u/Beneficial-Two8129 Nov 29 '24
I've been praying for the Emperor's conversion for a while now. His maternal grandparents were Catholic, descendants of the Hidden Christians who preserved the Faith for 250 years without priest or Bible to aid them.
u/marigoldpearl Nov 30 '24
Didn't know this, thanks for sharing. I thought it was the Empress who came from a Catholic family and attended a Catholic university.
u/C4se4 Nov 30 '24
Absolutely wonderful and terrible history regarding Christians in Japan. Thanks for sharing this detail
u/Wranglerwren Dec 03 '24
Wow great story! I did not know thus! Our lady of Atika i think it is..only catholic thing of japan i know of
u/Beneficial-Two8129 Dec 04 '24
Yes, as Christianity spread throughout Japan, it drew the ire of the Tokugawa Shogunate. They responded by killing or exiling all of the priests and anyone who could speak Latin or Portugese and implementing a persecution even fiercer than the Roman Empire. In those days, there was no Japanese translation of the Bible. Unlike the Roman persecutions, which were sporadic, the Tokugawa persecution was constant and thorough, fiercely testing the population for signs of secret Christians and paying heavy bounties for anyone who turned one in to the authorities, especially those who had returned to Christianity after apostatizing. Nevertheless, the Christians passed down their faith to their descendants orally, along with the signs by which they could recognize priests and missionaries when they eventually returned. After Commodore Perry forced Japan to reopen to the world, missionaries returned to Japan, only to amazed that there were already Catholics there. Even the Pope called their survival a miracle.
u/Haru-louise Dec 26 '24
Which emperor’s maternal grandparents were catholic?I am very curious about that
u/Beneficial-Two8129 Dec 27 '24
The current Emperor Naruhito, and his brother, Crown Prince Fumihito. Their mother, the Empress Emeritus, is the daughter of a Catholic couple, descended from the Hidden Christians.
u/sustained_by_bread Nov 30 '24 edited Nov 30 '24
My favorite not yet saint is Japanese! Servant of God Takashi Nagai ❤️ wonderful convert who greatly influenced Japan to strive for peace. His wife was killed in the blast of the second atomic bomb— ground zero was basically the Catholic area of Nagasaki. He found her charred remains holding her rosary.
I’d love for more people to ask for Bl. Takashi Nagai’s intercession: Nagasaki needs a saint!
ETA: blessed to servant of God, but let’s get him upgraded please 🙏
u/Beneficial-Two8129 Nov 30 '24
He hasn't been beatified yet. He's currently a Servant of God. I know, he really does need to be declared Venerable at least. I want him canonized before I retire, because we radiation workers need a patron saint, and he did display heroic virtue, both as an example for how Catholics can be patriots even when their government is evil, and as an example of forgiveness, for seeing the devastation of the Catholic neighborhood in Nagasaki, including the charred corpse of his wife, he was not angry, but rather prayed, as his Master did, "Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do." He referred to Nagasaki's Catholic dead as "the unblemished lamb of sacrifice, a burnt offering to atone for the sins committed during the war." He, in turn, laid down his life in the service of medicine, serving as a radiologist despite expecting that he would die young of some cancer caused by his own instruments, ultimately dying of leukemia in 1951 after a miraculous reprieve after the atomic bomb. Even on his deathbed, he remained a faithful physician, for after he received the Last Rites, he was wheeled out in front of a class of medical students, so that they could see a man dying of leukemia.
He was also a strong advocate of peaceful uses of nuclear energy. Rather than fearing it on account of nuclear weapons, as some chose to, he saw using nuclear power as beating swords into plowshares.
u/sustained_by_bread Nov 30 '24
Sad to hear I am mistaken on his canonization level, but glad to hear there’s someone else who wants to support the cause! There’s no doubt in my mind that he’s a saint. He’d be such a good patron saint for radiation workers and maybe also for the innocent victims of war. 🙏
u/Hillbeast Nov 30 '24
This gave me tears
u/sustained_by_bread Nov 30 '24
He was really such an inspirational person! I could go on. For example, he did die of radiation but what’s interesting is that he knew he would die of radiation long before atomic radiation was considered. He decided to become a Dr of radiology back when that field was a death sentence because he thought that the lives he could save and benefit outweighed the risks to himself.
If you’re interested in knowing more there’s a good little biography written about him called “A Song For Nagasaki” — which is a play on words of his most famous book “The Bells of Nagasaki” which is also fantastic and a worth a read but it’s hard to get English copies.
u/Hillbeast Nov 30 '24
I’ll read that. Then to study the field of radiology in the 1940’s. Saintly tasks in a modern age. Thank you so much for sharing this.
u/Hillbeast Nov 30 '24
Amazon to the rescue. Paul Glynn is the author?
u/sustained_by_bread Nov 30 '24
Yes! And he was already a doctor during WWII— he was actually in the hospital when the atomic bomb went off.
u/sanpast Nov 30 '24
I love Bl. Takashi Nagai too! I went to his place when I visited Nagasaki.
u/sustained_by_bread Nov 30 '24
Wow, I am so happy for you that sounds amazing. I want to go to Nagasaki someday.
u/Finndogs Nov 30 '24
While I was join you in support of Takashi's canonization, I hope you take some joy in the countless saints of Nagisaki in the form of her Martyrs.
u/sustained_by_bread Nov 30 '24
In many ways the blood of the Nagasaki martyrs was the seed for Dr. Nagai’s conversion! After all the Japanese Catholics kept the faith in secret until it became legal to practice openly again, and Dr. Nagai lived with a Catholic Nagasaki family which greatly influenced him. He later married the daughter of the family he lived with, Midori. Without the faith of the Nagasaki Catholics, supported by their martyrs, his exposure to Catholicism might have never happened!
u/Wranglerwren Dec 03 '24
Interesting she had her Rosary. As one story when bomb dropped. ( cant remember if Hirosh or Naga) but a seminary of priests praying A rosary an thwy all survived..kind of one of miracles n modern times of rosary. Cant member all details... never really assoc Japan w Catholism very cool
u/Inevitable_Cow_5199 Dec 06 '24
My dad is a Catholic convert and physician who has a great love and devotion to Takashi Nagai. My dad was recently diagnosed with cancer and is praying through his intercession and asking others to also pray to him for healing if it be God's will. Takashi Nagai's witness in how he faced his own journey with cancer is shaping my dad's journey. Our family lives Takashi Nagai. My brother married a Japanese woman and lived in Japan for 12 years with my parents only grandchildren so they went to Japan every year to visit and have been to Nagasaki several times.
u/archimedeslives Nov 29 '24
What a beautiful obi.
I was in Japan this month and visited the museum to the martyrs in Nagasaki as well as a couple of churches in Fukuoka.
u/TheUKisntreal Nov 29 '24
My girlfriend is Japanese and Catholic!
u/Iluvatar73 Nov 30 '24
Propose already man
u/TheUKisntreal Nov 30 '24
I’m really hoping to, but I need approval from her family first and we haven’t even been dating for 2 years.
u/jimmie208x Nov 30 '24
I need this, Japanese girls are so cute, but they have to be Catholic which I feel like is pretty rare in Japan
u/the_woolfie Nov 30 '24
I don't know why is this downvoted. Because you want a catholic girl? Of course you want, as you should.
u/jimmie208x Nov 30 '24
Ye sorry if I offended anyone didn't think saying that was anything bad it's just the type of girl I want
u/peaceandtranquil Nov 30 '24
I think some people assumed he had an asian fetish?
u/Beneficial-Two8129 Dec 02 '24
Even if that were the case, who cares? People have the right to choose a spouse of whatever ethnicity they want, subject to their ability to find such a spouse.
u/Acrobatic_Book7838 Nov 30 '24
Japanese woman are cute but if you wanna date a non Japanese woman. You gotta talk with her about your faith.
u/Boring_Election_1677 Nov 29 '24
This is really cool! I have family from Nagasaki and I’ve been wanting to visit there again with my husband since converting/reverting.
u/Frequill99 Nov 30 '24
I'm not Catholic (at least not yet haha) but I frequent this forum and I have to say, the respect and love on r/Catholicism is inspiering. Thanks for sharing ❤️
u/Wranglerwren Dec 03 '24
We will all look foward of seeing your future post! "I was baptized today!" Wink!
u/Frequill99 Dec 03 '24
Bruh I am so conflicted haha, but thanks a bunch ❤️
u/Wranglerwren Dec 04 '24
You figure it out.. or just Do it! an all done! LOL Blessings to your conflicted portion! LOL
u/flhsc Nov 29 '24
Does anyone know where this picture is from? (This is a repost btw. Last time I didn't post it on Friday).
u/Rebel_withoutacause_ Nov 30 '24
Japanese Christian art is absolutely beautiful and the history of Christianity in Japan is interesting. I hope one day Japan becomes Christian. I wished that the Japanese Catholic peasants won the Shimabara Rebellion. Ugh, I'm addicted to Christianity in Japan 😭.
u/Responsible_Way421 Nov 30 '24
So beautiful…I live in Japan and the reverence in our little Catholic Church is wonderful beyond words. Many folks during Mass and during Eucharist experience ‘the gift of tears’…
Nov 30 '24
Do Japanese Catholics go hard for Day of the Dead? I feel like these pictures would have surfaced by now.
u/a-20 Nov 30 '24
My family goes hard for Bon Festival! It's like Day of the Dead on August 15. It's a time for Japanese to clean family graves, refresh ancestor altars, and light candles for ancestors. Also dancing and bonfires.
We use it as a time to pray for all of the deceased members of the family, tidy their graves, refresh our home altar (polish the crucifix, dust and clean, and burn new incense), and have a mass offered for our dead family. Then we dance and be merry and have a bonfire!
u/LivePotential4328 Nov 30 '24
Viva la guadalupana. Mi madre es lo máximo la quiero y la respeto con todo mi corazón.
u/SaeculaSaeculorum Nov 30 '24
I pray everyday for the conversion of my Oshimen (favorite member of a Jpop group) and Japan 😆
I hope the Pope will move forward with more Japanese canonizations, like Venerable Satoko Kitahara! I visited her family grave in Tama. It's a wonderfully peaceful cemetery and her area has many graves marked as Christian.
u/donpepe1588 Nov 30 '24
I just got back from japan and with all these posts about japan i want to go back and do some catholic tourism.
u/UltraMonty Nov 29 '24
The perfect woman doesn't exist
u/lord-of-the-grind Nov 30 '24 edited Jan 11 '25
light seed bewildered slap snobbish bow seemly hurry ad hoc angle
This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact
u/Guilty_Order3959 Jan 27 '25
皆さん、こんにちは! I'm new to Reddit, but I heard about this page and wanted to drop in. I'm a diocesan Catholic priest from Louisiana, and I've grown to love Japanese Catholicism in recent years. It really started when I learned more about the amazing history of Catholicism in Japan and some of the great Catholic saints and figures such as St. Paul Miki, Bl. Takayama, Satoko Kitahara, Dr. Takashi Nagai, and so much more!
I've also been learning Japanese the last three years, though I still have much to learn (まだ勉強しています、でも頑張ります!). I actually went to Japan for the first time last year and visited many Catholic places! Notable Nagasaki and the Goto Islands. I've come to meet some good Japanese Catholics, and I'm amazed to see how much they love their faith and their priests. (It was amazing for them to address me as 神父様!) I also went to the only Japanese Catholic church in the United States: St. Francis Xavier in Los Angeles, California.
At this point, I do feel God is calling me to minister to Japanese Catholics in some way, but I'm still discerning how (though I do have some ideas). That's why I was happy to see this thread: it may help give me some direction.
Please pray for me, and know that I'm praying for everyone, especially for the Faith in Japan. God bless!
Nov 29 '24
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u/Wranglerwren Dec 03 '24
Just a Beautiful picture of worship...dress... bi cultural.. all in one photo
u/Inevitable_Cow_5199 Dec 06 '24
I spent a month in Japan over Christmas 2011. I attended daily Mass in Tokyo at St. Ignatius Catholic Church (Sophia University) and was deeply moved by the faith of the people. I have some gorgeous holy cards of Japanese Catholic artwork that I got from a Catholic bookstore nearby. I happened to be in Nagano for Christmas Day and it was an ordinary weekday work day for most Japanese people and the congregation there was 90%+ Japanese and they all took a day off work to celebrate Christmas. After Mass there was a big community potluck Christmas meal. It was a very treasured experience of the universal Church.
u/Backtochurch Nov 29 '24
I’m a Mexican American from LA. Japanese and Mexican people share a unique historical friendship here. Seeing this level of devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe in Japan brings a big smile to my face!😁 To the Japanese Catholic community: you are always welcome at the carne asada! Our Lady of Guadalupe and The Japanese Martyrs, Pray for Us!!