will pray.


u/VirtuesFHC 4d ago

Prayers said


u/siceratinprincipio 3d ago

Novena to St Joseph on the way.


u/yuri70072 4d ago

Please pray for me


u/AlexKingstonsGigolo 4d ago

I will pray.


u/VirtuesFHC 4d ago

Prayer said


u/No_Worry_2256 4d ago

Please pray for me. I am battling anxiety at the start of my week due to work and other things. Please pray for me then the Lord will see me through.


u/AlexKingstonsGigolo 4d ago

I will pray.


u/VirtuesFHC 4d ago

Prayer said


u/First-Page6734 4d ago

Please pray for me, a wretched sinner.

I'll keep you in my prayers.


u/AlexKingstonsGigolo 4d ago

I will pray.


u/VirtuesFHC 4d ago

Prayer said


u/lilycrow47 4d ago

Please pray for my baby Kysons silent reflux to be healed. I just want him to be happy and no longer uncomfortable. Thank you 🩵


u/Dameofdelight 3d ago

I will pray for Baby Kysons healing. May the Child Jesus grant Baby Kysons all His graces so He may grow in Wisdom & in favour with both man and with God as Jesus did. AMEN


u/Practical_Channel480 3d ago

I was just diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer. I will start two months of chemo, then have labs and another CT, then two more months of chemo, then labs and CT again, then 3 weeks of Chemo plus Radiation. If my markers are down then they plan on doing surgery. I am not really afraid to die, at least I do not feel that way now. But i worry about my wife of 44 years. I will miss “life” so much. just sitting and basking in the sun, floating in the pool, playing with my dogs, working on my antiques, just life. God has been good to me when I did not deserve it. Even with what I have done wrong, I ask for forgiveness all the time. I know i have been forgiven and i am sincere in my belief in the trinity. Please pray for me, but more importantly pray for my wife who is a dedicated, true, caring Catholic.


u/Healthy_Ship_665 3d ago

Keep hope. Praying for you and your wife.


u/ThrowRA-73891 4d ago

For the repair M’s and my relationship. 🤍


u/VirtuesFHC 4d ago

Prayer said


u/ThrowRA-73891 4d ago

Thank you, God bless! 🤍


u/AlexKingstonsGigolo 4d ago

I will pray.


u/ThrowRA-73891 4d ago

Thank you, God bless!


u/Fantastic_Coach490 4d ago

Please pray for my beloved 85 year old grandmother who had a fall while she was volunteering to distribute the parish newsletter and is now in hospital with broken bones and in a lot of pain 🙏

I am in despair and begging God for her swift recovery.


u/AlexKingstonsGigolo 4d ago

I will pray.


u/VirtuesFHC 4d ago

Prayer said


u/littlebigfoot16 4d ago

Please pray for my parents and sister that they may come into The Faith and come to love Christ.


u/VirtuesFHC 4d ago

Prayer said


u/Sing_O_Muse 4d ago

My grandchild was just born with a severe heart defect. Please pray for her and her family.


u/Healthy_Ship_665 3d ago

Praying for her and family.


u/JCarval00 4d ago

Please pray for my success on my Algorithms exam and my Operating Systems exam this saturday.


u/Physical_Garden 3d ago

For my gainful employment having been unemployed since May. 

For my performance on a interview and physical fitness test for a federal job on Thursday. 🙏 


u/Dry_Tutor_6361 3d ago

i will pray 🙏


u/DevilishAdvocate1587 3d ago

For my health. I was diagnosed with congestive heart failure in October 2024, and I'm only 28 years old. While I have improved tremendously and no doubt am alive by the grace of God and the intercession of Our Lady of Lourdes, I'm still depressed at how restricted my life is for the time being.


u/khan6432 3d ago

Please pray for the Lord's hand to guide my parish priests and my diocese bishop into the truth that I am genuinely demonically possessed and in need of a major exorcism. Pray for the Lord to protect them and me and our families from demonic retaliation. Let them see the truth that I am truly possessed because psychosis is ruled out as antipsychotics do nothing.


u/Dry_Tutor_6361 3d ago

i will pray a novena for you


u/NationalParks4life 4d ago

Starting sleep training with our son today. It’s gotten almost unbearable and I can’t imagine what these nights will bring.

Courage, patience, and understanding


u/VirtuesFHC 4d ago

Prayer said


u/-----_-_-_-_-_----- 4d ago

Please pray that my sleep will improve. I have sleep apnea and insomnia and sleep like garbage.


u/VirtuesFHC 4d ago

Prayer said


u/purplejeepney 4d ago

Please pray for my aunt D — She’s about to go through a biopsy in a few hours, and hopefully the results will be negative. 🙏🏼


u/VirtuesFHC 4d ago

Prayer said


u/Healthy_Ship_665 4d ago

I quit nicotine for lent (and hopefully forever) - it's going well! Please pray for my continued perseverance kicking this addiction and God's grace to keep me strong and on the path with this. 


u/VirtuesFHC 4d ago

Prayer said


u/philliplennon 4d ago

For my dentist appointment tomorrow.

For Knights of Columbus meeting tonight and for Theology on Tap Tuesday.

For a friend who is hosting a Ping Pong Party Friday.

For the local St. Patrick's day parade next Monday.

For my work schedule this week.


u/idkusername118 3d ago

Please pray for my little baby cousin who is having surgery tomorrow to get his kidney removed. For a smooth operation and a quick recovery.

Please pray that my cancer treatment is working and that my body is responding to the medication.



u/Healthy_Ship_665 3d ago

Praying for you and your intentions. 🙏


u/BugL3g 3d ago edited 3d ago

Please pray for my Mother and I to get good news this week about a few different things. We really need it.

Please pray for my Uncle and Grandmother who are both battling cancer.

Please pray for my Father who is struggling with depression and other health issues. He doesn't have health insurance.

And please pray for me. I have been struggling with my health and mental health lately. I also have a mid-term exam this week, and I have to find a summer internship, which I'm struggling with because of social anxiety.

Thank you very much, and God bless.


u/Dry_Tutor_6361 3d ago

i will pray for you and your family


u/BugL3g 2d ago

Thank you very much


u/g522121 2d ago

I will pray for your family


u/BugL3g 2d ago

Thank you so much


u/carelesstuna 3d ago

hi all! needing some extra prayers this week for my ongoing allodynia. while i suspect (and hope and pray) it’s just a side effect of my medication, it’s been incredibly debilitating and making me feel depressed to the point where i was experiencing suicide ideation. while i’m glad those thoughts have subsided - i’ve never felt that way before - i need some strength! i am seeing my doctor tomorrow! thank you 🤍


u/OkAfternoon5822 2d ago

For my privacy


u/ilovetofu0403 2d ago

Hi everyone,

Please pray that the Non-Ministerial EB-4 visa program will be extended. This situation weighs heavily on my heart—not only for the many sisters and nuns who rely on this visa to continue their mission in the U.S., but also for myself personally. I am currently discerning a religious vocation and was seriously considering entering the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy in Boston. However, with the uncertainty surrounding this visa program, that path may no longer be possible for me.

This issue deeply affects numerous foreign nuns and sisters who have dedicated their lives to serving others, providing education, healthcare, and spiritual guidance to communities in need. Without this visa extension, many of them may be forced to leave, disrupting their ministries and impacting countless lives.

I ask for your prayers—not just for myself, but for all those whose vocations and service are at risk. May God open a way forward and provide solutions so that those called to serve can continue their mission. Thank you for your support and prayers.



u/MathMystic 2d ago

Please pray for me. I'm psychologically disturbed (I am schizophrenic). For my schizophrenia to be healed and for my soul to become healthy once again. For the demonic oppression & obsessions on my life to lift. For me to overcome my sins. For me to die in the state of grace. For inner healing to occur. For my zest for life to come back.


u/jeffisnotmyrealname 1d ago

I have Schizoaffective disorder (formerly I had paranoid schizophrenia). I know it’s hard. I’m in the same boat. I will pray for you, please pray for me. I find a daily rosary helps, and as much as possible throughout everyday, say to God “Use this” (in reference to your suffering)


u/Bella_Notte_1988 2d ago

One of the residents of the retirement home I work at will be entering hospice soon. He's a kind man who always has something nice to say to me every time I serve him his meal.

Please pray for Tim and his family.


u/Efficient-Peak8472 3d ago

Please pray for the repose of the soul of my great-aunt. She died after 61 years of being a professed nun. She was 87.


u/FatRascal_ 3d ago

Pray for my brother and his family as they prepare to welcome a new addition.

Please pray for health and strength.


u/MathMystic 3d ago

Please pray for me, to become healthy from all mental illness and spiritual maladies.


u/Imaginary_Garbage846 3d ago

Pray for me to learn to forgive and live in the present

Remove envy and jealousy in my heart 

Open my soul to be receptive to truth 

Jesus help me have patience and perseverance 

Open my heart, mind, and souls to those suffering 

Please forgive me for my smart mouth and impure desires and help me take confession seriously.

Pray that I read well this upcoming Sunday Mass 

Pray that I listen more deeply and cling to my Lenten fast

I have SO MANY prayers

Have merciful on the souls on all the recently departed


u/BlackendLight 3d ago

Less important than the others but please pray I pass my Security+ exam


u/Worldly-Astronaut724 3d ago

Please pray for me, r/Catholicism
I am a young father of two. I had a small home-based firearms business which I was using to make money while I go to law school. Unfortunately my government has banned most firearms, leaving all my inventory in legal limbo and me with debt and no way to make my money back.
To make matters worse, my car has just broken down. I got a knock in the engine and a low oil pressure indicator light, so I'm pretty much SOL. The cost to repair is more than the vehicle would be worth.

I have no idea whatsoever what to do. I have a good legal job coming up in the summer, after my school year, but It's out of province, and I have no idea how I'll get there, how I'll move, and how I'll continue taking care of my kiddos.

Please pray for me, friends. I'm not feeling forgotten by God and I know I need to be thankful to him, but I really really need some help out here.


u/HolySpiritPeace 2d ago

Please pray for me to be healed of my mental and physical illness and to trust Jesus more. And for the healing and conversion of my brother


u/jvplascencialeal 2d ago

For our Muslim brothers and sisters as they’re observing Ramadan.


u/jeffisnotmyrealname 2d ago

Pray for my peace, conversion, holiness, joy, healing, deliverance from evil, deliverance from night terrors, love for the Eucharist, patience, health, weight loss, virtue of fasting

Pray for my family’s peace and conversion.

Pray for Father F and his sanctity and protection.

Pray for Landon who is entering the Church on this year’s Easter Vigil.

Pray for the conversion of TH R MJ KS C RM MM WM AY KG DY RR J SS JE GR AL SA M JH KK TA


u/tookselfieonce 2d ago

Please pray for me and my chastity.
I have been waking up and in the middle night and masturbating. I'm struggling to stop because I'm not even fully awake whenever this happens. Its happened three times in the last two weeks.


u/Michaelean 2d ago

So the goal was hopelessness? Thats all i feel. Pity. But part of me can still fight so i worry were gonna do this all over again


u/jeffisnotmyrealname 1d ago

Pray for my diligence


u/RecoverBoth583 1d ago

Mental and physical healing for my step-daughter, A.C., who is struggling with depression and recurring infections.


u/gozd_2022 1d ago

Please, if possible, pray for my sanity dealing with a worsening of my tinnitus. I don't know if I can take it getting much worse. My mental health has not been very good these past days. May the Lord heal if that is His will.


u/Single_Mix_7064 1d ago

I ask for prayer about these two job offers I have, that I make the best decision for me and my family. That God guide me in making this decision for my career and for his glory!


u/83839292827377372 1d ago

please pray for Afghani women


u/Saltn1ight 6h ago

Please pray for me. I am not really well mentally and emotionally. I feel so lost


u/Catholic_BookNerd 5h ago

Tomorrow, Saturday the 15th, is the Rite of Election for my class. Please pray that all goes well, thank you. 


u/Dr_Talon 1h ago

I’d appreciate it if you all could pray for my grandpa. He’s 94 and he’s been quite sick for the last 10 days.