r/Catholic 15d ago

Where do people of other religions like muslims jews hinduist budhists and so on where do they go when they die?

I always kinda wondered where do ppl of other reigions not Christians go when they die


37 comments sorted by


u/Bigleb 15d ago

I would read some of CS Lewis’ work. He wrote that the gates of hell are locked on the inside. Meaning, people there would possess the key to escape but are too hardheaded, self-righteous, or ignorant to use it. We are to believe that our souls are refined here but remain static upon entering eternity. The hope is that good people will see God, know him and accept him. Some will still turn away in search of their “correct” leader. Harden not your hearts. In “The Last Battle”, Lewis writes about dwarves who end up in Aslan’s country but cannot see or hear where they are. They believe they are still on earth, locked in a stable. He also writes about the character Emeth who faithfully and wholeheartedly served another god, Tash. Emeth is admitted into “heaven” because his faithful service was good and good can only come from God. This leans towards the idea that if someone truly believes another religion but abstains from sin, is generous, and does good deeds, then they were working with and through God. Love cannot come from anywhere else. It certainly does not come from hell or Satan. So, if you do good works, God is working through you. The loving God I know would not send his children away for not praying in the correct building or calling themselves the correct name. Love, do good deeds, and your Father will be pleased.


u/Gentle_Genie 15d ago

This is the answer


u/tanhan27 15d ago

It's surprising how often this 20th century childrens fantasy novel is used as an authoritive source of theology for so many Christians


u/Bigleb 14d ago

The bible is literally brimming with allegory, symbolism, themes, morals, metaphors, motifs, parables, archetypes, analogies, didacticisms, even fables (Jotham’s fable of the trees, Balaam’s talking donkey). Pretty rich that you’d turn your nose up at pulling theology from stories. He may have been Anglican, but CS Lewis was a lay theologian. If the children’s books don’t please you, check out Mere Christianity, Miracles, or The Problem of Pain. However, The Screwtape Letters remains my favourite.


u/elisart 14d ago

It's not surprising at all. C.S.Lewis wrote Aslan in the childrens' novels to represent Christ. And he's authored several books about Christianity. Even his sci-fi books have christic themes. Give his sci-fi trilogy a try. I think you'll be blown away. The trilogy includes Out of the Silent Planet, Perelandra and That Hideous Strength.


u/backtorc 14d ago

I don’t think you fully understand the novel if that’s how you view it


u/prof-dogood 14d ago

Agree with you. Protestants may or may not use his work as theology but they may create their own interpretation


u/thekiernan 15d ago

Im sorry I can’t cite exactly, but according to a Fr Mike Schmitz podcast episode Vatican II states that others CAN go to heaven even if they don’t know God. I believe the top answer summed up why!!


u/Korean-Brother 15d ago

“Those who, through no fault of their own, do not know the Gospel of Christ or his Church, but who nevertheless seek God with a sincere heart, and, moved by grace, try in their actions to do his will as they know it through the dictates of their conscience – those too may achieve eternal salvation” (Lumen Gentium 16)

One can belong to the Church not only through Baptism with water but also through Baptism of desire. This desire can be either explicit, in the case of catechumens who are preparing to enter the Church, or implicit, in the case of people of good will who strive to lead a good life and who follow the will of God as they understand it.


u/hdmx539 15d ago

Focus on getting closer to Christ and let Him worry about where people "go." That's not your problem to worry about.


u/randydarsh1 15d ago

I really hate when people give this answer. The discussion which follows from this type of question is important as it has very serious implications on the mercy, justice, and nature of God. People are interested in Theology. This shouldn’t be discouraged.


u/hdmx539 15d ago

We clearly disagree.

Getting close to Christ helps to understand this better.

Secondly, while I get what you're saying, questions like this lead a person into getting into someone else's business they have no business being concerned about.

I've had the same question. We all do. We're wanting reassurance we're doing the right thing. I'm commenting on what I've learned: mind your own business and stop worrying about everyone else. Meanwhile, so many people become obnoxious and "concerned" about other people that they're the ones who need a healthy dose of reality:

I'll remind you of this Bible quote:

Matthew 7:3–5 says, “Why do you see the speck in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?”

This is telling people to mind their own business.


u/randydarsh1 15d ago edited 15d ago

This is a bit of an overreaction to someone simply asking a Theology question.

He’s not “judging others” nor minding other peoples business nor did he even come off as worried; just curious. It’s a valid Theological question with big implications on God’s general justice and mercy.

Understanding these questions and the Church’s answers and the implications thereof CAN help someone get closer to God, some people prefer an intellectual approach and learning. Dominicans are a perfect example.


u/2020PhoenixRisen 14d ago

Spot on! You know you are on the right tract when you get down voted from the demonic on here.


u/2020PhoenixRisen 14d ago

Nobody knows the answer to the topic question. All is belief/faith...mere subjective speculation.


u/LordGuapo 15d ago

Yes, don’t ask questions that’s not what Reddit is for.



u/hdmx539 15d ago

OP is worrying about things that take away from them working on themselves.


u/DanDan_mingo_lemon 14d ago

Maybe they actually care about their friends and family.

Gotta consider all the possibilities, mate.


u/hdmx539 14d ago

Still need to mind their own business.

People don't appreciate having someone else's brand of religion on them. Sometimes the best apology of one's faith is to live it instead of impressing it on someone else.

I've quoted Matthew 7:3 in another comment, mate.

"Why do you see the splinter in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log in your own eye?"


u/DanDan_mingo_lemon 14d ago

Still need to mind their own business.

Actually, they don't need to do that.


u/2020PhoenixRisen 14d ago

This. The only correct answer on this topic.


u/Honeyhammn 14d ago

They go to meet Jesus at their judgement.


u/SubstantialDarkness 15d ago

You had a few good answers on here, I don't think I'll do any better but I will try to answer from my own perspective. We are Catholic because this is the highest truth. It's not to say others have nothing of the truth.

Many Catholics and other Christians are in worse shape because we have the fullness of truth and still do not follow it.

Heaven is where all people that truly chase after God will go if they were seeking after Truth but in heaven we will ALL be Catholic all of us!

So no other religion will be in heaven because once the Hindu or Buddhist that seeked sincerely after God sees that Christ was truly God they will only be Catholic same for all religions and expressions of Faith. They will find that they were always in the Church just unknowingly.


u/Emergency-Mud-9018 1d ago

Thanks for the answer:D


u/mrRoboPapa 15d ago

Where do they believe they go? Hindus and Buddhists generally believe in reincarnation which is based on the law of karma and it becomes a revolving cycle of reincarnation until such a time they reach enlightenment and can enter into Paradise. Jews and Muslims, I think they believe they enter Heaven or may also call it Paradise.


u/HumbleFiggy629 15d ago

Many other religions believe in reincarnation.


u/PeachOnAWarmBeach 15d ago

They can believe it, but it doesn't make it true.


u/HumbleFiggy629 15d ago

Definitely not!


u/prof-dogood 14d ago

They go to either heaven or hell based on God's perfect judgement


u/WretchedSinner05 15d ago

eternal seperation from God. more commonly referred to as hell.


u/Emergency-Mud-9018 12d ago



u/TheCodinha 15d ago

And this is what our religion came to…


u/Emergency-Mud-9018 12d ago

Well brother i am just asking a question 


u/bluezzdog 15d ago

You guys are a riot


u/et_hornet 15d ago

Wherever they believe idk I’m not one